This is the place to post any comments you might have that would be considered a "Twilight Moment." We always seem to have so many of them and don't want anyone to miss them if they're posted somewhere other than the front page. So please feel free to share, we'll all love to hear them and enjoy them right along with you! We're thinking of having a weekly post just for "Twilight Moments."

I think we'll just do this new post on Tuesdays as well if it goes good. If it's not needed then we'll reconstruct our idea. Thanks!
I'm not posting a moment just yet, but I had to mention something about this awesome picture! I love it! Sooo fun to see ones I've never seen before, thanks for adding it MA. Pictures always add so much to posts.
So I have been having the same Twilight moment repeatedly lately. I am sure it is due to all the casting announcements and reactions to how the actors do/don't look the part.
It happens when I am out and about and catch a glance of someone and instantly think, "He looks sort-of vampirey," or "He could play a vampire." It is only after that initial thought that I realize that vampire-looking usually means good looking.
I mean, I don't ever go looking for good-looking guys, but it made me laugh that I was noticing these men for their looks, but not for their good looks. I must have vampire on the brain.
Thats it.
Our condition has been officially diagnosed.
We have Streginoni Obsessionis.
Oh I have definitely come across 3 or 4 vampires in the last months. And yes, good looking, but something more too.
But my diagnosis might be different because I also keep seeing Jacob at church. If the tall, adorable, very contagiously nice native american 17 year old boy isn't Jacob well then Jacob must not exist. But if Jacob doesn't exist than Cullens might not either, and I don't think that sounds like a very appealing world.
Sorry one more.
So today I returned Harry Potter 1 on C.D. to the library. I waited months on hold to get it.
Guess what? I never even cracked the case open. What is the matter with me? I was just never in the mood. And I love, love, love, HP on C.D. It's like watching a 20 hour movie.
I have browsed my books many times in the last months looking for something to call to me. You know I'm not looking for a Twilight replacement or anything. I just cant get excited about reading any other fiction.
My husband and I are watching the Colling Firth pride and prejudice and it is enticing me to read that again. It has been years and years. When I'm through with shatterpont does anyone want to join me in P&P? Do you think I need help?
I've been trying to read Midsummer Night's Dream (not the Cliff Notes this time) and I just don't make it very far. Jane Austen I might could handle. She has a good mix of romance & sass.
And I'm jealous that you have Jacob in your ward. It would be quite enjoyable to go to church and see a Twilight character in your midst (validating your imaginings).
Our "ward" Jacob is quite cute, personality and all. He really would work I think. It's hard to see him doing sacarament stuff, and to not have Jacob wander in and out of my mind. Cute family overall. Maybe I'll ask Justin what he thinks on Sunday, or maybe not.
That's a great idea to look for possible vampires while I'm out, I'm going to try that. I still mourn our Gap model poster, that could've been ours! Sigh..
Anyway, I'm enjoying your thoughts and moments very much. Most of my Twilight moments have been with my husband this week because he's reading of course. And he says things daily, and I love it. The latest was today he was patting his belly that he's a little self conscious about because it's getting rounder than it once was. And he came up to me asking if I had any cash on me to get something at the store, I said I didn't and he said, "I'd like to try to buy it with my good looks but I've lost some of my Cullen-ness over the years."
I thought it was very funny, and we both laughed.
By the way, I'll join you with P&P in the future.
This is to make you happy MA. This is my most favorite picture- you amaze me how you find them. Paul and I sat down and I showed him all the Cullen pictures- I think he is excited to see the movie, too. He was also very curious about the Host- and wanted to start reading that. I told him not until may. I've been watching the Jane Austin movies on Sunday's- it has made me want to read Jane Eyre- because it has been so long, and before Twilight, that was my favorite- so I think that is what I am going to open. Paul asked if he could read it with me- he likes reading together because we talk and connect alot. I still recommend the movie the Ultimate Gift if you need a good movie to see. Have a happy day!
Jane Eyre is also one of my very favorites. I've never read P&P - so I probably need to one of these days. I, sadly, have not had a TW moment for days. I guess it has to do with the fact that Joseph left NM in our car from our trip - doesn't he want to finish?! It's funny, none of us would dare put it down with less than 100 pages to go - I guess that is the difference. He thinks he is too busy with work life - ha, if he only knew what didn't get done for those books...anyway, I sneakily put the book on the bed today, so maybe it'll spark his memory and he'll finish it up!!
Justin was pretty content to stop reading once they left Volterra. Back to the "shmoopy" stuff. He did finally finish except for the Epilogue. And he did like "The Vote" but told me that it's just a bunch of crap because he knows by our magnet on our fridge that she isn't going to get changed in Eclipse. Sighs for me, while trying to explain the shortened timeline, etc.
BTY, I've never read P&P either. And nice job being sly with the book. We had many chats about being too busy, and how I was when I read them. Pretty dang funny.
You are all so flippin cute!
Thank you Jill. You did make me very happy. Talking about other books makes me think, maybe, I could read another one.
And Erin, we are truly soul sisters if you loved Jane Eyre. Really I think Jane is in my top 3 books of all time. So . . . I think we might have to all try reading another book together, just to pass the time.
But Jill, if you think Paul is invited to the first showing of Twilight, well you have another thing coming girlfriend. Paul definitely still holds the most supportive Twilight husband spot, but remember your roots!
Husbands get to go the 2nd or 3rd time, depending on how ga-ga we get!
Please movie diretor, I want to be ga-ga.
And I love your moments Trish. Erin they will return. Let us know if the hint worked. I tried that with Dave once and it did. Just left the book out conveniently. I miss having those moments. I need to forgive and forget my husbands TW insensitivity so that I can go back to enjoying his little references that should make me delighted.
Twilight mom - I am still working on your diagnosis
Here are some possible suggestions:
Crepusculum Obsessionis
(Obsessed with Twilight)
or Mythicos Obsessionis
(Obsessed with Mythical creatures)
Talking about all these Jane Austin and Jane Eyre Books made me remember that I just saw "Becoming Jane" a movie about Jane Austin- it was very compelling to me and when I think of her books now- it makes my heart hurt for her. If you have not seen the movie and if you are watching the movies on Sunday or rereading the books- another recommendation that I am throwing out there. Have a great weekend all my friends.
P.S. Paul will host the husband/kid party when we all go see the movie- and then when we return- Paul and I will sneak out to go to the midnight showing- he he he he. remember, He is already asking when we need to start the books again so they will be fresh when breaking Dawn comes out.
So Jillike, I about fainted when I saw that you commented something. I wont get my hopes up too much, but it does make my hour!
I loved reading your comments tonight as well Jill. Thank you so much for sharing your fun thoughts!
And seriously, your husband is so awesome!
So, Carlisle followed me while I was driving today!
OK, not really, because I COULDN'T SEE THROUGHT THE TINTED WINDOWS so I don't know who was in the car. And when it got closer I realized it was a BMW instead of a Mercedes - but it was black, and had dark window, and was new & fancy, so of course, the first thing that I thought of was Carlisle.
And, then, I finally saw a Volvo. Alas, it was black. But it was the first Volvo I have seen since they took on any sort of significance.
I actually saw the cover to that movie just the other day, and thought...I bet that would be really good. I think Joseph would die if I actually started reading another book - but man talking about Jane Austin really wants me to go down and start reading. Joseph did call on his way out of town and was quite 'believably' distraut (sp?) that he had forgotten NM. I was actually disappointed in myself for not making sure it was in his bag...he is even in Pheonix for crying out loud. I guess that proves that real, crazy life does sometimes take presidence over this wonderful fictional life of ours...sighhhhh!
That's awesome BFB about your car sightings! Yay, isn't it fun to see Cullen cars while out and about! It adds some fun to boring errands. MA and I were both saying how we haven't seen a Volvo in a while. I may have to drive past my cousin's house to see their's (weird??).
Sorry about the NM mess up. It could've happened to any of us. I would be pretty upset, and I'm pleased that Joseph was as well, what part is he at anyway? You know he could probably buy one at the airport bookstore :), too bad paperbacks of it aren't out yet. You'll have to let us know if he has a TW moment in the Phoenix airport. I'm sure that's hoping high.
I know too well how real, crazy life can be so distracting from this wonderful fiction! Geez!
I was sitting in church yesterday- with my Twilight friends- most of the ward has read the books. Anyhow, it is time for a blood drive in our stake- so the counselor making announcements about the blood drive said, "Dottie (the cute grandma in our ward that is usually is in charge of the blood drive)the VAMPIRE"-so Lori, Kolette and I all smiled and snickered and looked around for some other favorite vampires- but no luck finding the ones we love (no one had it in their church bag this week- as it has been in past weeks)just the cute grandma. It is so fun having moments with people you love!
Hey, at least you have a vampire in your ward! She could be the Cullens' grandma.
And, Jillikie, I was glad to hear that "Becoming Jane" is a good movie. I know which part of her life story the movie emphasized and have read enough to know why it makes your heart hurt. It is a point debated by the "experts" (whoever they may be), but even if there isn't as much as some people imagine might be there, there was something there.
I have been trying to convince my husband that we should rent it, but he hasn't seemed very excited about the idea so far. You have a one-in-a-million kind of guy!
That is such a great Twilight moment Jill! I can't even imagine how much fun that would be and how much I'd enjoy that in my own ward. I can tell you, the next time I hear anything about a blood drive, I'll probably relate it to vampires.
Thank you so much for sharing fun stuff like that!
I have to admit (embarrassingly) that I did notice our "ward Jacob" wasn't there Sunday. I was going to decide for myself again how well he might fit the part.
Maybe I shouldn't admit something like that...
Okay MaryAnn and Trish, I am posting......see! I have been having a Twilight moment all winter. I love the way freshly fallen snow looks when the sun shines on it, and since I still have snow up to my knees, I see it every morning. And every time I see the snow, it looks like diamonds, which makes me think of Edward's skin. Now that is a special effect I can't wait to see. I hope it lives up to what I have in my head. I miss you guys. I have found people down here who have read Twilight, but none of them have the same insights that you guys have. And yea, I mean insight, not obsession. Although I miss the obsession too! ;)
Yeah Becky dear. And didn't it make you happy for a few moments?
You made my night Becky! See it's fun isn't it. I love your all winter long Twilight moment. Never thought of that one, too bad I didn't before the snow melted, but I could've tolerated it a bit more. Hope to hear from you soon Alicewannabe!
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