July 14 - update
Here is the link to the EW articles. First click here for the interview with SM.
Click here for the TW movie article. Enjoy.
So I decided to jump the run-away busy train for an hour this afternoon. I enjoyed so much catching up on the blog last night, despite the hour, that I decided I needed this happy time during the day. A rest. Ahhh.
I haven't updated much news because it is all getting just a little boring. I don't want to list over and over the Host successes or more interviews from minor places with minor actors and actresses. But here is a collection of worthy to read and look at stuff.
- SM is taking BD spoilers very seriously. She has asked all fan web-sites to halt all message boards starting July 14th. Of course the Lex will comply. I'm glad we don't have to worry about any spoilers here. Can you imagine how badly that would ruin things?
- Along those same lines, she is going to post a BD quote per day for something like 21 days. I really don't know if I can handle reading the quotes. I need your input here. I mean did you see how worked up we got over the preface. Truly I don't think I can handle reading them. What do you all think?
- Taylor Lautner video interview from the Lex. Click here to watch it.
- Kristen is featured with 4 other up and coming actresses on the cover of Vanity Fair.
- Lexicon video interview with the Wolf Pack.
- Entertainment Weekly features Twilight in its next issue. The cover is the picture below.

Kristen looks amazing.
Robert, well, how can a person look so many different way?
In this case . . .
"WOOF" ha, ha, ha, get the irony?
Sorry was that harsh?
Its just that the real Edward doesn't have an unflattering angle, you know.
Just for fun I will have to look on the Lex comments and see how many Rob addicts can even gush over this shot.
Am I seeing something the rest of Twilight fandom isn't? or the opposite, not seeing it? Help.
I totally agree - really bad shot of him..He looks almost sickly...and his hair did not turn out in this one at all.
Oh man I know, that picture is pretty awful! Does he have red lipstick on? I don't remember Edward having sideburns. Hmm. I'm kind of in a chippy mood, so maybe I better stop now. "Bella" does look really pretty, better than some shots of her. Now that's more how she should've looked for prom night...grrr. She also looks very cute on the cover of Vanity Fair, that's cool.
Okay, so I really love that picture of the Quileute Pack! Very cute. Especially now that I'm reading New Moon, it makes it even funner to look at. Who are Brady and Collin though? Sorry, I have forgotten I guess...and where is Emily? Oh wait, she's not in the Twilight movie I guess. I also liked the video of the "Wolf Pack" from the Lexicon. It was cute, it makes me excited for the beach scene in the movie.
Right now I'm excited for the quotes leading up to BD. Daily right? We'll see how I feel after I read a few of them, but for now I'm looking forward to them. I can preview them first for anyone who isn't sure. I think the preface is meant to be particularly tortorous don't you think? We'll see though.
LOVE all the new stuff!! Awesome (and sad) pictures and posts, flashing avatars and polls! What fun! - (sigh)
I agree. I don't like the pic of Robert either. And I have to admit that I didn't even recognize Kristen.
I think it would be fun to read the BD quotes, but then will it ruin the book for me? It might make me get really high expectations . . . Maybe I'll have to peak at a few. Will those be found on SM's site? And will that start the 15th?
Okay, I agree with everyone, and I know we are all agreed, that Robert looks horrible in this picture. I know they could have found a better one. It almost looks like they took a picture of someone else's body and the photoshopped a really bad pic of Rob on the head. Does anyone else see that?
As for Kristin, yea, she is beautiful. However, in the vanity fair article, it doesn't even mention Twilight! How does that work. I actually came across that article and cover about a week ago. And I wasn't crazy about it, so I didn't think to mention it.
As for the wolf pack...I have just fallen in love with Sam and Embry! I am so excited to see them on the big screen, I think they are going to play the characters perfectly. As will Jacob. I know that they cast Kris as Jake initially, but I am happy they went with Taylor. I think he brings more of the bubbly, immature Jake into it.
Are we going to go see the movie together? I know awhile back someone posted about pre-ordering tickets,and the gift bags that came with it. I want to see it with you all first, so I am willing to purchase tickets for those wanting to go, and collecting the money later. It is worth it to me for us all to go together. And I want to go to the adult showing. I will have such a hard time watching with a bunch of tweens. Cannot handle that!
I have never heard about them casting someone else as Jacob. Are you sure?
And I think the latest movie discussion was that we want to go to the vampire showing (midnight). The gift bag showing is the next day. But I am open to other ideas.
So the quotes begin tomorrow. Here is what Stephenie had to say about them:
1. They are out of context.
2. They are out of order.
3. Some of them are purposely misleading.
4. I have a twisted sense of humor.
(Number four is really the key point there.)
So yeah, here is what we are going to do on our blog.
I will post a link you can get to the quotes if you want them.
RWV is going to be the quote screener. She wants to try and read them. But SM scared me to DEATH with her warning here. So good luck friend.
Anyway, if they are totally neutral, like "it is still raining in Forks", well then we will post it on the blog. Any thing more potent than that is banned. So thats the deal. I don't need 21 days of TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!
Actually if you watch the little video "Wolf Pack" the actor that plays Embry is the one that says he was initially possibly going to play Jacob, but they switched it. Other than that I've never heard of it either.
So, the first quote is on the Lexicon tonight! I screened it, and I think it's fine, but I also think that anything can be made to be tortorous if we think too much into it. It makes me excited though! Get back to me.
I also read both of the articles online in EW. Has anyone else? They're great. Stephenie is really awesome. And the two pictures on the other article about the movie are cool. I love the one of Edward holding Bella in the rain. I'll try to not spoil anything else until others have read it!
There's another quote up! They're sure exciting to read! This one is fun to read, not one I'd expect at all, and I have an idea about it, which is probably wrong. But I can kind of see what SM is saying about her twisted sense of humor, and picking these quotes...sheesh.
So, anyone else interested?
Um not me, sorry.
And since its just you and I here most of the time, your going to have to drum up a quote buddy on this one. Just your comments made my stomach churn. I know what I can take, and I definitely can NOT take any BD quotes.
I will read the articles though.
If you find a quote friend you can start a post for them and list the new quotes each day in the comments. Then maybe I'll be tempted some time to peek or I can just delete all of those emails and remain blissfully content until that fated midnight.
Well I might just do that then. Anyone willing to be my quote friend out there? Unless they do actually start to torture me, then I'll have to stop reading them altogether. So far, I'm not thinking about them throughout the day or anything. Seriously MA, the one from today is no biggy at all, even yesterday's isn't scary. They both seem pretty light hearted I think. Especially today's, it's Bella saying a line to Mike Newton. But, I won't force them on anyone. :) I really might just do that BD quote post though...
Plans are off! I'm bailing.
I am not going to be reading Breaking Dawn.
I just can't take it.
(okay I'm sure I'll come around again, but really, 800 pages of torture. What's the point?)
I accidentally stumbled across todays quote. On the surface it seems like no big deal. Perhaps its for the best that I set myself up for total disappointment. I won't go into the agonizing details running through my head but they are agonizing! The only good I can see from reading these STUPID quotes is that I can be pleasantly surprised when the worst things I can possibly imagine maybe don't ALL happen.
Of course while reading the Lexicon discussion on todays quote, someone quoted yesterdays Mike Newton quote. And again my mind got carried away. Mike, why is he even here? Why can't we skip ahead a few years. CRAP!
So emotionally volitile people cannot be quote buddies.
But perhaps RWV, you can list weekly all the worst case scenarios you came up with from reading the quotes and I can use those to prepare myself for the worst.
Blogs are a good ranting canvas. Thank you.
Yes! I must admit that today's quote has been driving me a bit nuts. I can almost feel Bella's jealousy!! Ahhh! I really don't like to think of the worst case scenarios, but I'm positive that once we're reading all of these in their context, that it will all be fine. The one including Mike yesterday really isn't bothering me. I would bet it's early on in the book, maybe around the wedding day.
Yes! I'll be your quote buddy. I looked at them both yesterday after reading your comments. They don't sound too harmful for me. I thought I wouldn't like it, but I changed my mind. And I find it fun to try to guess what it's about (all light-hearted of course). Anyway, you'll just have to be a little patient with me not commenting right away (we're going to Paris for our anniversary this week--woo hoo!).
P.S. I haven't read today's quote yet. . . going there now . . .
Yay! Thanks, it's great to hear that someone else wants to discuss quotes with me! Hopefully we can stand it, we'll have to take it one quote at a time, and see how we do. I do have to wonder what you thought about today's quote though!
Watch for some kind of post coming soon, with the BD quotes in the comments only of course (so no one has to see them that don't want to)...and I'll forgive you for not commenting again right away, but only because you're going to Paris for your anniversary! Wow!
You know, I can handle these quotes better than I thought I would. They don't keep me up at night or anything. It does take a little discipline to put them out of my mind, but as long as I don't think about them, or try and guess where they go, I'm okay.
So get that post going and I just might stop by more than I originally thought. And of course I'll find a pretty picture for it.
The Taylor interview made me feel better about him as Jacob. Much less surfer dude / shark-boyish this time around.
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