It's actually so hard to post these one at a time that it is nice to have to catch up and do two.
So of all the difficult, painful, moments in the books, so far (I'm sure we have much more agonizing to do in BD) here are my next finalists:
#6 - Edward suffering in Volterra from Jane's power
and even harder for me to read (although the order fluctuates)
#5 was a tie -
- Bella finding the meadow in New Moon
- Edward being there for Bella the night she told Jacob good-bye.
#6 - The final meadow scene in Eclipse. Bella's decision is finally made, Edward says:

"I love you, I want you, right now" (didn't even have to look that quote up). What could be better?
Unless you remember
#5 - The scene at Edwards piano:
Even a hopeless romantic can hardly comprehend what an astoundingly precious moment that must have been. And don't forget after he plays for her, and performs her inspired song, he tastes one of the tears she sheds. I don't know, can I come up with 4 moments better than that?