Did you love it? Like it? Why?
Where did you sigh, laugh, clap, wait on the edge of your seat, etc?

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2:24 PM
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I totally enjoyed Breaking Dawn. I was impressed with how she solved issues and excited at how the Jacob issued was resolved as well. I didn't hear ANY speculation in the direction she went with this story - don't want to say too much. She always has twists and turns that I didn't expect! What a super author she is and what a great series!
I loved the wedding, loved the honeymoon, though I got a little frustrated that Edward wasn't taking Bella at her word when she said that she didn't hurt. I understand that he thought she was trying to not hurt him, but it was a little frustrating. I was so grateful that Bella was happy after the wedding, that she was happy to be married and didn't ruin the wedding day by being upset that she was being "forced" to get married.
I also loved the chapter headings of Jacob's book, even if I hated the content. Mostly because I love Jacob's sense of humor.
Bella's transformation was difficult, but ended up so right because we got to truely see her enjoy her abilities as a vampire (hunting, running, jumping). I was grateful that she was able to demonstrate her control of her thirst so well, because I don't think the book could have held on for the two years it would have taken a "normal" newborn.
So, now that I have commented on my sadness - there are parts that I was truly pleased with...
I loved the wedding, I truly did. I'm so glad that it is how SM began the book - wonderful. I too was so glad that she realized that being married really was the very best way to put that final touch on their relationship - good job SM.
And I really loved how Bella WAS still Bella after she was changed. I have to admit that I kind of wanted her to get changed at the end - I just didn't see a way for SM to write what would happen to her after - in all aspects. I really was SO impressed that SM did an amazing job of writing Bella as a vampire. I loved that she still felt things for Edward - granted, I was a little tired of hearing HOW much she wanted him after she was changed - but I did love the little bits that we were given to enjoy of how Edward felt about her - we just didn't get enough of that, right?
I know I will think of more later, but right now, those were my favorites. good night!
i LOVED after the wedding, when they were driving away and she reflected on how her parents were standing and the many different levels of love there. Maybe because my daughter is getting married and it would be nice to have my ex and his wife and I be like that (however, that won't happen!)
I was not happy at the end of book one, i wanted to skip jacobs book and go back to bells... but this part totally changed the way I feel about jacob, he is so funny! I LOVED all the blonde jokes to Rosalie and his chapter titles and how brave he was to leave his pack to protect Bella even though he knew she didn't want him as he wanted her.
I loved how Bella changed... well grew up and wasnt so whiny all the time and how their (Bella and Edwards) relationship was even better after she was changed.
I compeletly loved the last 2 pages of the book, so awesome!
DId you read where SM said that was her absolute favorite part of the book as well. Very sweet.
You did all hear me say I liked that part too, right?
I'm not that out of touch not to enjoy the end for heaven's sake.
Things I liked:
Jake splitting from the pack to do what was right.
Leah's & Jake's change in relationship.
The wedding was great but I wish there was more about Bella's parents' roles there. And I would have liked a bridal shower with her human friends. (sorry, I'll try to focus on the positives in this post)
Glad Alice came back. Like she could really leave. Duh.
I liked being back to Bella's point of view when she changed so we could see how it would be to turn into a vampire. I thought SM did a good job describing what it would be like to have a new body and new abilities.
Bella's power is cool. I was frustrated at first because I thought her power was just going to be that she could keep her emotions under control.
I was glad the Volturi came back. Gave us some tension to deal with.
So something that I reread the other night was the wedding (and the night before it in her room with Edward), and I love it. My main complaint is that it's too short (well and that Jacob shows up of course, but I skimmed that and have accepted it I guess). It would have been nice to have a little more with her parents, but what we got was sweet. I LOVE when Edward introduces his new wife by saying, "This is my Bella." You can just hear the joy and happiness he must be feeling. I've been looking forward to this wedding for a long time, I wish I could see how Alice decorated the house and yard...
I liked Jacobs chapter headings. I didn't like Jacob until this book. I really enjoyed his perspective and his side of what was going on.
I loved the whole Seth and Edward friends thing and Jacob and Rosalie taking jabs at each other.
I thought it was cleaver that Jacob wanted to kill the baby so bad one second and then the next he would do anything for the baby...I kinda saw it coming and when it happened I was screaming, NO, NO, NO, but I did think that was kinda funny.
I like Rosalie taking care of Bella and the baby, even if she didn't care if Bella lived or not...I thought it was nice.
I liked the chapters when Bella gives birth and her transformation.
I liked the baby, minus the name. I think it's nice for them to have a child. I liked how she communicated by touching...it reminded me of my own 3 month old who touches my face...I wondered if she's trying to communicate with me. :) I identified with the protective feelings for the baby. Again maybe it's because I have a baby and I feel very strongly toward her, but the whole mother/daughter...I love you more then my life thing just hit home for me.
I Loved the goodbyes...even though they were a waste of time and a build up to an outcome that fizzled out...the goodbyes were genuine and sad and you could feel the pain of it...at least I could.
Those are great comments. I love your description of the baby (still can't say her name, even the nick-name). That helped me connect better actually Amy. I had felt SM didn't convince me of the mother-child love. I am a mommy too, and have those feelings, I just didn't feel she wrote it strongly enough. But I love the comparison you made to the baby touching to communicate. Its been a while since I've had a little baby and you are so right. When I can finally reread this book I am going to try and feel the relationship between Bella and her baby more deeply.
I am curious too how others felt about Rosalie. I know it is presented that she doesn't care if Bella lives or dies, but I figured that was just because we didn't get to have Rosalie's perspective. I don't think she was that cold hearted. What do others think?
I think Rosalie did feel that it was her job to make sure the baby was born even if Bella had to die...Edward heard her thoughts on the subject and told Jacob that that was how she felt...but in her defense she was doing what Bella asked her to do...to take care of the baby no matter what happened to her. And she did that. I'm sure that it helped create a friendship and bond between them that wouldn't have been there otherwise, and it probably helped Rosalie with her issue of not being able to have a child of her own.
If Edward could have paid attention to more then just the negative aspect of Bella's possible death he probably wouldn't have made such a big deal about Rosalie "protecting" Bella and the baby in the beginning.
And another thought I had, to defend Edwards behavior prior to hearing his childs thoughts, is that no one really knew what was growing inside Bella. No one knew what it would become. To Edward is was a monster who was doing nothing but hurting and killing Bella, of course he wanted to get that thing out of her...but did you notice that as soon as he heard the baby he totally did a 180?
I was sad that he didn't have as much book time with the baby showing how good of a daddy I'm sure he'd be, but again...we can all picture him in our own minds being the most loving daddy.
I haven't heard anyone discuss why Rosalie was chosen to help her keep the baby, but I know it was because Rosalie was the one that always wanted to be human and I think she always was the one who resented being non-human the most, and her jealousy would help with the "problem" pregnancy. I shouted a hurray! in my front yard while I was reading that part. I was afraid the neighbors were going to come and check my pulse until I did that! :) Sitting on the front lawn for hours? In hot "Utah"?
I agree with you turkeymama, I think Bella always knew it was a baby and as soon as she realized that Edward wanted to get that "thing" out of her she knew she needed an ali to make sure that they couldn't force her to get rid of it. What better ali to have in this situation then Rosalie.
Ok I think we all agreed that there appeared to be some kind of supernatural sci fi starting to evolve, and yes I was a little scared.....
But by the end I was in love with it like the other three and had that warm tingly feeling all over--
The shock is still wearing off on some things but overall loved it--
It would be interesting to know what Rosalie thought, but I agree that she wasn't completely cold hearted. Maybe she put the baby first, as Bella wanted, but I don't think she wanted Bella to die. Honestly I kind of expected her to have issues with the baby after, like jealousy issues, but she played her role as aunt well. And I am glad she and Bella were able to form some kind of relationship.
I was just so glad they finally got to DO IT!
I was having blue balls right along with them!
Sorry if that offends anyone........
Yikes Cuz. . . raised eyebrows but thats about it.
Get back to the rest of you some day. Hate being to busy to blog.
sorry about that guys! One of those thought about it after the click to send--
I guess I really shouldnt comment while at work I let my co workers rub off on me too much!
RWV you must be so proud....
After listening to BD and re-reading the whole series, I'm still a huge fan! I can't imagine going very long without re-reading them again! Maybe I'll have to keep myself on a schedule - once thru every 3 months.
I totally LOVED Jacob's book. The humor made me chuckle out loud OFTEN. The headings in this book were entertaining - more than in the others, I think.
I loved how they spent their nights in this book - very romantic! I had to marvel at Edward's ability to do "other things" while his married family developed their personal relationships with their mates. I'd be a phenomenal (sp?) piano player if I could practice at night!
I can't wait for the movie - I just hope the faces are right. Since they are for Stephenie, I guess they will be perfect for me, as well. I love seeing things from other's perspectives.
The birth didn't bother me, the transformation was simpler than even I could have expected and the whole book was full of great "endings". I marveled at all the friendships and how Alice saved the day and how much effort she put in to make it all work so well. She was super and a hero for me.
Bella's abilities as a vampire were astonishing. I loved it all!
Jenn, I mean Cuzzd, you are snortin' funny. Not that I think you are snorting anything when you make these comments, although I'll bet you could where you work, but that you really crack me up (drug reference again?) Anyway, you just said what we were all thinking, minus the colorful comments.
Bella and Edward 4 ever!
And Laurie, I mean turkeymama, well we don't hear from you in months and months and now, wow!
So I think you win the most enthusiastic Breaking Dawn fan.
It's so nice hearing from you, and often. Yeah.
You might need to do a litle pre-movie exercises becuase the facts are all skewed. But you are right, SM is fine with it. We just have to be prepared to be surprised. I've learned my lesson on that one. The movie will be so much fun with everyone. Still working on details.
I'm glad you are finally catching the vision of a dose of Twilight at least tri-monthly.
Daily for me, even now.
(but shhh. . . I'm now team trilogy. I'll explain later, but it is opposite of BD enthusiastic. Don't be bugged, kay?)
I love how everyone can voice their opinions. I'm never offended if people disagree with me. They can THINK they are right, but it doesn't make it so! :) Just kiddin!
So, they've done the "usual" and changed a few things to make the movie run smoothly, I'm guessing? Oh, well! They did that with Eragon and a little bit with Lord of the Rings and other movies, so I'm used to that! Although we'll all know the REAL way it should have been done.
Once I asked to have notification when a post is submitted to anything I've responded to, I get notification. That has made it easier to be involved! That's my snecret!
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