Better than a greeting card from me, I am going to share the best Twilight Videos I have ever seen, (just found them last night actually).
I haven't ever recommeded Twilight videos before, but these are simply amazing. I actually don't watch to many, its a productivity black hole and not usually worth it. But these, although not flawless are something I think every one of you might really love. And don't feel bad if you are here on our sight this Valentines evening. Its a lovely happy place to be.

This one is also beautiful. I absolutely love the music. But it doesn't end quite right. It captures Jacob and Bella at the end of New Moon, but Edward doesn't come back. Sad. I would have loved to see this artist create that.
I haven't had a chance to watch the videos yet (I'm cooking breakfast right now) but I had to share my Valentine's day surprise.
I was pulling out of Dimple Dell when this S W E E T car drove by. I thought "What is that?" And, then I saw the little row of circles on the grill - it was Bella's Audi coupe (white-flavored), and it was CUTE! (It must have been newer than the red-flavored one I saw a while back). Seriously, I don't see many cars that I think much about, but this car might feature in my future daydreams.
(Still no silver volvo sightings here, but this was good.) Happy Valentine's day to me; and now I'm sharing with all of you, so Happy Valentine's day to all of you!
That would be truly delightful. Lucky you. And I must say, white seems perfect for Bella. I white car is so simple and classic. I really hope we find out what she drives later in her life. It really would be a fun trivial fact to know.
I definitely look forward to watching these, tomorrow hopefully. I was online quickly checking the blog on Valentines night before I dropped (pretty literally), so I've been looking forward to them. I've only watched 1 or mabye 2 videos, and those were good. So I can imagine these are going to be enjoyable as well. Thanks!
And awesome for you BFB on your sighting! Love stuff like that, and of course I want to know that trivial fact as well!
So I finally got a chance to watch these. I really liked the second one. (Even though it ends wrong, TM). It does a good job at describing how Bella feels. The same person did a Bella/Jacob Eclipse movie that showed how hard it is when Edward comes back. She has a good understanding of the Bella/Jacob relationship being great...but still not enough.
Nope didn't like that Eclipse/Breaking Dawn one. Yes she did a good job, but completely leaving Edward out, well I can't deal with that. Good video creativity though, I'll give it that.
So I finally watched these, I had actually forgotten about them for a few days. So it was a treat to have something Twilighty to indulge in that was new.
My thoughts are first that I really enjoyed both of them. But it also makes me excited for the movie because I can see that Kristen is going to be a good actress. I haven't ever seen her in a movie, and even though I can't hear her talk in these, it's enough to just watch her.
I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm such a wimp when it comes to anything NM beginning. My heart just aches, especially seeing her cry and look so very sad in those videos. The creators of both of them did a great job capturing shots of the actors and putting them together, I truly am impressed. Too bad that won't be the Jacob in the movies, he is cute. It softens me a little more to Jacob (sometimes I still need it) to see him smile like that.
Anyway, thanks for sharing them. Even if only a few of us enjoyed them, it was worth it.
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