The best piece of news is from MTV Twilight Tuesday. My recommendation for enjoying it:
First go to the article here. Before you flip out about the lame dialog, watch the MTV video on the same page, or click here. Then there is this clip of the MTV filming the scene without narration. It's good and difficult at the same time. It's exciting to see a little more of the movie and difficult because it's weird, but good.
Oh and the Cullen Crest- okay I can live with it. Here is what the symbols mean (although not from an official source)

- Lion - Dauntless courage
Hand - Pledge of faith, sincerity, and justice
Shamrock - Perpetuity
Chevron - Protection; Builders or others who have accomplished some work of faithful service
What else? Oh, a GREAT interview with the movie producer here.
I read the article and had a similar reaction, but then seeing the clip does make it more exciting! Just to see Edward make smart little remarks to her, and her feistiness coming through. I love to see that kind of stuff, what we've been reading and loving, even if it isn't the exact lines, it captures the idea at least. I even like Jessica running up and interrupting them with trivial news about Prom (which doesn't fit either of course!) It will be really fun to see ALL of these characters come to life. And like you said, fun to see even more clips of the movie, some we've never seen!
As far as the crest, I'm okay with it I guess. I'm not in love with the idea, but I'm not letting myself get too bugged about it. The meanings are pretty cool at least.
Okay, I did like all the interviews, but I might have a hard time. I didn't like the way that Edward was talking to Bella. That isn't how I see it in my mind at all. Even after just reading through the lines in the first article. He seems mean, and Edward was never mean; frustrated, and dry, yes, but never mean. But maybe after it all goes on and the entire scene is put together, it will flow better. I have been really excited about the movie, but scenes like that make me a little apprehensive. I sure hope they didn't cut out all the biology scenes, because those were definitely the most intense scenes.
As for the crest, I really do like that idea. They are such a family, that it just makes sense to have something binding them together, since they can't be an actual genetic family. And I really like all the things on the crest. The meanings seem so true to what they are. However, what is the chevron? I don't see it. Is it the point under the shamrocks? Am I the only one that doesn't know what that is.
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