Quote #1: "Something tugged at my memory, elusive, on the edges."
Quote #2: "How do you stand that?" [he] muttered to me.
Quote #3: "And then there was Edward, on edge and clearly disappointed."
bonus: "Idiots," . . .
Quote #1: "Something tugged at my memory, elusive, on the edges."
Quote #2: "How do you stand that?" [he] muttered to me.
Quote #3: "And then there was Edward, on edge and clearly disappointed."
Posted by
3:48 PM
Labels: quote of the week
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Changes from last week are still in affect, as follows:
For the general public:
1.One guess, on one quote, per day.
2. No peeking in your book until after you guess, and that is only to check your guess, not to look for another one.
3. The bonus is just for fun, it should be easy. Let us know whether or not you know the bonus but we wont reveal the actual source until later in the week. Sound good?
For my fanatic quote hunters:
It was almost impossible to decide who gets what quote. So I am going to go with alphabetical this week. If yours is too easy, quickly let me know and we will switch.
#1 - BetchaFeelBetter
#2 - Esmessence
#3 - Runswithvampires
On your mark, get set, go . . .
Oh my gosh - I thought all of them were so hard!!!But also very fun - hopefully I can get mine this week. Great job!! And I don't think I know the bonus!
Well, I really hate to say this, but i think my quote came from Jacob's mouth???But is that possible - a quote from MA from Jacob. So I better think about this a little harder before I actually make my guess for tonight!
guess #1 - When Bella sees the fire dancing on the water, that turns out to be Victoria, right after she drowns.
And I know the bonus is in one of two places, so I will see if I can better remember which one before I officially guess it.
Well this is just wonderful!
I know where #1 is exactly, and #2 I have a good idea, but of course I have no idea on #3. So that's good though.
Here goes my first guess, it just came to me:
In Eclispe when the Cullens and werewolves are combining forces and learning from Jasper how to fight newborns. Perhaps Bella's reaction to Jacob as a werewolf?
I know EXACTLY where the bonus is and I'm in love with that part! I'll wait to reveal of course, but I love that whole scene. Someone will have to summarize it like last weeks, it's fun!
Thanks, and sorry if I sound braggy about any of these! :)
I have to say that I love that all three of us were on at some point tonight getting started!!
"On your mark, get set, go"...very fitting!
We are fanatics with these! Very fun!
It's so funny which parts we internalize and which we don't. I though for sure you would all have the bonus istantly. Fun, an extra challenge. Do you want to know about your guesses tonight? At this point I am probably just talking to you BTY ( you know who you are).
No, you don't have to tell me tonight. I'm learning self control remember. I won't even look until tomorrow when you give me the yes or no. I'll try at least.
It is funny, I thought the same thing! We all remember different things specifically huh?
Until tomorrow BTY...(on this post at least)
Ok, I probably am way off, but I feel I need to at least try to go with my first instinct...so my guess for today is - Eclipse, when Bella and Edward are in the kitchen. Bella has called her mom about graduation, and then she calls Jacob - Jacob says this line to her after something she says about Edward. Ok, don't laugh (or be mad) - but I really did think it was Jacob.
I am sorry BFB but your guess in incorrect. But smart. You are a very savvy quote hunter.
E - I'm not sure how to respond. Except that you are funny and very observant. I have had a Jacob quote on here before you know.
Your guess however is incorrect. Do you want me to tell you who is doing the talking in the quote? That certainly does narrow the possibilities.
As for you miss smartie pants, now that you guessed this so quickly that leaves me with only the "dork" award. But even though you have stripped me of my other title, I am so proud of you. How DID you get that on a first guess?
Quote #3 is when everyone in the clearing was watching Bella react to seeing Jacob as a werewolf for the first time. She of course was very comfortable and they had quite the funny little interchange. But Bella was certain Edward was hoping she would go screaming and running away in terror. He should have known better. But a trying-very-hard-not-to-be-jealous-vampire-boyfriend can hope can't he?
Is mine after Bella drowns & is in Jacob's house and is thinking of the stage in Romeo & Juliet?
My guess is for Quote #2: (I hope you don't mind E)
Ok. So I've just written two different comments to put here, but then erased them both. First, I had this whole theory about where this statement might be found. But as I was typing, the real answer came to me (or at least the one that I'm pretty sure is correct). So then I started a comment about the second guess. But then I decided to not post it b/c I don't want to ruin the fun for E if I'm right. So now I've decided to just tell you what I originally thought it was, even though I know it's not correct. Maybe this can be more of a hint to E about where this quote is NOT.
So, my original idea:
Either Jacob or Edward complaining to Bella about how the other boy "stinks."
Sheesh. I'm such a mess. Bet you didn't know I was so indecisive.
It's nice to know you have a tiny bit of indecisiveness, since you come across pretty put together.
Very good observations Ruth. And you are correct about where it is not. It will be fun to see if you know. When it gets closer to the final guessing time, we would love to hear your guess.
How about the bonus. Was that line second nature, or taking some thought?
Ruth - such a great guess - that totally sounds like it should've worked...you probably do know it then. So, since I can't guess again today, I will be thinking very hard to guess tomorrow!!
I'm not sure how I got it so quickly, especially since I had no idea when I first read it. It pretty much just came to me while I was posting my first comment. And I wasn't 100% positive either, just kind of, or else I maybe would've played around or waited it out a bit.
Sorry, not to brag...
It is fun watching everyone else though. I still can think about #2, I'm not quite sure WHERE it's at.
I still can't place where the bonus is. I can hear in my head the tone of voice I read it in the first time. But I can't even remember who said it. . .
As for quote #1, my guess for the day is the first time Bella saw Jacob as a werewolf (in the forest with Laurent), but she didn't know it was him. (Is this week's theme Jacob?)
I am so sad that I missed my quess yesterday - late night fun!! I have a naggin feeling that Edward was never described as 'muttering' anything, so I am sticking to my guns here on my quote being from Jacob. My next guess is the day that Jacob shows up to school, and Edward is standing very protective of Bella - shielding her from him. Does he say this in response to how Edward is being so protective and causious?
Boy you girls are savvy (v or vv?). It is so great to walk through these TW moments in the books as we narrow things down.
BTW Ruthie, no it is not a Jacob "themed" week for quotes. It's just not natural for me to think of that. So your guess is wrong even though it sounds so right. Impressive.
Erin, you are going to get it, I swear. Every situation you name sounds like something it could be. Good job. Try again.
I will give a clue on the bonus. It is actually from New Moon.
Well, if quote 1 isn't from NM about seeing the flaming haired Victoria, then I know that something is bugging Bella in Eclipse. I think it is after the vampire breaks into her room, after they realize that her things are missing and that an army is being created. She finally figures out what it is on graduation day when Alice is in her room.
The only thing is, I can't remember where she initially says that something is nagging her.
So I might need a hint.
Oh my shocking goodness BFB did I forget to respond to your guesses? Because I certainly did respond in my mind. I am very sorry!
And here is your hint, in fact I will let you guess away today so that I can change the quotes tomorrow. Won't guarantee what time tomorrow but sometime.
Hint: Your quote is NOT in Eclipse.
Need more?
Well, I still think it was related to seeing the flame on the water, but I can't remember where it would be after that since Alice shows up that evening.
I will think.
And Marti was sick this morning, so that's why we weren't there. I missed it - I get much more done on the days I spin.
Further hint:
It is not referring to the flame on the water. You need to try a new line of thought.
Anybody else?
E - where's your guess. Need some hints?
Ok, my guess for today is in NM, after Alice has come back, and there is just a couple of times that Jacob is with Bella before Italy. Is it something that he is referring to during that part? I seriously can't believe that I can't get this again. Keep me posted, maybe I need another hint before you change them tomorrow!
Keep guessing. All stops are out. By tomorrow you can look it up if you want to.
Your quote is in Eclipse. It would be hard to know which part exactly, but can you figure out what Jacob is referring too? It is Alice related.
But not just Alice related.
And how about that bonus anybody. Did I mention it is Alice saying it, right RWV?
Ok, it must be just that Jacob is referring to all of the 'special gifts' that the Cullen's have (Alice, Jasper, maybe Edward)? I can't think of exactly where though - maybe the grad. party?
Is the bonus during the Vote in NM - Alice says it to the boys who are so excited to fight the Volturi? That is my guess.
You better believe it's Alice.
I'm enjoying reading all your guesses. I'm not sure where yours is either E, I know what it's related to but not where. My initial guess was wrong. It'll be fun to find out.
Well, new quotes are coming out today so I'll put what I decided was my "correct" guess:
Jacob is referring to how Edward can read minds. I thought it was in NM when Jacob gets Bella in trouble by bringing her motorcycle to Charlie. Edward kept answering for Jacob and saying his thoughts out loud. And this was before Jacob knew that Edward couldn't read Bella's thoughts.
But now that you say it is also related to Alice, it has to be in a different place (obviously since it's in EC). Anyway, I agree with Erin that Jacob is referring to the special gifts of the vampires. Oh well. I'm going to look it up now . . .
OK - DUH!!! (I apparently have a one track mind - when it comes to quotes that is).
#1 is when Edward kisses Bella before he leaves & she can't remember what it reminds her of.
Yes I knew you would get it! And that's the birthday kiss in New Moon for anyone not paying close attention. So bitter sweet. Ugh.
You could say I also have a one track mind: Edward, face, or kissing. But even though that is close to being true, I actually look for the quotes without a specific scene in mind. I have to limit my Edward description quotes. There are an amazing number of them.
Oh, and the bonus - I forgot one of the places I thought it was, but the one I remember was also when Emmett & Edward are discussing fighting the Volturi - maybe somewhere around the line "Excellent plan, my brother" ???
(by the way, you did a good job assigning quotes this week. Mine was the only one I did not know).
And maybe this will help E
"And it gave me an idea" (Jasper)
"Which will work" (Alice)
"Excellent" (Edward)
Followed by the quote.
Yes I think everyone finally got the bonus. A great scene. So guy typical, you know, and yet its a bunch of vampires talking about fighting the vampire heirarchy. Crazy love!
And nice lead in on Esmess. quote.
The quote assignments were pure luck. We will see how I do this time. Would you like to post the ones for the week after this BFB?
Alright, I got it - I think - with a MAJOR hint BFB...
So I believe it is when they are practicing (2nd time?) and Jasper is talking about the idea of leading the newborns to the meadow - using Bella's scent as 'bait'? Oh, I hope I am close...I'm going to go check right now!!
(and sorry I keep posting as Erin...I keep forgetting on my computer (new b-day gift) that I am logged in as me and not as Esmessence)
Oh, one more thing (doesn't really matter now I know) but I knew quote #1!!! I guess i should have said that earlier, but oh well - good job BFB! And good job RWV for getting your's on the first try...hopefully that will happen for me one of these times.
I think it is quite funny/ironic that TM assigned the quotes by chance and that we all knew the other quotes but not our own.
And yes, I can come up with quotes for next week. I think it is harder than guessing them, though.
Actually I LOVE coming up with the quotes. I much prefer it to guessing. So I was only sharing my fun 'cause I thought you girls might enjoy it. But if you are happy as guessers than I am happy as the researcher.
I'll check back at the end of this week.
Ruth I just have to say, that your guess on #2 was exactly my first guess too on that one! Wow, great minds think alike. Although MA, cleared that up for me. So, is E's guess right then? It seems like it.
I wouldn't mind doing the quotes again sometime too. It's fun both ways, and suspenseful both ways too. You want to be tricky and clever enough, but not too much either. Whenever I'm reading through them I'm always watching for a good one to pop out at me.
Can't wait for the next ones!
To be formal, Erin did get it before she checked. Jacob is referring to how Bella can stand how they communicate. With Alice seeing that Jaspers idea will work and then Edward mind reading her vision. Are you ready for the next ones. I actually have the hardest time choosing. There are so many good quotes. So I am narrowing right this minute.
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