Midnight Sun has given me back a little bit of the old "Twilight Obsession" where thoughts and moments throughout my day center around a universe that includes vampires. Ahhh it feels good to be back to my best self. Ha ha. So here are a few of my best recent TW moment.
1. On the same day both RWV and I noticed a silver Volvo FOR SALE, on 700 East between 10600 and 11000. It is perfect. She called me about it and I had meant to point it out to her the next time it entered my mind. By sight now, we can both identify that it is the s60. We haven't been able to tell if it has the "R" or not. If it does well you know what that mean right? We HAVE to buy it. It is only 10,000 so if 5 of us chip in that's only $2000 each. We could drive it every 5th week. Think how happy those weeks would be, and the week before our turn, and several days after. Oooh we'd have to find an air-freshener that smells like "honey, lilac and sunshine."

2. Also like my former heavy Twilight using days, I am dreaming again about Twilight, or having Twilight themed dreams. The dream I am about to tell you is very embarrassing.
Before MS came out, I was slowly trying to get through Breaking Dawn again. I survived the Jacob book without as much skimming as the first time. Then I got to one of my favorite 2 moments in the entire book, Bella' change. Thank heaven for the glorious description of her new vampire self, because the birth just prior still makes me a little queasy. But minds do funny things. I thought my mind would be focusing on the part I liked, the vampire change. My subconscious, however. drummed up a Twilight dream last night that had ME giving birth, gratefully in a very naively undetailed version (but quite a big surprise, since my children are adopted) and then that baby is A GIRL (even bigger surprise!) and she is smiling at me, right after deliver in a bedroom somewhere. Well lets just say it was easy for my conscious mind to connect the dots for the inspiration on that one. Good Heavens! that book is really getting to me in all the wrong ways. Top that dream girls.
Then today as I passed that Volvo again, I had a very strong urge to give the car a few lip-stick kisses. I just thought it might sell better that way, that's all.
One more driving incident. This is a stretch but it was a Twilight moment for me. I was taken back to my Forks trip for a moment when I saw lavendar plants lining the landscaping on 11000 south. Just like Sequim WA, Lavendar capital of the US. Great memories there.
And if Jillike doesn't find her way back here soon, remind me to tell her TW moment. Its super!
Oh wait, one more, remember RWV I told you I almost got in an accident yesterday. I was pulling out of a busy intersections that I thought was a 4 way stop. When I slammed on my breaks just in time to not be plowed over, my first thought was "did I break the eggs in my car?". The second thought was "did I just scatter un-numbered pages of the Midnight Sun printable copy I've been slaving over?"
Of course there weren't any other people in the car. I'm sure I would have thought of their welfare long before eggs or stories written from dreamy, romantic, innocent, genuine, delicious, head-over-heels in love vampire stoires.
Oh and how about that new Vampire baseball picture?
I've always felt that one Twilight themed shirt is really enough for my wardrobe. But I just might have to have a Cullen baseball jersey.
RWV I think you should get them for your entire family. Oh how cute would you all be as the Cullen baseball team for Halloween.
Sorry I felt I ought to clarify one thing. In my "just gave birth to a baby girl" dream, my sweet DH was most definitely the father.
Gulp, giggle, hee, hee, hee . . . .
I just cannot shut down tonight. Trish would you check on that description of Edwards scent. I can't find my Breaking Dawn. Who knows where I left it. Thanks dear.
OH, the scent description in BD made me so unbelievably happy - wasn't that wonderful!!! I'm pretty sure you're right!
Also, I think the baseball picture is really great - is it cheesy to actually have uniform shirts on, I can't decide...sorry, I don't usually love the movie stuff, TM, thanks for being patient - and I hope I'm still invited to the midnight party!
Oh, and Thanks, thanks, thanks for the quotes - they are so fun!! I'm glad to know that you love doing them, as much as we love reading them!
Okay you are totally right E. The baseball shirts are completely cheesy. But you have GOT to just throw in the towel on this movie thing. Really I am the most easily bugged person I know. When I first saw the shirts I thought
"you have got to be kidding me!" but now I want one.
You are going to like the movie so much better is you can come to terms with these things. I am finding twilight fanship requires a lot of therapy, (that is when you take it way to seriously like many of us. Ha ha!)
If you think about the baseball shirts and Alice...it kinda makes sence. That sounds like something Alice would do. She probably got them uniforms for every sport. ;)
Oh, that has to be one of the greatest TW moments of all time! I'd like to see that one topped! I laughed my butt off when I read it the first time, and now again! Seriously, it's totally awesome that you had a dream like that, hilarious!
I noticed yesterday that our Volvo wasn't there anymore, some other group of women must have bought it first, darn. Truly, I need to get myself one of those one day, when my kids are out of the minivan stage, they are sweet! And I really am going to ask the rep from Ken Garff Volvo who is at the Twilight movie premiere, if their sales in silver Volvos have gone up in the past year or so. I'm interested in knowing that.
Reading MS, has brought back so many wonderful TW feelings, the kind I used to get when I first read Twilight. It's actually kind of deja vu for me, because I started Twilight almost exactly one year ago, so I'm experiencing these thoughts and feelings again with the time of year, the weather, kids back in school, etc. It's been great!!
I wish I could think of all the TW moments I've had over the last week or so, but unfortunately I forget them if I don't share them quickly. I too saw the lavendar plants though, and thought of the beautiful Oylmpic Peninsula area too! (sigh)
So yesssss! We got a counter for the movie!!
Love the new pic of Bella with golden eyes! Darn I forgot to announce it at Super Saturday (or should I say Stupid Saturday), just kidding, can you imagine if I would have said something about what day it was?! Hah! (And it did cross my mind when we were singing happy b-day)
So anyway, the new poll ought to be an interesting one I think. I'm going to like to see what everyone thinks on this question. Thanks for the new updates! I know it's kind of slow these days around here, but I still love and appreciate something new every so often!
I am humbled. I did not remember Bella's birthday until the evening. And to think you were singing happy birthday to her in your mind at Stupid Saturda (perfect term btw!) I really wish you would have said something to at least me. We could have just said "It's Bella's Birthday Too!" and everyone would have assumed we meant your daughter. We would have giggled for days over that trick. Darn.
Okay the next time I see that silver volvo driving around the seats of Sandy I'm going to rear-end it just out of spite. No fair some spoiled chick gets that silver volvo just becuase she said she wanted it. We were saving up, weren't we Trish. Like a dollar a day. I am so jealous of that girl.
If we would have gotten the chance to buy it ourselves we could have had a sticker that says
"My other car is an old red Chevy" or something cute like that.
Did you see that KenGarf Mercedes is also going to be at the movie premier. I wonder if they will be playing the "Guardian" advertisement DVD. That would be hilarious.
Oh and Amy I have to agree with you on Alice and uniforms. You are so right. She would have had uniforms for every sport. I'm sure the guys tried to dodge it for years but gave up after the fuss Alice gave them everytime. So cute!
I was checking on how huge my library fines were now, while listening to the blog music. Has anyone heard Colbie Callait's "Magic" lately.
Oh sigh, it is so pretty and so Edward/Bella. Ahhhh!
Oh yes, I love that song! I've always related it to Twilight, since I first got my Colbie CD. Thanks for the reminder though, I listened to it again a few times today. It really is so perfect!
So what's with this TwiCon stuff? Did you see that? Is it going to be some sort of Twilight Convention or something? I hate having to wait for stuff like that, I don't have the patience for it.
So what's the deal with Rob's name being "Spunk" now? I totally don't get it. I've wondered who in the world Spunk was for about the last week when I would read stuff, but now I figured out who it was from a picture on hisgoldeneyes. Something to do with his hair perhaps???
Also, I looked closer at that picture, and noticed Charlie this time, funny! I can't believe I didn't see him the first time, that's great! Too bad it was sunny though, that doesn't seem right.
I heard about the Mercedes dealership being there, and also a Jeep dealership too. What is Delsol? I noticed they were a sponser too, I think that was their name anyway. How funny! They should totally show the Guardian clip!
Anyway, the blog has sort of helped break me out of a bad mood I was just in, so thanks to you and Twilight!
We do what we can. Glad to break your bad mood.
Yes TwiCon is a fan started convention that is going to happen for the first time in 2009. Like Star Trek conventions and all that. Sigh. If it were a "everyone normal that loves Twilight and thinks like us" convention I'd go in a heart beat. But I stop at costumes. Anyway I am assuming the big announcement is the location. They never said where the convention would be held. Only if people were interested.
Then Spunk. How did you miss that one? Way back when the movie filming was happening people online started calling Rob, "R-Patz". Blah. So MTV or somebody asked Rob what he thought of his nickname. Well he just laughed it off but when asked if he could choose a nick-name for fans to call him he was still being cheesy, his signature style. He thought about it and said he would prefer something like, "Spunk, . . .Spunk Ransom." I really think he was kidding, but that is all it took for "Twi-hards" to run away with it. They even have "Spunk" t-shirts. Poor guy.
Did you see those magazine shots with Rob, Kellan and Taylor. Those were acutally very nice. Except for the facial hair I think Rob actually looks kind of attractive in those pictures.
Hey Trish one more for you. (everyone's welcome to read, but RWV I know is always around. Hi!)
So I have lots of grocery store and radio Twilight Moments. This one was a radio moment.
It was a jewelry advertisement for saphires. I heard the announcer say "guys, you realize that blue is the IN color for everything from cars to clothes?" Then it conitinued with something about getting a true blue saphire for the woman you love.
Well naturally I am assuming the reason blue is so popular this year, is the fact that it is the color Edward LOVES on Bella. Really, what other conclusion is there?
Which reminds me. Why couln't Bella's "after" car been a blue Audi sports car? Have you seen the little convertible? That read Farari was just another incomprensible part of you-know-which-book, for me.
Amy, Trisha and Erin,
Sadly you are the only ones who will ever seet his funny Twilight moment. Why don't others stop by for a at least one guaranteed smile a day?
I was driving the kids to school. Ahead of me was a dark car, not luxury model so I didn't pay much attention. The vinyl window writing was to small to see clearly. At the stop light however I caught my attention.
It said
"Don't mess with me or I'll send the Volturi after you!"
Ahhh! So cool. I tried to get side by side with the female (who else? ha ha) driver to give her a thumbs up but I never got a chance.
It was a nice moment. Hope it makes you all Twilighty for just a moment.
Get it? Twilight Moments. Have more of them!
I never did tell you how much I enjoyed hearing about the sticker you saw! I love it! I should do something like that with the vinly lettering, it doesn't last too long, I could switch it up every so often. Just think of how many people's days I would make. Now is this a car that went into the school? If so, I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
I got a paper cut yesterday while wrapping my daughter's birthday presents, can you guess what I thought of instantly? Then I just smiled of course. Don't think I've ever smiled about a paper cut before. I've also seen several silver Volvos in the last 2-3 days and it has been lovely. Many that are quite nice, with tinted windows, they could've definitely been Edward's. I also saw a yellow sports car, I don't think it was a Porsche, but I only thought of Alice when I saw it. So, just a few little moments, but they made me smile and made me think of my favorite thing.
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