Okay, a couple of thing. First, this is my first post, and since I am not nearly as spectacular as MaryAnn, I am not going to try to fancy this up. But I just heard on the radio that SM is coming to SL and will be interviewed on the Parker show on 101.9 the end!!!!! It will be on July 29th, and he wants to bring 3 ladies on the show to do the interview. Mostly, it is because he doesn't know anything about the book. So.....I think that we should all apply to be on the show. You have to send an email to Parker@1019theend.com and put Stephenie Meyer in the subject line, then tell him why you are a fanatic! I think if there is a crazier group in Salt Lake, it has to be only the Twilight Mom's. But we have to be second. I don't know anyone who knows this book inside and out like us. So if we all apply/send emails, then hopefully one of us will get on!!! How cool would that be?!!!?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Stephenie Meyer is coming to SL on 101.9 The End!!!!
Okay, so, everyone open up your email and send Parker an email, requesting to be on the show! We have to get on there!!! Good luck!
P.S. I just noticed, we are almost to 10 days!!!! I cannot even stand it! Can you imagine when we are in the single digits! Then all our questions will be answered and our torment will be over. 14 DAYS!!
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8:55 AM
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Okay, I didn't read the other posts before posting this, so hopefully you guys watched ET and saw what I saw. If not, check out the website I listed and it will take to some great scenes. I really don't want to rent Penelope to see the trailer, but I might just have to!
Yes silly. Why is it that everyone has such a hard time scrolling down an inch or two. Funny.
I've tried like crazy to get a link the the ET stuff, but it doesn't exist.
I will add the link asap to the new behind the scenes clips you are referring too. Those are from the Penelope DVD. But also on the Penelope DVD (which is supposed to be cute, I haven't watched it yet, only the TW stuff over and over and over), there is a very short, but stunning scene. This scene is NOT available anywhere online either. It is worth renting. I will have a copy until next Wed. if anyone needs to borrow it. I will put this info on my original post too.
Also look for a link soon to the new trailer. Yes it is AMAZING! Just as short as the last one but just as stunning.
Congrats on your first post kiddo, you did great. I wish I had more time to commment, I love everything you wrote about New Moon.
And yes I heard about 101.9. Im kind of shy, but thinking about it seriously.
You have to go on! I don't think any of us know as much as you about this whole thing! I was immediately thinking that if anyone went, it should be you. But you really should send the email. If nothing else, just to put it out there. I have already send mine. Although I was sorely tempted to nominate you instead of me, because you are the glue that holds us together!
WEll its funny. I do listen to 101.9 often but not lately but a friend who was a fair weather blog visitor called me out of the blue. I haven't talked to her in months. The voice mail said something like,
MA you have to send an email for this SM meeting. I immediately thought of you when they said they were looking for SM's biggest fan.
Well I was pleased and embarrassed all in the same moment.
I just don't know. It would be dreamy. I was thinking the biggest reason I would want to meet SM is so that I could have a happy moment to fall back on when she thwarts Bella and Edwards anniversary sharing my birthday. Do you know how badly I want to have that in common with my fictional favorite characters. A ridiculous amount.
And I have added all the movie links on a new post to satisfy everyone's rabid need for new info right before their bloggin' eyes.
Where is my dear Cullenized these days. She would love all this stuff. Come back Cullen . . . I've completely given up on you dear BFB, you have dropped your level dear, no matter what the circumstances. Sorry kid.
Okay AWB I sent one in. But did it need to be in last week. I'm really worried I sent it to late. It took a while for me to get the guts up to do it.
Do you know if there was a time limit?
I didn't hear when they were supposed to be in by, so I think it is still okay. I'm so excited that you sent it in. I hope someone else besides us does. ANYONE???
Yes they emailed me back and said its not to late. They are going to announce the winners on Friday. Do you know if its just a drawing, or what? How do they choose the winners? I wish so badly I would have heard the show that day.
So I don't think its a drawing, but she in not going to be at 101.9 it is a call in interview. Bummer. It would still be awesome, but not as awesome as meeting her of course.
That's too bad that she won't actually be in person, I guess I'm not surprised though. She's a busy lady, and wasn't coming to do a book signing in Utah anyway I suppose. I hope one of you win! I'll be listening to the radio on Friday, I know that!
I know. I'm in denial, and, and, I'm kind of scared. More scared now that its closer. Crap, what if she ruins something. (shaking).
You really need to go and read the BD teaser quotes. I, me, yes, MA can handle them. Yep. The trickier ones I just use as therapy to set myself up for the WORST possible scenarios and then forget all about them. Try 'em E. You'll like 'em.
Hey Becky, and everyone. Did you get the 101.9 the end email.
Stephenie cancelled all of her radio interviews all over the country. Sad! What is up with that. Breaks my heart. Oh well, I was so excited. I wish they would pick the winners anyway. I would love to know if I even was in the running. I thought I was fairly convincing.
What!!!! I haven't checked my email this afternoon! That is not even cool. I was looking forward if nothing else to at least listen to her. But I was really hoping that one of us would end up on the show! Stupid fate, or karma, or just stupid!
You are right MA. I am a bad blogger buddy. Can you forgive me?
You must have forgotten. I'm not like Bella, who is quick to forgive, I'm like Edward. Brooding and drastic.
So, no. No forgiveness . . .yet.
Part of my sadness for you is I know what a stressful time you have been having and I know how much relief you could be getting by bantering with us.
So we will just see how sorry you REally are. Of course I love ya just the same, but rules are rules.
Ha ha. I did forget. Go ahead and brood.
I was online today when the BD widget said 8 days 8 hours & 8 minutes! (I thought it was pretty cool.)
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