So leave your happy wishes for her here. I will just say thanks for introducing me to this blog. I appreciate your quiet insight and the music you've shared. I am glad to have gotten to know you better here. Thanks for putting up with those of us who are more exuberant than you in our obsession. Here's wishing you many great Twilight moments today.
- Cydne (that's BFB everyone)
Mary Ann/ TM here: Jill is one of our long time members and we wouldn't be the same without her. Her fun-loving nature adds to every situation she is in. Hope you have a WONDERFUL DAY

And this guy, well next to Edward, oh and her DH of course, I think he is her next favorite. Jill LOVES the Utah Jazz and she wears Kyle's jersey. Of course her very handsome DH is quite the basketball coach, but anyone would love to have Jillybean as their fan. Your awesome!
How sweet. I was just getting on the blog to start Jilly's b-day post. Thanks BFB. Lucky you Jill the day after Edwards.
And yes I will doctor the post up a bit. Hooray.
I'll be back with more wishes.
Happy Birthday Jill!
Yes, I didn't think of how close your birthday is to Edward's! Maybe we should list 32 reasons why we love Jillybean. :)
I hope you are having a wonderful birthday today! It's been so fun to get to know you through baseball first, and now with our Twilight connection. You are such a kind and thoughtful person, I feel lucky to have you as a friend! Have a great day, you deserve it!!
Jill you really are such a delightful person to be around. So open hearted.
And everyone - for the record, I like Jacob.
Jill just has a very soft place in her heart for him. She can understand him. But she wouldn't be here is she wasn't more loyal to her birthday neighbor, you-know-whose-truly.
And Jill I would still think you were amazing outside of our blog world, but it's great to have you here.
Sorry one more thing - I think Kyle would make a nice vegi-vampire.
It is so nice to have someone else who understands Jacob, and truely roots for him as well as the Bella/Edward connection! Somehow, I never knew that Jill was just as passionate about defending Jacob. So Jill, from one co-captain to another...Have a very dazzling day! I know it is the end of it, but I truely hope you had a great day. It is so wonderful to have you as part of this great group. We can be honest and open about this obsession, and we all understand each other. Thank you for all the music you have suggested, we are so much better for it. Happy Birthday!!!!!
Thanks for that post! You guys are great friends! I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Kyle's picture. That is so awesome! So thoughtful. Yes, he would make a great vampire. And just imagine his basketball skills as a vampire! Positively unbeatable. What could be better?
Anyway, thanks! That really made my day! It has been so fun getting to know you guys and the ones I already knew, it has been so much fun getting to know you better and sharing this passion. Thank you thank you!
Hee hee, vampire basketball. That could be really dangerous.
Cool though!
Happy Birthday Jillybean! Hope your day was Vampir-ific!!! It really has been fun getting to know you online. :)
You are so wonderful! Sorry this is a bit late - but I hope your day was great! I love the extra pictures, and I agree with that - he would make a good vampire...
I've been a bit out of the loop for some time, I just saw this birthday post. I am so sorry for the belated wishes but I hope you had a wonderful birthday! You are such a kind and wonderful person, you deserve the best!
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