Have you had any Twilight moments lately? So I had two Twilight moments today. Do any of you have them, or have you written me off to complete insanity (if you have, you really should join me. It's so fun here. Please comment if you have one!).
Moment 1: driving and saw a Volvo, not even pure silver, more of a champagne color. Well of course I knew who wasn't in it. (darn!) But I found myself wondering who was in it. I mean I could tell it was a guy, and I don't EVER check out guys, really, I don't have a need to. But before I could even realize what I was doing I was checking out the guy in the Volvo. My brain was saying "it must at least be a good looking guy right? I mean who else should be driving Volvo's?" And I looked once, twice, and then a third time in my mirror as I passed. So um, then I realized, without ever getting a good look anyway, what the silliness I was doing, and I laughed at myself, and called a Twilight friend to share the moment with. Now I share it with all of you. Moment 2 is in the comments of this post.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Twilight Moments-Volvo's and music
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10:30 PM
Labels: Twilight Moments
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Moment 2 -
I heard this song on the radio. Never heard it before. It was so sweet, and so Bella to me. How she must feel about Edward in a light, secure in his love sort of way. I know there are songs that probably express the much deeper feelings of Twilight, but this was so fun for me to hear today. I just love my two dear friends Edward and Bella Cullen. Tell me what you think (unless you hated it)
Enjoy the listening.
Mary Ann maryannstanley@msn.com wrote:
Did you love that song? I mean love it? Sigh, sigh. I love the very ending when she changes the words a little bit, something like, "it reaches my soul, I lose all control, when he kisses my nose" I love when Edward kisses Bella, "my nose, my wrists" (see end of New Moon, both in Italy and on the plane back to forks. )
It put me back in the Twilight mood for sure. Yeah!
Trisha McCoy (jtmccoy20@yahoo.com)
Sent: Tue 11/13/07 11:02 PM
Yes, I really do love that song. So cute, it makes you just think of the funner side of their relationship...forgetting all the drama and mess they're always in...kind of like the great chapter in Eclipse when they spend the night at his house and focus only on them.
You know, I LOVE that part in New Moon when she talks about him kissing her nose, her forehead, her wrists, her hair. Like he's taking her all in...ahh...it's been like 8 months!
From: Erin Johanson (ejj3977@hotmail.com)
Sent: Wed 11/14/07 8:56 AM
Thanks for all of your emails -
My kids have been screaming for their breakfast, but I'm still up here typing away! ( I finally had to bribe them to let me finish, and I would give them some hot chocolate - it worked for a minute) I definately want to give my step-sister Rachel the blog site - she's going to love it! (her address is the third I sent this too) She is starting the series over for the second time (she broke here ankle remember?) and she even lied to her sister-in-law when she wanted to borrow them - she wanted to keep them all!! I am not sure about my other friend. I know that she is an 'addicted' reader whenever she finds something she loves. So that's why I know she just plowed through them. But I think she might be like my sister Amberly - really liking them as 'a good book', but not quite up to having their life revolve around fictional vampires - so sad for them (hee, hee) I was worried for a few days, mary ann, that I might be slipping - it was so sad and depressing (definate withdrawals) - so the blog came at just the right moment! I need help!
Mary Ann wrote:
Erin please don't slip. I think I would be so, so sad. I know Trisha will be in this with me until the VERY END (what is the end, we don't know, we will wait and see. Maybe our burial with black lining in the casket, red ribbons, and holding crushed tulips?) I have had my own, sad, Twilight is fading a little, feelings. Only that my mind can actually think about something else once in a while. But I truly do miss the addiction. But lets be very clear, very clear about what is slipping. Only the subconscious constant play of Twilight scenes in your head. Only the vivid images of it's characters. But not our devotion to it! No never!
You know I was reflecting on how I heard that song on the radio (my99.5 by the way) Monday. Do you know why I heard it (besides that it was meant to be). It was because I am actually just starting to listen to the radio again, for the first time since August. I noticed about a 6 weeks or so ago that I was never turning on the radio anymore. Would anyone like to guess why? Well because who needs a distraction from the magic playing in your head. Then recently I started listening to just classical music. Good background to my thoughts. Well as Twilight settles into a more rational part of my life, I find myself turning on the radio a little more often. What a delightful surprise when I did.
I was feeling, for a moment, a little guilty that such a romantically sweet song, didn't make me think first of my own loving relationship. Well what song would remind me of my happy life the most right now?
A little country number titled
"Just another day in paradise". The lyrics (ask Trisha to sing it sometime) are as follows:
The kids screaming, phone ringing
Dog barking at the mailman bringing
That stack of bills - overdue
Good morning baby, how are you?
Got a half hour, quick shower
Take a drink of milk but the milk's gone sour
My funny face makes you laugh
Twist the top on and I put it back
There goes the washing machine
Baby, don't kick it.
I promise I'll fix it
Long about a million other things
Well, it's ok. It's so nice
It's just another day in paradise
Well, there's no place that
I'd rather be
Well, it's two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night
For just another day in paradise
Friday, you're late
Guess we'll never make our dinner date
At the restaurant you start to cry
Baby, we'll just improvise
Well, plan B looks like
Dominoes' pizza in the candle light
Then we'll tippy toe to our room
Make a little love that's overdue
But somebody had a bad dream
Mama and daddy
Can me and my teddy
Come in to sleep in between?
Yeah it's ok. It's so nice.
It's just another day in paradise.
Well, there's no place that
I'd rather be
Well, it's two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night
For just another day in paradise
Hello - I have missed getting emails from everyone! I had one meager Twilight moment, when my stomach did a little flip and I smiled. As Joseph was flipping through channels tonight - in between his fantasy football games - he turned to a movie that had an Edward in it!! AAaahh...it was fun!
well i finally made it on board-technical problems....
i am really having some anxiety lately about the next book coming out! i'm not worried mind you, i just want it in my hands, NOW. my daughter doesnt help cause she's just as anxious-lol
anyway, does anyone else have this issue? if so, what are you doing about it?
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