When it rains it pours for yours truly. When I have a second I really have to play catch up. Don't get overwhelmed that there are 4 new posts, kay?
When Bella witnesses the Volturi feeding. Shivers, uck!
"Then I understood. The noise was me.
The ripping sound was the sobs coming from my chest. That's what was shaking me."
# 7 - most beautifully emotional moment in Twilight series for TM:
When Bella gets close enough in Volterra to see Edward. Even though she is running to save his life and forfeit her own, that moment she sees him just bursts my heart every time.

"I'd never seen anything more beautiful -- even as I ran, gasping and screaming,
I could appreciate that.
And the last seven months meant nothing.
And his words in the forest meant nothing.
And it did not matter if he did not want me.
I would never want anything but him,
no matter how long I lived."
Those words just make your heart stop! There is no better way to describe the ultimate, everything, intensity of Bella's feeling. And to me it say how totally encompassing her love is. No matter what, she will never want anything but him! Oh, be still my heart.
Yes, I agree that both these moments should be in the top 10. Although, the good one might be higher on the list. It does, after all, settle the fact that Edward is THE one, no matter how much she cares for Jacob.
And bty, nice Cullen Barbies. Where on earth did you find those?
I have missed you BFB. Stop neglecting us for the sake of your family already!
Barbie's from Twilightmom's. Where else? And yes the top 10 are mixed a little in order. I'm quite a bit moody. But you have to remember that the author of this top 10 never thought for ONE SINGLE MINUTE EVER that Jacob had taken Edwards place. And even though I cried when Edward left and was is physical pain throughout the rest of New Moon, I knew he was coming back, without a doubt.
When I made my list I took may factors into place. Really they could switch around easily. It is so fun to think about!
Of course that is where the Barbies came from. I should have guessed. And thanks for missing me. I have missed everyone here & missed you in class. I'll get it together soon. I hope :)
And no problem on the order, I'm just glad that you're making the list for all of us. And I agree that most of us knew Edward was the one, but I was thinking of Bella's perspective and the struggle she had been feeling only a few days earlier, when she was thinking of Romeo, Juliet & Paris, and what a relief that would have been to see Edward and just know...
Oh - what torture...making it so hard to not start NM - oh no, I guess I just gave myself away - i am one of those naughty readers. I just do not enough discipline in my life right now. Anyway, I love both of these - but seriously how awesome is that moment when she sees him...oh I seriously read through those pages soooo very fast - it's like the faster I read them, the faster she will get to him...duh!
Dumb question:
What Barbies? I have scrolled up and down this blog a million times. Am I missing something?
Hey Ruthie. Sorry yes since you abandoned us for a week the Barbie picture is gone. I'll put it back just for you.
Oh wow! I love it!!! Thank you so much. You're so nice. You probably didn't even know how obsessed I am with barbies. (well, not really. . . but let's just say that someone once told me I looked like the Hula Barbie and I thought it was the best compliment ever!)
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