Hey, here is our Twilight Moments of the week post. We'll continue to create a new home for these about once a week, as long as it's needed. The last couple have had a pretty good amount of traffic. So, one small moment I had yesterday was when I went with my daughter on a field trip with her music class to Riverton Music to see all the instruments. I was very disappointed to not see a single white grand piano. I still had some good thoughts whirling in my mind of Bella and Edward sitting on a piano bench together, and could just picture Edward's beautiful, white hands flowing over the keys...
So, please share anything that dazzles you or reminds you of Twilight here!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Dazzled Daily - 3/6
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11:16 AM
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Also, I was in a very Twilighty mode last night. I started listening to some songs from the Twilight playlist while out and about, and I was filled, nearly overwhelmed, with thoughts from Twilight and the beginnings of their relationship. It then lead to BD hopes and wishes and eventually to a shared conversation with a fellow TA buddy.
I was on a Twilight high last night, and it was pretty dang fun.
Oh extremelely fun. I think last night's comedy should be labeled Twilight cyber-slumber party #2. I guess we are kind of exlusive not to invite anyone else. Except really it is in open invitation but only to the craziest? among us. Even old ladies have fun. You should all try it sometime.
If you had stayed up those last 15 minutes, BFB, do you think you would have joined the party? It was pretty late when we finally crashed.
RWV forgot to mention that leaving the music store, we were parked next to a dark Volvo. Not exact, like the piano heart-break, but close enough to stir those Twilight feelings.
And BTW, I don't want anyone to go and look up the car model on Edward's volvo, because I am going to use it for something.
Yesterday was also a significantly Twilighty day for me. I spent more time that usual on the blog, but it made me so incredibly happy. I had 2 delightful Twilight discussions with friends and then went to a Twilight Slumber party.
It made me grateful again, and a little awed at the strange effect these Cullens have on me.
Long Live Twilight! And its best blog group out there!
Twilight slumber parties. . . hmmmm, sounds like a fun tradition in the making. :)
Yesterday my dh was roaming around online and found an Alaskan Dog Sled race. As we skimmed through the list of contestants, there was one called Dwight. I just skimmed right past, but my dh abruptly said, "oh my gosh! This Twilight thing is getting out of control!" I had no idea what he was talking about. Then he said,"oh, nevermind, it says Dwight. I thought it said Twilight." I have to say, that put a big smile on my face.
Ruth that is beyond awesome! And we need to plan one of our slumber parties for your night time. Only problem they are spontaneous. Of course we could try to be hystercially funny and entertaining during our daytime. But then seeing as how we probably just think we are funny and entertaining, since our judgement is so imparied at the point we really get going, we then appear only hysterical. And I have been known to become quite hysterical during the daytime.
So we will give it a try, for you, if you ever even want to be included in such lunacy.
All by myself. Sniff.
But for posterity I will put this out there.
I was a passenger this evening while traveling down the freeway. We passed the piano gallery on the west frontage road past 12300 south.
Guess what they have? That's correct.
That's what I got from my split second glance at the baby grand. Which should have been prominently displayed in the middle of the window, but it was actually off to the side. But at least I know where to look now whenever I pass.
It's quite a sweet and sexy trait in any guy when they can play the piano well. But we started a list on a different post (Jimmy finishes Twilight) of ways in which Edward is sexy that no other living or fictional person is. I must add:
just sitting on a piano bench and tasting a tear.
My husband is still (very slowly, at the pace of a snail) reading Twilight. He only reads maybe 3 pages a night - yawn!! I told him he could just skim through 'til he gets to the action closer to the end, but he is persistent. I'm sure he's doing it just for me... Anyway, he also watches The Twilight Zone almost every night before bed. One of our kids asked him yesterday if The Twilight Zone had anything to do with the Twilight books. It made me laugh! Then they asked him if the girl in the episode he watched last night was named Bella - that made him laugh! My kids must be paying attention when we talk about Twilight...
Not sure where else to put this comment, but I LOVE the new pics you have of all the Cullens and also the one of Edward & Bella at the top of the blog - makes me soooo excited for the movie and new book!!! Is that really the cover of the new book? Is that blood dripping from her fingertip?
Dazz, I am so happy you are here. I've missed you and a little worried we did something to scare you away. Like maybe hurt your feelings, legs, or butt, in spinning?
Anyway, there is a post on the
Book Cover so I wont answer that question yet.
Your poor hubby. Can't imagine plodding through Twilight. Maybe he needs to read it while drinking whatever Jenn's husband Jimmy is drinking (see Jimmy post). But you never know, there have been females who weren't bit their first time around (sorry about the grammar on that one, bit?) right Jillike?
I love it when kids say Twilighty things. My oldest, Peter, only 10, who I am constanlty ribbing about playing his nintendo DS to much turns around and ribs me about playing my Twilight too much. Funny huh? I can't remember which of my kids was surprised not to see a Twilight date on the March calendar. Ha ha. I will get the meeting schedule too you all soon.
So you have some catching up to do. There are many posts I have been waiting for your reaction on. Take your time, but I'm glad you didn't abandon us.
Per "The Week" magazine (the UK version):
"Bad week for Harry Potter fans, who are suffering from "cold turkey". Psychologist Jeffrey Rudski says 10% of fans show signs of being addicted to the books. With the series finished, typical comments include: 'I have nothing to live for now.'"
Of course, as soon as I read this I immediately thought of our little addiction.
Oh, these are all very fun to read! I love kid related things. My kids totally listen to me talk about Twilight to whoever, dh, friends, family. So I shouldn't be surprised at how much they ask and wonder about it, but I usually am. That's funny about Peter MA! I'm surprised I haven't got that one from my little guy myself yet, although I have from my dh, grrr.
I went to help my dh work yesterday (he's back after his injury, so he's supposedly trying to take it easier than normal, although he hit it with a hammer!), there's a few things that are still hard for him. And when I got there, I noticed my Eclipse on a chair, he brought it to read in case he got a break or something (other than bathroom, he doesn't stop so???). So that triggered the thought of how quickly our wonderful vampires could get this kind of work done. Then I took a break to get a drink, and was drawn to open the book to see what part he's on, and then of course kept reading and reading, until he finally had to come find me. I looked up to him shaking his head slowly at me. But just those 5 or 6 pages that I read gave me that little happy feeling inside.
I wonder if after MS finally comes out, if I'll have anything to live for. :) Of course we have the possibility of 4 movies!
Yes but will the movies be something to live for? So scary.
Justin should have known exactly where you were.
I am glad our resident therapist tries to keep us real. I figure we have at least 2 years of good solid benefit from Twilight before the effects start to dimish. I'll take as much time as I can get.
While talking to a sister-in-law today who really couldn't see what I see in our beautiful little addiction, it only made me sad to realize all the color and beauty, and happy little diversion she is missing out on. Whatever my book was laced with, I'm grateful!
She did however make me the sweetest Twilight book marks, to thank me for lending her my Twilight book. I think she felt bad having it for 2 months because she knows how important it is to me. But I told her, silly girl, I have a second copy. Her daughter, alas only 13, liked it better than she did. So I regretingly gave up my New Moon today. I was so tempted to wait until the paper back NM came out before offering it, but everyone in my neices YW's is reading them, so I couldn't refuse.
Dazzled Daily moment of the day 3/9... Daylight Savings always reminds me that spring is here and summer is right around the corner - which I normally love because of the warm, sunny weather. But this year it is a little bitter sweet for me - because of the unwanted weight I have put on over the fall/winter - and swimsuit season right around the corner - yuck!! I decided it was time to start eating healthy and cut way back on all the processed "white" foods I love to eat. The thought suddenly popped into my head... "If it helps the Cullens to hold their breath while around the smell of blood, maybe I could hold my breath when I am being tempted by the smell of fresh baked bread, cookies, and cinnamon rolls, etc." If they can resist the overwhelming temptation, I should be able to too, right? I'll have to let you know if the "vampire diet" works for me.
That is great Dazzled! Ha ha, the "vampire diet!" You will have to let us know if it works! Seriously, that is very funny and clever, thanks for sharing.
I have a small moment from my husband today. At church he leaned over and pointed to a girl a few rows in front of us and whispered, "Hey, that girl could be Leah Clearwater, or Emily minus a scar." She is a really cute girl, in fact she's the sister of the boy we think could play Jacob. Funny that he would even think that though.
(BTW, he's reading chapter 20 "Compromise" right now...eeee!)
I am so nervous to have Joseph read Eclipse so great job RWV - good luck!! Well, I have had some TW moments lately thanks to heart shaped crystal keychain and TW music. I also did get some very snippy comments from several family members about 'What is my favorite book...favorite pastime, etc...All of course being Twilight related. MA and I can clearly relate to family members just not seeing the magic that these books hold...in fact I didn't want to share the secret behind the crystal heart keychain because I didn't want to start in on what they called 'silliness' - Ahhhh...sad for them!!
We were driving home last night and I saw this wonderful billboard just before the 90th South exit going southbound. I think it must be relatively new.
It is for Pioneer Valley Hospital, and it has two people in scrubs and the very large words, "Smooth Operators."
I haven't noticed that billboard. I can't wait to see it now. Sweet!
I will go on the vampire diet with you Dazz. BTW where were my two vampirelover/crazy newest dedicated bicyclists this morning? Hmmm?
Kind of a sad TW moment for me. Joseph finally finished off NM - his comments near the end "oh brother," and " this was definitely not as fun as the first one..."
So, I have yet to probe further into what he really thought of the end, but do I have hope that he really wants to read on?
And, a cousin that I got excited about reading the series just commented on my blog about how she is just starting Eclipse (she has loved the other two). But then a sister-in-law told her that Bella doesn't get bitten even in the third one. She is discouraged about reading on...and needs some encouragement. I didn't have time to email her back, but I'm excited to give her some Eclipse encouragement...can I do it?
I'm sorry Erin, I've had many similar comments from Justin throughout all of his reading. But interestingly enough, he keeps reading. So, I know he likes them some, it's just hard to not have them be right on the same page I guess, even though we knew it was a long shot. I hope your dh reads Eclipse, there's something different about each book. I would try to encourage it. Justin is almost done, he just said something today (very dramatically) about Bella cheating on Edward.
Yes, you can give your cousin the Eclipse encouragement she needs! It is hard to know she doesn't get bitten, even Justin continues to tell me how we've all ruined it with our "Bella for Vampire in '08" slogan. But there are so many wonderful things in Eclipse, so much is revealed about many of the characters. Even though Eclipse can be painful, I love it so much. Good luck with both!
Last day to vote on the polls. I'm confused how there are 15 votes on the Cullens but only 12 on Bella and Edward. Its probably our mystery guests, but just checking with all of you.
We have already had a lot of discussion on the characters, but I will put up a post tomorrow to review the poll results. I was actually surprised at who I voted for.
Tell your friend that it is okay that Bella doesn't get bitten, because that means there is MORE coming!
And I think Eclipse has the most guy-type action, which I told my dh before he started.
NM is intense, but not in the fight-em beat-em-up kind-of way that many guys seem to prefer.
Double-sighting Report
Last night we went to the library for family home evening. We were looking for a parking spot, and I looked up and calmly pointed out to dh, "You could park right there, next to the Volvo that is also silver." He grinned.
So we go inside... yada, yada,
come out and it is still there, and two spaces down from it is a SECOND SILVER VOLVO - (even more like Edward's particular car although I didn't look at the model number). What are the odds?
The odds are meant to be. And your DH noticed? Nice!
RWV i wanted to make sure you read my white piano sighting just so I know you know where to look for that little TW boost when you are driving by. I did say where the store was didn't I?
Starting a new TW moment post now.
Yes, thanks for the reminder. Is that the other music store we were trying to think of that day? Or is there yet another? Anyway, I will be driving by there soon enough, so thank you for the TW boost reminder!
Nice for you BFB, I say it was meant to be!
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