You want to get even more excited for the movie? Throw out all doubts one more time? These pictures are just a few, of many new ones at this link. I couldn't post them all. Wow. Wow. It just has to be good. And how did this prom picture not end up in the Calendar?

Can I just say, I think it is a really, really, really good thing I am seeing this movie with GIRLS first. EEEEE!
Now that picture looks a little more like prom is supposed to be. And it is good to see Rob smiling. So much of what we have seen of his version of Edward is so grim looking.
Oh its so hard to wait for people to live their regular lives in between stops to the blog.
Just kidding. I keep waiting for an email from someone so I took one more glance at these pics. That prom one actually made my tummy do a little flip. Its fairly obvious what happens next!
Oh hey stranger I didn't see you on here.
I agree. I just eat these happy pictures up. Yeah. Bella did make him so happy (see Midnght Sun). Torn, agonized happiness. I just adore Edward.
I keep committing to visit here more regularly (and leave comments) because it makes me so happy. But then life happens and my resolution falls apart. And then I wait until I start to feel isolated in my little world and know I have to come read some more.
Oh, I agree about the smiling pictures!! I have to admit that my mundane life (not being quite so perfect at recognizing my blessings, yet) has led me to start reading MS again...I have to say that I am better at pacing myself than I was the first time - a chapter a night leaving me feeling like I did have a happy day!!
But, your right - at least with what we have to read - he does make her unbearably happy...and relieved that she is safe every time they are together.
Ok, so dumb question maybe, but they are going to do something with Edward hearing the movie, right???
I've wondered that same thing about Edward hearing thoughts in the movie. It is such a huge part of the story, I hope they do! These pictures are amazing, btw. Seriously, seriously, so stoked about November 21!!!
There are a few things I can't imagine them leaving out of the movie, & Edward being able to hear thoughts is one of them. Not that we will necessarily be able to hear them, but the whole story would change without that.
Umm, W-O-W. Those pictures are totally amazing! That prom one has to be the best! Oh yeah. I also love the second to last one where they're in the tree, oh so super cute! Yay!!! I am even more excited, like the rest of you! It seems like I've read something about the mind reading thing, maybe it was before the movie really got going, and it was undecided how or if it would be done. I truly hope they can fit that in, I would think they definitely could make it happen here and there, they can do anything in movies these days! Guess we'll see in 45 days...I'm going to go check out that link now and see the other sweet pics!
Oh man! That link to the HGE site is temporarily unavailable, most likely due to capacity problems. Dang!! They must be overloaded with hits right now. I want to see them all RIGHT NOW! I can at least see 3 smaller ones right there on the front page of their site. I guess I will just have to keep checking back...sigh
Oh and btw, I am very glad to be seeing it with girls first too, just in case my mouth drops open or drool falls out the side or anything like that...hee hee
Ok, I'm calmed down now, and happier too. I was able to see the rest of the new pictures from a link on the Lexicon (huh, they are good for something still), it goes to some German site, does that seem right? Anyway, it brings up lots of new ones along with some previously seen pictures too. It's worth the couple of minutes to go there and check them out! There are some great ones of everyone! I love the one Alice and Jasper in the hotel room, and the face shot of Rosalie, among others as well...
You do all realize the smiling shots might not be actual movie scenes. Really Twilight is a very serious book!
Love the Alice and Jasper hotel picture.
Oh I particularly thought the hair-dresser with Rob was funny since he has such a reputation for that.
So fun. These pictures have brought many smiles today. And hearing from all of you is like having friends visit without having to clean my house. Perfect.
You are so funny - I thought that same thing...probably those smiling shots are them messing up their lines or something - you are right, it is a lot of very serious things - lovely, but serious!!
Oh, and my fellow Forks visitors - the one with them squatting down in front of the water, with those mossy things going you realize that we have almost that exact picture??!! (minus the key people, obviously) - really go watch your DVD (sorry I still haven't done the other picture CD's yet...)
Yes I am aware that Twilight is serious business.
I was thinking about how Bella changes Edward - his whole family notices. He notices in MS, which Katherine & Rob did get to read. His whole outlook on life is more positive, even if it is temporarily spoiled after only a few chapters. They do tease each other a little during the meadow, meeting the family, & the ride to the ball game.
I just didn't want everything in the movie to have that same gloomy sound that is in the trailer when she says, "How long have you been 17?" And he says "A while" in his Napoleon Dynamite voice.
BFB have you forgotten when I'm serious and when I'm not. And even though Twiight is serious, I was teasing about how "serious". I'm with you. I hope they lighten up a little too.
But I do know that seeing the trailers, looking at the picture and of course reading the books makes me smile immensely.
You were teasing? ;)
Did you just add another picture to this post? Or did I miss one of them yesterday?
You know, teasing, with an undertone of seriousness.
If you are referring to the pictures on the blog, I did change one.
Did you go to the link to see all of them?
Nope haven't checked the link yet, I was talking about the blog pics.
I looked at these pics on the blog last week, but forgot to comment. I really like them - makes me very excited for the movie!!
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