Your favorite moments from these chapters . . .

15 - your impressions of the house?
16 - Carlisle's story, the significant parts?
Edward's room . . . good stuff!

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1:41 AM
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Ooh, I loved reading Carlisle's story again. I'm still so impressed with how much self-control he seemed to exhibit at the beginning of his new life. Maybe that gives us hope that Bella can be strong too.
Ok, I know this is a stupid question. But can someone explain to me why it make so much noise when they play baseball? I understand that when they run into each other, their marble bodies make noise. But why is it so loud when they hit the ball with the bat? (sorry, I'm sure the answer is somewhere on the Lexicon or SM's site)
I would imagine it is just the sheer strength of the ball hitting the bat. I can't remember, I am not there yet, but do they use regular bats? Because I cannot imagine regular bats holding up under the strain of not only a ball thrown at the speed of light, but swinging it that fast.
As for Carlise, I am a little disappointed. I would really like to see all the pictures, and I know I could easily get caught up in the side story of all the paintings and their connection to Carlisle. But I agree with his control. I can't even fight against chocolate!
Oh, I just remembered my impression of the house. I thought right from the beginning how beautiful it would be to watch a sunrise/sunset from those windows. Not that there is much sun in Forks, but I love open spaces. And I loved that the house was white. Obviously they don't have to worry about fingerprints or spilled sippy cups, but I would love to have a whole room done in warm ivory's and whites. It would be so clean looking. Another thing that I associated with the front room, and I don't know why, is I thought it must smell so clean and warm. Strange, huh? I guess associate things by scent.
The only thing I can guess without looking it up is they used marble bats and marble balls-lol
I love reading Carlisle's story, he's just such an amazing character to me.
My first initial reaction is the same for some reason about the description of the white living room; ooh that must get so dirty fast! But then I remember there's no little ones and no food or drink to spill-LOL
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