Late last night a group of amazing, smart, witty, and enthusiastic women were found chatting online about none other than the world wide phenomenon -- Twilight. Their insight and humor would have left you speechless (laughing to hard to speak to be exact).
Please put all reactions to this story here.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Reaction to Last Night Drama
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7:56 AM
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So I chose to insanify my morning just to say:
BFB - T!A!O! Go!
I literally woke up laughing.
Thank you all.
Although I wanted to cry when I saw what time Jenn was up.
Please Jenn get some help for those frequent changes. Love you!
Really I am in one of the best moods this morning of the last several months. Thanks everyone!
Ruth you should have gotten on to say good night. What do you sleep in or something?
Jill N. - explain yourself!!!
Jill B. - I thinkI forgot to say good night to you, but I was pretty delirious, if you can't tell from my writing.
Dazz, still waiting for you to forgive my sharp-tonguedness.
RWV - watch out, I'm no my way to your house!
E - are you as happy as us today. Hope so.
AW - try not to snort at work when you re-read and read what you missed.
I am snorting at work, while trying to stay awake. I hope you all realize that I am not up past 9:30 most nights, and until I remember our chat online, I was planning on going to bed early! Ha Ha, there's a kick in the pants. My brother in law just stopped by my office, and he was looking at me laughing, and looked at me weird, which made me laugh even harder! Thank you for the online chat, I needed that pick me up so badly. And like TM, I also woke up laughing this morning, in a great mood. BTW TM, bravo for the typo contest! BRILLIANT! I am so impressed that you were able to put such thought into that contest after the babling that we did earlier. You win the trophy. I will bring it up when I come up next!
I haven't been able to get a glimpse at what I missed yet - but I'm so glad you all had so much fun. Good thing I went to bed when I did - more sick kids during the night...never fun!! Thanks for a couple hours of escape! Later
Mary Ann - you silly girl! I am in no way offended by anything you said last night! I am usually the one who gets carried away and offends someone. You are off the hook, no hard feelings, expecially since I have no idea what you are even referring to.
Well I was referring to the many sassy comments I made about you hunting down my special picture.
Maybe I should ask if you can still respect me (if you ever did) after all the cry-babying I did about it. Thats probably more appropriate.
Oh and I thought of one hazard to your health these little chats can have.
It is highly dangerous, while doing some fairly heavy weight-lifting (I think I'm up to 15 pounds) to start laughing because you are remembering how funny it was to learn spanish with your friends last night.
Now you wont believe this. I should put it under TW moments, but no one would EVER get it!
I actually said, while running rampant around my house to get ready, I actually heard the these words come out of my mouth, wihtout any premeditation, mind you.
Okay, and I quote (myself)
"I don't have time for this stupido-o dogg-o" Really, just like that. Perfect Spanish.
Kudos to me, I learned spanish in one night! And its second nature now. Wouldn't it be interesting to see a brain scan after all that witty dialog last night.
Completely off any relevant subject:
Can you believe my dog jumps in the shower or bath-tub whenever anyone is in it. Weird-o, eh-o.
And you might be asking how he gets in the door. Well doesn't everyone with a small house have a revolving bathroom door?
TM, you just made your morning. Now I won't be able to see a stupid-o dogg-o without thinking of last night (that is a good thing.)
Can you really believe I woke up singing "Let's go! T!A!O!"? I definitely need one of those brain scans with you.
I did think of a little correction to our blog name. Instead of Twilighers-o Annonymous-o, it should be Twilightas Annonymous-o.
Gangsta & Spanish addicts.
That is some seriously awesome smack sista!
But I really think if we do decide to change the name, and all join one gang, we need to help RWV and Lishta get clean and sober.
Oh and take up a collection for their tatoo removal.
Don't forget their piercings! I will now refer to my in-law dogs as stupid-o dog-o. Thank you for learning Spanish so quickly so that you can tutor those of us that take longer to learn.
That might be tough. How do you heal all those peircings. Big holes in their ears and stuff.
First, I'm so sorry I didn't get on for the chat. I'm actually not sure what happened. I stayed late at work, but was home by 6pm. I usually get right online when I come home and the first thing I check is this blog. How I missed these posts, I have no idea. So sad!
Second, I haven't finished reading all the comments. Holy cow! You guys don't know how to quit. I've read all 207 from "Edward at the Mall" and I loved the picture! But I still have 111 and 213 more comments to read! Agh! Will I ever get through it???? I'm guessing I'll be back here posting more comments by Monday. If you did all try to learn Spanish last night, I'm in for a huge laugh (I'm actually fluent in it so I'm very excited to see what silly words came from a late night TW-CSP)!
Again, sorry I missed it. But I'm having loads of fun over here reading all your silliness.
Well, here is my rough draft of Henward. DH will have to put the finishing touches on it later.
Ruth you really need to start with "online meeting discussion". It makes the discussion so much better.
Okay, I couldn't wait. So I just finished all the comments. Hilarious! Laughing out loud! You would think that it wouldn't be so funny after a day, but it is 1am over here, so I'm excused. Loved the Spanish-o. And all that gangsta stuff made me feel like I (italicized--how do you do that again? . . I'll have to look that comment up) was the one learning a new language! Gracias for all those great laughs and smiles. I'll really have to make sure I'm present for the next one--not that I'll be able to keep up with y'all.
We couldn't keep up with us all either - that's part of what made it funny. It reminds me of the conversations that the family has in "While you were sleeping."
"These potatoes are so creamy."
"So & so was tall."
"I prefer blondes. Chubby ones."
"Mary made them..."
Anyhow, I never thought the day would come that I would turn on the radio, hear rap and think of my Twilight sista's, but that happened today. Then, as I was flipping through the stations, I hit a spanish station, and immediately thought of you all again.
It was great! Thanks!
Oh man! I just read all these comments and am laughing again!
Seriously, we should all get a big bus and go on a Twilight Comedy tour across the country. We are seriously THAT funny.
Ok so maybe our shows would have to be after midnight and people would have to be on drugs so they could feel us and our magic....
But seriously gals, last nights meeting was just great. I think we should do these more often, at least so Ruth can have a chance to join us once in awhile. Ruth, I cannot believe you read all those hundreds of comments in a sitting! Now thats dedication! I mean I know we all read them to but just a few at a time.
Ok so I was laughing all 5 hours of our meeting, on my way to bed, and again this morning after three and a half hours of sleep--Mind you I sort of forgot why I'd set my alarm this morning and hit the snooze instead,(I was supposed to wake my daughter's friend early so she could take a shower) so they were barely on time for school cause of my drowsiness, but hey, ya know, what can I say? I had stuff to do last night!
Alright, something is seriously wrong with me. For some reason I was thinking you girls were going to have this CSP (Cyber Slumber Party--is that what it's called?) in the AM. So that's why I said I'd be at work. I've been so confused as to how I could have missed those posts when I know I was online at 7pm (GMT) since my dh had a soccer game to play. That would have been one o'clock for you gals. But then this morning in the shower it hit me! DUH!!! You were all online in the PM for you. So that would have made it AM for me. And obviously I was sleeping at 4 in the morning (or whatever time you all started). And although I had to get up at 7:30 (offices don't open here 'til 9am--what slackers! j/k), there's no way I have time to get online before work. While I do love each one of you, my sleep comes first. I'm not much of a morning person anyway, so you really should be grateful I wasn't here to join you. :)
Ok, so now that I've figured out how the heck I missed your party, I can start thinking about this week's quotes again.
And yes, you definitely have to keep staying up late to chat. Your comments are quite entertaining. I'd pay to go see you on tour. :)
Jenn/ CCL, touring is a wonderful idea. The only problem I see is that half the humor comes from the three conversations going at once due to the internet delay.
I guess we could sit on the stage and type, but we'd have to include more images in our conversations. I mean, the Edward Gap Poster could hold most of the audience for quite a while, but I'm not sure it would last through the whole program.
What do you think?
Ruth, you must have missed my comment back to you to clarify the time. If you would have gotten up around 6:30 you could have at least peeked in to say good-night to us and still had time to get to work. Next time we are going to stay on until we hear from you. That will be some pressure to get you out of bed. We couldn't possibly waste that much time or be so deliriously funny in the morning. We aren't even that funny in person. So I'll come back and comment to the rest of you later. But you are all so snortin' funny.
Ok, so I guess we shouldnt quit our day jobs cause we'd probly have to pay people to come see us-LOL :)
This was the one thing I LOVED about working night shift.Between 1 and 4 am everything was funny.We called it the Euphoria kicking in.Anything said was just hilarious.Ah, I sure miss that.
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