The two songs for this week are "Magic" by Colbie Caillat, and "Please Forgive Me" by David Gray. How did you feel when you listened to these songs. Do they conjure up any Twilight feelings for you? Why do you think SM chose to put "Please Forgive Me" on her playlist for Twilight and what scene or emotions do you think it represents.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Twilight Music
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I'm really excited about this idea! We've talked a lot about music, and many of us are in a Twilight-Edward-Bella-Romance music mode I think, and can relate MANY songs to them. This is going to be great. I've listened to both of these songs already, thanks to the CDs I have of them, but I'm going to listen to them again and think even harder about them. I'll get back to this post on my feelings of them soon. Thanks, and fun idea!!
Oh, and I don't really know where else to post this comment but seriously MA!! I can barely stand those pictures you posted! Aaahhh! They're so wonderful they're almost painful! I LOVE the one of them laying in the grass in the meadow together, that is SO the end of Eclipse! And the one of Edward kissing Bella's neck.....sigh and double sigh! Holy crow! Again, sorry I know this isn't the right place to post a comment on them, so feel free to move this comment elsewhere, I just had to say something about them!!!!! THANK YOU!
Again, sorry I know this isn't the place for this post, but I have to say that my DH was briefly checking out the new pics on the blog today and he smiled and did a "Hmmm" and then he agreed with my vote as well. Which I won't say right now! He thinks we're all a bit crazy, in a good way of course!
I have to say to that, that if my husband saw these, it would definately put him over the edge - of thinking we are all obsessed (probably not in a good way like Ruth reassured us all, either) So, hopefully he forgets the address!!
My husband knows I am over the edge.... I just finally told him the other day that I liked it when he kisses my neck. (He already knew that). I kind of like that email that is advice for women from men that says, "If you want something, ask. Subtle hints do not work. Obvious hints do not work. Just tell us." Guess you all know my vote now. Anyhow. Yeah, we're all crazy - but, really, this makes us happy & it is way cheaper than therapy!
What a fun idea! I loved that song "Magic." It was the first time I've ever heard it. The second link won't work for me (but maybe it's b/c I'm in the UK?). Anyway, while listening to the first song I kept picturing all those times Bella wakes up with Edward next to her in TW. The lyrics "all I see is your face" made me think about how it must have been for Bella during that first part of their courtship when her life seemed to revolve around Edward.
Ruth, I couldn't get the 2nd link to work either, but I typed in the title and artist on youtube and found it.
There are a lot of parts that "Magic" could apply to, but one I particularly thought of is when Bella & Edward are reunited in New Moon, feeling happy and whole. Edward tells Bella that while he was away he saw her face every time he closed his eyes; and likewise, Bella saw and heard Edward through her delusions, even when he was gone. And then the lines about dreams make me think of how she thinks Edward is just a dream when she wakes up after Volterra. And the line "crazy gentle in the way that you kiss" reminds me how careful they both are at first. So they are happy, but talking about how they only think of the other when they are apart. Anyhow, happy song - happy moments.
The Please Forgive Me song had a more definite time that it reminded me of; I thought it fit the time when Edward finally starts talking to Bella again in Twilight - he tells her that he is tired of staying away, and he is just going to do what he wants and let the chips fall where they may - up through the first part of the meadow scene. The time period when they admit that they are drawn to each other, but are still unsure about their future together.
The line about the lightning running through my veins is a very appropriate description of how both Edward & Bella feel during this time. Edward'd decision to start talking to Bella again is also the decision that forever alters & intertwines their future and it is captured well in the line about throwing a stone into water and watching the ripples moving out across the bay.
The song talks about acting strange because he doesn't know what he is doing, and falling into some mystery - it makes me think of Edward and how new this all is to him, and how frustrated and torn he is sometimes because he doesn't know what to do. It makes him seem vulnerable in a way, (which only endears him to us more), and I think the song portrays that confusion & frustration that he feels through its more melancholy sound.
Sorry for writing a thesis here; I haven't looked at SM's playlists (I have been meaning to, but this all takes time...), so I enjoyed having on of her songs. And it would be hard not to enjoy the upbeat Colbie songs.
I actually did find the second song in Youtube right after I posted my comment last night. But then my DH came over to see what I was listening to/watching and kind of took over the internet. Once he gets on Youtube, there's nothing much that can stop him. I didn't get a chance to comment about my thoughts b/c by the time he was done with Youtube, it was almost 3AM!
Yes, I loved this second song! Like BFB said, it made me think of Edward singing to Bella--saying sorry for acting so weird. However, I thought of how Edward is when they are together: acting strange by having to pull back at times, get control of himself, etc. So instead of appologizing for how he was so rude and stand-offish at first, he is apologizing for having to be careful with her.
I haven't looked at SM's playlist either, so I'm excited to get these links here. I'll definitely be listening to this song again.
In my long-windedness above, I didn't state very well what I meant.
I meant to say that the Please Forgive me song reminded me of the time period from when Edward starts talking to Bella again UP THROUGH the first half of the meadow scene. (I kind of messed up that sentence by trying to cram too much into it).
So it sounds like we came up with the same time frame, Ruth. Funny that two different people would be reminded of the same thing by the one song; it just fits the conflict that Edward feels in that section well, doesn't it?
Sorry BFB, I must not have read that correctly the first time. But yes, that's great that we both thought of the same time from that one song. No wonder SM has it on her playlist. :)
No problem, Ruth - I really didn't say what I meant very clearly in my first post.
These are some great comments Ruth and BFB. I absolutely love the song "Magic" it reminds of Edward and Bella's relationship in many ways. But I've never thought of it being related to the end of NM, what a great thought there BFB. MA has been talking for awhile about wishing to find a song that fits that part of the series, I'm going to listen to it again and think about that more.
And then of course the the 2nd song reminds me of the meadow as well. I think of the feelings, physically in particular but emotionally as well, that each of them are having in the meadow. They are exploring so many new things about each other, she's finally able to caress his hands and arms and Edward talks about how amazing it feels. She in return many times says how his cold touch actually almost burns her (in a good way of course) and other intense descriptions, on both sides. So that's the initial thoughts I have, as well as his irratic behavior when they get to the meadow, like you guys have already mentioned. He is so sorry for that and probably a little embarrassed, but she loves him so unconditionally from the start. That scene is one of the most intense scenes I've ever read in a book. So many emotions come across in it.
I'll probably be back after I listen to them again. I'm really going to enjoy this Music Post, I love to hear everyone's differing (and similar) thoughts about the songs, it's great and so interesting.
Ruth and BFB, do me a favor and try that link again for "please forgive me" because it is working fine for me. All of the Youtube versions are sub-standard. The aol-music sounds just like the recording I have. I can't explain but it makes the song even more potent.
Does the aolmusic page come up? It should come up and list 5 songs. "Please forgive me" is the last one and you just click on it. Maybe you have to subscribe to something but I don't remember doing that. Anyway I can change the link but I will probably look for a different one because the youtube versions drive me crazy not to mention the videos with them are weird.
Let me know you two. Thanks.
MA, the link still isn't working for me. It takes me to where the AOL Player is, but nothing is in the playlist area.
I listened to "Please Forgive Me" last night and it difinitely made me think of Edward & Bella's first visit in the meadow. When she touches him and he suddenly disappears across to the other side of the meadow, then tries to explain to her why he is acting so odd. Also made me think of all the times he is hesitant to tell her certain things (like his real age, etc.) because he is afraid she will run screaming away from him.
I already have "Magic" on my MP3 (thanks to the suggestions from all of you at TA) and really love how it reminds me of how Bella feels everytime Edward looks at, touches, and kisses her. Even after being together for a long time, she still has the same magical feelings when he touches her.
I get the same thing as Ruth. I had to try a few youtube versions before I found one that was decent. I will try on our computer downstairs and let you know.
I'm glad you pointed that out dazzled, because I love that too, that even after being together for a while she still has those same magical feelings when he touches and kisses her. What an awesome thing that SM has kept that continually fresh for them, and us too!
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