Next group of letters:
Tues. 5/6 - O
Wed. 5/7 - P
Thurs. 5/8 - Q
Fri. 5/9 - R
Sat. 5/10 - S
Sun. 5/11 - T
Mon. 5/12 - U
Welcome to T.A. We love company here. One of your first posts should be your own experience with how you knew you were addicted to Twilight. Go to the link below and read how other members have discovered their own addiction. Then start a new post, title it "You know you are addicted when . . ." and add yourself to our blissful group.
Ok, this letter may be a little bit tougher, but here goes:
I = Isabella, Irina, In Love, Irrevocably
That's all I've got for now!
I = intimacy - Woot!
And inspiring.
We forgot an H - Holy Crow!
Funny I was reviewing the other post.
Hawt - very funny
Another vital "H" we forgot -
I = Indians? (as in Native Americans)
Intimacy!! Nice one TM!
I = Infatuation, OF COURSE I'm not talking about Bella & Edward, but the other boys (ie. Mike, Tyler, Eric, etc) that all say things about Bella that Edward hears...
Since I won't be here tomorrow to do J, I'm going to start early, well it is officially tomorrow since it's midnight now. Sorry to take so many J's!
J = Jasper, James, Jeep, Jacob, Jaw, Juliet, Jane, Jealousy, Jared, Jessica
C = Collarbone (eek!)
D = Desirable
H = Hollow (of Bella's throat- eek!)
F = Fishing, Fish Fry (you know what Billy brought Charlie, can't remember what it's named after, Freddy possibly?)
Sorry, I posted my I's on the other post first. Here they are again.
I=Italy, Ice, IV, Italian restaraunt/food
J=Jared, Juneau, jump (Bella jumps off a cliff)
And I am also going to cheat and start K since I won't be around on Friday
K= Kate (Denali vamp), KISS, kidnapping (I'm okay with Alice & Edward-style kidnappings!)
J = Joy
K = Killing, Kisses!!!
Everyone is so great at these letters- Im going to have to go look at all of them and start thinking!
The capital letters in KISS, KISSES, and may I add, KISSING, really aren't big enough to express how we feel. Darn it.
K = Kitchen, Kim (who Jared imprinted on)
L = Love, Leah, Laurent, Lauren, "Love" (as in what Edward calls Bella), LA, La Push, Legends (blah), Lips :)
G = Gerandy (as in Dr.)
H = Hale
J = Jacksonville
M = Mmmmmm, Meadow, Mike, Marcus, Maria, Mexico, Marriage proposal, Mercedes, Music, Motorcycles
M = Masen (Edward Anthony), Mary (Alice Brandon), Mono (what Billy claims Jacob has), Mysterious, Magic
You are ridiculously good at these. However I'm not sure if your first "M" had enough emphasis. Let me elaborate.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . .. Let's just say Mmmm "to infinity".
Yes, that sounds about right, I definitetly didn't emphasize enough on that one!!
M = Meant (to be!), Mind-reading, Marble lips (mmm), Muscular build (Edward's of course), Mate, Mansion, Mesmerizing, Mormon author (ha, ha), Months of Misery (that Edward was gone, sniff:(), Monster
I woke up this morning with a list of M's in my head, only to see they had all been thought of by you late last night. Oh well.
Can I say Marble again for emphasis.
Marble never sounding so . . . appealing?
Finally I thought of one:
Ok, so I can only think of a few for today's letter so far...
N = New Moon, Neck, Necking, Neck kissing, Newton's Outfitters
L = Lullaby, ahhhh. . . . . . . .
Memorizing each others' face` (New Moon, Bella in Volterra, Edward in her bedroom.) of my favorite parts!!
Oh I'm so behind! You girls have thought up some great ones!
Here we go,
L = Lucky (as in they both feel lucky to be with the other)
M = Money, Melanie (oops,that's The Host. ha ha)
N = Never-ending love, Night-time, Nightcrawlers (another name for vampires)
**Did I miss the post to start O for yesterday? And can I start P for today?
O = Only child, Overwhelmed, Opposites, Openness
P = Prom! Phone calls, Perfect, Pride & Prejudice (she was reading that one, right?), Pleasing (as in how Bella tries to please everyone else but herself--according to Edward), Playfull, Protectors (wasn't that the name of the La Push gang?), Pale skin
Let me just say that this is getting harder and harder. The more time that goes by, the more I'm forgetting. Earlier I couldn't even remember Rosalie's name! And what in the heck is that first werewolf's name??? You know, the leader of Jacob's pack . . . I think I better look it up. I'm so embarassed.
Really Ruth, you must commit to a slow read. You have got to get with it on these important details. Forgetting a scene or a kiss is one thing, but Sam's name? (J/K of course)
Please continue. I get really bloggy moody and don't stay on top of things some times. So carry on with O and P everybody.
I missed a day, sad, but I'll try to think of a few. Your O's & P's are awesome Ruth...hmm...
O = Ostentatious, Oval shaped ring, Ominous (clouds?), Outsiders (as in how the Cullens and Bella feel), Outfitters, Oregon (where they filmed, ha!)
P = Phoenix, Proposal, Party (Alice loves 'em!), Piano, Police Chief Swan, Porsche, Paul, Presents
B = Ballgames (what Charlie watches every night!)
E = ESPN (see above)
F = Floor Boards, Finals, Food Network, Fire (to kill vampires or the feeling in your veins when you're changing)
N = New York (where they found Rosalie)
P = Plane tickets, Port Angeles, Polished Pecs (hee! I'm sure they look that way), Purr (Edward's engine...), Pretty,
Plasma TV (That Edward tore in half!!), Predators, Private Booth?, Panting (Werewolves, or during kissing perhaps?)
Proper & Polite (Both Edward traits of course), Promise, Pincurls
(*Can anyone tell I just watched a Jazz game by my first 2? Hey, it took my thoughts to Twilight eventually, anything will do it I guess!)
RWV you are pure genius.
Polished pecks was hilarious. I do remember her describing his lower lip as being polished. But yes I'm sure the pecks fit that description as well.
A tiny issue with two:
First: do we know that Charlie was watching ESPN? Somehow I never pictured that. Maybe its because I don't have cable.
Second: SM never describes panting in her kissing scenes. Gasping, breath coming too quick, ect. so I vote we leave the panting to the dogs (hee, I just can't use the word for both werewolf and vampire).
But I must say once again: profoundly awesome answers!
Okay, I have some catching up to do, so i will just start with I. here goes:
I - Intense
J - Jasper (cheap I know, sorry), Jumping (cliff at La Push)
K - Only one here...KISS (any one)
L - Languish (lan·guish-to undergo hardship as a result of being deprived of something, typically independence, freedom, or attention decline steadily, becoming less vital, strong, or successful long for something that is being denied....perfect eh?)
M - Marriage
N - Neck (obvious again)
Second set:
O - Oblivion (didn't we all fall in to oblivion when Edward left?)
P - Passion (the passion awakened in us when we read Twilight)
Q - Quivering (our stomachs, our hearts, bella's lips, everything quivered thinking of Edward)
I'll try to get the rest on the day's they are supposed to be on. Sorry, the fog may have lifted, but I am still coming up.
Q - nice Q AWB. I didn't think we would come up with any except Quil and Quil Senior.
when I looked at the letters, that was the first thing that came to me. It describes my gut reaction to the meadow, and every touch Edward gave Bella
Q = Quick (those vampires are definitely that!), Quiet (Bella and Edward both are really)
You got Quil and Quil Sr. so that leaves me stumped now...
And yes, I'm almost positive that Bella says something about Edward and Charlie enjoying whatever was on ESPN at one time. That is something I'll have to watch for in the read through.
Of course, panting reminds me of dogs, and dogs remind me of werewolves, so that fits. Maybe panting from Jacob when he was so into...I can't even say it, nevermind.
Okay, todays letter is R. While RWV is so much better at this, I have some to add:
R - Run (those vampires know how to do that)
Rescue (Edward rescues Bella from the boredom of Forks, and Bella rescues Edward from a life alone)
and of course, Rain, for which we are all grateful, because we can see the Cullens dailey.
R = Runs with vampires!, Rosalie, Ring, Riley, Russet (colored skin), Robward, Renee, Riveting
I've got a lot of catching up on this post, so here goes
L= lion, lodge, laundry, levi uley, leah
M = motorcycle, magnets, movies, moon, marie (bella's middle name), mongrel, masoginistic, mountain lion (edward's preferred food), Midsummer's Night dream, Midnight sun
N= newborns, Nettie, nurse,
"nighttime patrons of the arts
O = Olympus, WA
P= plaid jacket, phase, Phil, plaine, Port Angeles, porsche, pizza, pack, plural
Q = Quileutes
R = red shirt, R -the letter on Edward's car, Rabbit, radio (her present), rust & salt (how blood smells to Bella), rules, Romeo & Juliet
S - Seduction, Saltwater
T - Tremble, true love, Twilight-our favorite time of day
U - Uley, unconditional love
I remember ESPN somewhere also. Is it before Edward leaves & she is taking photos perhaps?
S=sistas, Span-o (couldn't resist), smooth operator, sleeveless shirt - let me say that one again - SLEEVELESS SHIRT (if you haven't seen the picture you really must find that post), spanish influenza, SMOLDERED, speed, strength, Shakespeare, Stregononi benefici, Sam, Seth, space heater, scar, seattle, sparkle, sun, scent, slumber party, stitches, sadistic, spirit warriors, Stupid shiny volvo owner. I will not include spider monkey in this list.
T= taxi, Tawnya, tyler, tent, Twilight, tribe, tribal leaders etc, Taha Aki, third wife, tree, tuxedo, turbo (Alice's 911) tunnels (in Volterra), treaty, tickets
U = ulterior motive (smart guy, that Edward)
Yes, the ESPN reference is within the first few chapters of NM I think.
S = SEXY (uhh...hello), Stilettos, Sleeveless shirt (I'll say it again as well), Siberia, South America, Spluttered, Stephenie, Sad, Self-esteem (poor Edward's), Statue-like, Silly, Stock market, Sure sure, Stone
T = Truck, Taste, Twilightmom, Time, Talent, Throat, Touch, Tracker
U = Unreliable, utterly (Edward says that sometimes)
N = Nightmares
R = red ribbon (the cover of EC), red-eye flights, Reams (j/k)
S = smooth skin, spaghetti (isn't that what Charlie tries to cook?), snarl (what wolves do when they see Laurent), scrapbook, scary, secrets
T = truth, terrified, theories, third wheel (Mike at the movies), threats
U = understanding (Edward), unexpected success (for SM), unifying (what it's done for the fans)
V = Vampires, velvet voice, Volterra, Volturi, vexed in love
V = Vegetarians, Volvo, Victoria, Vote, Visions, Veins, Vicious
oops- let try that again. I just want to say that you are all amazing at your ABC's and as a past Teacher I would give you an A+! I have laughed and enjoyed all you creative work- you are all awesome! Thanks for doing it!
Today we can type through Z, right? Here goes.
V=volleyball (from gym class), van (that almost crushed Bella), Victoria, vain (Rosalie, just a little)
W = werewolf, Wuthering Heights, Washington, water, waves, wedding
This next one is a stretch. Someone will have to verify if any of these are in there or not.
X=? does Bella have any X-rays during any of her injuries?
Y=Yiruma - wrote Bella's lullaby (our version), yawn, yell (what Edward tells Bella she should have done in the alley), yellow - Alice's porsche
Z= zombie (the movie & how Bella feels), zig zag (how they walked up the mountian in Eclipse, I think)
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