(click on the picture to enlarge)
Well friends. I see that to get ANYONE to say ANYTHING on this blog, I have to have movie gossip. The fact is I am actually getting behind on it. Lots going on. I still have to admit I think those Volturi mom's are a little nuts (do you think we would stalk the shooting sight if it was being filmed here?), but the fruits of their labors are pretty sweet.
So here is a link to some great shots during the van crash scene: http://twilightmomsforums.freeforums.org/on-set-forks-high-kalama-school-pics-added-t3878.html
I like the movie updates mostly because it helps me keep it in perspective. My take: much of the movie is really going to be great! Has to be! Much of the movie is going to be SOOOOO lame, and wrong, and incomprehensible.

*In my unfortunately not very humble opinion, as fun as the movie stuff is to gush about, true addicts still love to discuss the real deal. Don't leave me here alone you guys. Lots of good posts now and coming.
Now gush away. . . . . . .
(Emmet with Topaz Eyes: perfection!
click to enlarge, its even better.)
My highs:
Location looks incredible! Yes!
Robert looks really cute! Yes!
Cars look good, etc. The movie just might very well be amazing!
My lows:
Robert looks to skinny and wardrobe is just sad.
Alice's hair is WRONG!!!
Jasper's hair is a freakin' joke!!!
Oh and Edward's Volvo. Who did this? I was going to post a picture yesterday but ran out of play time. So they gave him the newest, "coolest" model of Volvo, unfortunately it looks like a dorky hatch-back, something that I would drive, and did not stick with SM's very specific make and model. Darn those stupid movie people. You just can't make an avatar with THAT Vovlo. I know Edward can make any car sexy but he already has a sexy car. Why did they have to change it?
At least they got the eyes right.
Just Perfect-O!
And p.s.
More pics to come as soon as I can.
Great pics! Those Twilight Moms are crazy. I highly doubt any of us would be stalking the set.
I'm not too fond of the volvo either. Just isn't what I have pictured in my head. Then again, nothing in the movie will be. So I'm with you, TM/MA. I'll go see the movie without expecting much. Maybe then I will be pleasantly surprised.
But I'd much rather gush about the real deal.
I was actually quite excited when I saw the volvo.... my friend drives one just like that! Just made me feel a tiny bit closer to Edward!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, SB! Welcome, welcome! Good job with your first formal comment and a good one.
Can I provoke you and ask if you have seen the authentic one Edward drives? That is what is hard for me. The original is so much more Edwardy.
But I must say, SB - you are a very lucky, lucky, girl to know a human with Edward's car. (if your friend is a girl that is). Does this human realize what an amazing thing they've got?
I haven't had time to view all the other movie 'stuff' but, I just have to say that I agree with the perfection statement of Emmett's eyes!!!!! He looks really good!
And sadly, yes, the volvo just doesn't cut it people!
My human friend is very lucky! lol I made her a "stupid shiny volvo owner" sticker for her car, she loves it!
I do agree about the authentic volvo, it is much more Edwardy! I also agree about your other highs and lows.... but I am still super excited for the movie! YAY
So many things to comment on!!! The pic of Emmett is beautiful! Looks very much like in my head, except I thought his hair would be curlier, but no big deal... I have to completely agree with you MA about Alice and Jasper's hair-do's (or more like hair-dont's!). I mean... really! The actress playing Alice is beautiful to begin with, but they have wrecked her natural beauty by putting a dorky cut on her. Was their budget too cheap to pay for a real hair stylist on set? Then there's poor Jasper - yikes! They've made him look like a total wuss - how very sad! Not at all like SM intended I bet. Maybe they could have Robert wear a padded muscle suit to bulk him up? It worked for my little boy in his batman suit, just a thought....
Love the batman suit idea.
Actually, even though the real Volvo is much more Edward-y, I can forgive this car because I have often thought the wagon-type car could fit much of the Cullen's outdoorsy-camping-hiking facade. Think Park City Subaru wagons - expensive outdoorsy. That's the idea I get from this car.
Yeah, the newest pictures help a lot with these issues.
So really everyone but Edward and Bella's hair is wrong. At least they got those two right. And Jasper is much improved in the newest pictures. Still, poor guy. Mabye this is as close to a the feminine side of male that they can get into such a "diverse" movie.
Rosalie's hair turned out alright.
Alice's isn't as short as it should be, but still pixie & cute - it is close enough that I can allow it.
The boys they took more liberties with. I guess I'll just keep the real Cullens in my head and let these two be what they are. After all, they really are okay if I stop trying to make them fit the ideas in my head.
Ok, so this is the first I've read this post, and I've tried to go to the link you posted but it doesn't take me to any pics. Do I have to join TWmoms to see them? I really, really want to see the pictures you're all talking about, it's making me nuts.
I'm having a tough time with the new volvo, it makes him seem preppy or something. Your thought about it helps though BFB, and I guess I'll get over it. I just totally picture the one that SM has on her website. And yes the eyes are perfect!! Yay, there's something right. But it does really bother me for some reason that Emmett's hair isn't curly, come on people! That's not so hard to accomplish. His first shot we saw of him (as a blond) was just great in length and curliness, just dye that!
I really like the batman suit idea too! HA! Edward is NOT skinny!
The link doesn't take me to any pics either, I am guessing maybe it was changed. But I think I saw these on another site, and they are from the same day as the link in TM's other post, only the professional photographer's pics are better. So you didn't miss anything.
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