So a while back I was browsing the Lexicon and came across a very interesting post. The ladies were trying to picture the shirt Edward would have been wearing on the hike to the meadow where the "Confessions" take place. These moments in the Twilight time line are truly some of the most moving, stunning moments I've ever read. But then throw in the image of Edward in that shirt, and well, stunning seems like an understatement.
Anyway, no-one could describe or submit an accurate picture of his shirt for this scene. So back when SM would pop into the discussions on the Lexicon, she cleared things up by sending a picture. But first let me set the stage:

"I won't let you get lost." He turned then, with a mocking smile,
and I stifled a gasp. His white shirt was sleeveless,
and he wore it unbuttoned, so that the smooth white skin
of his throat flowed uninterrupted over the
marble contours of his chest, his perfect musculature
no longer merely hinted at behind concealing clothes.
He was too perfect, I realize with a piercing stab of despair.
There was no way this godlike creature could be
meant for me."
Only fictional boys can wear shirts like this. (Husbands we love you. Edward is just pretend)
I have to say that it wasn't what I pictured the first time - but, um, what do you say, now - it's definately the right I will picture this when I read it!
I have tried to picture that shirt many times in my head. I think I had something similar in mind, but now it's confirmed by the author herself. Just make it white, and on Edward's body (the one in my head) and I'll enjoy the first meadow scene even more next time I think. Can you imagine being Bella, already smitten with this amazing guy who is beyond beautiful and has this remarkably alluring scent, and then to see him in a shirt like this?! I'd have to stifle a gasp myself I think. I enjoyed all of her descriptions of his sweaters or shirts that clung to his sculpted chest prior to this...mmm.
I saw this a little while ago and was waiting for a good time to share. I have to say this definitely changed the way I pictured Edward. I mean, he was good looking in my mind before, but now... well, I understand why Bella is speechless.
Again, I wouldn't mind seeing what Alice could do with me!
So when i first imagined this shirt, I truly thought it sounded gay (for lack of a better word.) I think I was picturing the sleeves shorter or something. But after seeing that picture, um yea. It is ultra sexy. She's got it down perfectly.
I like that, "ultra sexy," that it was tough to picture before now..
Did anyone else not see the Gap model poster besides myself or MA? That guy with that shirt...bam.
I think I agree with Jill, I was thrown off by the fact that the shirt had no sleeves, that seemed gay or 1980's for me. But the more I read that scene, the more the shirt just fit, and it became more beautiful in my mind than in the picutre.
For a "doesn't check out guy's" kind of gal, I truly feel sorry for all of you who missed Edward's arms and torso being displayed in the window of "the Gap" at Christmas time.
RWV, I think we should confess what we were going to do so that none of you would have to miss out. Its a very manic story in that it is both pathetically hillarious and devastating.
I justify this fascination with the fact that you just seem to need to put a picture with SM's description of this "God-like" creature. This shirt picture certainly helped steer us all in the right direction. So our pursuit to picture the perfect Edward is not for a rise in our own temperature, but rather for assistance in proving that SM's fabulous writing style is creating the correct image for her readers. (admit it, I can be one eloquent little addict, hee, hee, hee!)
*But may I footnote here, that such a wonderful discoverY as this picture, only generating a meager 6 or so comments, does have me wondering either what is the matter with me? (and you other 3 or 4 commentators) or else WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THE REST OF YOU?
I avoided the mall at Christmas time - so that would explain why I did not see the Gap boy.
But I am a "doesn't check out other guys kind-of gal" usually, and even I couldn't resist commenting on this picture. I even sent it to my sister-in-law when I found it and all she could say was, "W O W ." (She isn't left without words very often!)
Ha ha! Thank you for the laugh MA, I love to read a comment or post and laugh out loud at it.
So I prefer to think the latter...WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THE REST OF YOU? (Aren't I right, you other's that have commented on this).
I say we tell them of our plan for them that didn't work out. Would you like the honor?
I don't check out guys all that often either, but we can't be the only 2 girls to relate that poster to Edward, could we?
Ok, I missed the poster I guess, but great writing MA, I almost thought I was reading SM!!!! Still a great picture...
So my husband is reading in the office with my while I am bloggin'. So commenting on this post, just isn't the same. I will be back later. (stifle a little snicker here)
Very sweet, he's sitting with you just doing something different. What a guy. Still spending time together at least. I'm in the same room with my dh too, he's just sound asleep with my 3 year old on the couch and "Annie" playing in the background.
So, yes, please come back later to this one and share of our plan. Especially since you can word things so eloquently, truly!!
Yes it really is sweet that he wanted to spend a few minutes with his "little bloggin' gal" (oh crap, the late night laughs are starting.)
Do you want to know where he sat, literally, for the 20 or so minutes he read his non-fiction, can't start New Moon until I finsh this book honey" book?
In a nicely overflowing laundry basket. Uh-huh. You heard me correctly. There is one good reason not to put away your laundry. It's more comfortable this way.
Oh man, that's funny! I'm laughing pretty hard myself now, might even wake the dh! I can totally picture Dave sitting there in a comfy pile of clothes!! Ha!
Yes mine just went to bed a little while ago, and i thought for sure he would come out to see what I was in stitches about.
So now I feel under pressure to do an outstanding job at spinnin' this yarn. I will get serious and lay the details out there for inquiring minds. But I really thought you would tell. You were the bravest soul in the project. Maybe I will set the stage and make you fill in the rest. We will see. I can't stay up too much longer.
Ok, that is so funny, I'm laughing picturing it again! And I'm sure he was just content to do so.
Good stuff, good stuff.
Of course content. And sure to point out the effort he made to hang out with me. But when he said "hang out with me in my little den", well that took off some of the charm, and I informed him of that effect.
Sounds good, we can explain together, of our hilarious and then devastating plan/surprise for them...
Yeah, nice way to knock some charm off. Men are good at that sometimes, in my personal experience anyway.
What got us serious about our plan? Was I just getting wistful, and wishing Edward was still at the mall, and then wishing we could share him with everyone? Then you took the reigns. Was that how it all started? Maybe this pre-discussion needs to move to private email. But we could see how good we are at deciphering each other's code words.
Backing up a comment. I will admit, it was nice to have him in the office with me. Really nice. Which is why I chose to teach him how he was flubbing it, with the stupid crack. Men are from where? And it's not Chicago, 1910, girls.
HA HA!!!! Nice one there missy! I love it! You're hilarious!
Unfortunately men are not from Chicago 1910, sigh.
I am laughing out loud right now!
Yep, I think you're right. We just couldn't stop thinking/talking about it, and you were about to make another pit stop right? Then I got some info.
We can go from here or talk first?
Ooooh, the suspense for all of you...
Happy to be useful for something today. Its just barely today. I think I might have to stop now that it is tomorrow. I think I will write the Gap model story tomorrow.
Okay so I don't get the code for "pit-stop" And just when I thought I was done laughing.
Me too.
Well, if you're waiting until tomorrow (well later today, technically) I'll just talk to you about it. Remember though, you were running errands, Costco, Target, pit-stop, etc.
I think we're building this up a little bigger than it is!
Without a doubt. Everyone will shake their heads, or smack their foreheads, and say stupid stuff behind our backs. How rude. If thats how they are going to be then we just wont share the story.
I get it, "pit-stop", wink, wink.
Yep, too bad for you guys. I guess we won't be sharing the story afterall...
J/K - hug-hug, kiss-kiss
Do you know who says that in Twilight? (if you do don't tell. It part of the quote of the week)So really I love you all even if you don't think the story we never shared was worth your time to read!
Diddo for me, and of course I know who says that! But I won't share yet. You better think that story was worth your time to read, but I'll forgive you if you didn't.
If I commented how many times I was laughing, and making many odd noises, we would max out the boards for sure! I just had to look UP.
Sorry I had to read a little to catch up with you guys! Now whats this big story you're holding off on? Dont wait too long you don't want my Cullenitis acting up, its not pretty...
That is it Jenn! We go on for how long posting all these wonderful things like how even Edward's shirt is hot, and stuff about husbands sitting in laundry baskets, and all you can say is "where is the stupid story". Well I never . . .
Oh man, me too, my stomach and cheeks both are starting to ache. It's a good ache though..
Yes Jenn, I've been waiting up all this time to hear something profound about our Edward's hiking shirt...did you even look at it? Tell the truth.
Plus I think we've decided not to tell the story anymore...sorry, you all shouldn't have thought rude things about us.
And just when I thought I was done laughing, again!
You know we aren't this funny in person. I wonder if I can even count as high as the number of personalities I have?
We had better be careful at the Breaking Dawn midnight release party. We don't want to humiliate ourselves by acting like this together, and having to take frequent pit stops.
I am laughing so hard I can hardly type!!!
You know we've had some fun discussions in the day time, but this kind of magic just can't happen before midnight.
And for the record Jill N. I was only going to stay up until 11 or so, regular bed-time for you, when these two goof-balls sucked me in!
rude things? who,me? never! well almost never.hee hee
did you see my drooling comment on my dh's post about the shirt? I can do it again if you want me too.
Sure....blame it on us.
*whispering(Did you hear that Trish? we're GOOF balls.)
Oh you know I'm just teasin' ya'll.
Oh I think it's hopeless, no matter where we are, if it gets late and Twilight is involved...just plan on your pit stops I guess, and then hiding out for a few days afterward.
Aaahhh, the magic...
Goofballs is pretty harsh there MAJ (Mary Ann Johanson)sp?
Where does it end?
You said I was a dork.
But how could I call such a brilliant person as yourself a goofball. I can't believe you got the spelling correct. Holy smokes! (not smoke crack, just a little slang from another era.)
Losing it!
No, MAJ, I know youre serious. I should call your mother about this one, maybe I'll even call MY mother.
Ok I'm going to bed I've really lost it now, I cant even see the keys, I have to keep double checking my spelling---
you still called ME a goofball.Am I not a brilliant one?
so how come you know all this drug slang and from each era.......
Sorry Jenn, guess I'm the brilliant one, sucka!
Yes, definitely losing it!
Lost it!
Jenn you couldn't even tell me my maiden name or spell it, I'm sure of it. You're just like all those other rude girls who kept begging to hear our gap story and then trashed it and us when we finally gave it them.
But your also the sweetest girl ever! So I retract the goofball statement from you too.
Whoops, I did it! I woke the grizzly on the couch. What in the world is so funny he asks? Just something about how rude these girls have been about our Gap story...he doesn't understand...
Well thankyou, I think......hee
Now I really want to hear this story so I better see it tomorrow--or else I'll think of something....
And I believe its Johanson? mmm?
I think his inablitity to comprehend is for the best.
My feelings are really hurt over that whole story ordeal. I don't think I will ever comment again, over 500 words anyway.
Wait...whats the Gap story? I'm not a trasher, and I'm so tired I cant think of anythng that rhymes with that except flasher and lets not even picture me as that! eww
wait...your feelings were hurt? what are you talking i need to muscle someone?
We're just hurt about how our story was trashed, even by you. So go ahead and muscle yourself along with the rest of the TA group.
ok is somebody going to tell me the story? I really dont know what you two are talking about! really...
We don't either, so it's ok.
I'm afraid to get online tomorrow.
Hey TFC (trasher/flasher/culliniscious) (what is with you are your choice of names? Do you realize the connotations associated with these?) Its a good thing you are one of the nicest people I have ever met or I'd have to send you off to one of those Volturi Mom sights!
So the Gap story is "The Story". You know the one RWVBTYTCM and TMMAJS (crack,ha,that code kids) have been discussing in code, and ribbing everyone about for not liking even though we never put it on here. That story.
We will give you the list of names to "muscle" in the morning. But please do not flash them Jenn.
(Sorry that was really going too far.) Just trash them with your . . .isciousness.!
And may I say thank you for one of the funniest moments during my middle age.
Hey RWV we can hold hands cybernetically when we are ready to go. I too am scared. I don't think Paul's coworker will be joining us after a taste of what we are really like.
Still it was worth it! Good night on this post.
Why you little stinkers...
You two got me!
Yes lets get together soon, I'll bring the depends! Ive got tons
Nice closing there. And for the record I didn't even have to think twice to crack that one, hah!
Yes, funny stuff, thanks girls.
Morning is coming, night!
Just wait, Jenn/licious will be asking what Volturi Moms are next..
ps. you girls will be sorry for trashing once Jenn get's your names.
Thanks for one more belly ache.
Good night!
So, now about those Volturi moms?
Kidding, I dont want to know right now I'm going to bed...Save that for tomorrows
This is one of the "rude girls" checking in to say tell us the story already! (I know your feelings were hurt by our rude thoughts, but, really, get over it already).
It's not like you dug the poster out of the dumpster, right? Though - I shouldn't admit this - I have done that for something much less impressive than Edward.(Why didn't you dig the picture out of the dumpster so we could all see it?)
So you see, stopping at the mall to see Edward seems completely understandable, (have I soothed your hurt feelings enough, TM?), so there is really no need to stay upset.
Now will you tell me the story?
Oh great! We've definitely built it up way too much. Please, if we decide to forgive all the rudeness and share, start lowering your expectations now...
(Pretty close to the idea though BFB)
Well, after reading the 133 comments that were posted last night after 11:00 pm, I do have a vague guess as to how this story started, but I want details.
BTY, how many people on this blog love the sound of the ding when they have new mail, because they know it is most likely Twilight related?
I think I'd like a ding to alert me of emails!
Except for last night, I would've had to shut the speakers off or something.
Yea, dinging would have made me dingy last night. BTW Jenn if you ever hobble back over to your computer (or do you use a walker now?) you had me laughing until I was unconscious. Even your very last comment, what are Volturi Moms?, just clinched it! And RWV, I have never thought that someone typing "Sucka" could make me laugh so much. Man I do really wish some of the rest of you could experience this much fun some time.
I will accept your apology but there is a difference between forgive and forget, BFB. But this is a start. And believe me if beautiful Edward had been dumped in a dumpster, we would have gladly flung ourselves among the garbage to rescue him. We would have smothered his picture with tears and re-enacted the scene where Bella is so overcome that Edward is still in tact after the Victoria battle. But no, this story has a sad ending. And is really not big deal at all, so once we have forgotten our hurt feelings we will have to overcome our timidness.
MA I don't know what I wrote the first time- but somehting like this-It was fun to read you rsilly night and I am only sad that I wasn't there to join in the fun. I will confess what my thoughts were of the picture- since I didn't, even thought I have looked. I imagined being 18 again- and having an Edward pick me up in that shirt- and with the fashions of the day- and being 18- would probably have some skin showing too- thus, I don't know how either of them survivied the scene or had any control- because hormones were flying- Shazamm- can you imagine? With that being said- I am glad that I am married and not 18.
Well spoken, jillikie.
So I just read all our hilarious comments on this post again, and laughed almost as hard. So, it's true afterall, we are funny. (Although it is nighttime again...)
I'm going to bed now, but MA, you may have shared your funniest side yet last night, I'm glad it came out. You're always funny, but that was something else. Is that one of your "personalities" you're referring to? It's a good one, it only comes out after 11:00pm I guess.
Night, friends!
I'm a little nervous to go back and read these, but excited too. I can't remember what I would have said that would be so funny.
And no I have never identified a comic personality amongst my many. I have said many times that my husband can't help but laugh at me constantly. Its often at the wrong times, but I think he uses it as a survival tool.
I have also said many times that you and Jenn are so stinkin' funny I can hardly believe you're for real.
I'll be back after the re-read.
Oh man that was great. I really don't know if anyone else could realize how truly tummy-aching, pee-your-pants-if-you-didn't-take-your-pit-stop funny these were the night of. I laughed very hard again. Even when I thought it wouldn't get funnier this time, you and "Lish" would start up again in the comment.
There are some gaps in the flow though since we were bouncing back and forth between this one and "Jimmy's" post. I think I am going to read them side by side next time and look at the posting times to really get the total replay.
I think I need to go back an reread posts more often. Except that I run out of time, but everyone here is so witty. This is fun!
Ok, so I'm ogling at this picture when my husband walked up behind me - embarrasing! It helps put the shirt issue in perspective definitely, except that I bet Edward doesn't have his boxers up above his pants. Oh... and SM said in one of her comments I read somewhere else that Edward wears boxer-briefs - sigh....
Sorry to laugh at that, but I can't help but picture my own husband in that situation, it would be embarrassing!
Definitely Edward probably doesn't have them above his pants, but I bet he's wearing a great pair of nice fitting jeans that Alice picked out for him as well...sneaky Alice, I say.
Yes indeed he is wearing jeans. He and Bella matched remember? Do you think he did that on purpose? She says she fussed over what to wear the night before? So maybe when he came to visit her that night he saw what she had narrowed it down too.
She says she dressed in a rush in the morning so I thnk she must have already picked out her outfit.
What do you gals think?
Yes, I forgot that little tidbit. I'm sure she must have picked out her clothes the night before and probably had them lying on her rocking chair. Remember how it felt before a date you were so excited about?
I bet Edward is still just a normal guy who throws on whatever looks nice enough, and they happened to match, don't you think? I guess we might just find out in MS! Yessss!
Nice, sexy, jeans though...of course.
I'm going with the happened by chance thing - doesn't Alice put together his outfits?
(Not that I think she dresses him each morning, just that she coordinates things).
Well I have always assumed it was by chance. That will be fun to find out in MS. I just can't see a reason why he would match except to tease her a bit, or really take her by surprise. But SM says Edward doesn't really give much thought to what he wears. Just put on "whatever Alice hangs in his closet".
Well now if I were Alice, I'd want to be dressing him as well-(hubba hubba)
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