So Marti/Dazzled freaked us all out a few weeks ago with a frightening scenario:
"I have a theory for BD that I have been thinking about for quite a while. Mind you, It's NOT how I hope things will turn out, but I think it is possible... You know how when you take your child (or yourself) to the doctor to get immunizations, they actually inject a very small amount of the "disease / virus / etc" into them?? Well, maybe because James already bit Bella, she will now be immune to being changed into a vampire.... Like getting chicken pox, and not being able to get it a second time. "
Well there is a lot to discuss before it comes out about what might happen in BD. So I thought every week or so we could discuss a theory, idea, hope, question, etc. I thought we could get one of the toughest out of the way. And I love our meeting discussions, but this gives us more time to really think and discuss so I hope people will participate. I have been waiting a long time for this, I just hope its not too painful.

Why might Bella not become a Vampire?
This isn't really whether you want her to or not, although you can talk about that too, but more what will SM do and why?
So reaction to Marti's theory and then take it from there.
And rest assured the next discussion will be, "Why she will/should become one".
So I have been thinking . . ha! what an understatement. This scenario of Bella not becoming a vampire hinges on the fact that Edward cannot become human. In my opinion at least.
A vampire's exsitance has its perks to be sure, but the negatives obviously out-way the positives in my eyes. So if Edward could be changed to a human, everything would be perfect. He would still be perfect, I am sure.
Without getting downright silly, can anyone see a loop-hole for the Edward becomes human scenario?
If there is any possibility he could, than that discussion precedes the, should Bella become a vamp. discussion.
I definitely agree with that - I am all for having Edward become a human. Now, of course I've started my comment really before I've thought of any possibilities...but, I will certainly think about this, and see if there is ANY possibility at all!!!
But then you get into, how sad that he will die, and not his family, yada very hard, on both ends.
I do find hope in the fact that SM wrote Edward saying that "if there were any way possible that I could become human for you, I would do it." Because I think that she could just as easily left it alone and not had him say anything, and we all would have continued to believe that it was not possible. But that statment plants the question in our brains about IF it is possible.
So the only thing I can think of is difficult to discuss nicely. Suffice it to say that no vampire has become a human before. Bella and Edward are getting married and doing something afterwards that no vampire & human have ever done before. Perhaps there is some magic in that?
And Dazzled, I really don't like that scenario! (I know this isn't about what we want/don't want).
My only thought is that if James' venom had acted as some sort of a vampire-vaccination, wouldn't Bella be less tempting to vampires because her blood would be different? If she still tempts them, she is still full of lovely untainted blood.
I hope.
Now BFB I want to know if you are really giving your theory some credit. Not so that I can beat it down, I'm just curious as to whether you have any hope at all of the human possibility.
Now I was also going to point out Edward's statement. It does seem like a drop of hope, and yet I can see him saying that. But I can't find any shred of an opening for SM to bring this about.
Although your idea is very sweet, and magical, it has been discussed on the Lexicon, and apparently the Alaskan female vampires have had "relations" with human males. So take the magic out, I guess.
Also I just can't see SM using the intimacy that way. Curious though.
And to E's comment I have to say that I think the Cullens would be so happy for Edward if he could become human. They would want that for him, above their love for him in their family. But if there were a way for Edward to change back, couldn't all the Cullens?
I am sorry to say, that even though the love in Twilight has a fairy tale magnetism, I don't feel she has created a Disney princess type of environment where the turning of vampires back into humans is possible. But it certainly is food for thought. That would resolve everything, wouldn't it?
But it almost seems to easy of a solution. SM said once that you don't write about the happy times. That isn't what makes a great story. Its reading about the tough stuff that makes a story riveting. Its just too fair-tale of an ending that the Cullens go and change all the vampires in the world back into humans. But who knows. I certainly like the idea.
Boy this could really get mind boggling couldn't it.
I say we have to have support for theories or we could be all over the place.
Help? Does anyone else think that Edward becoming human is humanly possible?
I have more but I will try not to overwhelm you all.
Actually, I do agree that it is too simplistic of an ending, and I really don't think it is going to happen.
And I caught that the Denali clan had relationships with human males, but I missed that they had relations with human males. I must have skipped that discussion on the lexicon. Ha ha.
My philosophy is more that Bella will be changed, but that is next week's discussion. This was just the only theory I even had for the Edward-human thing. So, to sum it up, I have a drop of hope for it, but that's about all.
What an interesting topic. I have to say (please don't hate me everyone) that I highly doubt that Edward can become human. In fact, I have no hope at all. I actually don't want him to become human. I agree that it's too simple an ending and solution. It would turn into another typical story about 2 people in love. Anyway, I agree with the previous comments that it just isn't possible to go from vampire to human in SM's world.
As for Dazz's theory, I've never thought about that before. But I really don't think it's possible either. How could she not be turned into a vampire? With Volturi as old as they are, surly they would have come upon that problem in the past.
Now to the big question: Why might Bella stay human? I've had many thoughts about this since I started reading this series. If Bella gets changed at the beginning of BD, then it takes away most of the tension and excitement. If we assume that SM doesn't have Bella changed, then we ask ourselves, why not? I'd say the first, and most obvious, answer is Jacob.
Agh! Did I just say that outloud? Am I going to get kicked off of the blog? :)
Ok. Hear me out. Bella does love Jacob. She progresses and matures emotionally throughout the series. It's possible (not likely) that by the end of BD she will have discovered so many more things she wants to do as a human (have kids, etc). Maybe she and Edward get into a really big fight before the wedding. Maybe the Volturi kill Edward (or he sacrifices himself) when they find out Bella isn't a vampire yet.
I don't know. I'm just thinking while I type. But really, there seem to be quite a few scenarios that hinder Bella's "change."
What does everyone else think?
I had another thought that would work against the Edward-human scenario. Edward becoming human would mean that there would be two(or more) humans who know about the vampire world. Since the volturi wouldn't allow this, it would probably mean that both Bella & Edward would both end up dead.
Although it is very Romeo & Juliet-ish, it just doesn't seem like the happy ending SM says that she likes.
Now for my latest thoughts on disporoving the vampire-vaccination theory; vaccinations work because once exposed to a pathogen antibodies are created in our blood. But people become vampires because the venom burns up all their blood. Antibodies would be ineffective against something that entirely destroys blood, (IMO).
And the last scenario of Bella staying human. I will try to be succint. Many of us can see reasons that Bella might want to stay human and she is giving up a lot. However, being LDS, we also believe in leaving friendships and parents in order to get married. And, as much as our religion emphasizes children, it is marriage, not children, that is necessary for exaltation. Furthermore, we raise our children so that they will be able to leave us and form their own marriages, so that eventually, it all comes back to husband and wife.
So, following this train of thought, I have come to the conclusion that the highest choice Bella could make, is the one that she has already chosen. Sometimes, when the sacrifices she will make seem too great to me, I realize that I am buying into Edward's old belief that vampires don't have souls; if I believed this, then I would obviously come to a very different conclusion about what Bella should do because I believe that choices should be made with eternity in mind. However, I agree with Bella & Carlisle, (and I tend to think that SM does too); I think that Edward's developing faith is something we have seen in a small way, and that we will see more of in BD.
Wow BFB!! That is sure gives us a lot to think about! I am having a hard time thinking of any possible way that Edward to change back to human - I just don't think it will happen. On the other hand... I know the Lexicon has mentioned something about this before (saying it is impossible, that is), but if vampires have a "scent", and saliva, and venom, etc., then why couldn't Edward and Bella create a child together as long as Bella is still human? The baby would be half human & half vampire (kind of like JK Rowlings "mud bloods"). For some strange reason I find this scenario more possible than Edward turning human. And in my perfect world, after Bella and Edward have their little vamp-baby, then Bella could be changed by Edward, and everyone would win!
Dazz I hate to burst your hope, but Steph herself has said, "no vampire babies".
I think we can also close the book on the Edward human possibility.
As for the Jacob scenario. I personally do not think there will be any more love triangle complications. I do think there will be Jacob complications, but in other ways. Friendship ties and all that.
Remember SM said that Eclipse was written to give Bella a look at all of her possibilities before she makes her choice, but then she makes that choice. In SM's own words, referrring to the face that Bella realizes she did fall in love with Jacob too:
"Does this love devaluate her love for Edward? Not for me. For me, it makes that perfect true love stronger. Bella has another option. She has a really good one. An option that’s easier in many ways, that takes nothing—like her family, present or future—away from her. She would have love, and friendship, and family—an enviable human future. But she chooses Edward over all of this. This makes it real for me." Emphasis on "she chooses Edward". I think one of SM's biggest flaws in Eclipse is that she didn't communicate how definite things were at the end. That is why she had to clarify this. By leaving us with the whole Jacob running off stuff, it seems like a seed of doubt. But the meadow was it. Bella has chosen. So love for Jacob will not make Bella choose humaness, or desire for kids, etc. I could quote many things from Bella's own lips that comfirm this. Watch for it on our read together of Eclipse.
And I totally agree with BFB on the children/marraige situation. I too am so sad they can't have kids, but in my opinion they should still be together, no matter what Bella has to give up. I can't wait to elaborate on that one. I think that is what SM meant to create. Which is why I am almost certain Bella as a vampire will happen, but here is my last shred of doubt.
What if SM wants to use their relationship to show truest, deepest love in a more tangible form. Not many people have to give up so much to be with someone. But more relative to human and realistic relationships is the power of unconditional love. Edward keeps preaching that he can love Bella her entire human life, and that is enough for him. You know like loving your alzheimer's spouse, or disabled child, or half-crazy, hot-tempered, Twilight obsessed wife. What if SM leave Bella human to show how deep love can run. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I don't want her too, but I feel like there is some foreshadowing there too. Then again Edward comes a long way in accepting Bella's choice as well. I don't give it a huge margin for coming to pass, but I can't rule it out completely. Blast it.
Please finish up any thoughts on this here and then I am going to start the a new post with the opposite scenario. I hope you will all have time to discuss it there.
That would definitely show deep love.
The only problem I see is Bella's reaction to it. Part of love is learning to give what the other person needs instead of what you want them to give you (I hope that makes sense). So even though Edward loving an aging Bella would be very deep, it is also deep for him to give her what she wants even though it doesn't agree with his ideas.
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