Here is the link to it: http://stepheniemeyer.com/pdf/thehost_chapter4.pdf
Welcome to T.A. We love company here. One of your first posts should be your own experience with how you knew you were addicted to Twilight. Go to the link below and read how other members have discovered their own addiction. Then start a new post, title it "You know you are addicted when . . ." and add yourself to our blissful group. http://www.google.com/notebook/public/15100728677514849499/BDQzjIgoQwa6u8-Ui
The girl is just good! What else can I say?
Really, how many people could make an alien inside a human body seem romantic?
AAAAaaaggghh! Now I can't wait for this one either (at least it's closer than BD).
SLC is on the tour list for the Host - who's going with me?
Did no one else read this yet? Or am I dancing in excitement by myself over here? Talk to me people!
I just read it and it really pulled me in. I will be fun to read the whole book, just the excerpt leaves me with way too many questions... Does anyone know when the SLC tour is scheduled for??
Good to know you guys liked it! I haven't had a chance to read it yet and have really been wanting to. I'll get back with my comment after I'm done, perhaps tomorrow because I'm too tired tonight to do anything else.
Her tour starts in May doesn't it? Not sure of the date exactly. We are one of the only 10 places listed. Can you imagine how annoyed she'll be if she gets asked a bunch of BD or anything Twilight questions? I don't know why I'm smiling right now.
Ok, I just read it and am so intrigued! I truly am so excited to get my hands on that book. At first I was thinking I really didn't want to read 18 pages tonight but it goes by way too fast. I wanted more. May is too far away...I'm not really into the "groupie" scene but I am toying with the idea of checking out the book tour. I would feel like such an idiot though if I was surround by 12 year old girls!
That's good to hear that it went by fast. I was going to read it the other night, but then I saw it was 18 pages, so I decided to save it for another day.
Cool, and it sounds like everyone is enjoying it so far.
It took me three Harry Potter book releases before I dared go to one - but I finally went to the last one since it was my last chance. Turns out, after the first few minutes of feeling silly, that I really had fun!
I decided that there just aren't that many goofy things we get to do as moms, so why not take the few chances that we have?
I am hoping that (with a little luck) the host signing will be during a weekday, thus eliminating many of the younger girls. So it could be sort-of a moms' day out. (keeping my fingers crossed)
There is a suggestion/leak? from the IMDB that SM will be at Thanksgiving point on May 16.
No confirmation, this could be false, but I'll keep you posted.
Thanksgiving point doesn't have their may calendar up yet, either.
OK, OK... my daughter called me SO excited!! Her friends... sisters... friends, husband I know, it sounds funny but.... contacted Stepehnie about the Twilight movie becuase he is a producer, she told him that she was committed to another one for the Twilight SERIES, yes SERIES... but wasn't for the host, she let him and his wife read the host (on the conditon that they wouldn't share anything about the plot or let anybody read it) so she read it and all she would say was that it was her FAVORITE book of all time, she loved it more than the TW series and she is a HUGE fan of TW. I was worried about reading something my Edward wasn't in, but I am super excited to read it now! yay!!!!!!! Stephenie is the best!!!!!!!!!
Okay SB, this is making me a little excited to read it as well. Stephenie's own family has said they love it more than Twilight. But I don't want to like something more than Twilight. I mean it really can't be possible.
So I am actually kind of anxious about this Host phenomenon. Will it be better than Twilight? Shouldn't I be excited, that if that were possible?
1. I am actually looking forward to reading "the Host"
2. Am I the only one who doesn't even want anything compared to Twilight? Of course I can't imagine ever loving a fictional boy the way I love Edward but there is so much more, even, to Twilight the makes me feel about it the way I do. Geez I started a blog about the whole thing. It will be good though to read Twilight again immediately after "the Host". That will certainly put everything in perspective. The Host being an adult book could have some deeper topics that could be moving. I read that it focuses on ridding the world of violence. But then again, Twilight wasn't originally written for teens either. New Moon and Eclipse were created to fill lots of gaps, and wonderfully so.
Anyway, thanks again SB for the news and anticipation. May 6th is right around the corner.
Other responses please.
That is so awesome! I remember reading somewhere that when SM's family had read it they said they liked it better than TW. And May 6th is a heck of a lot closer than August! We don't even have to compare them since they are going to be totally different books. We can just appreciate them bother . I have an open mind about the Host, but no matter what, TW will always have a special place in my heart. How stupid does that sound?
Doesn't sound stupid at all, TW has a special place in my heart too,,, one that can't be replaced. I also agree with you MA about being a little anxious... I have never liked a book or movie like I LoVe TW and I don't think that I want to. I am just excited to see how I react to a different experience through Stephenie... I said before to people that I like the way she writes... I don't know I am just excited to read anything that she has written. ahhhh does this make sense??
Yep, I read that about SM's family liking it better too. I kind of figured it was just for publicity or that they were just kind of tired of Twilight or something, because come on! But that is really exciting to hear. I'm looking forward to reading it more and more, I'm sure it'll be great! I love the way she writes as much as the rest of you. And so exciting that we'll read the Twilight series right after to get ready for BD. It will be so interesting to see how we all feel about it, I'm looking forward to it. I can't imagine comparing anything to Twilight, is it possible? That's kind of like apples and oranges isn't it?
Yay, lots of good reading coming. Thanks for the info SB!
Do you love one of your children more than another?
I guess I figure that comparing the two will be something like that. Adult themes & characters could be more fun to read in many ways. But it was also fun to re-live all those emotions that Twilight reminded us of. And no character will be as perfect as Edward - the Host characters are human, after all. So you don't have to worry about being unfaithful. No human can compare.
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