"I drifted in and out of alertness."
Quote #2
"Alice stared at me, her eyes widening with terror."
Quote #3
"He pulled my face away from his, breaking my hold with ease..."
"Is it naptime already, Alice?"
"Alice stared at me, her eyes widening with terror."
Quote #3
"He pulled my face away from his, breaking my hold with ease..."
"Is it naptime already, Alice?"
Same rules as always - one guess per day, no looking in the books until after the guess is posted, and assignments for the most ravenous vampires.
Quote assignments
#1 - RWV
#2 - Esmessence
#3 - TM
Oooh, oooh, oooh . . . .
I have a guess for all of them. Yay! That is better than my worst fear, that I wouldn't know any.
I would probably be more troubled with #1 but I think RWV would get mine too quickly.
Anyway, I will wait to guess, but I know the bonus for sure.
Thanks for posting these BFB.
How do you spell Yay, yeah, yea? (pronounced yay) Because I use that word a great deal, and I am never sure. Spell check says no to Yay, but it seems the most clear. How do you differentiate from yeah pronounced ya?
Hmm...I'm not positive about any of these, except maybe the bonus. Least of all mine, funny how that works out for me. So, I'll think about it a little more today and then put my guess in later.
Thanks BFB, good job on these!
Actually, I almost assigned you #1 TM, but decided to switch last minute for that exact reason.
Glad they're not too easy!
I am just stopping by to say a quick hello - so happy to see new quotes. I have a few guesses for mine - but that doesn't really say much, especially coming from...so sad!
I do know the bonus for sure, and I have a few guesses for TM's and RWV's. So, I'll have to think, think, think, while I'm finishing my move!
Duh - I forgot to actually put down my guess. I wanted to wait, but I fear the next time I will get a chance to get on will be too far away. So my first guess is in NM, when Alice comes back to see Bella. I think this moment might be when she gets off the phone with Rosalie, and she sees Edward going to Italy and visiting the Volturi.
Mabye RWV and I should trade. I thought she would know mine, and I am clueless on her. Think about it.
What do you think of this avatar. Too over the top? I've run out of good kissing pictures, and stumbled across this. Its kind of cute I thought.
If you want to trade, it is fine by me. Actually, I did figure you'd probably know #3 or guess pretty quickly, but its a kiss, and I know how you like those kissing scenes...
And I don't think the avatar is too over the top, it just doesn't really seem like Edward to me. Even his desperate kisses don't have that smash-your-face kind of feel to them. Those would be the Jacob kisses.
And Erin, in case I don't get back on again tonight, that is not it. Good guess though. Alice's eyes at that spot are described as "tortured."
We are not trading.
Very true about the kissing though. I do love the kissing scenes! Unabashedly (sp?) and the avatar is definitely not Edwardish, but maybe a little Bellaish. Oh well, its cute enough.
I'll be back with my guess shortly.
Ok, so I'm going to give a guess for tonight. This is the scene that keeps coming to mind. How about in Eclipse in the tent, when Bella is trying to stay awake to listen to Edward and Jacob's conversation? Perhaps?
I do like the avatar a lot! Even though yes, and very unfortunately, Edward probably doesn't kiss like that. I'd like to think he does though, maybe that's why I like it so much.
Now that I am ready to guess I am actually kind of nervous. So here goes . . .
My first kissing guess is the "computer kiss". I believe this is their first kiss in Eclipse. Bella is at her computer and Edward kisses her to distract her. He gets pretty carried away himself, "securing her face to his", so maybe this is the right line to this time he pulls her away. Since he pretty much does every time they kiss. Sigh!
There was a fleeting little comment on hisgoldeneyes.com about a photograph of Kristen and Robert almost kissing. It isn't clear enough to tell if it is from the movie, but reading others comments got me a little anxious to see that on the big screen. Not the almost kissing, although that should be amazing, but the actually kissing too. Oh BABY!
Oh baby! That IS going to be amazing to see on screen, I haven't really ever thought of that before, but oh man. Maybe there will be some almost kissing on the trailer!
RWV, nice guess but no.
TM, you are too good. What can I say? I really hoped that this happens in enough spots that it might keep you busy a little longer. Sigh. Do you want me to find a harder one? It probably would not be a kiss this time. I don't think I can find a kiss line that you don't know already.
Sorry BFB, in my defense, against being accused that I have every kisssing memorized, because I don't, I came across that particular one in that last little while. And I wasn't postive, but it did sound more familiar because of that.
And it would actually be kind of funny to try another kissing line on me. Do some research and see I can prove that I am not incrurably addicted to Edward's kisses.
You may not quote the Jacob kiss. To painful!
Thanks BFB.
I thought both of those other guesses were really good. I finally have a guess on RWV's so it will be fun to see if I am right. Not sure about Erin's though. Have some thoughts. So I am happy without my own quote too.
You say "accused" like I was saying that is a bad thing. I meant it as a compliment. Being able to recall with clarity all those beautiful Bella & Edward moments - how could that be anything but good?
Now, I do know better than to quote the Jacob kiss on you. I did think about a Jacob scene, but squelched the little impulse to stir things up. It's funny sometimes, but I really don't like having people upset.
So now I have a challenge: find a kiss line that you can't guess that is still not impossibly vague (because it does need to be humanly possible since there are no real vampires here)....hmmm..
try this.
"I'll see you later," I muttered glumly. (Yes this is kissing related, but I am saving the next line to add later if you need more.)
Oh of course I'm just teasing. You can accuse me any day really. Although not teasing about the Jacob kiss. Any other Jacob moment in free reign but not that. You don't know what that did to me.
And I have to think about this new one a bit. Good work.
Now I remember why I don't like being on this end of this game.
A combination perfectionist/obessesor/competative nature does not handle these puzzles well. So I can't stand mulling these over and over. So I want to get my first guess out of the way, even though I am very doubtful that it is correct. But it will help narrow things down.
Any chance it is in Twilight when they get back from meadow and the Blacks are there so Edward has to leave?
This is kissing related because he kisses her neck then.
Long shot?
Oh my goodness. What was I saying. For heaven's sake what is wrong with me. That is after they get back from the Cullens house for the first time. So sorry. Really I just slipped.
Ok then, I'll put in another guess for today. How about in Eclipse, when Bella goes to watch the Cullens and the werewolves get taught by Jasper, and she is so tired toward the end and on the way home?
TM, I am laughing at you right now because I completely understand. Every week, I have every intention of taking my time and thinking about the quote and not doing all my obsessing in the first day. Then I read it and my resolve goes out the window and I become a desperate woman trying to figure out my quote.
Both those guesses are similar situations to where I found your new quote, but they are not it. (I will have to go check if there is a duplicate quote).
And RWV, you are thinking of good places this could be, but haven't found it yet. I took a lesson from our fearless leader, TM, and picked quotes that could appear in multiple places. So keep working!
Ok, my guess for today is at the Graduation party - when Alice finally sees what is going to happen...that the newborns are coming for Bella, and one was "carrying her red shirt."
UHHH! I posted another guess earlier this morning but now it is not here. I wonder what happened. Sorry I didn't mean to guess twice on that last one. I was just clarifying that the Blacks show up after the Cullen house not after the meadow.
So here goes my guess for today, and I hope you can answer it today. It is vague but I can't help that.
Part of the problem is that I cannot remember when or if this scenario happens, but I really think it does. So first tell me if there is a scenario where Bella is really worried about the vampire army coming/Vicoria, and then combines that with her worries about her loved ones battling them. It seems I remember that Edward is leaving to either go hunting, or I think to talk to Carlisle perhaps, and when he kisses her to leave, she says that for once it doesn't make her feel better. Did this happen? And the secondary question, now that I am realizing October's read of Eclipse was a long time ago, is this where that quote comes from?
And if not I think I need a tiny bit more info. It seems she would be more than glum in the scene I described, so hurry or I'll look it up myself. I'm just really having a hard time thinking of a kiss combined with that line.
I couldn't stand it and I checked the quote this morning. To my credit, sorry to brag, but the word glum is used. Edward smiles at her "glum" expression. Not that I knew that, but its a pretty good coindidence.
That is a pretty good coincidence. I was going to go check to see if it was used too, because you seemed pretty sure.
And you are right, it is in Eclipse. And it is a scenario where Bella is worried about something, but (here is your hint) Edward is not worried.
Here is the quote with an added part, " "I'll see you later," I muttered glumly.
He laughed and kissed the top of my head."
So the kiss is nothing big. But still nice. And you are getting closer.
E, your guess is another spot that Alice's face & eyes are described, but that is not it.
I'll give you a little hint, it is in-between the guesses you have made.
Alrighty then. I checked and that scene I describe does happen but it is not a kiss he tries to soothe her with, it is her lullaby. I am sure a kiss would work no matter what. In fact the "kitchen kiss" Bella says just that, about how when she looks at Edward it distracts her from all of the trauma going on around her. Then they kiss. Yum!
So no I don't have every forehead kiss memorized. Mostly from the lips down (ie: neck, jaw, etc). Although a few nose kisses I know but they are usually tied to more kissing.
Of course the scene I described fits the description of him not being worried and she is, because now that the werewolves are helping, all of the Cullens are relieved. But no kissing, forehead etc. But she does curl up to his chest on her bed. Oops, back to the topic at hand.
So my guess today, not that it will be seen today, weekends are slow here, I have tons to do, but I really have to get this off my chest, is, . . .
Bella is going to study for her finals. Edward isn't worried because he is Edward. She is, especially about Trig. of course.
Thats about all I have left in me to guess. But I have lightened up and I'm enjoying this game more than usual.
So I'm more confused by your hint. I figured it had to be in one of the big scenes, but I'm thinking it must just be somewhere random. I'm actually getting really excited to reread the series, because I really have forgotten so many details and much more. It's going to be so great!
So I'm going to put a guess in for today, since I missed yesterday, even though I'm pretty clueless. I think I might need a hint tomorrow. Ok, so here goes, how about when Bella is driving with Alice and Jasper to Phoenix and she's in the back of the car, in and out of it the whole ride?
RWV, I didn't really mean that as a hint, I was just meaning that Bella fading in & out of consciousness/alertness happens many times.
And it isn't the Phoenix trip either, although - again- it could be. So your hint now is that this quote is from New Moon.
TM, your next hint is the line following the two I already gave you. "I'll be back when Charlie's snoring."
E do you need another hint? Or has the last one helped?
Okay BFB this had BETTER BE IT or I QUIT, just kidding, maybe.
It has got to be when Bella and Edward come home from her first not not being grounded. Edward can hear Charlie's thought (about you-know-what). Bella is worried about what Charlie is going to say, but Edward knows and finds it humorous.
You had better answer this tonight too kiddo!
Ok, so since it's the last day to guess for these quotes, I'm going to break the rules.
I'm giving more than one guess.
-After Edward has left and Sam has found her in the forest, carries her back to her home. While she's there she is in and out of it, and knows there are people in the house talking about the situation?
-Toward the end of NM, when Alice is staying with her and Charlie, they're sleeping on the pull-out couch together, Bella wakes up to Alice and Charlie early in the morning talking about her?
-The very end of NM, when they're driving home from the airport in the back of Rosalie's car and Bella is very out of it?
Let's go with those 3 for now. Let me know, because I have a few other ideas too!
Here is Erin's guess. She just moved and doesn't have internet access right now, poor thing.
How about when Alice is in Bella's room and Bella first tells her the theory of all the vampire stuff being tied together and focused on her.
Oh and the bonus is in the lunch room in Eclipse when Alice has a vision about Victoria in the lunch room. That starts Bella being suspicious and Edward avoiding telling her what Alice saw, etc.
TM, you are right, of course. I am impressed though, because I literally turned about two pages from your first quote, looked for a kiss, and that was it (that probably wasn't very nice of me. I do apologize). So you deserve bonus time with your books, or a hot fudge sundae, or your 4 Hershey's kisses - whatever!
RWV, your first guess listed is correct. Again, probably not very nice of me since it is a scene we don't intentionally try to think about, but you got it! More chocolate for you!
And E's guess is not correct, but hers is also tricky. Not particularly difficult, but tricky. Hint: Nobody is in danger.
Do one of you two have an idea?
BFB can you tell us which book it is in. You said between her guesses so I am thinking Eclipse but there is still a little bit of stuff left in New Moon.
New Moon.
Well then, I am going to get my NM and lay down and look until I find it. I won't rest until I know where this quote is, I'm on a quest now. I better hurry before the new ones are posted any moment.
So with my quote, I thought about putting something from the beginning of NM early on, but it was too painful to go there, so I went elsewhere to guess. Tricky though, and painful.
Ok, so I just had a thought. How about at the end of NM, in "The Vote" chapter, after the vote when Bella asks Alice if she is ready to change her?
I think I might be right?? And I haven't even looked yet.
Sorry Erin, hope you don't mind if I got it. (I'm going to feel dumb if I'm wrong)
That is the exact place I was thinking last night. But I didn't have a chance to call Erin. I don't think she will mind.
So I thought you were going to look it up. I don't have my New Moon so come on RWV, we've got to get this!
Thinking about it a little more and yes, I am going to make a stand with RWV and say, I dont "think" that is it, I KNOW it. Bella has just said that Alice can turn her, and of course, Alice would have a look of terror, considering the way Edward was acting in that scene.
Holy Crow this is making me so excited to read them all again. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE that scene!
That's it, of course! I knew you would figure it out - in fact, that is the quote I was worried would be too obvious.
Funny how they strike us all differently. That quote could have been in about 20 places.
But HEY, you can't stay home from spinning to catch up on the blog silly. Just kidding. Dazz was kind of worried she missed you. Really you gals need a note to the teacher so I don't worry about you when you miss.
Thanks for doing those quotes. I'll post the new ones as soon as I can.
I sent Daz an email saying sorry I missed her. Like an idiot, I was still standing at the bus stop 1/2 a block away - if I had turned ever so slightly, I would have seen her (and could have chased after her, waving my arms frantically). Anyhow, I felt bad that I missed her and sad to miss class. I was finally feeling better, and had been looking forward to getting going again.
So I saw Erin again today and she is very grateful that the mystery is finally solved. She got it too but I had to play the hot/cold game. She got warmer, warmer, warmer, then ta-da. She got it!
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