So the philisophical questions (if you can really call it that) is:

(and I know these are pictures of Bella's pain, but there are no pictures to represent Edward's feelings.)
(and I know these are pictures of Bella's pain, but there are no pictures to represent Edward's feelings.)
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2:06 PM
Welcome to T.A. We love company here. One of your first posts should be your own experience with how you knew you were addicted to Twilight. Go to the link below and read how other members have discovered their own addiction. Then start a new post, title it "You know you are addicted when . . ." and add yourself to our blissful group. http://www.google.com/notebook/public/15100728677514849499/BDQzjIgoQwa6u8-Ui
Well of course I want to say "No!" But after I calm down, I have to agree that Edward did have to leave. I'd say this is for a few reasons.
1. We might not have been able to see how much they truly love each other.
2. Bella got to "save" him--which made them a little more "even."
3. We wouldn't have gotten to know Jacob and have a love triangle in the story.
4. It shows just how much Edward is willing to sacrifice for her.
(I'm sure there are a million more reasons.)
The blog police almost deleted the above comment for promoting the worlds most painful love triangle. Freedom of speech only goes so far here!
I know that at the TA meeting we had this same discussion, and I think we all agreed that for Bella to truly understand her love for Edward and be ready to make that step, she had to sink to the bottom and understand what she was really giving up. Because even with Charlie and Renee, she wasn't really sacrificing anything. Yes, her mortal life and human experiences. But now she has the contrast that Jacob presents, the sun that has broken through her fog and really brought her back to life. So she does need to know what kind of ultimate sacrifice she is making. But I also think that she is now more ready to make those changes. She grew so much between Twilight and Eclipse, you see such maturity develop. Even more for the fourty year old 18 year old. She says she never related well to humans, and I find it funny how true that statement becomes. Her best friends are mythical creatures. Only Angela really stand out.
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