Quote #1: "But . . .the . . you . . I . . insane!"
Quote #2: "Unthinkingly, my fingers traced the crescent-shaped scar on my hand that was always just a few degrees cooler than the rest of my skin."
Quote #3: "I usually felt grateful that I was the only person whose thoughts he couldn't hear . . . but now I wished he could hear me, too, . . . ."
"I guess I'm stuck with Mike Newton after all."

Same rules as usual. 1 guess on 1 quote, per day. If you know the bonus, let us know you know but don't give it away until others have had a chance at it.
Those of you who are too good at this to be left with regular rules, also know what to expect by now. Let's try the same order as last week, but let me know if it's an obvious one for you, and we can switch.
#1 BFB
#2 Esmessence
#3 Runswithvampires
I love being on this end of it. Will I stump them this week? Will it be the right quote? Will it be fun? These are the thoughts keeping me up at night! j/k, you know that right?
Yes, we do know you are kidding - sort of. We just know how much fun this is for you as well as us - every week!!
I have to (excitedly) admit that a couple of these are familiar to me - finally! I do know that mine is in one of two spots...so if that means that it is too easy for me, that I guess you can change it. But, I'm excited...I have a couple guesses for the bonus - not too obvious for me.
Well, I think I only know one of them for sure, and it's not mine. I'm not even sure about the bonus this week. So this will be a fun little adventure trying to figure them out!
Wow, I truly don't have a clue right now, don't even know where to throw a guess out at. I was going to get on it, but I'm going to have to think about it longer. I can't think of anywhere that Bella wishes Edward could hear her thoughts, it's usually such the opposite. Be back later, lots of scene thinking to do.
Okay when we hear from BFB, if hers it too easy for her as well, then we will switch around. Be thinking about your own and the others. Maybe just don't post a guess until we hear from her.
How funny that some quotes totally stick out for some people and not for others. There have been so many weeks where many of you readers know exactly where a quote is found and I have no idea. It's fun that the roles seem reversed this week. :)
Quote #1 is vaguely familiar to me. I'm pretty sure where #2 is. I can picture the scene #3 is from. And I'm 99% sure I know where the bonus is. Great quotes this week! They brought many pleasant images to my mind.
I'm still pretty clueless on this one, but I can't go without at least guessing something tonight. So let's see...How about during while they are in Volterra, talking with Aro and others. Is she perhaps wanting to tell him something there?
And that darn bonus, I'm familiar with the line, but I just can't remember where at all! Oh well, it'll be fun to find out.
Ahh, well I know all of them EXCEPT mine. So don't switch that one. I know right where the bonus is too.
Now to go think about mine...
It sounds like we are all keeping the same one. So here is my first guess. NM - when Bella and Jacob are sitting in the Rabbit - I think it's Valentines day, and Jacob mentions something that made Bella think of James and her scar.
Well, I had a thought about where mine might be.
Is it when Alice insists still having the party when Bella wants to cancel it because Victoria returned?
Sorry Erin, guess again.
And Sorry BFB but now you will have nothing to do this week because you already got yours. You can secretly email me about the others to make sure you are right.
I would even post a bonus bonus for you but if you are getting 3 out of 4 at first glance, I think you just might be too advanced for our game.
You're kidding! I really didn't have any idea, I was just thinking of places that it could be, and that popped into my head. My daughter even asked me why I exclaimed, "Oh!" in the middle of doing something else, because it wasn't even at the top of my mind.
Some quotes & weeks just come quicker than others, I guess. We all notice different things too, which is what I like about having the three quotes - seeing how each of us thinks of different things & makes different guesses.
I know one! Yea! I am so excited. I am going to find the page right now. I don't know the rules, do I email TM or do I guess on here and let you know page numbers or something?
Ok, my other guess - I hope it is right, is in Eclipse, right before Jasper tells of his newborn experience and Bella"unthinkingly..."
Actually AWB you can't look in the book until after you have guessed. The rules are lenghhty. Start by just telling us which quote you know.
We will begin there. And then walk you through the detailed process.
Yes Bella pays attention to her scar there, but that isn't it.
Try again.
Anyone else think they had it correctly and now have to think about it some more?
Well, I just don't know where to guess. I have sadly been overloaded with other thoughts in my head the last few days (except for CSP last night!) and I just can't think of anywhere else. Am I pathetic enough to already ask for a hint?
I want to get it before I leave on Sunday, and that's not far away. So really, you better just give me a hint so I can start narrowing it down. I guess if I can't get it someone else can have a whack at it. I know it isn't exclusively mine!
For fun, let's just guess the tent scene in Eclipse, when she is so cold she can barely say anything?? Hmm?
Of course not. But you knew that already. Creative though.
Hmmm. . . not sure how revealing of a hint to give you. Lets start with this.
The only reason she wants him to hear her thoughts is so that she can tell him something to protect him, or sort of warn/remind him of something.
And I think this would be a hard one to remember having not studied the books recently. Try again, then I have another hint.
BTW BFB (she privately emailed her guesses). You do have #3 and the bonus, but not #2. Hee, I think I picked a good one there. Of course all these scar places exist, but no one has found the correct place yet.
Okay so when Erin was shocked that her answer wasn't correct, I got wondering if I was confused.
Guess what. I can't find where I thought it was. So maybe Erin is right after all.
This is so embarrassing!
Okay , back after some heavy research. I found it now. Whew. And no one has guessed it yet, so lets keep going on Erins. I actually think it is in a REALLY hard place.
I guess I shouldn't make them quite so hard. I just pick out lines that surprise me.
I will give a tiny hint. It is during a conversation with mmmm...Edward.
Alright, I will guess - NM - right when Edward comes back...probably in her room when he is trying to tell her how much she means to him...he reflects back on what happened in Pheonix and the fact that he almost lost her - ummm, probably wrong, but still fun to think of that part!!
Where is everybody for the quotes? I figured my previous comment was wrong. Actually - I didn't look it up, so I'm not positive I'm wrong. But here is another guess for today:
Eclipse, when they are in the tent, and the fight is starting. Bella is forgetting to breath, as Edward starts telling what he hears! I guess it's probably before he realizes that Victoria is looking for them.
Sorry, and the bonus - I can't put my finger on it. But it sounds like it is at a place that they are joking around with each other. Somewhere, where Edward is trying to tell Bella that he is no good for her, even after everything has happened. Maybe one of the good kiss scenes in Eclipse.
I am so very, very sorry that I missed your other guess. Strange. But wrong, both times actually. So it is not obvious, but it is during a conversation where Edward mentions what happened "last spring".
And your bonus guesses are very good, but this quote does not come from a conversation with Edward.
First of all, maybe the bonus is a conversation Bella has with Charlie? I don't know. They do have a few 'teasing' conversations don't they?
And, very humbly, I am back for another guess. So sad that at the beginning of last week I was so sure I knew where it was. But, alas, I again need some hints. So now after my hints, I'm pretty sure it is in Eclipse. We have had so many quotes from this part, so it's probably not right, but is it the scene at Bella's house, sitting on the couch, when she is worrying about being changed...Edward has been patient to let her gaze and think, and then they talk about it? I don't know if he says something about Phoenix there or not, but there you go.
I am going to give the answers since we will be starting new quotes today. I am very anxious, nervous, and relieved at the same time. Anxious because I love hearing these lines from our books.
Nervous because I don't want to like the worst quote guesser ever, but relieved too because not knowing a quote just means I have a lot to look forward to when we start reading our books again.
So quote #2 - the scar
New Moon - Bella's birthday.
Edward and Bella have just finished watching Romeo and Juliet and Edward is exlpaining about how he had to think about how to end his existence if he hadn't been able to save Bella last spring. This made her remember Pheonix and automatically touch her scar.
Pretty tricky.
The mind reading quote is also from New Moon. Bella's dream at the beginning. She wants to warn Edward about coming out in the sun because her Grandma will see him sparkling.
And the bonus is from the conversation the "memorable quote" comes from. Bella is explaining to Jacob her love for Edward. Jacob tells her she should love somebody human. That leaves Mike.
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