So as you know (or maybe you don't), Stephenie Meyer has started sharing one quote a day from Breaking Dawn, up until the release day of the book! Now I won't spoil it for anyone by listing them on the front page daily, if you want to check them out you'll have to click on the comments. I'll add the new ones as they're posted each day, and I'm more than happy to discuss or not discuss them with anyone (unless they start to keep me up at night, then I'll have to stop this altogether). I am going to share the one for Wednesday with you though, because it's not tortorous in any way (at least I don't think so), it's quite light-hearted I think.

Bella: "Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You're not taking him to a strip club are you?"
What in the world do vampires do for bachelor parties, really?
Okay, here are the the quotes that we have so far:
1. Alice: "I'll play you for it. Rock, paper, scissors."
Edward: "Why don't you just tell me who wins?"
Alice: "I do. Excellent."
2. Bella: "Oh, Mike! How will I go on?"
3. Tanya: "Ah, Edward. I've missed you."
4. Emmett: "Oooo, scary."
5. Bella: “Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You’re not taking him to a strip club, are you?"
So far quote #3 is the only that is giving me any trouble. I remember how jealous Bella feels when she talks to Rosalie and then Edward about her. I wonder how Tanya will feel about Bella, uh oh. Do we think that perhaps some of the clan from Denali will be guests at the wedding? Hmm, maybe not if Quileutes are invited as well. So just from this quote, I've decided that I don't like Tanya at all. :)
Quotes #4 & 5 are funny I think, really #1 as well. Quote #3 seems like Bella being a bit whiny I think, it's probably Bella at work or something before the wedding, chatting with Mike about the frivelous things she worries about.
Any thoughts from anyone else?
Well I am going to go as far as to say that #5 five is in way torturous. It means she is dragging out that wedding. Do we have to sit through an awkward bridal shower too? And it confirms my fear that there will be too much time until the wedding. Time that could allow things to be messed up.
Good Grief.
I also think its a dumb quote. A little out of character for the book. But whatever. No big deal. Leave it to me to make it more dramatic. Just preparing myself.
I'm fine if the wedding takes a few chapters to happen, but not too much more than that. I don't mind hearing about the traditional stuff people normally do before weddings, and it doesn't surprise me at all that Stephenie would want to write about that, she thinks those things are fun to think about. I think the quote is funny, shows how Bella is clueless about some things. Maybe the boys will all go on some extra wild hunt for the bachelor party while Bella does her thing to get ready. I just keep it light.
Now tell me missy, does quote #4 seem tortorous to you too? If so, I don't think you're allowed to read them anymore... :)
You had me worried there for a minute. I did get a little worked up over the Mike quote, and the Tanya quote. But #4. Nope, nothin'. Didn't phase me. Whew.
And I don't mind wedding details, I just mind wedding trauma/drama. Cross our fingers.
Oooh and I LOVE your bachelor party ideas. If Bella and Edward are going to have a wedding night, (gulp, blush, giggle . . . etc.) then he probably needs to gorge on mountain lion the night before. Even though his is in complete control of the desire for Bella's blood, well, he has to be very careful coming up.
SM you better not mess this UP!!!!!!!!!! (but I know she will).
I can't remember our poll results on this issue but it seems the majority thought the wedding would actually take place without much trouble. "A girl can dream. . . ."
I know! That's what I was thinking, he'd want to be extra full (I know, odd word choice)
for the wedding day...and night!! hee
Quote #6
Charlie: "Bells, we're up to bat."
What? Who in the world are they playing baseball with or against?
Maybe they've told Charlie about the whole vampire thing and they're all playing baseball...or not?
Funny but I actually thought of that scenario myself. Like a big reunion 10 years later. Vampires versus the werewolves, with Charlie, who is married to Sue Clearwater.
Or could it be his funny way of saying it's time to walk down the isle?
Who knows. I'm glad to find that this book is going to be NOTHING like I expected. I just hope it will be better than I expected.
Oh, I think you might be right about it being Charlie's way of saying 'it's time' - although I love your first idea, now that would be fun! Too good to be true though, well you never know really I suppose, remember the ending of the Host? :)
Quote #7
Edward: "You're awfully small to be so hugely irritating."
Sounds like he's talking to Alice of course, but you never know really. He already said something like that in Eclipse to her, remember? Oh, cute.
I definately think that the up to bat thing is Charlie saying it is time to walk down the isle. You know what a sports fan Charlie is and so of course everything in a stressful situation will be reverting back to his fist love, baseball. That's my take.
As for the other quotes, I just think that maybe the take Bella up to visit the Denali vampires, and Tanya is expressing that she missed him. But wasn't there something about one of the Denali vampires like Edward? I can't remember. I do think they might be just a little weirded out about Bella coming. But they obviously must know of her and Edwards relationship because that's where the Cullen's went in NM, right?
As for the awfully small, I think he might be talking to, I forgot her name!!! ....JANE! That's right! Okay, I think he is talking to Jane, which would bring the Volturi into the book. And I just know they have to make an appearance. So that is my take on these things.
Quote #8
Bella: "Why am I covered in feathers?"
Hmm, what in the world?!
Oh, I'm so glad you created this post! First of all, it seems to me that #2 & #4 are just sarcastic remarks. I agree that #6 is probably Charlie just saying that it's their turn. And #3 had me thinking for awhile. I'm assuming that BD is from Bella's point of view so that means that she's present when Tanya talks to Edward. So maybe they take Bella there to be changed? Like they think that having more vampires around will help keep her under control or something? Or maybe Tanya & her coven come to help fight off the Volturi?
As for #8, I'm thinking it's either in a dream (she must be having nightmares about how the change will happen/effect her) or it's some crazy stunt/game Alice is trying to play on her for her bachelorette party. Just a thought.
Quote #9
Alice: "No one will dare to call you plain when I'm through with you."
Bella: "Only because they're afraid you'll suck their blood."
Again, probably wedding related? Oh boy I'm excited to read this book!
Yes I though of Alice bridal shower antics as well.
I know this isn't it, but maybe Bella wakes up one moring, post vampire change, to find that she has shredded all her bedding accidentally in her sleep. You know with her vampire strength she isn't used too?
This next one, well it doesn't matter to me what occasion it is, it seems fairly obvious. I don't want to get to excited that many of these are wedding quotes. I am aiming to keep my hopes down. Down hopes, down I say!
Yipee though.
Quote #10
Edward: "Oops."
I was kind of disappointed, but I guess it's better than some excruciating quote.
It's fun to read what everyone's thoughts are about these quotes!
Quote #11
Renee: “Alice wouldn’t let us do anything else. Every time we tried, she all but ripped our throats out.”
Pretty cute! Oh I love to picture Alice at work. I don't know, but I think that many of these could be wedding related. Is there a theme here perhaps?
Quote #12
Edward: Do you want me to sing to you? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away.
Well, I suppose it could be wedding related still. :( All I know is that she's not a vampire yet if she's still dreaming.
Ok, I'm not going to worry too much.
(Big Sigh)
So at first I thought what a sweet quote. But you are right that would mean she is still human. UHHHHHHHHHHH! Unless he is teasing. Becaus of course she can't dream. That would be cute.
I actually thought that myself. That maybe he's teasing, and that's why he'd have to sing to her all night because she doesn't fall asleep anymore??
Lets dwell on that thought. Its a yummy one.
Quote #13
Rosalie: "Over my pile of ashes."
Funny...I do start liking Rosalie better after Eclipse, it will be very interesting to see her role in BD and see how I continue to feel about her. This has got to have something to do with something that Emmett wants to do that's too dangerous. Or maybe she's jealous about something with the wedding, and is trying to put a stop to whatever it is??
I love #1.
Questions about #9 & #11 - do other people learn about the Cullens being vampires?
#9 - Who really is afraid Alice would suck their blood? Anyone who knows she is a vampire doesn't have blood or is a werewolf. Get what I am saying?
And #11 is just very perceptive of Renee if she doesn't know the truth, since the usual quote would be that she about ripped their heads off, not their throats.
And what on earth could Edward be saying Oops about? He doesn't say oops very often, and yet I can't see him saying that if it were something really upsetting.
I know it does lean that way doesn't it? I will jump to conclusions and say that I would find that the most Pollyanish ending conceivable, but if she chooses it I suppose SM could even make everyone in the story knowing about vampires, something we could all swallow. I hope it doesn't end that way unless it really, really works.
And then the Edward oops. The best theory I read on that one, although it seems very unlikely, okay impossible, is this:
(and I apologize if this is anti-Jacob. I'm only anti-Jacob pestering Bella into being a little in love with hime)
So Jacob comes back to stop the wedding. He grabs Bella and kisses her to make her change her mind. Well she didn't ask him to, so here's Edwards chance. POW!
He breaks Jacobs jaw and then turns to Bella and says "oops".
Jacob heals quickly. I would find that scene immensely satisfying.
I agree that everyone (or at least Bella's family knowins) would be Pollyanna-ish, except that I know that if SM did that, she would not do it in a Pollyanna way.
And the oops would be funny that way. So, okay, you answered my question - as to what type of situation would make Edward say oops.
Wow - these are a lot of fun to read and speculate about!!
Quote #3 with Tanya is a bit unsettling... does she have something to do with messing up the wedding in hopes of tricking Edward into falling in love with her??
Quotes #1,4,&5 seem cute and fun.
#2 - honestly, at this point, I don't really give a rats rump about Mike, so, no comment.
#6 definitely seems like Charlie saying "It's time for me to walk you down the aisle".
#7 I think is Edward talking to Alice, not Jane. I don't think he would dare speak like that to Jane.
#8 Bella/feathers?? Maybe Alice has gone a little overboard on the wedding dress? Or maybe instead of rose petals, Alice has spread feathers all over the walkway to the wedding night room - jeez, I don't know...
#9 - Alice referring ot how beautiful Bella will look/looks on her wedding day.
#10 - oops - maybe takes place after Bella has been changed and she breaks something, forgetting her new strength.
#11 - Renee referring to trying to offer her help with the wedding plans and Alice not letting her help with the expenses or work involved.
#12 - Oh crap, I'm not sure about Edward singing to Bella all night, I hope it's not anything too bad, but it does sound like something he would do to try to make her feel protected and happy.
#13 - I agree with RWV that Rosalie is probably protesting something that Emmett wants to do - maybe he is trying to plan a wedding night prank on Edward and Bella - like stealing the bride or something...
EEEEEKKKKKKKK!!! I just can't wait for the book now!!
Hey Marti, good guesses on #10 & 11.
I still have a hard time imagining anything - silly or otherwise - that could prompt the Mike quote, but I'm not worried about it at all.
And I personally don't think Tanya would try to break up Edward & Bella, she could just be laughing at something Edward said. Not that it might not make Bella jealous, but I'm not worried.
The feathers thing must be something funny. Maybe Bella goes hunting for chickens (totally kidding there)!
Anyhow, its fun to think about what crazy situations could bring these all about.
Quote #14
Edward: "You look so guilty - like you've committed a crime."
Do these make anyone else nervous. I am getting nervous. They all too cute, too easy, you know. Shoot, what if something is actually dumb, or silly, or the end is all WRONG. Waaaaaah. Help.
SM will make it end all right. Remember the Host. Breathe. You are OK.
Quote #15
Sam: "This is not something our treaty anticipated. This is a danger to every human in the area."
Oh my. This one makes me a little nervous. I wonder if it has something to do with the clan in Denali perhaps? I can't imagine what "this" something would have to do with their treaty. Bad vampires don't count in the treaty, as we saw in Eclipse. What do you all think??!! I think we could pick this one apart, anyone?
I've been wondering when we'd get a quote from a werewolf, I knew one was coming.
Do you guys think they're going to get more intense, or trickier, as it gets closer to BD release day?
Quote #16
Rosalie: "I'd like to beat you dead."
Yikes, I can't even imagine...
So the werewolf quote is a little too much food for thought for me. Its difficult to come up with a scenario. I don't want another Forks is in danger plot. I want fresh scenery. But I may be the only one that feels that way.
Roalie could be, who knows. Someone could have wrecked her car for all we know. But it seems we will be getting more of the Cullens.
So I am going to pre-react to tonights. RWV hasn't even posted it yet, but I think we had better brace ourselves for torturous quotes this week.
This one from Jasper makes me want to cringe or cry.
So be careful RWV you are not going to like it one bit.
Quote #17
Jasper: "I can't understand. I can't bear this."
Oh man. This makes me a little uneasy. Then again, it could always be something light, like something Jasper doesn't recognize, and he doesn't like it. Maybe that's wishful thinking.
I can't believe there are only 4 quotes to go!!
Wow, funny I missed your post before I did mine. Yes, it made me cringe too. Hey, maybe we'll be surprised and it has something to do with Bella being changed?...I keep reminding myself that Stephenie reminded us that she has a twisted sense of humor, referring to picking these quotes...
Quote #18
Seth: "You'll hurt her. Let her go."
Oh man!...So yes, they seem to be getting a little more painful and torturous the closer we get. Seth could be talking about anyone, Bella, Leah, Jacob's imprintee, hmmm...but Bella would only get hurt physically if she weren't a vampire...but there's also no exclamation points or anything...sigh......
An update on my thoughts:
#10: I LOVE the idea of Edward saying oops after hitting Jacob. LOL
#12: I like the idea that he's singing to her even after she changes. But since he says it's to keep the bad dreams away (and she can't dream if she's a vampire), I'm thinking she's still human at this point. Too bad. But actually, once she turns into a vampire, some of the suspense & tension will disappear. So maybe SM keeps her human for most of the book. (Sorry TM, I'll keep my thoughts to myself. j/k)
#14: This has to be Edward talking to Bella b/c hers is the only mind he can't read.
#15: (see my comment on another post) But I was also thinking that maybe there is a loop-hole in the treaty which means that when Edward changes Bella, they're not breaking the treaty so the werewolves can't do anything about it.
#16: Is it possible that Rosalie is getting a sense of humor? Let's hope.
#18: So maybe Seth is telling Jacob to "let her go" like "get over her (Bella)" And Jacob would be hurting her emotionally by trying to stop the wedding . . .
Ruth, all of your theories are so great. I love it when you stop by. I can't wait to see if you've nailed some of them.
And, silly, I'm with you on the human theory. I mean what other suspense is there besides the Volturi stuff. Whether she will be changed and by whom is a darn pressing part of the plot, of course. So I will be plenty on edge, hyperventilating practically, over this very issue. But you are very likely correct.
I think I may start a last minute predictions post. Add some, kay?
Ruth, good insights on the quotes.
Maybe they have a pillow fight sleepover - that could explain the feathers quote & the Rosalie "I'll beat you dead" quote.
And I am thinking that the Sam quote is referring to the wedding and the fact that other vampires will be visiting for the wedding, which the tribe would not like. Guess we'll see.
The Jasper one is strange though. Maybe Alec's power somehow disables other vampire's powers, so that Jasper is left without his normal ability to read emotions.
Quote #19
Carlisle: "I've seen vampire venom work miracles, but there are conditions that even venom cannot overcome."
Oh man, oh man, crap. This could really be meant to freak us out, or it could be just part of a general conversation I suppose.
Also, I the idea of Alec having something to do with what Jasper's quote means. Good one.
Um, yeah. I don't see how this could not freak us out a little. You don't just talk about dead / nearly dead people in normal conversations.
I mean, Carlisle has only seen vampire venom work miracles on people who are mostly dead. So does this mean that someone is going to be all the way dead - or maybe their injuries/wounds can't be healed? (not going into gory details here)
Or, again, maybe it has something to do with Alec's power. (Yes, I am starting to think too much, but I want to know what he can do!) For example, if someone were to go crazy because of mental anguish, it wouldn't matter whether they became a vampire if the mental anguish were still there.
These theories are as much torture as the quotes themselves. Sheer agony. But I like your theory BF. better than the possibility that were going to get a wolfpire. Wouldn't that be so - dorky.
I have to always look at this insights as beneficial. They help me get my hopes down. Helps me better prepare for the shock. So I guess I'll keep my eyes wide open again tonight.
Wolfpire! I love it!
This is kind-of the point where I let myself go so that I am expecting anything. Then I am okay with whatever happens. Still, this is SM. She hasn't killed Sirius or Dumbledore, so I think that even if we have pain, it won't be unbearable.
Quote #20
Jacob: "I'll kill you myself! I'll do it now!"
I knew we'd be getting one from him soon enough. I just don't even know what to think about this one, it hurts my head tonight.
Perhaps this is a strange reaction to the Jacob quote, but I don't think he sounds seriously threatening. He isn't talking to an enemy.
It almost sounds like he is agreeing with someone. Maybe being sarcastic, but kind-of like the threat you give your husband or kids. Like, "When I get ahold of you I'm gonna killyou."
And it is possible that the "I'll do it now" isn't referring to the "I'll kill you." It could reference back to something else in the conversation.
And lastly...quote #21
Bella: "Should I be afraid?"
Edward: "Terrified."
Wow, could be just about anything I guess. We'll know very soon...
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