As of Feb. 8th you can pre-order at the Sandy Barnes and Noble. # is 233-0203.

Breaking Dawn will be out August 2nd 12:01 a.m.
I hope when I wake in the morning it will all still be real!
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10:17 PM
Labels: Breaking Dawn News
Welcome to T.A. We love company here. One of your first posts should be your own experience with how you knew you were addicted to Twilight. Go to the link below and read how other members have discovered their own addiction. Then start a new post, title it "You know you are addicted when . . ." and add yourself to our blissful group.
Wow, that tricky little SM. I hope she can have a little life now. How sweet of her to know we all needed this to look forward too. The continuation of such a beautiful dream.
Sorry it took me so long to post. I could swear it was made public at 11:59 but my clock wasn't sycronized. And then I had to conference call with my fellow Cullens? Where were the rest of you. If you would have emailed me we could have had one big celebration.
For the record. I still wish we would have all found out together tomorrow, but I am a sucker for festivities, surprises, and making everything a party with everyone. It will be nice to chat about it tomorrow.
This is the best news I've heard all week! SM really must have known we needed this!!!
Yes! It really is even better than we'd imagined! That's less than 6 months away. I'm so excited right now!
It would have been fun finding out together, but man it would have KILLED me all day tomorrow knowing it was out there for me to find out.
And such exciting news about the special edition of Eclipse coming out in May. Having an excerpt from the book as well as the first look at the cover! Yay! That's fun to look forward to as well.
Well, exciting news everyone! Hope to hear from you all soon.
Hooray it is still real.
I ordered my copy at Barnes and Noble today. You only have to wait in line if you go to the midnight release. You will get a wrist band like BFB explained. (How long did you have to wait, and how early did you get there BFB, for Harry Potter?)
Otherwise you can go at a normal hour and pick it up. Either way it is reserved.
And you don't even pay for it until you pick it up August 2nd. I've never stayed up all night. How does it feel? Will the Breaking Dawn adreline last that long?
Well, I went at 10:30-11:00 in the morning to get my wristband for Harry Potter. This put me in line to get the book at about 12:40. I thought I would get tired - notice I don't usually stay up late to type on the blog - but there were games and activities and lots of people to keep me up. It was actually lots of fun. We went home after we got the books, and the adrenaline still lasted until 3-4 am - and that was for HP. I would wager that many of us are more excited for BD than we were for HP. What do you think?
The lexicon has posted that a section of a chapter of BD will be on Stephanie's website in May - so maybe we won't have to sit on the floor of B&N to read chapter 1. (keeping my fingers crossed)
Yep, they have said that. But in many other places it just says an "excerpt" will be out in May. I would love to have that clarified, especially by SM herself! I have mixed feelings about it being an excerpt or a chapter, anyone else?
You said you picked up your wristband in the morning, which gave you a pick up time after midnight.... Did you have to stay at B&N the entire day, or did you just go back later that night? (Sorry, this is probably an obvious answer, but I've never done anything like this before). We won't have to wait for the book to be mailed to us??
You can pick up your wristband and leave. Then you come back later. At midnight, they start calling numbers up (about 20 at a time) to get in line. Then you go pay and pick up your book. Some people stay and read, some leave.
If you don't want to go at midnight, you don't need a wristband. You can just go the next morning and get the book. has a BD countdown clock on it. We have 169 days 10 hours....and more. Yikes! That's half a year! (Yes, this was the first time I really thought about how far away August is).
A little sadness (not too much).
Stephenie's site had this posted:
While the cover art will probably be on the site soon after [May 31], we will most likely not be given permission to post the first chapter on our site. If we are given permission, it will probably be about one week before the release date.
So it looks like I will end up sitting on the floor at Wal-mart to read it (unless I break down & buy it after all...)
So I already pre-ordered my copy weeks ago. I am confidant we can pass it around before our June meeting. I wondered if it would be online. But how will they stop others from typing up their own copy and putting it out on the web? It would sort of be pointless not to take thier own credit. So don't give up hope.
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