This is Summit Entertainment's new graphic to promote the feature film Twilight.

"Smooth Operator" has a fabulous interview here:

And Sam Uley is cast. That's kind of fun, huh? His name is Solomon Trimble. It sounds like he hasn't really had acting experience. Wow, he doesn't have any idea what's coming. Here is a link to the article about it.
I hope when we get an official on Jacob, that we will get a picture as well, if Gregory is who his neighbors say he will be.
Wow - I love all the new stuff MA. The memorable quote is...let's just say...too awesome!
And the big picture of Kristen and Robert - so beautiful, and the little pictures of all the cast - I love them all...and how fun to see that we're in the 140's now in the countdown!!!
I was going to say the same thing about the countdown! Funny, but of course I'm not the only one to notice. The quote is so awesome, sweet, a little sad, I love it.
That's cool about Sam, perfect hair. Sam will just be in the First Beach scene with Jacob in TW right?
Hey, did you change pictures? It's probably tough having a few of us online while you're trying to construct and post new, fun stuff for us!
hey, think how awesome it will be when we are out of the 100's!!!
Oh my. Out of the 100's is will make it seem very, very close. W-O-W!
Yes! I think we might need to have a party or something, to celebrate being out of the 100's!
(You know I noticed the "W-O-W" remark Jessica, nice)
W-O-W! You are sooooo cool!
I love Twilight celebrations!
You know we have Edward's birthday coming too. You know we should have gotten together and watched sad movies on the anniversary of Edward leaving. And then we could have a Bella and Edward back together again in New Moon anniversary party.
We need to have a bridal shower too. Could I stand in Bella's place (not as the bride, just the gift recipient. Their wedding is on my birthday remember. Do you know I plan on reiterrating that point many, many times? Do you also realize I use double words a lot? I think I need to take a writing class to help me with my descriptive writing.)
Woops, the real reason I was commenting here was to thank everyone for not posting info about people spotting the actors at a restaraunt in Portland. Thank you, thank you. We do want to keep our dignity.
Of course if I lived in Portland and saw them, I would freak, and call you all personally, my hysterics never diminishing.
Sure, no problem, although I did read that crazy bit of info on another site. We all know they go out to dinner together. The director wants them to get close and bond, so we can see it on the film. Relax you rabid middle aged women.
No, I'd probably freak too if I saw the "Cullens" in a restaurant.
So, sounds good! I'm up for any celebration. Edward's birthday is in June right. We could make excuses for all sorts of Twilight get togethers. :)
Clarification: I do not have a reputation for reminding people about my birthday. But I am so honored to share this day with such an event as this wedding. So call it braggy, whatever, it is so, you know!
And well, just start getting your consolation tactics ready for me if that wedding is messed up!
Now I sound like a bumbling teenager. Do you know I have actually caught myself going to write the abbreviation for Oh My Gosh, but then I realize what that looks like.
Wasn't it funny when Rachel LeFevre said she had never seen that abbreviation written more times in her life, than in response to Twilight news on the web.
I am in a chatty mood. Of course I am also sad those 3 letters have become so automatic for millions. That is so sad, and why I can't use them for Oh My Gosh.
Okay, quieting down now.
I agree about those 3 letters, too bad. I love to abbreviate as much as anyone. Her saying that in that interview did make me chuckle.
I'm in a chatty mood as well. At least we're not alone and in chatty moods.
And seriously! If my birthday was the same day as Bella and Edward's wedding day, you would probably all hear of it weekly, maybe more often. As well as have it posted somewhere big. So I say lucky you!
I'm going to stay positive, and not worry about consolations, no need!
No need indeed! I think authors take into consideration the effect their plot twists will have on their readers. We will all have to have a triple combination dose of anti-depressant, an anxiety prohibitor, and a major stimulant just to get through until the botched wedding is fixed. She doesn't want to be responsible for turning women to drugs right?
If we think it, it will happen.
"Dreams really do come true" right?
Yes, she must realize that. She's in our same situation (age, kids, life, etc). She must know of the impact!!
Ok, so where's that quote from?
Disney Princesses and all that propoganda. Exactly where, who knows. Can't you tell me? Sorry if I misled you.
Sounds like a fun little half hour you two had...I have to say that I love that the director is encouraging them to bond as a 'family' - more power to them!!!Is that info - correct?
Yes, that info seems to be correct. I thought that was really cool too. And from what I've read also, the cast really seems to get along great.
And uh, half hour? Well, multiply that by about 6, or something...
Yeah Erin how have you missed the 100 plus comments left elsewhere last night. This was the surface.
Oh and yes Edward's birthday is in June but don't look up the date. I want to use that for something too.
Okay, all, not that I am not all about getting together for Edward's birthday, but we need to get together for the BIG day, BD release. I am sure we will all have our copies, so we can rent a room. I will rent it and we can all pitch in for a suite for an entire weekend. Think our husbands will go for that? BTW, you guys talk too late at night. I laugh when I read what you are writing into the wee hours of the morning.
But have you read what we actually say? It doesn't happen enough to worry about our health or sanity, and I am tellin' ya, it is the best life-outlook therapy money can't buy!
Been laughing all day.
It's good abdominal work too.
We have time to think about the logistics of your idea. It has some potential but the book comes out on a Saturday. Tricky. We will at least have to meet somehow to talk about it. Everyone will have a time limit. Have you all pre-ordered your copies?
There is a great interview with Peter/Carlisle here:
The Lexicon has one on their news blog with what's his name playing Eric. But his role is much smaller so not as much info.
I haven't finished the Peter interview but it does look really interesting. I love twilight.
I decided that interview was front page news.
The Twilight Poster is not the official one they will use, but it could be. This is what they changed it to on their Summit website!
The Peter interview is great; he has a good grasp of Carlisle thanks to all his research.
And I like the pic of Solomon that you found for the post better than the one in the interview. Thanks for finding it for us!
Love the poster!!!
The interview with Carlisle was good, but I do have one tiny complaint. How come he kept referring to him as "Dr. Cullen" and then just "Cullen?" It almost made me think he's not as big a fan as he says he is. Doesn't SM usually refer to him as Carlisle? Is this a hint that he'll be known more as Dr. Cullen in the movie???
Oh, I love the movie poster!! I can't wait to see it hanging on the walls of the movie theaters, can you imagine? Will I squeal in public?
So, that interview was really awesome! Lot's of great movie info., he seems like a really cool guy. I can hardly wait to see their eyes with those contacts! I love what he said about Kristen too. I already liked her, but I'm starting to think even more how great she's going to be. She's very up and coming right now. It's so great to see how much these actors can see what this film could do for them, it could be so big for all of them. Even Emmett's always in the gym he says! Funny, maybe "Emmett" should take "Edward" with him a few times...
I still haven't finished the interview. Soon.
If your with me, you can bet your gonna squeal!
Taylor Lautner playing Jacob is now official. I'm waiting for some better pictures and some details on Gregory, before I make this an official post.
Here is a decent article with a few tidbits of movie info:
Any juice on this stuff BFB?
Also if anyone gets details on SM's Host tour through SL, before me, please make them known!
The only juice I can find is that the Gregory-2nd-Jacob bit, was a false lead, and that Gregory is, in fact, Tyler. There have been two people with set connections who confirmed this, so it seems a little more certain.
Still, give us a picture, someone! It has passed the point of building suspense - no excitement left - now we just want to see the guy.
Hey silly we have a picture on the blog. The only one anyone has online right now.
This is the same picture on the Lexicon. Lots of funny reactions on there.
I did love that interview. Thank you MA for putting it on. And because I haven't already said so, thank you for all the maintenance you do on this site. IT IS SPECTACULAR! DAZZLING! I love getting on here every day for my dose of Twilight, because I sure can't get it down here. The picture of Solomon is good, but I have a hard time with Taylor as Jacob. I keep seeing him in Shark boy and Lava girl, whatever that movie was. So I am hoping that he translates better on the screen. As for the book, I am not sure that I can wait to read it, and there is no one else I want to read it with than you guys. I am willing to take Monday off work if we can figure out a place to go and read together. I want everyone's input on the book as we read. Play by Play!
Hi Becky! It is so fun to have you stop in.
I need to email and get a real update on you.
But TW updates are great. Now you lost me a little bit here.
So the book comes out Friday night at midnight, did you pre-order a copy because you better. I have every intention of staying up until it is finihsed, maybe an early morning nap. So would everyone be finished reading by Saturday night? That is a question. I will have to have it read by Sunday. There is no possible way I could concentrate at church not having finished reading. I mean you would have to physically restrain me to keep me from reading this book the second it is in my hands.
Anyway, it is still a ways away. But I too have been thinking about when we can all get together to discuss it. Anyone else have an idea?
I'm just thinking of the incredible headache I'm going to have from lack of sleep - but worth every minute of it!! I can't wait - the suspense is killing me!!!
Not a picture of Taylor/Shark boy - but of Gregory. I just meant that they had waited so long that people have stopped thinking about it.
And yes, I am starting reading BD the moment it hits my hands.
Hi anyone,
So I just finished that interview finally, while eating a salad. I help my breath as I passed other yummy options (for you Dazz).
So wow. And hmmm. I'm with you Ruth, irritating about the name thing. It's Carlisle. But he really did seem to have a grasp on how Carlisle would think in situations. Except the normal teenage son/dad thing. Umm Edward isn't a teenager and Carlisle respects his opinions, way of thinking, etc. far more than a Dad would with a teenage son.
Loved that Kristen sounds great.
The baseball sound incredible. But it made me nervous that they are adding "as much action as possible" to appeal to others. People we have got to realize it is not going to be ANYTHING like the book right? It will be a vaguely familiar story at best. Am I being overly dramatic?
Hey that makes much more sense now. Sorry. Of course you know what shark boy looks like. I would like a really current pic of him though.
And yes, Gregory is old news now don't you think? Maybe they forgot about him?
Funny I thought you were joking about that by posting that link to our blog with the blank picture of Gregory. I guess I was confused as to which of the 2 we were talking about!
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