So do you like the new name of our weekly Twilight Moments? Don't tell me if you don't (ha ha). This is the place to put any little Twilight reminders you have this week. Nothing is too insignifant to list. For instance:
I had two car sightings this week. Once today, gorgeous black volvo (did my spinning friends catch it in the gym parking lot?) And yesterday I was racing with a beautiful audi coupe. It was also black. I could even see Bella in that. Mmm-hmmm.
But the best moment of all involves injuring my knuckles. It made me put my hand over my mouth and start giggling, while shopping at the grocery store. I'll finish the story in the comments.

So yesterday I smacked my hand excruciatingly hard on the corner of the wall. It hit my knuckles of course, and although I didn't need Carlisle to mend a fracture, I knew it would at least be bruised. But at the time I did not think of Bella.
Later while I was driving I tried to clench my fist to determine how sore it was going to be. And Bing, Twilight memories flooded my thoughts. Hurt knuckles, of course.
But the clincher was later at the grocery store. Twilight was far from my mind as I was selecting lunch meat from the refrigerated case. Without thinking, I pressed my aching hand to a package of lunch meat. Weird enough, until, it dawned on me: . . .
Bella presses her various injuries against something cold to sooth them. Something amazingly cold! Thats when my good hand flew to my mouth to suppress the giggles.
Oh, I LOVE it! That is very amusing, especially about putting your knuckles on the cold lunch meat!!
A Twilight reminder that I have every single day, while working for the airline, is when I give out confirmation #s and always say "E as in Edward" and "C as in Charlie".... I will have to start using "A as in Alice, B as in Bella", etc. Would it sound inappropriate for me to say "V for vampire and W for werewolf"? Hmmmm - I'll have to think about that.
Oh it makes me jealous that I don't work at an airline. That is so awesome. Try a "C" as in Carlisle and "V" as in Volturi and see what reaction you get!
That is so awesome MA! I love that. Why in the world are you punching walls? I know that we still have a while for BD to come out and the movie people are messing up a bit, but don't be hurting yourself out of frustration know I'm kidding of course right?
You know what's funny, is that I hit my finger on the corner of my counter and my husband saw it happen and watched my clench my finger (it really hurt) and so he came up to me and said, "here let me help you." And put my hand up by his collarbone or something, as to imitate that scene. So that's great because that just happened to me like 2 days ago. I thought it was very funny when he did that.
Dazzled, I absolutely love that you do that, I think you should use anything at all related to Twilight for this purpose. I was thinking that vampire wouldn't be quite so weird, because there aren't a ton of "v" names. But werewolves might make me wonder if I heard that one. I guarantee that on one of these phone calls you are going to make someone's day by using these names. Someone that has been imprinted by Twilight, or have you yet?
I have to say how much I love the picture you posted with this. Good find. It brings back a flood of thoughts of that scene in the book, where Edward comes to pick Bella up after she calls him from her house and tells him what happened. Then of course he and Jacob have that great conversation by the car. I love that part so much.
Dazzled, do you smile every time you do that with confirmation numbers, I'm just trying to picture that. What a great way to keep Twilight fresh in your mind daily.
Oh pooh, I really want to stay up and write witty little responses back and forth but I just can't. But let me quote one part from that stunning scene you are describing:
"Edward spoke in a voice so peaceful and gentle that it made the words strangely more threatening.
"I'm not going to kill you now, because it would upset Bella."
The new insight I discovered here, was his "peaceful gentle voice". I'd never paid that close of attention to the description. Edward just makes me melt. But I can't leave you hanging here:
"Hmph," I grumbled.
Edward turned slightly to throw me a quick smile. His face was still calm. "It would bother you in the mroning," he said, brushing his fingers across my cheek.
I love it! Funny and sweet and sexy all combined. And Bella is just the tiniest bit unworthy of such devotion at this point, but lucky, lucky Bella. (of course I love Bella and forgive her in the end.)
V for Victoria
I love these stories. Thanks for making me laugh today, all of you!
And - of course - I love this scene too. You have all discussed my favorite parts, hearing the car accelerate over the phone, the comment "It would bother you in the morning..." I love it! I also like the Charlie comment "Your funeral."
Yes, this is one of my very favorite scenes...even when she is talking to him on the phone, when she hears his car accelerate. I love how protective Edward is, and yes even though Bella is a little unworthy of his gallentry at this point, it's ok - he can't help it, he has been spept away!!
I love how Edward is just such a real boy at this part- there still must be some testosterone in him. It is great. Okay, at Christmas time Paul had to give one of his co-workers a gift (anonymously) so he gave her twilight. Yesterday he went in to his lab and this gal was talking about all the books. She was asking everyone if they had read them. When Paul said yes, she asked if he cried in book 2- okay remember, he is a scientist and there are only about 4 females and several males in their lab and Paul is their Senior- can you visualize all these male scientist looking at Paul as she asked him? He told her no he did not cry in book 2, liked the lovey stuff and loved the action. He told her I kept him informed on stuff. He said she definately has imprinted on the books. I was very proud of him that even in front of his company- he would admit that he has read Twilight. If he has time, he wants to read the series before Breaking Dawn too- is that allowed?
I absolutely LOVE that part of the book (after Bella breaks her hand and Edward threatens Jacob)!!! Edward's sweet, tender, protective nature towards Bella is so endearing to me. And the self-control he uses with Jacob (just so that Bella won't be hurt, of course)... And don't you just love how he says "And if you ever bring her back in the less than perfect condition I left her in..." So sexy and sweet!!!
I do get amazed too when Joseph brings up the books to people - just surprised that he's willing to admit that he's read them, you know! But, I love it!!
Yes it is allowable Jill, but can he join the discussion? That is a question that will have to be answered at a later time. Even the truest male-fan cannot compare with a female fan. At least in my opinion. None of the guys "get" Bella. And none of them giggle, swoon, etc. These are some minor examples. You do all know what I mean right? I love the husband involvement. So fun. But would you have had as much Twilight fun in your life without us OCD girls?(Obsessive Cullen Disorder for those of you who don't get a chance to read every last word ever in print on this blog)
So we'll keep an open mind, but the verdict is still out on that one.
LOL LOL LOL! I am loving these comments! And OCD has a new meaning, I'm not ashamed to say that I am OCD anymore! Jill I am so impressed with Paul for admitting he read and liked them.Especially with all that testosterone in there.Good for him!
I like that Jill, where you said Edward is such a real boy in this part. Who could not love every last part of that scene in the book, with each character. Even Charlie is great. So how about one of the last lines of that scene where he says, "She is mine." (I wish I could learn how to italicize 'is' in that, like in the book) They give some nice jabs at each other right there in the end too. I could say it's one of my favorite parts of Eclipse, but how many favorite parts can one have?
BTY, nice to have you back Jenn!
TM, you crack me up! OCD!!! I must have missed that post/comment. That's brilliant!
Yes, I too love this part of Eclipse. Maybe I'll go read it again tonight before bed! Poor Bella is so powerless when compared to her "monster" friends.
Ruth it is really fun to have you back and playing along.
Come on now. You have got to know the bonus. It should be fairly obvious who saying it? Someone who has the skill to foresee. And then she actually says it in a light-hearted way for once. See if that helps.
My most recent Twilight moment came when my daughter came home from school and told me that one of her friends said that she could read people's minds.
I sort-of laughed and said, "That's silly," and my mind immediately added, "only vampires can do that.
That's really funny BFB. I love how it's just second nature to think things like that, very matter of fact.
This weekly post is becoming a favorite!
BTY, I think it's unanimous, we all LOVE that scene in Eclipse. Maybe I'll go read it for fun too.
I had my first Shiny SILVER Volvo sighting yesterday! Whoo hoo!
(I was starting to think I was "incredibly unobservant."
So here is the story as succintly as possible. I drove to visit my family in Vernal. I watched the whole way out and back thinking surely I would pass enough cars that I could see one Cullen car. Nothing.
Until I got back in the SL valley and was almost to my freeway exit. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a VOLVO sparkling and light colored in my rear-view mirror. I even let out a little squeak. I couldn't tell for sure if it was silver - only metallic, so I slowed W A Y down (much to the chagrin of the yellow car behind me). As the Volvo passed me, I could see that it was, unfortunately, Gold.
I took my exit and was still consoling myself that it was at least close to silver, when I looked over and a new-model SILVER Volvo was coming at me in the opposite direction. I (of course) made a funny sound and rubbernecked, which made my daughter ask "what mom?" And of course I could only reply, "Oh, Mommy just saw a car that a fictional character drives."
What a great event in your life BFB! Really that is superior!
Now should I admit this? Good grief I've held nothing else back (for the most part, wink).
It is now second nature to scan for Cullen cars. It happens automatically. I think my husband is impressed with my new car interest. But the timid-to-admit part, is that I have taken to writing down the label on the back of a silver volvo or two, to come home and check if it was the actual model, although often I forget to when I get home. Bummer. I don't think I have ever seen Edward's identical car (of course Edward's has Rosalie's upgrades too). Remember SM said the number and letter were very important, but I can't get car-fettished enough to memorize the exact model number. If someone out there can name the exact Volvo model, without looking at it, I will crown you with some significant title.
And two more little moments this last week. I often listen to dull old news-radio but when a movie announcement came on and started out with something like "it was a Vampire paradise", well to quote a very eloquent author, I think my "heart spluttered hyperactively". Then the announcer went on to say, " . . . in Alaksa . . ." well it all happened very fast and before I could react in some wreckless way, the announcer continued with the description of some stupid, current vampire movie coming out on video. Describing it as a blood-bath. . .blah, blah, blah. . . Of course I should have known better than to think they were already talking about Twilight. But this IS your brain on Twilight.
Then one more today. Don't you just find your self having these daily dazzles daily? I was looking at eyeglasses for my rambunctious 7 year old, who damages his weekly, when I looked up into the many mirrors in the eye-wear department. What I saw staring back at me were my own very reddish eyes. Do I even need to describe what went through my mind, along with a slight shudder? I checked my eyes out again in the car, and they weren't really very red, but a little blood-shot, I didn't sleep well last night. Whew! It was an interesting image, let me tell ya.
Very awesome moments guys! I'm telling you, this in one of my favorite things to do, is read other's moments they have with this fantasy world.
Sorry it was the wrong vampire movie MA, but soon enough I'm betting on it. They are all seeing the phenomenon of these books even more now. And even though I'm sad you were so tired your eyes were literally red, what an awesome thing to have come to mind. You know, I've often wished I could see Edward's exact model, I'll have to memorize his car model number I guess, and then watch for that from now on. Love the answer you gave to your daughter BFB!!
I had a small one today. I was riding in the car with my husband, and we were talking about baseball uniforms....(skip)....and then after at the end of his spill he said, "and then we'll just need to get their names imprinted on the back." I of course, smiled quite big right away, I couldn't help it. And he smiled right back and said, "I mean embroidered on.." So of course he had the same thought as me. Ha ha dh, you know you like them!
I love the baseball moment RWV. And i think I would have done some major "be quiet" in my car is I would've started hearing something like that will be so much fun to start hearing/seeing things about our movie!!
Okay, I posted a comment in another spot that MA said I need to post elsewhere- but since I am not so techno-hip and it seems to hard- the basic is that I finished Jane Eyre- it was lovely. I missed the simpleness of our language that SM uses compared to old- english but still- sigh. I felt for Jane & Edward and compared them often to Bella and Edward (Mr. Rochester)- and smiled a huge smile when Jane makes a comment that Edward looks like a vampire. As i have not fallen out of love with Jane Eyre- i don't think I will ever fall out of love of Twilight.
Oh RWV, the word imprinted cannot ever, EVER, be used in any other context. E - I can just see you frantically shooshing your kids when that advertisement comes on. Perfect.
I will add my endorsement to the reading of Jane Eyre. Classic language, good for the brain, and another classic love story. It has to be in my top 3 love stories. Read it and then analyze why. It's really different, but I think I am drawn by a powerful force to unlikely romances. Romances that cannot, should not, be able to exist, but they do!!!!!!!!!!!!
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