I am always tweaking this Blog. I think I will add movie news each week to one post, like this. So you will have to keep rechecking this post for new news. Let's see if that will work.
*But don't miss the spectacular movie picture link I added yesterday to last weeks post.
March 31
So I never found the link that stopped working on the photos from an earlier post. This link has lots of photos. Some from a variety of other posts and some that I have never seen. There always nice for a diversion, and hopefully the link will stay:
March 28
The Lexicon has posted an interview with Solomon/Sam. It is very entertaining. It doesn't have any movie tid-bits but it is a fun read. I wanted to post here what Solomon's sister, who had previously hosted a book club to discuss the book Twilight, had to say when he announced to her that he was given a role in the movie. Very funny!
March 27
Introducing Billy Black. He looks perfect I think! His name is Gil Birmingham.
March 27
Guess what's back? The plaid jacket. I had to add this picture because it just made me laugh and think of how funny you all are. If you want to drool over a picture of Robert's autograph you are going to have to look that up yourself.
March 24:
This link has a great little story about a lady meeting Robert on the set of the movie:
March 24:
So this location has been confirmed as being used in the Twilight Movie.http://www.theviewpointinn.com/
If this isn't the Cullen house, nothing else could be! Ahhhh! It better be. What else?
Monday, March 24, 2008
Mar. 24 - Movie News
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SO awesome! I just decide that is is time to visit my friend in Vancouver! Do you know how somebody could find out when they are filming? I SOOOOO want to stalk the set!!
I can't get my work done today! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Great picture, fits perfectly for The Cullen house!
While I was "working" hard at my desk, I read that they said this place will be used for a "special occasion" so people were guessing that maybe the prom would be there.... even though it is at the school in the book. Do you think they would change that part too?? ahhhhh this is killing me! lol I would love for it to be the Cullen home!!
Yeah so I read all the junk on the TWmoms site. They drive me crazy, and yet, love their inside scoop. So from what I could gather, they are guessing. They call themselves investigative reporters (apparently one put 150 mile on her car doing research. Whoah.). So they are putting together all the little tid-bits they can. The majority have come up with prom.
This is good practice at disappointment. Why wouldn't I want their prom at a stunningly gorgeous place?
Because its not supposed to be.
Horror movie, standing out, not blending beautifully with the surroundings. You know. This is Forks. Blah, blah, blah. Get my mood?
Anyway, the TWmoms have been wrong before (like Gregory whats his name Boyce. They were very confidant about that one too). So I am holding out that their "investigative prowess" just might be faulty on this one. That place SCREAMS Cullen to me. Did you see the HORRIBLE pictures of the other house they though might be the Cullens? It was pathetic!!!!
So once again this yo-yo- excitement/devastating news cycle continues.
Do you think prayer would help at this point?
Is there no one who loves me enough to help me through this trying time?
I have been studying that stupid Twilightmoms site and I hate them. Okay I really don't like them. They have all these "inside scoops" without telling you straight out or confirming anything, but the dagger has pierced through this time.
I'm afraid that if they are correct, even prayer wont help at this point. Most of those "Twi-hards" as they are calling themselves (gag)figure that as since the location is gorgeous, who cares that it is the wrong scene for the prom.
Well I am swearing off movie gossip for a while. It is agonizing for me. The same know-it-alls say that they are 100% certain the Cullen house shots are finihsed. Sobbing . . . if you didn't see that hideous house, well, count your blessings. Some consoling her would be appreciated, or better yet, commisterating. Anything, anyone? Am I alone in my purist thinking?
I must be an absolute joke to read. Once second I am soaring and the next in the depths of despair. It is exhausting, I'll admit.
But with all my drama, I can take your corny comments too. So you'd much rather see the Cullens in a gorgeous place rather than a high-school gym for prom. That's fine. I think we need to settle that this is a fan-fiction they are creating here. So you like fan fiction better than the real story. That is okay. To each her own version of Twilight I suppose (and if I come across a little biting it is not intentional. I promise not to bite you if you want to say you would love to see the prom at this place).
By the way, the TWmom people try to justify that the movie can take these liberties by pointing out how the Volvo turned out fine. How can you compare the make of a Volvo to the Cullen house, or location of prom. Ahhh! (in a growling voice!)
I will try not to sulk that I have no one to cry about this to.
And does anyone agree that I really need to change my name? I don't like the relation it has.
I was thinking either the Cullen house, the big restaurant they ate at for graduation or the prom place. But then isnt the prom at the school??? I cant remember right at this moment.
Jenn, yes the prom was at school. Jenn, Jenn, are you there because all I get after my sob-story was this litle passing comment. Really?
I thought you of all people could share my disdain. My angry passion. Something.
Or slap me in Alice fashion.
OH OH OH! I am right there with ya sista! Sorry I think I was drooling over all the movie pics and didnt see your comments inbetween.I didnt see the Cullen would-be house! Where is it?!
This one has to be it! Its perfect! What are they thinking? Those Twidas are just rubbing it in how cool they think they are. I actually know a Utah Twilight mom, she's been trying to seduce me over to the dark side. I dont want to be in a group with 40 something women that you have to rent a restaurant or something to have a meeting! I like ours just the way it is, they cant possibly have the bond that we all do!
That is much better Jenn. Thank you.
You can find the other would-be Cullen house pics on there dumb site, but it is hard to find stuff, so good luck.
I am shocked to hear of such devious recruiting. I mean we love you here. You add that element of maturity to our group. But if you want to be a stalking, drooling, tactless TWMOM fan, we will try and understand.
Truly I have considered joining several sites along my fan journey, but they are so huge, you know. I am sure those ladies are awesome. They can't be any worse than a cry-baby blog girl who can't get a grip on "the movie is not the book reality". C'mon me, before I have to change my name.
Gotta go to bed so I can deal better with this emotional roller coaster.
Should we come up with some kind of "blood-sista" sign, you know? One of those special hand-shake deals?
Good night, really.
Really? You really think I'm mature? bah! Or was that another depends joke that went over my head lol--
Of course I'd never go over to them!I just listen to her rave about her group, smile, and then rave about ours. And she smiles. At least we both agree that we disagree. Se doesn't scare me.Well she does, but not in that way.
Ha a blood sister sign! Can you see one or two of us running into each other at the grocery store, share a suavey handshake and walk off.LOL! Can you picture the looks we would get! Ah! I think we should just for the attention!
Ok good night. Am I the only one here? Where is everyone?
Jenn, work on our shake. We've got to have one.
Just wanted to apologize for over reacting and taking it out the the Twilightmoms. I really think I might need to retire this hobby.
Mary Mary Quite Contrary, why do you worry so?
You are hilarious don't you dare change one bit! I know I speak for all when I say that You are the heart of this group, and your passion is what helps to keep us motivated and excited. Besides the obvious of course-lol.
But please don't worry so much ok! Twilight Moms are crazy and I'm not afraid to admit that-lol (well, they are)
Jenn you are the BEST! But sometimes more than just me has got to think I am just a little too into this sometimes.
Okay I will try not to worry about my sanities reputation or my tempers'.
I just love it when you have time to comment Jenn. Thanks again.
Ha, ha. I just finally read all the comments on this post. Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I'm just now recovering from the single-mom weeks, Easter weekend & DH's b-day. And now I'm trying to put together a church activity.
But here I am checking the blog instead because I'm going to go insane if I don't relax a bit.
OK, enough babble. Seriously, do people not understand that if you grow up in a town like Forks, there is NO OTHER place to have the prom except in the high school gym? Give me a break. I mean, I grew up in Vernal, which is much larger than Forks, and I had never heard of having a dance outside of the gym. Oh wait. I think we were going to have on on the golf course once. But Forks doesn't have a golf course. And Forks is more like Duchesne in my mind. Maybe a little bit bigger, but not big enough to have a restaurant like this. Seriously, their fancy restaurant is the Lodge where there are horns on the walls. You get my point.
So, my vote goes to this being the Cullen house (we get to vote right? No? You mean the movie people aren't listening to us? What's wrong with those people?)
It has the whole wall of windows or as close as you can get in real life. It just needs some trees around it & they can take care of those no sweat. And they do have the graduation party at the Cullen house, so that could be the special occasion. (Never mind that that happens in Eclipse.)
Still, I have just accepted the fact that this movie was cast & written with the intent of appealing to teenage fans. They were surprised at all the adult fans, after all. (They even added to the budget when they learned how many of us there are). So, I expect it to very loosely based on the books. By that, I mean that there will be vampires and a girl named Bella and a boy/vampire named Edward who fall in love. Other than that, who knows what will happen.
True and theraputic words. Loosely based. Okay, okay, but still sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, . . . . .
Poop. I didn't know that about the budget. Geez!
I'm glad you can use the blog as a relaxant. And it is nice to have you back even if momentarily. I didn't know you had another single mom stint recently.
After getting all 4 of the 7 kids at my house to lessons and practices (with RWV help), pack meeting crafts complete, dinner, pack meeting, homework, baths, watched American Idol in the background, etc. I really need this time. Ahhh.
So I added a new picture today. VERY trivial.
And just a reminder, I only add really great or intriguing news here. There are little tid-bits about the movie every day on other sites, but I don't like to fill up all our space with spazy teenage accounts of being an extra that wasn't used on the set of the movie. Although it was fun to read that one of them saw Robert with black eyes. Oooh!
I am going to add a couple of links to the better sites if you want constant trivia. Even though I check them, I don't read it all either. Hope this is working for you all.
Ha ha ha! I don't think the plaid jacket is trivial on our little site! But it looks a little better with the hoodie hanging out of it.
I am snorting thinking that we should all wear plaid shirts to the movie release. Nobody would have a clue why we all matched. And then we could flash our little Twilight gang signs and speak Span-o to each other.
Giggle sista-snorter! Thanks for the laugh this afternoon.
And you are so right. The hoodie really improves the look.
My Dad is a truck driver and I get him one of those plaid jackets every year for his birthday. So I will have my Mom look and see how many he hasn't recycled or worn out. Then we can be matching plaid jacket wearing gansta spanish speakers, with a logo "stupid shiny Volvo owner" with a big rig aplique. Get it, truck drivers. Okay dumb, but still giggling.
Did you know there was anyone else left to cast? Check to blog to see who it is.
Yes! I got another one ahead of the Lexicon, but they are now confimrming the character. So its official.
I posted a link to a Lexicon interview with Solomon/Sam. I enjoyed reading it.
The Lex and other sites have a copy of a smaller interview with Peter/Carlisle. Its good, but pretty much the same.
The Sam/Solomon interview was fun to read. It is great that he has actually done school projects on NA legends involving shape-shifters.
Billy looks great!
And, I love the big-rig applique / quote combo.
So I like this Billy, but in the book I've pictured a much older, sickly and feeble man. I mean he is in a wheelchair and suffers from progressive diabetes,right? I know I know its Hollywood, they can do anything,I'm just commenting. I wonder if they'll even make him be in a chair, he looks in way too good of shape for that.Again, I know Hollywood=makeup,prosthetics, I get it---
Ok, so I'm still trying to play catch up on all the stuff I missed in the 8 days I was gone, on top of a really busy week. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you during your distress MA, I can feel your pain through your comments. You know whenever I look at their sight or any of their pictures with the actors I just feel embarrassed for them. Again, where are these twilighmom's families?
I really hope that is going to be the Cullen home, and I'm not going to give up hope yet! I'm just so excited that there is going to be a prom scene! Really, they could have cut that out you know.
I'll have to read that Sam interview, good to hear you guys enjoyed it. And I really like the "Billy." He looks perfect, or he will in a wheelchair with make-up to help him look more sickly. Who knows, maybe Billy will be in perfect health in the movie. (Not to pour salt in the wound.)
ps. Jenn!! What in the world are you doing commenting at that hour!
I was actually worried that they were going to come up with an even younger Billy, so that's probably why I was fine with him.
This new picture link has some from everywhere and some I have never seen. Its a good go to place when you need some TW.
Hey BFB didn't you think the comment from Solomons sister was so funny? Where she asked him if he was going to play Jacob. It sounded like she was very distressed at the thought and very relieved to find out he was playing Sam. Wouldn't that be weird to have your own brother mis-cast as Jacob?
I still really feel bad for Jacob fans. I hope he turns out to be more than adorable in the movie. Wait I am a Jacob fan.
Yes I liked the whole bit about Solomon's sister not wanting him to be Jacob. I also liked how he had heard about the book because of his sister's book party, but that he didn't connect that that was the movie he was in. Is he a blonde? I do that all the time.
And I still kind-of hope they will do a Jacob morph/actor change thing (though it is a very little hope). Otherwise, there really won't be very much emotional conflict in the Jacob/Edward choice.
I had a thought about the inn. They could show Edward & Bella eating here before they go to Prom. It is still not correct, but it would be better than the actual dance at the inn.
OR, (I like this option better) it could be the restaurant in Port Angeles where Edward takes Bella to eat after rescuing her from the men in the alleyway.
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