Waiting on confirmations of who might be playing who. I'll have it for you asap. But its fairly obvious.
Billy Burke, Taylor Lautner, Christian Serratos (CONFIRMED AS ANGELA), Edi Gathegl, and Sarah Clark , Gregory Tyree Boyce?
Here is a link to pictures of Stephenie meeting the cast.

Billy Burke, Taylor Lautner, Christian Serratos (CONFIRMED AS ANGELA), Edi Gathegl, and Sarah Clark , Gregory Tyree Boyce?
Here is a link to pictures of Stephenie meeting the cast.

Wow - cool! I've checked out a few pictures, Angela is very cute I think. Jacob looks about 13 there instead of 10. I know, I know, he's only about 14 in the first book.
There are 2 other names I noticed listed, but no link to any pictures, they are:
Rachel Lefevre and Gregory Tyree Boyce. ??
Who knows, but one could google them if you want. I'm sure soon enough it will all be confirmed and pictures posted and all this speculation can go away!
Thanks MA for the update as always!
By the way I looked at the pictures of Stephenie meeting the cast...hmm...that is Jasper in the first picture on the right side correct? What's the deal...OK, I've got to stop all this Jasper bashing.
Also, Rob looks pretty awful in the lower one, maybe he's just not very photogenic or something.
SM's comment on her day was great!
OK sorry, the Rachel Lefevre girl is actually Victoria. But this Gregory guy I can't find anywhere, perhaps he'll be Tyler or Billy maybe? There has to be both of them right?
I looked at the others, what does everyone else speculate? I assume the Edi Gathegl is going to be Laurent since rumor had it the part was being played by an African American. And then I bet Sarah Clark is going to be Renee. Of course Billy Burke as Charlie. Sorry, I guess I shouldn't speculate.
Another intersting thing in SM's comment of meeting the cast. She puts in how she watches some vampires playing baseball, and that "James is a ringer." I wonder if that's her way of warning us that the movie people are mixing it up with the game and having the other 3 play with the Cullens when they show up. So we're not all upset or something. I'm sure it's one of many things out of context.
I don't know if they have the other three play ball with the Cullens or not, but I'm agreeing with the "James is a ringer" comment. In those awful fan photos you posted, he actually looked good (while everyone else just looked like they hadn't showered yet for the day).
And yes, Edi is Laurent. They have known his name was Edi since the Laurent/African American thing was confirmed. They just didn't have a last name to go with it.
And (assuming Sarah Clark is Renee) they did a good job finding someone that looked like Bella/Kristen's mom.
So my only question is this: they had that open casting call for Jacob Black. Is this kid actually native american? Not that I really care that much, he does look the part! Just curious.
And I thought the photos with Stephenie looked pretty good. Jasper looks better there than in the others at least. And Rob, at least, doesn't look as bad as the morning wake-up photos.
So maybe the baby faced boy isn't Jacob. I was reading others speculations, and perhaps the faceless Gregory is Jacob. This little kid is cute, but I was feeling kind of sorry for mature Jacob fans. You would have to be 12 or under to drool over him.
I can't wait to have this mystery solved!
I think we are all so funny- remember when we all heard that there was going to be a movie and we were like, "I don't think we want to go"- and now look at us- checking out and doing homework on who they are casting. Have you ever been so curious or interested in who they cast for a movie before? I sure haven't. It makes me chuckle- and I am glad because I surely don't chuckle enough. Boy, this year is already exciting waiting for books, movies, etc. Isn't it so fun to be so silly!!!!!
I'm wondering if you're right MA. I can't believe no one can find a picture of this other guy, nuts! I can't imagine the mystery unsolved much longer. Maybe that younger kid will play someone like Tyler?? Who knows, maybe it'll be him after all. The suspense...
I agree Jill, it is hilarious how we have all (at least many of us) had a complete change of face about the movie! It's sure fun though. And also exciting to see that it looks it's going to be officially released on Dec. 12th.
I've never done research like this either, or put so much thought into a movie. I'm a huge LOTR fan, and was ecstatic about that being made a movie, but I don't remember doing so much homework on it. Very silly and fun!
So maybe that "James is a ringer" comment, SM just meant that he is especially pretty (even though he shouldn't be) and that he's perfect for that evil, creepy vampire role? So she's just happy with him, or struck by him more?
I just always thought when someone refers to someone else as being a "ringer" it meant they're awesome and above the rest at that particular thing. My husband agrees with me, and I have many times heard him say while coaching baseball that 'so and so' is a ringer. But we both agreed that it could be implied in other ways too. Who knows, I guess we'll find out in coming months. Maybe on the trailor...eeekk! A preview of Twilight at another movie probably late summer or early Fall!! What an exciting thought! I'll be going to another movie, just to see the trailor of Twilight I'm sure.
I'm agreeing with Jill, that keeping up on the movie happenings has provided lots of entertainment for us in and of itself. And it is kind of silly, but geez, you need some fun, out-of-the-routine things in life to keep it from getting boring. So I'm all for it, just because it is fun. Even if the movie is not so great itself.
And yes, I have heard the term "ringer" as you described RWV - SM's usage seemed a little different to me though which is why I thought maybe she meant that he was a good fit for the part, or something like that. Truly, from the pictures we have seen so far, I'm liking his looks the most. Kind-of makes me sad that we won't get to see him in the other two movies (and yes, they are already hinting that the other two are possible.)
Another thought about the ringer comment is that they were all just playing ball having fun together (since there tends to be lots of spare time on these movie sets).
I know why I thought of looks though when she said that; I realized I was thinking of the term "dead ringer," which does refer to looks.
So now that I have spent way too much time thinking about something insignificant, we can all carry on (including me...)
Funny how we've dissected that little 4-word sentence. And tried to find what in the world she meant by it!!!
I thought I did read somewhere else that they have filmed part of the baseball game already, maybe??
Who knows!
I think they are filiming it the first week in March since they are asking for body doubles that can play baseball. But enough trivia.
Billy Burke is confirmed as Charlie. A little different than Charlie in my head, but I really like him. Oh this makes me movie happy again!
That's right, I remember reading that about the body doubles now. I thought to myself that if I lived in that area, I maybe would just go apply. I did play softball all growing up, including the catcher's position. How fun would that be?!!
I like Billy Burke as Charlie too. Of course he's not MY Charlie, but I think he'll do great! I sure wish they'd cofirm the rest now!
Where do you guys get all this info? I can see Billy Burke as Charlie - he looks like he's soft spoken and really nice. I have never seen this Sarah Clark before, she's pretty though. I wonder how they will fit Renee into the movie. You know, we just sort of hear about her through Bella's head. So I wonder if it will be flashbacks and stuff. Fun, fun!!
I find a lot of info on twilightmomsforums.freeforums.org They have a movie section & I like that no teens are allowed. It seems to cut down on the silly & the unreadable posts.
I haven't seen Sarah Clark either, but apparently she plaid a villain on 24 - since I don't watch much TV that explains why I haven't seen her.
So the Lexicon is down, but here is a link to a supposed source about the Jacob casting:
I kind of hope either that they are wrong, or that he looks a LOT older currently, than his pictures. I did want to like the Jacob, not to want to pinch his widdle cheeks. Sorry to sound so snippity.
We've missed you - what are you a mom or something?
Okay, I have a confession that I bet I am not the only one with such a confession. It has been almost a week since a new post- and it has made me sad. I might not comment every time but I do check daily and more than once. I love to see what you post and the pictures you find and all that you do- I guess I don't thank you enough- so thank you Thank You Thank YoU! Now, will you put some more fun FYI? (Or have you been at school too long?)
Oh you mind reader, I almost left an apology post last night but the hour was to insane to reveal. I am in agony over nothing new. I don't think this has ever happened but I finally have some time today so don't worry.
Now if you are looking for lots of movie gossip, its not my passion. Its all starting to get to me. But we do keep links to new info in the comments here. And when we get any good info, we will definitely post that too.
Anything to keep you on your emailing toes Jill. Its nice to have you back.
Here's some links you might enjoy Jill. QandA's with Carlisle, an interview with Rob, and a QandA with Alice.
Here is the link for the entire Rob article. The other link is just an excerpt.
I will think of a way to organize this better.
Here is a link to the same interview that is easeier for me to read. Just click on the picture and it will enlarge so you can read it. The arrows take you to the next page / picture.
I read that same post about the Jacob casting also, but the source was very unknown (not someone who has access to set or connections, etc), and the friend of a friend of a friend thing made me a little uncertain. I would seem like if it were as easy as people in his hometown knowing his role, that the information would be all over the internet by now.
His agent did say that it was not a main role. Now, perhaps it is not a large role in the first book, but I don't know any fans that would say it isn't a main role.
So I am holding off forming opinions for now. My hope is that if Taylor is Jacob, that he is young Jacob and will have an older actor for the next two movies.
I saw a picture of Taylor today that gave me hope. If he is really cast I'll post more research.
From our boy Taylor
"I am very very happy to announce that I will be working on the film called TWILIGHT. Many of you have been asking what role I will be playing. I think it would be best for me to wait for SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT to release the role first. I am hoping they will do so soon."
My prediction, he is going to be Jacob.
If you want more check out the links to sources from BFB and mine too.
Someone on another forum found "a public birth record for a Gregory Tyree Boyce born in California on December 5, 1989. This is the only record I could find for this name. If this really is the right Gregory Tyree Boyce, it would at least narrow it down to him being one of the kids & not Billy, right?"
So my guess is that we have a Tyler & a Jacob with our Taylor & Gregory (which is which, I do not know)
By the way, the lady who found this has an avatar that says she suffers from OCD - obsessive Cullen disorder!
So here are a few excerpts from the interview with Alice/Ashley. There are many great insights into the film in here. This is a really fun source of movie info. It only makes you excited, not nervious or nauseous. I put the link to the entire interview on there again. It's a good read. Sorry if it is an imperfect link. I think it readable though. The TM is for Twilight Moms, they did the interview.
10. TM: Has Alice's hair been a big concern about getting accurate? Or are you doing your own version of it? Will it be a wig or your hair?
Ashley: Oh the hair! Haha, it’s definitely been a work in progress. I think you'll be pleased though. Again, I’m trying to keep her close to what the fans see. I'm not fictional though, so we have to work with my face
12. TM: I'd love to know more about the casting photo that was done of the Cullen’s. Was it really a last minute thing? Are wigs going to be used in the movie?
Ashley: Yes, the photo was just a general idea. Don’t worry. We were no where near finished.
TM: Can you tell us all about Alice's wardrobe for the movie????
Ashley: Alice's wardrobe is a mixture of modern edge with elegance and magic I have the best wardrobe.... I think I’m going to try to take it all back with me.
I don't know how I missed this interview with "Victoria" on SM's website. Sadly I don't actually read all of the interviews, but since Steph said she loved this one I thought it might be worth a peek. I haven't even finished it all yet, but so far it is great.
Its probably more worth your time than tracking down the birth-records of unknown teenagers (hee, hee. Sometimes those TWmoms scare me a little.)
Here is the link:
I read this whole interview, and I agree, it makes me really excited for the movie! She sounds so cute, and gave some awesome answers. I think this is the best I've felt about the movie yet!
You know I thought some of them looked like they had wigs on. I wonder if I can keep my hopes up for Emmett to have his curly, dark hair. Among other hopes...
Clarity: I haven't read the "Victoria" interview yet, just the one with Alice/Ashley. I'll have to read the other one. I checked SM's website earlier today, is this something new one there?
Some of the Twilightmoms scare me more than just a little. I am not joking.
Still, with all the obsessing that they do over there, they usually find out Twilight news pretty quickly. Since the Lexicon has been sporadic lately, I figure that we might as well benefit from all of their craziness.
Just finished the Victoria interview - that wire work does sound cool, especialliy the magic carpet thing. Like walking on the moving walkways at the airport, but better!
Just read the interviews with Victoria and Bella on the MTV website. Thanks for the links. Sounds exciting! I think it would be sooooo great if they really made all 4 books into movies. I have to keep reminding myself though, that they can't put everything in the movies. Otherwise, they'd be like 10 hours long. I guess I'll just have to hope they don't get rid of our favorite parts.
Also, glad to know that Alice said those pictures of the Cullens weren't the finished product.
Finally, MA, just wanted to reitterate what someone else said in a comment. Thank you so much for all your energy in making this blog so beautiful and fun to visit. I check here daily as well, even if I forget to comment. So thanks again! You deserve The Dedicated Blogger award! This Sunday is British Mother's Day. . . so happy Mother's Day to you TwilightMom!!!
Someone posted this link about Taylor - it was 4 or 5 years ago. Maybe I could be okay with him as Jacob.
This is a transcription of a question Stephanie was asked on her tour in Germany (there is a youtube video but its really hard to hear).
Do the actors for the Twilight movie look like you imagined them?
SM: I am really excited about I would say 95% of the actors which I think is a really good margin. Particularly I think they did a great job with Edward and that is the most important. It could’ve been a really bad thing but I had a chance to me Robert Pattinson and actually have a really involved conversation with him about how depressed Edward was in Twilight. And I have to tell you, I know there is a lot of people who didn’t like him right away and there is some who are still holding out for some other actors… uhm… I gotta say I’m not getting this whole Gaspard Ulliel thing, I’m sorry. But, uhm, when I got the chance to talk to him we were having lunch and we could see him walking up the road and his hair was already dyed red and he had that long black coat and you could see the people on the street kinda stopping and looking at him and thinking… and it wasn’t like “who is that?” it was more like “What is that?” *Stephenie says that in a really mesmerized tone* He doesn’t even really look human. I mean, he looked more like an Angel than a person. And he got such an interesting face and you sit there and talk to him you hardly know what to say. He would say “Why are Carlisle and Edward so close, they aren’t even real family” and I was looking at him saying “what is… what was that again?” *Stephenie does that in a really dreamy expression, kind of swooning* I think that he’s going to be amazing and that the actress who is playing Bella, uhm, you should’ve seen her when we were all together, she was over there and was like *Stephenie shows the way Kristen adored/drooled over Robert* He is perfect, really, you don’t have to need to worry.
If it wow's ya, Laurent has been confirmed now. Edi is officially playing the role.
An unofficial source (not Summit) has said that BOTH Taylor & Gregory will be playing Jacob.
This could work. Young Jacob & older Jacob.
Okay where did you get that? None of my sources are listing that yet? TM's?
And who is who?
Yes it was on the TM forums. One of the VMs who helps moderate the forums. She won't release her source, but she is one who is usually pretty reliable.
And she didn't say which is which, but the general assumption is that Taylor will play young Jacob, and that Gregory will play older Jacob.
But we still don't have a picture of this Gregory guy right?
Just his birth records showing his age (yikes).
Still no pictures. There are pictures of a singer named Gregory Boyce, but his last name is Hall and he appears to be too old (although otherwise he could work).
So, many people are speculating that they found this guy at the casting call for Jacob.
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