With only a week and a day left until the movie, can we stand the excitement? There are so many new interviews that I can't keep up anymore. Don't miss my new post about why.
Here is a gorgeous picture to get you through. Our next post will be the movie discussion!
See you at the movies.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Final Trailer

Let's hear it!
Watch the trailer here.


Annalyn said...

I don't know why I'm the first one to comment - and I hope I don't get disowned for watching it here first instead of at the theater...but I broke down and did it! I still have my same few issues (don't we all), but for the most part I thought it was amazing - such beautiful scenery - of course I am a little biased now, right? I think it is going to be awesome!!

Amy Dobson said...

Holy Crow!!! I can't wait. The trailer obviously shows that they didn't go strictly by the book, I'm hoping that they didn't stray to far. I guess if I go into the movie realizing that it is not the book then maybe I'll be ok. Thanks for posting the link...I've watched it over and over and over.

betchafeelbetter said...

Whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

(Actually, right now I feel a bit crazy, but I figure that by telling myself that I'm not enough, I will be able to convince myself and everyone else that I'm not! : ) I guess it's time that I came around and posted something since I read all of your comments. I am the closet addict!!! Looking forward to this movie is the only thing that is keeping my afloat some days lately...so, I can hardly stand to not watch the trailer...over and over and over...

I agree that it is different, but the intensity is still there, and that is what I like about Edward and Bella!

lioness said...

Hi everybody!

It must be so stuffy in that closet! Glad you came out. Do you want to introduce yourself.
I think you should say you are happy crazy.

So guess what friends, I still haven't watched it. Its a long story. Long. Boring. And exciting all at the same time.
So today is the day. I HAVE to watch it. I can't wait to tell you all what has been holding me up, so watch for a new post soon.

Biased will be the best way to watch this E. Woo Hoo Too, and I have event' seen it. Pictures alone give me that reaction. BF I'll have to think of a really great exclamation.

And yes you put it so well, INC. The intesity is the addicting substance. Again welcome INC ("I'm not crazy"). That's cute. Inc. I like it.

lioness said...

The run time for the movie has just been release.
120 minutes. YES!

Anonymous said...

Well, actually I just prefer to peak my toe out for now... : ) And yes, I am definitely happy-crazy!

So, we get Bella and Edward for two hours?!!!!!!! Woo Hoo does not cut it, if it is really as intense as the trailer suggests!!!

Esmessence said...

So did you break down and do it yet TM? We are all anxious to hear the verdict - ok, maybe just me!

lioness said...

Hello. Hello. Here I am. Hey everbody there is finally a new post, and a poll, so stop by some time.

My goodness I have watched the trailer so many times now, I lost count.

It will be awesome.

I have been INSANELY busy these last weeks. I will post why, shortly. So I am so sorry I didn't post anything.
Of course I loved it. Loved it, the wrong stuff and the right stuff.
My last complaint/concern, really (how many times have I preached the "who cares we are gonna love it" philosophy anyway?) but is Kristen going to be passionate enough. Is her obsession and need for Edward going to show through her reserved portrayal. Yes Bella is a subtle person, but not when she says things like "I would rather die than be away from you" or whatever the line was. Will she be believable. Oh please, please, I hope so!

Annalyn said...

Oh, you are always so good at putting my thoughts into words. That was one of my complaints as well - she just seemed so casual and 'whatever' in so many of those parts - where you picture Bella to just be head over hills, you know?

Jenn said...

Loved the trailer! Now if it were only longer.....hee hee

Dazzled said...

Wow! I finally got on a computer that would let me view this trailer. I absolutely LOVE it! It is going to be awesome!!