Thanks for letting me join the blog! I've been so busy with traveling this month and have been away from my books. I tried my hardest to get my one sister in law to start reading them and she is almost agreeing to it. "It changes your life" I told her. I just came home and started reading my favorite parts of Twilight (for the 3rd time)and was amazed by how it still gives me those flutters in my stomach and sends those comforting feelings of true love.
Friday, November 30, 2007
2nd time through
well i am so glad that this is up and running ! I have been without Internet for 8 days and today is the first time it is back on! it was awful not to be able to look at twilight stuff ! but it was also very good because now i have read all three books twice and i must say that i picked up on so much more then i did the first time through! i found myself laughing at stuff that normally would have made me so mad like when bella is with jacob in the garage working on the bikes and they almost get caught by charlie! ( don't worry though still very obsessed with edward i promise) . so last week my husband said that i needed to read a different book and bought me a couple ! you know you are a true twilight fan when you change the names of your characters too bella and edward so that you can still feel like you are reading about their love story! it didn't not work! the girl died !! and now i am reading parts i love the most in eclipse again!
Posted by
11:24 AM
Has anyone else wondered why Charlie doesn't understand Bella more. He has never gotten over Renee leaving and he has never loved again. Can't he see and feel more of their relationship- it only took Renee the weekend to pin it. Is he just too afraid to see it happen? I know in Eclipse he mentions he feels something coming-Is he just too afraid of love?
Posted by
10:57 AM
Labels: Bella
Eclipse - clues for book 4
Very interesting I must say. Now I am not proposing an all out discussion on Breaking Dawn theories yet. Although you are all welcome to turn it into one. I mostly just mentioned it because I was wowed by it. Great food for thought. I will miss my Eclipse Jill. But at least I can commiserate with Erin. She has no vision in sight as to when she will get her New Moon and Eclipse back, poor dear.
Posted by
10:38 AM
Labels: Breaking Dawn theories, Eclipse
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Twlight Moment - Airplanes and Pheonix
Hello to all my fellow Twilight fans...I am writing from North Carolina today. I flew out here with my 10 month old baby to 'help' out my sister who has 6 week old twins. Unfortuately, I think I am just adding to chaos. But I am having a great time spending time with her, and admiring her for what she can do. Anyway, I of course can not leave everything behind in Provo (my husband, 5 year old, 2 year old though are still there) so I have faithfully checked my TW email and blog a few times since arriving here. But more than that, yesterday my travels gave me a couple very fun Twilight moments...the title says it all - Airplanes and Pheonix. Can you guess what kind of TW wonder touched me yesterday - you've got it...New Moon baby!!!
Carting my baby, bag, and carseat (miraculously the flight was not full, so I was able to bring on my carseat so he could take a nap...Mary Ann is cheering for me right now I know it) my first thought as the attendant announced to please turn off your cell phones was Alice and Bella's flight to Italy. I could almost see the two huddled together with the cell phone to Jasper getting dirty looks from the flight attendant! And then I had a lay over in Pheonix!!!I actually tried to look out the window as we were landing to see if I could tell what the 'loop' was. Alas, I thought of the third bathroom a little too late. I was afraid of pushing my luck with taking the time to go up to the third floor to see if the bathroom was really there!!! Pathetic I know. But hey, it made me smile and miss my books even more. In fact, I was so lucky on both my flights that my baby napped both times. I was devastated that I had left my TW book at home - knowing for sure I wouldn't get a chance to tear into it. Oh Well!!! I am having so much fun with this blog - thanks Mary Ann!!
Posted by
12:54 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Twilight Moments - A Blessing?
Just one more. If for no one else then at least for my own posterity (or for my own embarrassment, who knows how I will look at Twilight in the future, but I'm hoping for the best). So at Thanksgiving my family all shares something, or a few things, we are thankful for. It's always a beautiful discussion. Very heart felt. Well I had already been thinking about how Twilight is high up on my "blessings to be thankful for" list this year. But was I going to bring it up in front of my entire, non-understanding, family. No way! Well I didn't have to. My "little" brother, age 13, had his turn right before me. And when he was finished he remarked, so Mary Ann, your thankful for Twilight right? Well of course. And I mentioned how glad I was that he brought it up for me, so that I didn't have too. (I then counted my top-of-the-list blessings, like my husband, and wonderful friends.)
I have from time to time pondered why I have been so swept away by this little world of Twilight. Well I really can't say for certain, but I am literally grateful for it. I can let it take too much time, just because it is so fun and diverting. Those are the instances I wonder if my little addiction does have a negative side-effect, time stealing. But more often I have moments of real, heartfelt appreciation for such a wonderful work of art, and the magic it plays on me.
Posted by
4:15 PM
Labels: Twilight Moments
Twilight Moments: Twilight at Thanksgiving
I spent Thanksgiving in St. George with my family. Two of my sister-in-laws are addicts so I had great company. I had several "moments":
My brother brought a jeep/4 wheeler cross breed called a Rhino,

The 2nd day I went off-roading, Dave looked at me and the sun was shining very brightly in his eyes, and his eyes looked a shade of Edwards. I am not kidding. His brown have green and a lot of yellow in them. They were very yellow/brown today, very warm. I told him so, and he said he would take it as a compliment that I said his eyes were like Edwards!
My fav. TW moment: so we were all getting the dinner ready and my brother was peeling potatoes. I needed the peeler for my cucumbers, and he was taking forever, and knew I was waiting. So he was putting on an exaggerated peeling show, and commented "is this fast enough for you?" To which I responded. "No" and then to my Twilight-addicted-sister-in-law-2 I said, "I know what would be fast enough though". We exchanged very twinkly and knowing smiles at the thought of long, beautiful, white hands, peeling potatoes lightening fast, even though the Being peeling them wouldn't be eating them. (Of course this launched into a discussion about Vampires not eating, and had us explaining to our husbands how our Edward learned to cook for Bella anyway because he loved her so much, even though he couldn't enjoy the taste himself). Very satisfying weekend I must say!
Posted by
3:59 PM
Labels: Twilight Moments
Do you think Edward and Bella's relationship would be as strong if Jacob had never been in the picture? I have lots of different feelings on this, just wondering what you all think.
Posted by
11:22 AM
Labels: Bella and Edward
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Bella's Bracelet
Posted by
8:52 PM
Labels: Bella
You Know You're Addicted When...
Someone mentions there have been multiple wolf sightings nearby and you're not worried. It's just Jacob and his friends.
Posted by
1:54 PM
Labels: Twilight Moments, werewolves
Monday, November 26, 2007
Movie News Nov. 26 2007
Some highlights from their description: " Based on the #1 New York Times Bestselling series by Stephenie Meyer, TWILIGHT is a cultural phenomenon, with a fanatic fanbase that eagerly awaits this movie. Critically acclaimed director Catherine Hardwicke brings to life this modern, visual, and visceral Romeo and Juliet story of the ultimate forbidden love affair — between vampire and mortal."
Fanatic fanbase…who…us?"
Posted by
5:58 AM
Labels: the movie
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Edward's Love
So, I got to thinking, when do you think Edward first realizes that he loves Bella? Because even in Midnight Sun, he seems fascinated by her and obviously loves the smell of her blood. And he mentions the desire to protect her. And in Twilight it's like a sudden thing. He hates her one day and then all of the sudden he loves her. But when or how do you think he finally realizes he loves her? And do you think his love is initially driven by the fascination? Because he can't read her thoughts? And her blood? Because if I'm remembering correctly, he isn't impressed initially with her looks either. Just something that's been on my mind lately. Wondering what you guys thought on the subject.
Posted by
4:49 PM
Labels: Edward
Friday, November 23, 2007
Quote of the Week/ Nov. 19 - 27
Make your guess for the weekly quote here. The person with the most "correct" guesses will win a prize (maybe a copy of Breaking Dawn?) I'm working on the contest details. The quote will change every Tuesday. You do not need to list the exact page, but list which book, and a detailed description of the situation the quote happens in. If this doesn't make sense, e-mail Mary Ann. Have Fun! I sure am.
Posted by
9:49 AM
Labels: quote of the week
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Twilight Moment - Sexiest Man?
So I was in the checkout line at Walmart (most of you may know how long they can be), and I was checking out all the magazine covers. I got to People magazine's title of "Sexiest Man of the Year" and it was Matt Damon, or whatever his name is, and right away I thought to myself.... 'pff! obviously they've never seen Edward Cullen.' Really, I did.
I was also talking to my husband on the phone today and I asked him something (I can't remember what now) and his answer was "Sure, sure," so of course I immediately thought of Twilight AGAIN. I know that's a Jacob/Bella thing, but still. Many things in everyday life that happen to me can be related to Twilight in some way, and it really happens frequently to me, these are just 2 small examples. I had another tonight, but I've forgotten for the time being what it was, so I'll have to add it later. See ya friends! Happy thoughts.
Posted by
1:12 AM
Labels: Twilight Moments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Twilight Moment - aahh... Bella and Edward
I have been so giddy all day! On my way home from the gym this morning I heard a Bella and Edward song. Now, many of you are not country fans, I have to admit that I am. I am not really a fan of this group (Rascal Flatts), but they are growing on me. I have heard this song several times, but for some reason it really hit a 'Bella and Edward' chord this morning. Who knows why...?! I got home and even was able to get Joseph to help me find the lyrics. I was so excited...I didn't tell him, by the way, why I was wanting the lyrics...he just thought I was excited about this new song! Now before I attach the words, I have to say that I haven't even re-read this part in Twilight (since I did get my book back - YEAH!), but it has always been one of my favorite parts - for lots of reasons. After Port Angeles, when he interrogates her before, during, and after school - I always thought - man, I'm so glad I am past that part in my relationship with Joseph - I'm not very good at being the center of attention/expressing my feelings/talking about myself. All of it makes me uncomfortable and self-conscious. So, at all those little moments when Bella blushes, or she can't understand why Edward is sooo interested - I'm right there with her!!
Ok, so enough of this babbling...this song just made my heart flip! To me it's really what was happening when Edward was trying to find out about Bella. And if you remember parts (in later chapters and books) where Edward reminds her of how she fascinates him and surprises him - it just makes you feel for him all the more, and really believe that she is for him. So enjoy these words - if you're brave turn the station to country for awhile and you'll probably hear it!!! I love it!!!!
Take Me There (Rascal Flatts)
There's a place in your heart nobodys been
Take me there
Things nobody knows, not even your friends
Take me there
Tell me about your mama, your daddy, your hometown
Show me around, I want to see it all
Don't leave anything out
I wanna know everything about you then
And I want to go down every road you've been
Where your hopes and dreams and wishes live
Where you keep the rest of your life hid
I want to know the girl behind that pretty stare
Take me there
Your first real kiss, your first true love
You were scared
Show me where you learned about life,
spent your summer nights
Without a care
I wanna roll down Main Street, the back roads,
like you did when you were a kid, what made you who you are
Tell me what your story is
I wanna know everything about you then
And I want to go down every road you've been
Where your hopes and dreams and wishes live
Where you keep the rest of your life hid
I want to know the girl behind that pretty stare
Take me there
Yeah, I wanna know everything about you
Yeah, everything about you baby
I wanna go down every road you've been
Where your hopes and dreams and wishes live
Where you keep the rest of your life hid
I want to know the girl behind that pretty stare
Take, me, take me, take me there
Oh, I wanna roll down Main Street
I wanna know your hopes and your dreams
Take me, take me there - yeah.
Posted by
1:55 PM
Labels: Music, Twilight Moments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Twilight Moments - Where's Mom?
By now, all of you know that I've been a little pre-occupied with certain books of fiction! I have to admit that my favorite days consist of spending time with Joseph, loving my kids, getting some exercise, and sneaking in a bit of Twilight. But none of that comes without consequences...below you will see one of the products of spending a little too much time with my secret addiction! This particular day I was up on the computer reading some of my fellow "Twilight Fan" emails!!
(even for being only 5). I guess if you think about it, things could have been a lot worse!!
Posted by
9:37 PM
Labels: Twilight Moments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Twilight Moments-Volvo's and music
Have you had any Twilight moments lately? So I had two Twilight moments today. Do any of you have them, or have you written me off to complete insanity (if you have, you really should join me. It's so fun here. Please comment if you have one!).
Moment 1: driving and saw a Volvo, not even pure silver, more of a champagne color. Well of course I knew who wasn't in it. (darn!) But I found myself wondering who was in it. I mean I could tell it was a guy, and I don't EVER check out guys, really, I don't have a need to. But before I could even realize what I was doing I was checking out the guy in the Volvo. My brain was saying "it must at least be a good looking guy right? I mean who else should be driving Volvo's?" And I looked once, twice, and then a third time in my mirror as I passed. So um, then I realized, without ever getting a good look anyway, what the silliness I was doing, and I laughed at myself, and called a Twilight friend to share the moment with. Now I share it with all of you. Moment 2 is in the comments of this post.
Posted by
10:30 PM
Labels: Twilight Moments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Quote of the Week
Post your guesses as a comment:
Please list:
Where is the quote found, which book, and the setting (it doesn't have to be exact page number, but you must be very specific. )
Posted by
9:57 PM
Labels: quotes
Rosalie (her feelings for Bella) wrote:
Are you sick of me yet? Just a quick question-what's with Rosalie, really? I get that she is totally a brat, but why else does she hate Bella so much? She says in Twilight that Bella is putting them all in danger, but they're virtually indestructable as vampires, so what is it? Is it that she increases their chances for being recognized as vampires and then they'd have to leave? I understand why she doesn't think Bella should become a vampire (from Eclipse), but her logic seems to come from concern about Bella and regrets she might have. Did I read the books too fast and I missed the part where she starting caring about Bella's well being? Help me, wise ones.
Posted by
7:26 PM
Labels: Cullens -