Quote #1:"Then he took my face in his hands almost roughly, and kissed me . . ."
Quote #2:"He suddenly kissed me again, not letting me answer."
Bonus:"Isabella Marie Swan"
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12:02 AM
Labels: quote of the week
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You know the rules now. Only one guess per day. No peeking in the book until after the guess.
I couldn't stand it, I had to add this bonus. I know it seems obvious but it will be fun to see what you all think.
Oh and if they do seem really obvious, then to make it fun, first hold off. Of course feel free to tout that you know them, just don't give it away right away.
And don't be discouraged if I don't reveal for a while. This could give others a chance to either second someones guess or try there own.
I am really enjoying all these kissing quotes. Hope you all are.
Fun, I'm not positive where each of these are. I have an idea, kind of. I love when he says her entire name, love it!
I know he says "Isabella Marie Swan" in the end of NM when he's trying to convince her of his love an devotion to her. But that's way before that special, wonderful, emotional kiss. And I don't think that adds up anyway there.
These will be very fun to think about...
I think I have a couple guesses already too - my first one was for the bonus too - agreeing with RWV...Edward says her full name at the end of NM when she is thinking that he is still going to leave/only killing himself because of guilt...and he's trying to get it into her brain that he really, truely is in love with her still - and then he goes on (I believe) to quote one of our favorite parts about his sky being dark when she left, etc...one of the best paragraphs in the whole series!!
Quote #2 sounds like it is in the Meadow, Eclipse. Where he is almost insisting that they are going to do it her way, she wants to resist, but is also loving every minute of it?
You would think that reading the books all the way through 3 times would make this easy, but I am not good at this guessing stuff... I'll try anyway. I know the answer to the bonus is at the end of NM after returning from Italy and Edward is trying to convince Bella that he truly does love her. I'm guessing that quote #1 might be when Edward is saying goodbye to Bella, but not sure of where or when. I think quote #2 is when they are at the Cullen's house by themselves in Eclipse -somewhere in the scene when Edward asks Bella to marry him, they are lying on his bed.
You are all right on about the full name bonus quote. Which surprises me. I thought he said her full name somewhere else. But it is only (as far as I know) at the end of New Moon, just like you have all so eloquently explained.
So none of you are correct on the other two quotes, although I have enjoyed picturing the scenes you are all picturing. I'll admit I edited these to make them tricky, but I didn't change the wording. Just left off important lead in words or endings. So keep quessing.
Oh and the new bonus is:
Where does Edward say "Isabella Swan"?
I thought the bonus was in two places as well, the one everyone has described and when he kneels on one knee to propose. So my guess is that the new bonus is when he "officially" proposes.
#1 - is this when he kisses Bella goodbye to go chase James in book 1?
Yes, I know where the new bonus is. But I thought quote #2 was in the compromise chapter just like dazzled said - before the proposal. But I guess I'll have to keep thinking! And yes, quote #1 definately sounds like a stressed/goodbye kiss to me, but where...my guess for that, oh yeah, I have to wait, sorry...
#1 - Just after graduation, after Bella eats dinner with Charlie at the lodge, and Edward has learned about Bella's flash of insight - he kisses her, but she says it's almost too tense or something like that...
So I did some research. Thank you for providing the opportunity! Yeah!. You are all right, he says something very similar in the "Compromise" chapter of Eclipse. Bella was seeing she was trapped in her compromise, then Edward points out that now they are engaged. Let me just write it out for you all, its no bother at all:
"Are you going back on your word?" he demanded. He pulled away to read my face. His expression was entertained. He was having fun.
I glared at him, trying to ignore the way his smile made my heart react"
(by the way this is the first time I have ever noticed this particular line about his smile, love it!)
"Are you?" he pressed.
"Ugh!" I groaned. "No. I'm not. Are you happy now?"
His smile was blinding. "Exceptionally."
I groaned again.
"Aren't you happy at all?
He kissed me again before I could answer. Another too-persuasive kiss."
Go read the rest. It is worth the time.
Anyway as you can see it is not the exact wording. I edited but I didn't change the words.
So quote #2 has not been guessed.
Okay quote #1 -
Nobody has guessed that either. Very good guesses. This one is a little deceiving, which is more than I wanted to reveal, but it is Valentines Day. Unless you have this kiss memorized it would be hard to guess.
And everyone is correct about the bonus "Isabella Swan". Now I thought he spoke her entire name when he "officially" proposes, but I was wrong. This was one of my "Most Romantic Twilight Moments" from another post. But nobody played along. Too bad. Here it is, condensed, but beautiful:
"Isabella Swan?" He looked up at me though his impossibly long lashes, his golden eyes soft but, somehow, still scorching.
"I promise to love you forever -- every single day of forever. Will you marry me?"
Yes, I agree, one of the best parts. I also love what Bella thinks - something about how she could say something to make him sad, or things that were way to romantic to admit to thinking...I like that - it shows how she does have a little bit of 'marriage' weekness in her that we might see in BD!!!Ok, I can't leave without a guess...but I need to think a little more!
Okay - today's guess: Same scene, different quote.
In other words, my guess is that quote #2, is after graduation, after Bella eats dinner with Charlie at the lodge, after Edward has learned about Bella's flash of insight, and comes back after dinner- he kisses her, she can feel his tension, and then he kisses her again after talking for a brief moment...
(I was thinking this morning that I feel like the "Eggar Bug" from Men in Black. Quotes - give me quotes. More. More. That's better. - Anyhow MA, I don't know how you keep up with all of us, but I'm glad you do!)
You finally got it BFB. Quote #2 IS when Edward is keeping an eye on Bella at her graduation dinner at the lodge. While Charlie gets the car he comes up and kisses her. A lot of tension, but still makes me pass out. Anyway they start talking about the Victoria situation when he kisses her again, and then runs to meet her at his house. Where of course he kisses her again on the porch.
These kisses are unique because the emotion behind them is so different from the rest of the kisses in TW. You can just feel what they are feeling!
Now at this point, No One has even come close to kiss #1. So your hint will be that it hasn't even been guessed yet. And this is not a stressful kiss, even though it seems like it might be from the wording. It is quite the opposite.
Have fun.
This is a record for unguessed quotes I think.
So this has been a little fun for me to stump you all, but since it is almost time for more quotes, I'm going to turn you loose with your books. If you still want to try without peeking, just say so, but feel free to research the kissing enough to find it. Maybe tell us the order you looked. That would be interesting.
Well, I almost just put a guess in for quote #1, but then I remembered something specific about that scene and realized I was wrong. So, I still am stumped. I feel like when I finally find out I'll be like, "of course it's there!" Anyway, it's almost time for a new quote so I hope someone gets it. I'm going to hit my books in bed tonight. Can you at least tell me if it's in Eclipse?
It's not in Eclipse. And even though you will kick yourself for not getting it, I know I wouldn't either. Not that we don't love the kiss, its just not obvious.
Wow, I'm a little surprised that it's not. Well at least that will narrow it down a bit. I hope I find it. Don't be surprised if I post something insanely late tonight. Because if I find it in bed, I'll have to share. Thanks for the hint.
I've got it! Quote #1 is the wonderful "Jeep kiss". What's tricky about it, is that it's one of their first few kisses, so when he does this "almost roughly," it's not something we'd think about (or me at least) as part of one of their first kisses. Very un-Edwardy in Twilight for the most part.
Please go re-read that part, it's so great! All the carressing, the coaxing smooth talking that leads up to it! Wowsers! (It's late ok)
What a good end to my night!
Did you guess it, or did you find it?
The jeep kiss, for anyone who doesn't know, is in Twilight on the way to the baseball game. One of the top 5 kissing scenes for sure!
Well, I'm glad someone finally found it!
You are right, RWV, I would not have connected that quote with a kiss from early in their relationship.
Good job!
I have to admit, I did find it in Twilight, but honestly I had a feeling to look there at that kiss, it was between 2 of them for me.
And yes! I love that kiss, one of my tops for sure!
I don't know if anyone will ever read this, but here is what I like about quote #1. So none of us related the phrase "almost roughly" with the jeep kiss. But breaking it down, well, Edward is so controlled as he moves into that kiss, play by play. Gasp. He IS so seductive, although with a certain innocence that makes him irresistable. So . . . the fact that after so carefully and hotly leading into the kiss he sort of looses his cool and takes her face "almost roughly" (with I had that html italics code down here) just shows his vulnerability in my opinion! He is becoming vulnerable to his human side. His own desire coming through his careful control. Vulnerability is quite appealing in a sexy vampire, don't you think? And yet he always stays in control which makes me love and respect him even more. He slips, its human, but he catches himself and agonizes with his mixed feelings and reactions!
I think that is why the Eclipse moments are so amazing as well.
Rambling on a very delicious topic. Give me a little hi, if anyone ever reads this old post.
Yes! I love the moments that we get a glimpse of Edward's desires break through his superhuman control. And we do love him more because he always does stay in control.
I have decided my disclaimer for my daughter reading Twilight when she is older is that if she can find someone with 100 years of practice at exerting super-human control, THEN she can do some of the things Bella & Edward do. (Otherwise - for TWO humans - they would be stooopid! At least, if you were trying to resist temptation...)
Thank you so much MA for sharing that beautiful description for us! Now I love that "Jeep Kiss" even more, as if that were possible! I love the thought that it was him that lost control just a bit and that's where the roughness came from. I've always been more of the mind set of him acting that way to continue with his trickery he's doing to her. But I agree, and love the thought of that even more. I'm going to read it and think differently of it next time! That will make it fun.
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