Update: July 19 - I just had the most delightful Twilight Moment, so I thought I would share it with all of you. I opened my mailbox, very uncommon, nothing every worth looking at in there, ruffled through the growing stack (really I bring it in like, once a week), when my eye caught a bulging letter. Insurance bills I figured. Then I glanced at the return address. In big, script, lovely letters it read: OLYMPIC PENNISULA - gasp, flutter, its my travel brochures from Forks. I clasped it to my chest and came to write this before I have even opened it.
For the newest Twilight trailer click here. And if our luck keeps up, anyone who sees Batman this weekend will get this as an added bonus. But this is so you can watch it over and over and over!
Okay the Penelope Video: RENT IT!!!! Or borrow from me until Wed. Here is a link to some of the behind the scenes stuff they show on the DVD, but the actually scene can only be watched on the DVD is . . . WOW!! (its a few pieces of Bella coming to the Cullen residence. It's all wrong, but WOW anyway!) And if you would like to see some more beautiful photos from the scene in the trees click here. Picture 16 and 17 are GREAT. I couldn't copy a picture, they are blocked. Very pretty.
Friday, July 18, 2008
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Both of these pictures are from hisgoldeneye.com. They are screen caps from the new trailer. Sigh . . .
Yes!!! The new trailer is sooo cool! I've watched it several times, and I seriously can hardly wait for the regular length, long ones that they show closer to the release day. I can't say enough how much I love it!
The Penelope DVD is worth renting, the extra scene is so great! I love it, it's not how it should be, but I still love it. And there's some behind the scenes footage at the first that I love too. At one point it shows Edward and Bella on the first day in Biology, and there's a quick shot of Edward getting up out of his seat way too fast for a human. It's pretty hot to see for real, I've tried to picture that movement many times in my own head.
The new pictures are awesome too!!
Hey silly. Most of that clip you are referring too, with the biology scene, is linked to the blog too. Don't tell me you did't scroll down either. My goodness.
No, of course I scrolled down, how else would I have known you recommended the Penelope DVD? I just didn't push the link yet, because I already have seen it several times, so I'm just ready to comment about it!! Very happy to have that link though, since the DVD has to be returned eventually.
I was just going to delete my saucy remark. You know I can tease you right? We have ITBS. So did you notice though that the end is missing, where Kristen and Robert talk about what is about to happen in the scene only shown on Penelope? We will just have to watch it again when E gives it back. I wonder if I will get around to actually watching the Penelope movie. Oh and I really am shutting up now.
Good night.
Yes, tease away. But no, I haven't noticed that yet because I haven't watched it from this link yet. Too bad, I'll have to watch to see how much there is from the DVD. I should have it memorized.
Just passing by the prettiest place online and thought I would say
Robert actually looks very Edward in both of these movie stills. Don't you think?
Love the eye color, the expression, the hair, the emotion.
Very hopeful!
Here's another moment from the last two weeks. New Moon is a very, very emotional book. (understatement to be sure). Well even though I am loving every SECOND of this time through the series, NM must really strike deeply into my psyche because it triggered a TWILIGHT DREAM. I haven't had one in so long. I don't remember anything except that Bella and Edward were in it. I think my brain was just playing a scene from the book. Oh well just having the dream made my day! or few days!
Oh I'm on a roll. 2 more quickies.
The radio started a commercial like this: slow and smooth the announcer said:
"Twilight in Salt Lake City". Bam, what?, my brain perked up to full attention. What is this? A Twilight event. Ooh I can't wait. SM coming? A BD event advertisement? Ooh, ooh, and then it was just some stupid advertisement for an evening concert or something. Oh well, it was worth the very short thrill.
Then the other night my husband and I were walking to our car around 9:00 pm. My DH said "Dusk is such a wonderful time of day, I just love it."
I rolled my eyes where he couldn't see and then gently set him straight.
"This time of day is called Twilight honey". He didn't respond but I know he understood completely.
Twilight is my favorite time of day too!
I'm so happy for you that you had a Twilight dream! Even if you don't know what it's about, the stars were in it. Many times if I dream of Twilight, nothing distinct happens, just the characters are there, doing whatever. And you have had lots of fun Twilight stuff lately! I would bet that commercial purposefully used the word 'Twilight' to capture attention of all the women listening. Now I assume Dave knew what he was referring to when he said that right? Or was is a coincidence, and he just said it wrong? Great no matter what!
Did I ever tell anyone that I saw Bella's prom shoes? Yes I did! They were on a girl (a beauty queen or whatever you would call her) on a float, also wearing a formal dress. But they were it! Stiletto heels with a satin ribbon being the only thing keeping them on, tied up around her ankle, and they were a little more purple than blue. I even, very loudly and excitedly, pointed it out to my husband (whose only response was an "oh geez" I think). I didn't care, it made my parade, I can't believe how excited I got over something so small.
Oh and yes, both stills are very great of him! Is it safe to get hopeful?
So also, something very exciting for me tonight was seeing the new trailer for Twilight on the big screen! It was in the previews before Batman! (Which was awesome) I think I was even more excited because I called Jordan Commons earlier today, and they told me it wasn't listed yet in any of their previews, even though they had the new one on hand. I was so disappointed. But they got with it, maybe they got a lot of phone calls about it. However it happened, it made my night! Even with my husband giving a few "Woos!" of his own (yes, he thinks he's so funny) along with many other women in the theater, it was so awesome!
Up close you can see how scruffy James is though. I suppose that's how he could have been when he was changed. He's creepy though, he's great for the role. I remember Stephenie saying that he was a "ringer" at one time.
No you never shared that Bella prom shoes moment. How cool!
And no, Dave didn't realize what he was saying. But you know he is a DH and not Paul after all. (HI JILL)
I saw the first trailer last night with Batman. I was really, really, hoping to see trailer number two. I was about shivering out my seat in anticipation. It was the tiniest let down, because I like trailer #2 even better. But I've never seen #1 trailer, so it was amazing!
So does anyone realize that we're down to single digits?!! 9 days!! Woo hoo!
Okay, I was just jumping on to comment that we are under 10!!! I am so glad that someone else noticed too!!! IT is killing me! I cannot wait for the sleepover!! 9 DAYS!!!!!!!!!
AAgggghhhhh! Screaming upstairs from my laptop about the second trailer! Different from the book, but done well. And the whole James bit was very freaky.
(I know - it's a comment from Me. Try not to wet your pants.)
Much to lady like for that. Instead I'm going to pretend like you never even left a comment. I did just watch that trailer again yesterday. Although I was screaming about it AGES ago.
It will take quite a bit to be welcomed back with open arms my dear.
You are right, it's Cullenized who has problems with that.
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