With only a week and a day left until the movie, can we stand the excitement? There are so many new interviews that I can't keep up anymore. Don't miss my new post about why.
Here is a gorgeous picture to get you through. Our next post will be the movie discussion!
See you at the movies.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Twilight New TV Spot #2



lioness said...

I can't wait to hear your comments on this one. Heh, heh, heh.

Anonymous said...

Okay~now this is a little over the top? Are those her underwear? In the least they could have been cute and silky, not jockey shorts!!! Very un-Bella!

Annalyn said...

Yeah, I"m sure this is one scene where we are going to be disappointed...very un-Bella is an understatement indeed...very un-Edward, and very un-Stephanie Meyer I think! Oh well, I'm glad TM has warned up sufficiently (hopefully) of all the unpardonable sins...

Amy Dobson said...

Why is Bella in her underpants??? She's never in her underpants. She should have been in her sweats. Whatever...hollywood sex appeal I gues...in her underpants, really.

Jenn said...

Yeah I was surprised to see that just because thats not the style of Stephanie's Bella---I dont like that