How well do you know your Twilight friends? Could you identify their thoughts and feelings through music? Well give it a try. The playlist on the blog is currently playing all (but one) of SM's playlist for the book. I have added a couple of extra songs as well that are just too good not to include. As you are listening to the songs, comment on this post as to what part of Twilight you think the song represents. Some of the answers I have from SM herself, some seem obvious but our opinions will have to do. I cannot tell you what a profound experience collecting these songs over the last 6 months has been. You feel Bella and Edwards experiences even more deeply than you can with just reading the words. So that is really saying something.

One clarification.
The BLUE OCTOBER songs are not from the Twilight playlist at all. One of them is from the Eclipse and the other just sounds like Twilight. I just wanted you to hear some of their music since SM is touring with them, basically. Also Jillybean suggested the "Calling You" Blue October song a long time ago. I didn't realize until today that it is actually on SM's playlist for Eclipse. Good job Jillybean.
Also Linkin Park has some heavy songs. They ARE on her list. But I also added two titles that you can enjoy a little more. I think of these when I picture Bella listening to Linkin Park while trying NOT to think about if Edward could be a vampire. I you can get through the HARD stuff, it really represents some scenes in Twilight well.
The milder ones are "Shadow of the Day" and "In the End". So don't try and guess those because they don't mean anything. I just wanted you to see that Linkin Park is all shouting.
I hope you enjoy!
Thanks, this will be fun. There really are a few "hard" songs, I do love my CD I have of the Twilight playlist. I listen to it when I'm out running errands with no kids, it puts me in quite the Twilight mood. This music can create some pretty cool and different feelings.
I listened closely to one of the Not SM songs tonight. So beautiful and so Bella. But I wont say which one. I'll keep you guessing. And its okay if its just me and you Trish, oops RWV. You can say as many as you want, when you get a chance of course.
Okay, I am game. Since I have to stop this will be fun. And since I sit here at work needing music, I just let the music play, and guess while I am working. Fabulous what you can do when most of your work is on a computer!
Okay, Rascal Flatts seems like a pretty obvious guess. I can definitely attribute it to Edward and all the questions that he throws at Bella when he gives her the third degree.
OMD Dreaming. Hmmm, that one makes me think. I will google the words and be back.
I guess OMD could be Bella, trying to get Edwards attention. But she really doesn't do anything to get his attention. I guess because she dreams of him immediately. Or your could say that it would apply to all the boys at the high school, (specifically Mike and Tyler) that wanted to try and catch Bella's eye. Whadaya think?
Okay, Blue October 18th Floor Balcony is totally about Bella and Edward, and beautiful to boot! I can see why SM chose them to tour with her. If you read the interview on MTV with the lead singer of Blue October (I can't remember his name), I am interested to see if he does any songs about James. Kinda neat. But gorgeous song. Very moving
Okay, I apparently am the only one on the blog during the day, I feel like I am monopolizing the posts. Next song is Lullaby by Billy Joel. Again, perfect. Such a wonderful description of Edward. Am I supposed to say where the songs fit in the book. I can't remember
Its just this crazy week Becky. Some of our kids are still in school. So I am sad not to get to respond much. Sooooooo busy!
Anyway the Rascal Flats is exactly that. Isn't it perfect. That was Esmessence choice, so not SM. And yes you are supposed to say the part of the book.
The "Lullaby" is from SM. So beautiful. If Edwards lullaby had words, ahhh.
So the song I was talking about earlier was the same one you just fell in love with, 18th floor balcony. That is not on any of SM's playlists, but thousands of fans have suggested it fits perfectly. And it really does. Everyone needs to listen to it.
I am not interested in hearing a song about James, but who knows maybe SM makes people sympathetic to "real" vampires in Breaking Dawn. But as the Cullens have shown, the vampire world does have a choice. They start with a conscience. Most just choose to let thier lust overcome it. So that song might be a little dark if it was ever written.
I will get back to you on the OMD. That is definitely from SM's official list. I used to know exactly where I think it fit but I can't remember now. I can't wait to listen and then guess again.
Sorry you are all alone. At least there is one person out there still visiting the blog.
Well, I had noticed that the music had changed, and I figured they were from SM's playlist, but hadn't listened closely to guess where they fit. I kept thinking, AAAGGHHH, that has to be Lincoln Park, change it, change it!
Now that I know we are supposed to be guessing, I will refrain from instantly skipping the hard songs. And I should say that Muse is more tolerable than I had expected, I even like the edgy feel. I'm guessing that one of theirs is about when they are running from James. What was he saying again; did he say "Time is running out?" JK.
Hey BF., I don't want to take credit for corrupting anyone with music. I have learned as Bella did to actually have a little apprecition for the Linkin Park songs. I really, really like Shadow of the Day. And eventually I wont have the other ones come up automatically. I've been worried about how my husband would react if he heard one of those coming from my blog. Should I use one in spinning?
But Muse took quite a while to grow on me. I don't like them like SM does, but yes, they have their place don't they.
Probably the 3 most moving songs, for me, all picked by Steph are:
"In my place"
"Here with me"
"Please forgive me"
So I can't wait for some of you to tune in to these. Love them so much! They just do the craziest things to my heart. I can't wait to see what you all think of them. And yes I remember that we discussed "please forgive me" earlier, but it wont hurt to touch on it again.
Okay Becky, oops, AWB, I've been listening to Dreaming and I looked up where it goes on SM's playlist. Okay that this is assuming I can read SM's mind, which I only can about 70% of the time, but it seems to me it is around or even after Port Angeles? I think the part that is significant is the line "instead you said goodbye". You know how Bella calls Edward on that? She says he is often saying goodbye when trying to say something else?
I'm throwing that much out there. I hope you see this one BFB, RWV what do you think? Esme. I know you've listened to your Twilight CD often. What do you think? (remember this song was in the wrong order on your CD).
I am okay with some Linkin Park songs, even the ones that start with screaming, I just can't handle them when there is other noise around. Like children. I find myself wanting to tell the kids running around, "Quiet, I'm trying to listen to this song!" in my mother bear voice. Not a nice thing. So I skip them. Can I just share that I am really, really tired of hearing one small voice say, "Ummm, Abi's Mom?" every five seconds.
Anyhow, back to topic. So, some Linkin Park songs would be fine for spinning, because I don't get interrupted there, so there is no danger of me growling.
Are you saying your daugher calls you "Abi's mom"? or do you have other little ones.
Now I find that funny that your problem with Linkin Park songs is being interrupted by your child. I don't want my kids knowing I listen to that "hard stuff". They would probably think it was super cool. My 9 year old is quite a rocker.
Tried to listen to that one, but couldn't hear much. Will have to try again later when there are fewer little voices around here.
Okay duh, Abi probably just has some friend over right? I'm pretty slow on anything not Twilight related.
Yes, we had a friend over.
Actually, Abi tends to like harder stuff than I do. Not that I intentionally introducer her to it. But if it is playing on the radio, and I change it, she will reprimand me with, "Hey! I liked that!" Pardon me.
So funny - in contrast, my kids know that I don't like the harder songs. Once I left my CD playing in the car while I ran back into the soon as I got back in, I had noticed Isaac out of seat - he said he was trying to change the LOUD song. Anyway, the things we pass onto our kids, huh? I have to admit that I enjoyed leaving my TW blog up so the music can play softly. I had my brother in law over today and he commented on one of the Muse songs - "isn't that one author totally in love with the group?" he said. Funny. I agree that a few of them are easier to listen to than the others.
"Why does it always rain on me"
"please forgive me"
and now - "18th floor balcony"
are my very favorites still and of course the piano pieces are awesome. When my daughter requests her classical music every time in the car - I slip these in every once in a while.
I haven't spent enough time listening closely to the songs, but you are all spiking my interest even more. Cool!!
I like "hard, loud" songs less now of course. I feel like an old person sometimes, because I don't tolerate the type of music I used to listen to more when I was younger. But I am getting used to some of the crazier songs on the playlist too. Occasionally my kids will do that too though, want me to keep the radio station on some rap song, or rocker song. It makes me just shake my head. Must be the beat or something.
Wow, I love so many of the songs. I do like some of the harder music. Not a big fan of Linkin Park but I love Muse. I actually downloaded a few more of their songs since hearing them on SM's playlist.
Another Blue October song that makes me think of New Moon is "Into the Ocean." It's pretty obvious what scene I think of. But it is a cool song, check it out. I think this is a link for it, (you might have to copy and paste it):
The video is weird, close your eyes and just listen. The video is way distracting. I can't listen to "Calling You" or "Into the Ocean" without thinking of TW. I didn't know it was on her playlist! That is awesome.
I love "Tremble for my Beloved" and I don't know if I can specifically think of an exact scene, but there are so many lines..."the window's open wide", "innocence takes flight", "our world has begun", etc...It makes me think of Edward running through the forest. It just sounds like the beginning of their relationship and how exciting it is. Maybe for Edward because he's finally found her. Not sure.
I also love "In my Place" by Coldplay. I will listen to it over & over in the car til my kids beg me to change to something different. I think it's definitely Edward's thoughts.
The TW music is so awesome. It is so powerful and you can almost feel how the characters feel. I love it! Thanks for doing this post.
Hello, hello Jill. I hope you had a refreshing and wonderful trip.
I knew you would love this post. I plan on adding that song to the playlist when we start reading New Moon. It may even be on SM's playlist. I can't remember.
I also LOVE "Tremble for my Beloved". Which everyone, is on SM's playlist. It is her last song. Since SM puts it as the final song, it has always seemed like the "end credits" for the book. Like a movie has an end credits song. The song seems to sum up everything. It's like I can see the scene in my head . . .He promises to stay with her, she is arguing that she wants to change to be with him forever, they both admit they will be together. He bends down to kiss her neck, it looks like he is going to bite her . . . and cue "tremble for my beloved". Thats how it fits for me.
Oh does anyone know why I added the Chopin Nocture?
Isn't that the song he plays for her on the piano? I can't remember when, I know it isn't during her first time at the house, but I remember reading about it. Am I close?
Ok, I have to admit that I reached the middle of chapter 5 of NM about a week ago. At first I was really good at reading only one chapter a day. But then when I saw on here that almost everyone else was behind, I just couldn't wait. Anyway, I finally had the self-discipline to put it down and I've read a couple other books in the meantime. So this post is exactly what I need to stay Twilighty until you all catch up!
I haven't listened to any of the music yet but I'm excited to start guessing. (Are there any left to guess on?)
I have been a fan of Linkin Park for about the last 6 or 7 years and I've just started to like Muse so this will be fun!
Wrong on the Nocturnes AWB. So you like all Linkin Park Ruth. And no hardly any have been guessed.
How about the "That'll be the Day" song.
Why don't you see if you can identify the chapters from the linkin park songs Ruth. In case it was confusing the two songs LP songs on her official list are By Myself, and With You.
I think I am back and committed for a while so I look forward to spending a few more moments here. BTW Ruth, I didn't have my Twilight in my downstairs bathroom the other day (sorry for the true confessions here) but I did have my new, more loanable paper back New Moon (the hard back is autographed and personalized you know). I had to force myself to stop reading it. FORCE! So I feel your pain girl-friend. And there is no punishment for cheating on the reading, just sad sighs that you can't hear because I love it when we discuss it so much.
Well, I left a really long comment the other day, but it's not here. . . I wonder what happened.
Anyway, my guess is for the song "With You" by Linkin Park. It sounds like what Bella feels like the day after the meadow. Some of the quotes that support my theory:
"woke up in a dream today"
"even though you're so close to me, you're still so distant"
"sound of your voice painted on my memories even if you're not with me"
"you, now I see even when I close my eyes"
"trapped in this memory"
"I can't wait to see tomorrow"
*Also, I have another guess for a different song but first I have a question. Are these only from Twilight (not NM)?
That is correct. I haven't listed the New Moon songs yet.
"With You" does come around that time, but a little later. I've always thought because of the intensity of the song, that is signifies when they are seperated because of James. Especially how Edward would be feeling. But then again it could be Bella too, but I thought maybe "Here with Me" by Dido were Bella's feelings while they were seperated.
But there isn't any official pairing of the songs with the chapters. Just the order.
Anyway, its fun having your comments. I am so SAD we missed your other comments.
So since I FINALLY just read that part yesterday, I will place the song "That'll be the Day" in it's correct spot in Twilight. It's the song Edward is singing, word for word, in the truck drive home from the meadow. He had just changed the station to 50's music. Remember?
How stinkin cute is that to picture!!
Oh, and I have to just say that I really like both of those Blue October songs listed. I had to listen more closely to them of course, I wanted to know a little more about this band I know nothing about. By the way, that was a great find with their one song Jillybean. Both great songs though.
The Lexicon is having a contest, or something, to see what the top 10 Twilight novel related songs are. Anyone can guess, and then the top 10 most popular will be listed. That will actually be really cool to see what other people think too!
I have to admit that I am loving "Your Call" by secondhand serenade. I can picture Edward listening to this as he leaves in NM, 'and I'm tired of being all alone and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home'! Or are these all just songs from TW? Can they apply elsewhere? Let me know when you get a chance.
I am so glad you are loving the music. I do of course.
Right now on the blog, are all of SM's original playlist songs, plus some of my favorites I've found on my own, or others have suggested. I do have more to add with each book, but the non SM songs aren't necesarily just for the Twilight book. Many of my favorites summarize in general feelings of Twilight. Like "your call". Yes LOVE IT. "I was born to tell you I love you." Wow. And yes very New Moony.
The next music will be exclusively New Moon. I hope I can get it up soon. I hate being to busy to blog. Waaaah.
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