First SM has some VERY insightful info on her page. Her BD FAQ's (I will be saying "I told you so" in detail very soon.) Anyway these are a must read. Go here.

Below are some of the ways people are trying to send our love and hope to SM about Midnight Sun.
9/4 - Ooh this is getting so much hype. Here is an actual article, "Midnight Sun Leaked, Unfinished, and Glorious. It basically asks her to finish it. It is so good.
and . . a good brief update on the new movie scenes, with a mention of MS is here.
First two petitions (I have no idea how she gets sent word of these.
Next you can send a nice email to this group collecting letters by email to send to SM in one big batch. You send an email to:
Then you can go to this blog and add your name to a list of SM supporters.
The Lexicon has bigger plans. They have combined with 4 other big fan groups. Go here for details. But they don't involve any begging, which I see as a must here. No respose yet from Ms. Meyer on any of this stuff.
I forgot to mention she also added a Midnight Sun playlist. Ummm. . . I can't even think about what that means, so I don't plan on discussing it here.
I signed the 4 petitions that were listed, still need to go to Lexicon & sign their's. Oh, I hope so badly that she'll change her mind. What will we do if we never get to hear the rest of Edward's story?...
Go MARTY!! Yes! Me too of course.
I think my subconscious knows deep down she will finish it. I think that is the only reason I'm not in a black veil right now.
Hey I've got another place you can voice your opinion. The LA times blog wants our opinions on this. They are being blamed for spinning it negatively. Well duh. It is negative. So I added a link on this post to go and comment on the LA Times.
Look for my comments. They have been posted yet, but I hope they will be.
My comments were posted. Kind of cool. Look for me at 10:59 I think, and my names there too of course. Hee.
I read the article, and I read your comments, pretty cool! So I have also signed all the petitions of course, it's easy to get wrapped up in reading all the comments, especially from the other adults. Anyway, I'll have to put something on the LA Times one later. Thanks for all the info!!
It is cool to leave a comment. I've never really campaigned for a cause before for. (what a cause eh?)
So it seems like the adults are split. Half think we should kiss Ms. Meyers little writing fingers for writing at all and the other half are put off by her abandonment of her Twilight world and fanship. Of course there are extremists on both sides. The Lexicon is all full of the sappy stuff. I liked the LA times because there was a good range of opinions.
Its hard not to say hmmm though when someone points out that if SM needs a break so very badly and needs r&r and feels so super sad, then why did she seem so, well, giddy on her myspace about her music video, and already talking about her next book project? Food for painful thought.
I just added to more articles. The first one is so good and the second one has a picture from one of the re-shot scenes. Better Edward hair.
Ooh, that article from Blast magazine is so good! It was very fun to read. I don't know if I agree that it should have been written in Edward's persective all along, or that he is less buggy than Bella, I love her personality, especially in Twilight. Everything else is so great though! They just both needed to be written, in complete versions to have side by side. PLEASE let her read all these things! Even that journalist is begging to know how Edward felt in the's so, so unfair!
Also, the hair does look good in that picture, they almost match though! Anyway, that's very exciting to read those little tidbits of info, and to know they're shooting some extra stuff for the movie! Yay! I'm so excited about that too, I almost forgot with all the MS drama right now!
Your right. The color was too close. Bella's hair is not the same. Should be darker. Blah.
I didn't pick up on the article saying it should have been written from Edward perspective. I thought they meant, it has to be read as a companion because you can't get everything with one or the other. Well I hope that is what they meant. We all know that without Twilight we wouldn't have Edward developed the way he is. It is just so perfect now together. Can't wait to start them side by side.
Oh I loved the Leaked, Unfinished, and Glorious article - how funny this all is. And that is cool about the additional movie scenes. I know deep down it will be great - it really is so close! These fall months always seem to speed by without a blink - uh, didn't we say that about the summer months waiting for BD? I still haven't read the BD Q&A's
Oooh I just commented on the latest Lexicon news. We'll see if I get published. Crossing fingers.
I just read your comment! You are so awesome! I'm going to have to put a comment in regards to yours on there, and pretend I'm a stranger or something...hee hee
Yeah but then did you read my second, just being funny comment? Yeah a teenager told me it "sucked". Crap. Good thing I don't converse with the Lexicon crowd very often. I'm a big enough girl to handle smack from teenagers but next time I will stick to the facts and not add my wit.
Oh can you just imagine if I would have posted how odd that SM seems so smiley, happy, and over MS on her "Making of Jacks Manequin Music Video" video.
I might have my cyber throat slit.
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