I started Eclipse with the epilogue from New Moon. I like to leave my New Moon a little more peaceful. This will be our fastest read yet, so fewer posts.
Comment here on chapter 1 through 8 - Temper.

I started Eclipse with the epilogue from New Moon. I like to leave my New Moon a little more peaceful. This will be our fastest read yet, so fewer posts.
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9:55 PM
Labels: Twilight group read
Welcome to T.A. We love company here. One of your first posts should be your own experience with how you knew you were addicted to Twilight. Go to the link below and read how other members have discovered their own addiction. Then start a new post, title it "You know you are addicted when . . ." and add yourself to our blissful group. http://www.google.com/notebook/public/15100728677514849499/BDQzjIgoQwa6u8-Ui
I cannot believe I am the first to comment on the beginning of Eclipse. Wow, must be busy in Salt Lake.
Okay, for me, the beginning is almost as hard as NM was, because that note from Jacob just kills me. You all know that I root for Jacob to imprint on someone, just so that he can have the happiness he finds with Bella.
I forgot how angry I get at Edward. I am not such a good person when it comes to control, and the whole time Edward is telling Bella that she can't go see Jacob, it just makes me that much angrier. I know that if it weren't for the knowledge that she sneaks out to see Jacob, I would have hated Edward at this point. I know that he was doing for what he thought was her own good, but can't he see how much she needed Jacob as well? Sorry, that part just makes me really angry, because it is so not what I picture Edward doing.
I love the time she spends with Jake when she sneaks away. It brings back that sunshine and bubbliness that Jacob personifies. LIke it says in the chapter, Bella feels that she can be irresponsible with him. And maybe that is another reason I like Jake, because I think everyone needs that person that you can act stupid and impulsive with. And we all know that Bella has always been too old for her age. So Jake helped her to have the fun that she should have been having in the first place.
Now, MA, before you go and sensor what I am saying, I do have to finish this comment up with what a joy it is to have Edward back. Even when he is just trying to distract her with a kiss, it just sends chills down my arms. Only Edward can look at her like that, and feel like he needs to make up for what he did to her. I love that he is so protective of her, and that he can still make her stop breathing. I have to say that the kisses only get more intense, which I love because you can feel the passion in them, yet you can also feel the control that Edward has. So no, I am not totally dedicated to Jake. I love NM for that reason, that I get my fill of Jake. But Eclipse is such a great combination of Edward and Jake, and truly make Bella have to choose. But I am getting ahead.
Okay, I have been anxious to comment. I have been actually enjoying reading the bi-polar book known as Eclipse. I have been much more emotionally stable this time through, but, for the exact opposite reasons.
Congrats on taking the time to post first. Yeah.
Censorship has not been a problem on this blog so no worries AWB. It does seem however that I need to help you grasp Edwards point of view just a little (or drastically) more.
First let me say that I am doing better with Jacobs portion of the love triangle than ever before. And I have preached to many a horrified reader that they need to realize that Bella owes a lot to Jacob and spent every day with him up until about the first 3 or 4 weeks in Eclipse. So of course she needs some closure there. Of course she owes him some of her time. They both need it.
I absolutely agree that Jacob will imprint on someone, and not so he can have what he had with Bella. I don't quite fall as hard for SM's "Jacob is this world's soul mate" dish she serves up unexpectedely at the end of Eclipse. I think that had a wonderful relationship. A very sweet, very real and caring teenage relationship (ie: the craziness, let-your-hair down stuff). So I look forward to Jacob realizing when he imprints, just how deep that surreal love is that Bella has with Edward once he has it with someone he can claim completely for his own.
Now for the rest, I am a bit snappy tonight, so don't take it wrong when I say that I thought Jacobs note was LAME. What a, well, a teenager. So I guess it fits. I have never enjoyed the epilogue of New Moon until now, when I remembered again just how fused Bella and Edward are even with Jacob as a factor, even in his presence. I was relieved to hear and see over and over that although Bella needs to help Jacob, she is so faithful to Edward. Her longing toward doesn't have any romantic tones until that kiss. In Eclipse that is. Once Edward is back. In New Moon she new the prince was NEvER coming back. So she considered giving Jake the tiny part of her heart that was left. Okay I know we all know that. Moving on
Last, (I think):
Mad at Edward? Mad at not just hot, romantic, ridiculously luscious kissing Edward, but mad at passionate, over-reacting, desperately in love with, thought his only soul-mate and eternal happiness had just died Edward? Mad at him? Bella never was.
I'm not saying we shouldn't be a little irritated. We all know he is being irrational. But shouldn't he be? Not just because he is Edward (he and I over-reacting kindred spirits) but because of what he just went through the last months and weeks.
Remember Stephenie says the amazing thing about Edward is that he makes mistakes, he is certainly not perfect, but he always, always has the right intentions. His intentions are to keep Bella safe and WITH HIM!
So before you get mad at our dear Edward, keep in mind that if he could have died of a broken heart during the last 6 months he would have. Then when Bella dies, even though she doesn't, he seeks the only way to end his existence. He has changed, and it is permanent. His meaning in life stops existing, what does he have to exsist for? I think you need to read the last chapter of New Moon, 3 or 4 times and then immediately read the first chapters of Eclipse. He is so sorry, so sad, so happy, so relieved, so scared, so desperate, so vulnerable at first. As they spend time together I think he and Bella gain confidance in each others love again, but the cost was so grave for both of them,.
I actually think it is so healthy the way the two of them work through this very difficult situation. It isn't just trying to be friends with an ex-boyfriend. Its in a world where vampires and werewolves exist for goodness sake. I think he is a little jealous, has a natural loathing for werewolves, AND is scared to death of losing Bella.
When she says in that first chapter how she IS going to see Jacob and he whispers so desperately that she doesn't realize how much he needs her and to please be careful, well that just breaks my heart. (lets keep in mind the car he has her drive the few weeks up until the wedding.)
Remember she says he would starve himself, his eyes turning pitch black with thirst and deep bruises just so he wouldn't have to leave her during those first weeks they were together. And you want him to be a perfectly rational being who sends her off to Jacob? He knows how volitile young werewolves are. He can't know Jacobs character enough to be rational about it. And remember Bella hasn't told him much of what went on because of how deeply it wounds him to hear about her hurt. So I really don't think he does understand how much Jacob deserves some time with Bella. He does thank Jacob and really Edward is much more accepting and rational about everything before Jacob ever is. So give him credit for being the best to compromise.
So yes be bugged with him, frustrated, exasperated if you want, but not mad. Don't be mad at Edward AWB. Okay?
Did that complete your request for an essay on why we should or shouldn't be mad at Edward Cullen? That is what you asked for correct?
That was fun to write so thanks for the fuel.
And please pay close attention to all the nice things I said about Jacob before you write a rebuttal.
Huh, I was just noticing that was kind of long. I guess that will teach you to attack Edward.
So this is my "sorry I get so carried away apology." I just feel so, you know, attached and understanding of Edward, I don't know when to stop. So I hope I didn't overwhelm you on that one. No wonder people rarely leave comments here. I'm laughing to myself thiking, geez, I hope people realize it's all in good fun. You realize that right?
Well, I fortunately decided to read Eclipse again - I was just going to skip it, but I figured I really did need to read it, for all the great parts. Kudos to AWB and TM - great novels there girls! I on one hand have never been bugged at Edward's over-protectiveness - even when i thought at first that of course it was fueled by jealousy...duh!! I think I am just 'that girl' - the one that wants to be taken care at whatever cost. And then, I just finished one of the best scenes in the whole world - after Alice's slumber party, and he just decided to be the valiant, wonderful, amazing guy that he is and not 'drive a wedge' between them. That's one of my favorites!!! How unselfish is that?
Just when I thought you'd dropped off the blog planet.
Yay E. A girl after my own Edward heart. But that was my point exactly. He is so sweet in his compromise. I'll bet it is a lot harder for him to compromise then he lets on. Bella refers to some of those looks she's not supposed to see. But he does it anyway. For her happiness.
I think thats why my DH lets me have my fun. He can swallow the jealousy and let me be happy with my hobby.
REally TM, I was just hoping to get a reaction from you. It has been so long since I have read a really passionate response about Jacob from you that I thought I would egg you on. Sorry. Please forgive me. But I do understand your points. And I want you to know that as I read, I get sucked up in the emotions of the characters, so when Bella gets mad, I get mad with her. I am not the kind of person that you can be told no flat out. When someone says that to me, I immediately respond with "We'll see" because I do what I want. So for me, if Edward did that, I would have freaked out. I don't like to give up my control, and I think that is why I love Bella, because she doesn't either. She wants to be in control at all times. Which is also why I think she is so overwhelmed by Edward, because she has no control of herself with him. She falls into him so easily.
I do understand Edwards reason, and once I have passed the forbidding part, I get a grip and realize that he doesn't know Jacob and he is also just going off what he knows of young werewolves, not realizing that Jacob is an exception. Jake has tremendous control, but of course Edward wouldn't know that, just like Jacob wouldn't know that Edward would never hurt Bella. To Jacob, Edward is just another vampire. I think that is another thing I love about this book, that SM makes these obvious mortal enemies come face to face and see the other person as something useful, helpful, and maybe even a decent person. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Edward and Jacob end up friends, no way, but I love that at the end of the book , they will come to an understanding.
I just finished the hostage part. I forgot how my little heart stops when Edward returns and she wakes up next to him. WOW! Again, he really is perfect by the way he demonstrates that he has moved past the Jacob thing, he is not angry, and like E said, he isn't going to let it 'drive a wedge' between them. I love how he reacts to her, I think it is his most human moment.
Okay, hopefully I have redeemed myself TM. No worries, I don't take offense to anything you say on here. I love reading your rants, because you think every little aspect through, and have so much insight. Besides, why would I get mad at a group that loves the same thing I do? That would just be silly.
Hi all! I just finished Eclipse a couple days ago but didn't see these new posts. I'm glad they're here b/c I've been feeling the void of your insights while I read.
TM, don't read this next part: Thanks AWB for posting your frustrations with Edward. I know you said that part of posting that was to get a rise from TM. But I'm glad you did because it makes me feel a little more safe in saying that I too felt very frustrated with him. In fact, I was really mad at him. The funny thing is that I've never felt that way before in my previous readings. So why did I feel so now? Was it because I expected him to be perfect (due to all our discussions on here)? Or maybe it's because I didn't remember to look at it from his point of view. And while TM has very good points about why not to be mad at our dear Edward, I still feel like he was a little unjustified.
However, now that I've finished the book again, I'm right back to loving him and can't think of someone better for our Bella.
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