So these pictures ARE the real deal!
Where is everybody when I need some squealing company.

Here is a link to more pictures:
Welcome to T.A. We love company here. One of your first posts should be your own experience with how you knew you were addicted to Twilight. Go to the link below and read how other members have discovered their own addiction. Then start a new post, title it "You know you are addicted when . . ." and add yourself to our blissful group.
Holy Crow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So they are just all gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Even though they aren't perfect. I will save my perfectionistic criticism for after things die down. Oh where is anyone when I need them? I just finished my laundry and checked out SM's website. I'd seen a hint earlier tonight that something amazing was coming.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Please someone be as excited as me!
Okay girl with the worlds slowest computer, this is 2008! Where are you! I know you are there. I saw you commenting at this vampirish hour!
I was just going to brag how I beat the entire world in finding out this little movie news! But no, another fansite has already posted it too.
But I beat the LEXICON. Should I be proud or embarassed? Really I don't stay up every night this late. Just once or twice a week. I feel like this is my reward!
So one of the biggest Twilight stalkers ever! I guess I shouldn't be complimenting myself, but I have no one awake right now to tell me congratulations!
I'm awake! The girl with the slowest computer in the world is here! I can't believe the one night I'm finally catching up on things and I get a treat like this! YAY!!!! I'm so happy you caught that about the little tidbit coming on SM's website, thank you for giving us this info, even before the Lexicon members get it!!
Hooray for Twilightersanonymous blog! We are seriously the most awesome TW blog out there!
Ok, so I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this picture! And I LOVE the other 2 that are posted on her website. I love the one of them walking. And how much more perfect could Edward's hair color be?! None, I tell you. I wasn't going to be negative, but they do need to tame down Jasper's hair a bit (remind anyone else of your grandma's hair?) Of course, Emmett's should be curly and Alice's shorter...but I'm ok with all of this! It's so awesome! I can hardly stand it!
Can you guys even imagine when we see these posters hanging in Jordan Commons hallways in the coming months?!!! Holy crap!
Thanks again MA for posting first thing! I haven't been this excited since...the release date of BD being announced I guess?
I'm so wide awake right now, shoot. Sooo worth it though!
Yes so RWV and I have been having exhaustion hysterics over poor Jaspers hair. But I keep thinking, these are pre-shoot photo's so there might be some improvements coming.
My biggest complaint would be that Edward needs to be just a bit more filled out. Could we give him steriods or something? They start filming in less than a week. I really thought he would hit the weights as soon as he was cast. Oh well. He looks so great. (Dazzled I want your honest reaction after seeing these). Hair, great, eyes, great, jaw, great, height, great, etc.
EEEEEE! I can't wait to see what everyone else thinks.
Seriously, I just have to give you another shout out Twilighmom for finding out this information so promptly and posting it for our enjoyment!
Am I the only one that keeps going to SM's link and scrolling up and down, up and down, to look at all three pictures. Every detail of all three pictures?!!
I'm so thrilled right now...I'm squealing and giggling and I'm all alone in my quiet, sleeping house...
(ok, so to echo MA from another post: it's just a movie, it's just a movie, it's just a movie...)
I agree about Edward, he just needs to bulk up a bit. There's got to be something they can do. Do steroids work in a short period of time? Mabye he can wear a muscle suit, kind of like a fat suit you know? Is there such a thing? Can you tell it's getting late?
Holy giggling sillyness! I have got to go to bed, but then I had to go back to SM's site one last time just to scroll up and down, and up and down, again.
Then I read this and I am over the top AGAIN!
And of course controlling screaming and oh my crap I think I just snorted! So why am I laughing so hard? Lets call it Twilight euphoria being shared with another TW loony! Thanks RWV!
how do you spell loony?
Digital imaging can do everything. I mean they couldn't have missed the many references to his build right? Like the very obvious statement by Bella that it is a tribute to his face that she can keep her eye of his body!
Maybe its for the best really. We don't really need the Edward fire fueled. I just need him to look as genuinely Edward as humanly/digitally possible.
You would think old Robert would realize the vast amount of women who will be picturing him, both young and old. Wouldn't that make you want to hit the gym? Maybe its an English thing. Ever seen Hugh Grant?
BTY I am brushing my teeth and then, that is IT!
It will only get sillier from here anyway. So goodnight RWV if you are still out there.
Now you're making my giggles turn into laughs! I love that we're doing the exact same thing right now! I'm sorry that all the rest of you are sleeping and missing out!
I believe it's looney, well it's spelled that way on looney tunes at least? Seriously, why I am trying to figure how to spell that? It's late and I'm quite delirious...
At least you're not snorting. I better not read while brushing!
Not a looney tunes fan, so cut me some slack.
And for the record, snorting is not common in my laughter. This is a very special occasion.
What does BTY stand for?
I know Mr. Pattinson should've clued in a bit more there, but thank heavens for digital enhancements!
I bet you're still up.
It's quite perfect that you're snorting, Bella does does quite often in the series for different reasons. So very appropriate. SM also loves snorting.
Ok, I do need to go to bed, I'm going off on snorting tangents and looney tunes...good night and good thoughts (TW related I hope).
You think you are so smart miss spelling whiz/secretary! You are lucky I am in such a giddy mood. Have you noticed a typo trend with the hour I am typing.
What does that stand for? (and where is Jenn when we need to continue a good hysteria session). Its too late to get creative. My best attempt:
BTY = Bratty Twilight Yuppy
Yep, signing off myself. Really. I may make a few more attempts at BTY in the morning (you know Y is know where near W on the key board so I have no clue where that came from).
That was so satisfying, I can't imagine being anything but an angel to my family tomorrow despite my lack of proper rest.
Thanks for the continued laugh there..I noticed the Y and W were quite spaced. Sorry to tease, I couldn't help myself. I have a perma grin right now. Jenn you would be a good asset tonight.
BTY, whose the Bratty Twilight Yuppy? You or me? (sorry, couldn't resist again!)
Goodnight really, diddo on the mood for tomorrow, I'm going to bed especially giddy tonight. I really look forward to everyone else's repsonses as well!
Good morning everyone! So it worked. The euphoria continues this morning. Where is Ruth when I need a diagnosis? Really I'm in too good a mood to care, but why does a picure of supposed vampire-people put my on a high? Sad, but happy, you know.
So in my sillyness last night I forgot to mention the other positives! Hair dye baby! It is the best.
Carlisle looks absolutely stunning!!!!!!!
Esme - sweet, Jasper will be perfect with a little texturizing, and Alice, oh Alice, very pixie!. I know, shorter and shorter hair on that one, but so cute! Emmett, wow!, I told you we were so clueless from the original pictures we got. So why his hair isn't a little longer and curlier, I dont know, but its dark, and he looks so good. Rosalie, she works, she works, YES!
Their ages look good, their sizes look good. If no one else gets excited like Trish and I, well, my condolences!
Yipee! I'm so excited. I haven't looked at the SM site yet, but my only complaint about this picture is, "why the heck are they wearing coats?" I know Forks is supposed to be cold, but didn't anyone tell them that coats aren't flattering? Don't get me wrong, I think they look great. And even though they aren't how I picture them in my head (duh), I'll still enjoy the movie. I just wish they weren't wearing the coats. Now I'll go look at SM's site & probably take back everything I just said. :)
P.S. Sorry I haven't been around lately. I've missed you all--but been a little busy.
Hey there BTY - um we sound like all the ridiculous teenagers on the Lexicon. Alphie was very mature with a statement like:
"The Cullens really look good, it makes me excited for the movie".
So if these quite-carried-away comments are gone later, it will be to maintain some dignity.
Ruth they are wearing coats because they are blending in with the Forks residents silly.
Too busy for TA? (J/K)
Good morning all - and so sorry to be gone for soooo long. Sadly I went to bed at 7:30 last night. I have broncitis, and we had just gotten home from a lame trip down to St. George (by lame I don't mean it wasn't fun with my little family, but we didn't go and do what we were supposed to, and I waited at instacare for 4 hours to finally get something to make me feel better - two days later!!!)
But enought about me....holy crow! I have to say that I am VERY impressed with how they all turned out. I mean, I don't even recognize Robert!!! Yes, he does need to bulk up a bit - but man, they all look so darn amazing!!! Yes, Alice needs shorter hair, and Emmett's a little longer - but man, even if they stayed about the same, I have to say for the record, that hollywood can do some pretty amazing things...I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(hair dye does amazing things!)
And who needs dignity?
Hi you guys! And thanks for squealing along!
Jasper's hair is NOT real is it? Seriously, isn't that a wig?
I hope that it is a wig...and that he will not be wearing it in the real movie - or there might be some snorting going on in the audience...
But...other than that...SQUEAL!
Me again.
I think I figured out where I have seen that wig before. Didn't Dana Carvey use it on Saturday Night Live? That's why it looks familiar...
And -to clarify- I think the actor playing Jasper is cute. But those bottom two pictures...
I can see you can relate to the hair hysterics. Poor Jackson. I hope he doesn't read all the online comments, but I hope the movie people do.
Its got to be a first photo shoot, so I can not imagine they would literally leave him in a wig? Or whatever they did to him. He is very cute indeed. And will even look like Jasper.
Maybe his hair reacted to the dye, and it was right before the shoot and they didn't have time to tone it down or something.
But it does make for some good laughs. Not at his expense, at his hairs' expense.
Just popping in to say, I find myself gazing at my computer screen even more than usual.
EEEEEEEEKKK!!! Holy freak!! I can't believe it - they all look so good (except for Jasper needing a new wig - ha)!!! Rosalie (Nikki Reed) looks better in other pics I've seen of her, maybe she didn't get enough sleep the night before this shoot.... Hopefully they'll let Emmett's hair grow out a bit... But really, everybody looks awesome!! I'm so excited now, I can't wait for the movie!!! Robert looks really handsome. Maybe now I can stop mourning the loss of Henward and start celebrating Robward - hooray!!!!!
Yay! These have all been very fun to read, I can feel your excitement as well.
That's right BFB, who needs dignity? And I think you're right about that possibly being Dana Carvey's wig from SNL. Or you may be right about the dye MA, perhaps they bleached it and it got all frizzy and they didn't have time to properly fix it for the shoot. Poor Jackson, it'll be ok.
I do have to share that I showed my husband the pictures just a bit ago and he said, "ooh - Carlisle's hot!" I had to laugh at that of course! Carlisle is looking pretty good, we weren't sure.
So sorry you're sick Erin! You're hilarious Dazzled, I love it, Henward! Hah!
Oh no, I just read some of the comments posted on the Lex about the new picture. You should see how many talk about poor Jasper's hair. Now I'm just starting to feel bad for him. I'm confident that they'll improve on it. That post on the Lex has almost 300 comments already, that's awesome, usually there aren't so many. Unless it's something like this I guess!
ya I read those Lex comments too. I'm glad we can laugh about it. I think we just know they wont leave him looking like that.
So no one in the 300 Lex comments (scanned by me, not read word for word) mentioned Roberts slightness, so I will stop worrying about that too.
And I am glad you are coming over to appreciate Robert, Dazz, but it will always be Henward for me. Robward is going to far. Don't get me wrong I think he looks GREAT! Really smoldering, (SM terminolgy there, I would have NEVER used that word in my vocabulary before).
Maybe when the big screen is in front of me I will just give in forever and completely.
It will be fun to put it to the test though, wont it?
Ha ha ha - Henward - all these comments just made my afternoon.
I did have one more thought about the hair - Jackson looks like he has naturally curly hair - maybe it was resisting being straightened on this day? Who knows? It has to get better for the movie.
So Justin didn't like that I posted that he said that about Carlisle (you know about him being hot). I'm sure I don't really have to explain to you all that he really doesn't think Carlisle is hot, but I will if it's effecting his manliness or whatever. He thought Alice looked great too, so see?!...........:)
For heavens sake Justin. Geez! I was totally assuming that he was teasing you. But if he can appreciate that Carlisle is good looking, well there is nothing to be ashamed of.
And I have to say, Jasper's little hair fiasco has caused me to burst into little stitches at curious times throughout the day.
I know, I look at the pictures from time to time or reread a few of these comments and can help but laugh to myself! It's good to laugh huh.
I agree, a man can appreciate another man's looks. Jacob thought Edward was goodlooking right. Justin is funny, those of you who know him can probably imagine things.
Of course a man can notice that another man is good looking - it means he is secure in his own mascullinity!
I just came to add (sigh) that my computer looks so nice now that I keep walking by it in my kitchen to notice it.
Justin is DEFINITELY secure in his masculinity.
So, going out on a limb, here. No husband reading over my shoulder, check. But if he does read this, again honey, I only dream about you!
So Robward is going to be superb. I am just sure of it. But as I have been studying, very devotedly the pictures, I think I figured out the reason Rob isn't PERFECT. Shoot, this is a little embarassing to admit.
I'll be back if I get brave.
Well its not that embarrassing. Mild compared too most, but I hate to admit the details ruminating in my head.
So, this is the third time I've just looked at the Cullens pics, the after ones with the bleach and all. I've had to really really look at them. I must admit, at first sight of them it was a great disappointment, with the exception of Alice. I thought, oh comeon people! Cant you do better than that? I especially was disappointed with the Carlisle pic. I've had to keep looking at them to let them grow on me. I think Emmet looks the best for now, and Alice is perfect. Yes, poor poor Jasper's hair. I'm sure they'll figure it out soon after a few leave in creme rinses or so. The more I look at them and picture them in their roles the more happy I am with them. I know the movie will be a hit, so you wont hear any more complaining from me. I had to let it out though, you know. OK, go vampires!
MA,what exactly are the details ruminating through your head about Robward(love that)
Oh Jenn I am so sad you were disappointed. I think Carlisle looks amazing! But I was pointing out to BTY (don't know if I will ever drop that one buddy!) today about how they will look even more amazing with special lighting and all that. Even though they are done up here, these aren't premium photo shoot stuff, you know. You just wait Jenn. What is not to love, really. I mean there aren't humans pretty enough to be Cullens, so these kids will do.
And I must admit I LOVE how Emmett looks, imperfections and all.
Cream rinse! Ha! Almost a snort there girlfriend. I have really missed you.
So it is too late for me to stay up and play and have friendly banter.
All I will say for now, is that my thoughts have to do with the real Edward, Henward, Robward, and smooth, marble lips.
Good night!
Sorry last one for the night.
A warning!
I was checking before bed, for any more cast announcements. Nothing.
But if anyone ventures into lesser known TW fan club territory, be careful. There is a picture out there of a couple of Twilightmom fans with Robert, on the set I think. And in my opinion, he looks hideous!!!!! It would scare any that have doubts. I'm sure he's not just fresh off a scene shoot or I would shoot something myself.
You could take it a little more lighthearted than me, and think it funny, but um Edwards appearance isn't a laughing matter people.
If I've peaked your curiosity, well, I warned you.
Here is the link (remember I am a little overly dramatic. You may find it mild and even charming. Someone online said they thought he looked "hot". ugh)
Umm, you can't post a link and expect me not to look. It didn't scare me - it just made me feel bad for the poor guy - he looks like he is still waking up! And then to be accosted by two crazed fans with a camera? Not what I want to wake up to. I would look worse than he does (grumpier).
But yes, the fan who said he looked (and I quote) "HAWWWT" - do you have eyes?
I really am not worried though. This is not Edward. Edward does not have facial hair. Edward's hair (just guessing here) does not stand straight up on end. Edward does not look like he just woke up because he doesn't sleep. He doesn't drink coffee. And he does not wear plaid flannel jackets from IFA.
So I still have full confidence that once they give Rob his vampire makeover he will look much better. Thinking of what I look like when I first wake up - that leaves a LOT of room for improvement. (And I really have no expectations for them to create a perfect Edward, so that helps. The perfect one only exists in our minds.)
One more comment about the hair.
Someone on the twilightmoms forums reminded everyone that lightening dark hair takes many steps to get it to look realistic. So it could be that the pictures were taken in the first step of the dying/transformation process, and they still have to add highlights, lowlights, extensions, relaxers (cream rinse...), etc. So that gave me a little hope. Poor Jasper might end up all right after all - because he is mighty cute in his IMDB pics.
Okay, I've been reading what the ladies who met Rob, Cam & Peter said. Apparently Rob DID have bedhead, and he was embarrassed to let them take his picture because he said he looked like crap (that's a quote)and everyone would make fun of him. So, well, at least he knows he wasn't at his best, right? They said he was really nice about it even though he was really embarrassed.
So, again, I kind-of feel bad for the guy. Who wants to have photos taken when they know they don't look good?
Funny because I looked at those shots last night on that website too, and thought, eeesh!!
Good to hear all the info you gathered about it BFB. Kind of made me smile when girls still thought he looks hot (or should I say HAWWWT). Oh well, we can all look bad at times. Just proves further that he isn't anything like a vampire though, they always look stunning. And seriously, "plaid flannel jackets from IFA" HAH!!! Very funny, I thought his insulated plaid farming jacket was interesting as well.
I truly do have hope for Jasper's hair. Think of all the supplies that Alice and Rosalie had spread across their bathroom counter to help tame Bella's hair. There really is all that stuff out there.
Sorry I missed you last night Jenn, did you see how we missed you the other night as well? Sorry you were disappointed, I had low expectations, and really got myself in the right mind set for months previous to this, so I'm good with everything. And I have to say that I do like Carlisle better than I thought I would, he even LOOKS (like with his facial expression in the pics) like how Carlisle should look I think. Oh it'll all be great!! I love the "OK, go vampires!" That's perfect...
MA, I couldn't agree with you more about the marble lips, (I told you I'd agree), you know how I've thought once or twice what that might feel like...
Oops, did I just admit that?
Anyway, take another look at our beloved Henry's picture on our blog (not to pour salt in the wound that he's not our official movie Edward), now THAT is a nice set of marble lips....
Oh I forgot to say, I showed Justin the picture of Henry on our blog, and he even thinks he's perfect. I think what he said something like he looks "bad". (You know in a good, cool, macho, toughguy way). He's not happy with Rob, and thinks he's too skinny and that he could be snapped in half like a twig. And that they needed to find someone more chiseled. I agree about the body, but Rob will do great. Men! Maybe I won't let him go see the movie with me. I'm happy that he thinks our Henry is so perfect though, he said, "you think think he's so hot don't you?" And I just smiled...
I've been thinking that perhaps they'll use a body double. They do it all the time. So I am sure we will get our nice sculpted vampire bod.
Or perhaps they'll only cast skinny boys for the humans so that these guys do look tough next to them. Even Emmett didn't look as big as I thought he would in those pics.
I found a new little tidbit that I just couldn't resist sharing.
I apologize in advance to TM/MA, because I know that this is a serious topic and, ummm, well this info makes me laugh a bit. Sort of like the hair.
So, some of the stalker moms from the Twilightmoms forums were wondering yesterday how they would make the vampires sparkle in the sun. And then someone made a comment about having the image of Rob being rolled in glitter pop into her head. Most of the moms were guessing that it would be a CG effect though.
Then today, one of the stalker volturi moms went back to the set and some make-up-guinea-pig guy came out and talked to them - and he was covered in (you guessed it) glitter! Apparently they are deciding whether to really use glitter (it was a very fine shimmer powder) or CG or a combination.
She did assure everyone that it did not look glittery, but these mental images - of some random dude covered in glitter (poor guy), and the joke about Rob being rolled in glitter - well, they just have me snickering in a kind-of oh-my-gosh, I never would have thought about that kind-of way.
Hmm, interesting. I have thought a few times what they might do with the sparkling issue for the movie. I wondered if they'd even have it be an issue. I'm sure whatever they do it'll be cool. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what they look like in the sun exactly...
Good Heavens!
Oh so I never got a chance to say a sort of funny thing about the whole Robert/bed-head, IFA jacket photo. Was that on this post? Well the Twilightmoms interview about Alice, on the "other cast" post, reminded me. So I wonder how these poor young guys feel about Moms, yeah 30-something (and above) mom's, stalking and drooling over them. It has to be a little weird. Or a lot weird. It's one thing, as a 35 year-old, to admire from a distance, but hang out by their trailors? Chuckling here. Poor Robert. An embarassing picture with none other than: house-wives. He might have been more animated if it was a couple of groupy teenagers. Robert is NOT 110 after all. (I do appreciate some of the insights we get from these ladies, mind you. I just can't quite see myself as one of them.)
Oh and I read in that Alice interview that Robert was doing a lot of "physical training" for his role. Does that mean weights! And maybe they could inject a little of whatever they inject into lips, to make them look just right. We don't need to know if they feel just right, they just need to look like they could induce the reactions in Bella that Edwards lips are known to induce. That is all I am asking.
And for the record, I had never even heard of the Twilightmoms website when I picked my name. It was authentic to me at the time. I am a Twilight Mom. A mom who after her kids, hubby, and a few other important priorities, loves nothing more right now than Twilight. And doesn't see anything to replace it for some time. Thank goodness.
Yeah, I am kind-of with you TM, feeling sorry for these young guys having women who could almost be their moms stalking them (and lusting after them, yikes). I definitely have an interest in the film, but I'm not fantasizing over the guys in that way!
Another funny trivia bit - that new interview with Rob that you posted a link to in another post, he was wearing a plaid flannel shirt in that interview too. Oh, and Rob has said that he plans to run early every morning (yes, older women are planning to take up morning jogging all around the Portland area) and he took a personal trainer with him. Obviously I spend too much time online.
So, I just have to point out that when I read that part about Rob doing some physical training I was immediately thrilled. And surprised I must say, that you didn't include that little tidbit in the other post with the especially good stuff. Luckily I found it here though. I knew you'd be as happy about it as me! And here, here for collagen (sp?) injections! We just hear too much about those lips to not have our expectations...
BTY, where in the world are these twilight mom's children and husbands? Don't they like camp out there or something? What do I know really.
I realized I should be putting Cullen information here. So sorry for the scattered info.
BFB is that your joke or did women actually admit to "running around Portland" for a jog with Robert? These chicks are psycho, a word I would never use to describe us.
And plaid? That is so UN-EDWARD! C'mon Robert, if you're looking for credibility as Edward, give away the plaid to charity. Or better yet, make a TwilightMom's year and auction them, or wear one jogging and then fling it all sweaty in the direction of some nutty old-enough-to-be-your-mother adoring fan.
Pretty sad when you are laughing at your own jokes, but I am!
And if I keep hearing these crazy reports I just may have to change my blogger name.
I was joking about the jogging, but only because there really are women in Portland who have been posting about taking up jogging. And you know that if someone is actually posting about it, there are even more psychos out there actually doing it.
I do not know how these women have so much stalking time. I can't figure out how they get anything else done. I know some of them are working in shifts watching the movie set (that sort-of makes it scarier to me). The Volturi moms are the ladies who run the forum, and the organized stalkers are some of the VMs (they must be some of the temporary members of the guard, you think?). So most of the ladies there are not quite so psycho. I don't think any of us connect you with one of the crazies. Perhaps we should refer to them as VMs, so that you can remain safe in your identity.
And finally, the plaid shirt - I loved your comment about wearing it for a jog and flinging it to one of the VMs. Seriously, they might have a heart attack! (And since Rob isn't a real vampire, that could be a problem.) Truly, he admitted to wearing the same clothes he has had since he was 17 because he hates shopping. Why don't some of those crazy VMs make themselves useful and give him a gift he really needs - like some new shirts? (yes, they give him gifts, too). Only after exchanging them for that plaid shirt, of course...
All this plaid shirt talk is quite funny to think about! Get a personal shopper or something Rob, for crying out loud. Really, it does show his down to earthness (I know, not a word).
Thanks for the funny visual MA! I can just see it. And I had to laugh at the comment about them having a heart attack, literally mabye?
So I guess I don't get the whole Volturi Mom/Twilight Mom thing? Oh well. I say we do refer to them as VM, good idea. Your name fits you, and we can't have these crazy ladies messing that up.
Working in shifts! Sheesh...
So the name mix-up thing is simply that the Twilighmom's site is the one with these crazy shift taking movie sight groupie stalkers. I don't want to be associated with them. Granted I appreciate some of their info, but filtered a bit.
So the really crazy ladies are headed by Volturi Mom. So that's how we are going to refer to anyone who is out of control about movie gossip. The plaid preference has turned out to be an entertaining discussion but we can all tell the difference between what is worth passing on and what isn't, right?
Poor Robert. He just needs an Alice. And I agree, it makes him more real and appealing in personality that he has this shopping problem. But if after playing Edward, he is still donning flannel plaid, then I am afraid he is hopeless.
I think that we can safely say that anyone that has been wearing a plaid flannel shirt for more than four years is hopeless (unless they have reached retirement age or live on a farm). So yes, the poor guy needs an Alice. But it did make me like him a little more - in a motherly, want to help him out a little kind of way.
Well, maybe Rob lives on a farm??
Or maybe he can take Edward's wardrobe with him. You know, I just thought of that, it will be really fun to see Edward's wardrobe! Especially after hearing how awesome Alice's seems to be. They might be with it in that aspect.
I agree BFB, it makes Robert more real and personal and makes me sympathetic to him. Aren't there a lot of farms in England?
Now I really want to see Edwards wardrobe. If they make him too teenage trendy I will puke! Classic, gorgeous, cutting edge, runway trendy!
Back to the hiking shirt, well lets pick that up on the correct post shall we?
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