So, we haven't done one of these posts in a while, but I figure now that many of us are reading again, there might just be a greater chance of Twilight Moments happening to us. I know that I've had a few Twilight characters star in my dreams a couple times over the last week or so. There's nothing like that feeling you get when you're actively reading. So please share if you have anything!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Dazzled Daily - June
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11:59 PM
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So one funny thing. My parent's best friends are visiting from Seattle. I've known them my whole life. My Dad grew up and went to school with this guy, and they've stayed close their whole lives. They get together with them a couple of times a year. So anyway, they were at my parent's house on Sunday for a BBQ, and I now feel that I have a new connection with this man, just because of where he's lives. He doesn't know it of course. But I had to stop myself from asking if he'd ever been to Forks, and other things of that nature. He would talk about how much rain they got this Spring compared to other years, and I was lost in Twilight thoughts when he would say anything like that. I'm sure I'll see them again once or twice before they leave, maybe I'll just mention something and see what I get.
Love the new quotes, thanks. And what a fun Barbie cast picture! Seriously, I wouldn't doubt if they start selling Twilight character Barbies. And yay me! Edward prefers brunettes! Hee hee
Seattle, well its natural to think of Forks, rain, and Cullens. It goes together perfectly.
Just like volvo and Edward go together. It is so second nature now to see volvo's that I don't mention them here anymore. Not a day goes by that I don't identify a volvo. I see fewer of Edwards exact make and color but with my "identify-from-the-front-grill" skills I am constantly reminded of happy Twilight feelings when on the road.
Oh and yes the Barbie's are too cute aren't they?
Yeah infinity, I say. Brunette baby, brunette.
Sorry blondes. Actually I think our group only has one natural blonde, and she can claim owning a plaid shirt. Embrace brown girls. "Brown IS warm"
Name that quote girlfriends.
Oh - I already commented that I love that quote - in the car on the 'question' day. Edward asked her favorite color (she's wearing it). Then she starts with how much she misses everything that is brown.
Yes but my quote is when Edward agrees after brushing her hair over her shoulder. She says brown Yowza!
Hey I have one more. This is really a stretch but saddly/luckily this is how my brain on Twilight works.
So an advertisement for Father's day mentioned how O.C. Tanner is OBSESSED with quality. Well never mind that I will never shop at O.C. Tanner for anything in my life-time, much less a watch for my hubby. What does matter is that the word obsessed doesn't have to have a negative conotation. Obsessed with quality jewelry doesn't really even compare with how great it is to be obsessed with sparkling fictional vampires (pire, if you know what I mean).
So yes, that is really what I thought when I heard that commercial. I thought, wow, obsessed is a great condition to be in, isn't it?
Yes, it is. And yes, I know what you mean (about that "pire" thing). Also, I appreciate that your mind connected the two of them that way, we could probably do that with many things huh? Lots of thoughts lead back to Twilight in one way or another.
And thanks for giving me a forum to again share my minds aimless Twilight wanderings.
It's nice to have you stop by but you really need to go to bed.
I seem to have less TW moments down here, but I love reading about everyone else's. But I am sad, because when I read that Alice's car was on display in Sandy, I thought of a Ferarri! How bad is that! It was only when Chris (dh) of all people said it was a porche that I even remember. I love this blog, because it keeps me sane and connected.
Props on the barbie pictures! Love them, where ever you found them. Okay, back to work.
I had an unenjoyable Twilight moment last Friday. I went to have an MRI and the type of contrast solution they injected me with felt cold. I could literally feel it moving through my veins - up my arm, then it hit my heart and lungs, and then it moved down around my stomach and down my legs. YUKKY, YUKKY feeling. BUT it did remind me of how SM described the vampire transformation as the venom moved through body. So I distracted myself with other happier Twilight thoughts to survive.
Oh my goodness that sound horrible. I am so sorry you are having to go through that.
But HOLY COW, are you a vampire now, because really you have earned Cullen status with that moment girl!
Cool! I'm a vampire. Yesssss!
Oh - BFB - sorry for your experience, but what a fun VAMPIRE moment. I had a very silly moment. Now, since I've been sworn to not start NM yet (mostly by myself that is...)I have been reading a fun 'improve yourself as a wife' book. And one of the things I just read says something about being 'dazzled'. I have to admit that I think for the rest of my life that word will bring my mind back to TW. But, I'm getting better at incorporating it into my own life as well!! (sighhhh)
One more - I forgot about this, but just found the paper in my desk where I had written it...after we met a couple of weeks ago and read BD together, my 5 year old was very interested to hear what my 'book' about. So, during a drive in the car with just us two, I told her a little bit about the chapter we read. I told her about how Bella got a new car. Well, a couple days later when MA posted the picture of her car, Annalyn was looking over my shoulder and smiled and asked, "Wow, is that Bella's car?" It was very funny!!
That is great Erin. I love Twilight moments that involve the kids. They're so much more observant that I realize most the time. My 6 year old daughter is very interested in Twilight, she asks me stuff about it frequently. I've caught her trying to read the first page a few times, pretty funny.
Love your uncomfortable-experience-turned-Twilight-moment BFB! Way to make the best out of an icky situation.
The word dazzled will definitely never have any other meaning. Very connected. And I can't imagine you need to read a book on how to improve being a wife!
Have you seen?! . . .
49 days people! The day is coming!
So, I'm kind of the same with Volvos. I see them all the time now when I'm out. I'm so familiar with their look, and notice them quite easily now. So even though I don't always mention my Volvo sightings, I do have them and I do ALWAYS think of Edward driving one, or something related to Twilight. Lately I've had a lot of dreams starring Bella and Edward. I'm sure the big increase is because I'm reading right now, many nights I'm reading in bed and fall asleep right after I shut the book. The funny thing about my Twilight dreams is that there isn't a lot happening, and they're not always really crisp. Edward and Bella are just in them, in a forest or in a cafeteria, etc. Sometimes I'm in the dreams and sometimes it's like I'm watching a movie or something. Anyway, it's been very fun and I just thought I'd share!
My moment yesterday was when we were looking at cars. A small low rider car pulled up to look at a car and then flipped around to park. I didn't think anything of it until my husband commented on how all those boys fit in the car. They were hispanic, but some had longer hair, and they were all very tall. So these four tall guys with dark hair piled out of this little car, and -of course- it reminded me of what Jacob and his friends would look like when they climbed out of a vehicle.
So sorry to hear about your yucky experience BFB. But how cool that you can say you had a vampire experience!
Esmessence-- I can totally picture Annalyn dressed up as Bella for Halloween! :)
The only Twilight moment I've had lately is that someone I know is pregnant and if it's a girl, she'll name the baby Bella!
Did you tell the person that Bella is a vampire ?(soon to be anyway). And I know this doesn't go here, but I had one of those Twilight non-insight moments I get during shower, and house-cleaning sessions. I just stopped and thought, will SM let Bella become a vampire? Will she find some pollyanish loop-hole to keep Bella human or turn the rest of the Cullens human? I don't know. Maybe it was reading Carsisles history again or something. Vampirism is YUCK. But still I hope not.
Anyway my best, worth sharing moment was the other day in the Costco parking lot. I had been talking on the phone on the way into Costco which means I had no idea where I parked when I came out. So I gazed across that ENORMOUS lot looking for a white mini-van, which are still even more common that Volvo's. But when I spotted one and could just make out the dark little vinyl sticker with red lettering at the top of the back window, a perky little TW feeling ran through me. Because not only did I know that was MY van, I knew exactly what that little sign said though it was too hard to read from the distance.
It said "Bella for Vampire '08". Oh yeah!
Sadly I have never had a single comment from someone about that profound statement I carry on the back of my car. Take that back, one neighbor. She ended up viewing our blog and having me send her the BD chapter. But still I thought closet Twilighters would emerge. Next time I'm going to try the "HONK, if you love Vegi-Vampires" sticker and see if that gets a better reaction.
That person read TW before I did. It's one of the reasons she loves the name so much. But she actually has a different reason (justification) for wanting that name. I don't believe it . . . (don't tell her I said that E)
TM: personally, I really don't think SM will find a way to make the Cullens human. Sorry if you were banking on that. And I can't see any other way that B&E can be happy together without her becoming a vampire. SM likes happy endings so I'm sure they'll get to be together forever. Maybe Bella will have a cool power that doesn't give her any of the yucky parts of vampirism like we've discussed before. Remember that SM allowed the Wanderer inhabit another body but found a way to make it not be bad for the host too.
I love that last sticker! I bed you'd get lots of honks!
I saw it - I saw a Volvo S60 WITH an R!
Alright, I admit it was when we were shopping for cars and I made dh pull into the Volvo lot so I could look for it. But it DOES exist.
And I test drove a Volvo today (it was 9 years old). Still, even with the old one, I could see why a person would like driving one. That was a solid, powerful car.
Ruth, my goodness you have got to realize by now, that unless SM is some kind of genious, she will ruin my life for a time, who knows how long, if Bella doesn't become a vampire.
BFB - happy car shopping. NICE
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