If you are reading these for the first time - start with the "online discussion post" first. You can easily follow our comment trail from there.
Was I any more Twilight obsessed at Christmas than I am now? Its hard to say. But I am casually shopping by myself one day in December (no kids, of course, and DUH!) when I walked past the gap window. Then I literally stopped in my tracks, did an about face and walked back to stare at the add in the window.
I don't know how to describe why it happened, but there before my eyes was Edward's torso. PERFECT replica. How do I know? Well. . . .
Anyway, I think I called RWV right then and there. Did I? She will have to fill that in. But I think at that point I described how perfect the add was, because this very fit boy was holding a brunette girl up in the air with one hand (at this point I must shout - DID NO ONE ELSE SEE THIS ADD!). So the entire thing just screamed Edward at me. It was one fantastic moment.
*And I must always add this disclaimer, because I have the worlds most kind, patient, and loving husband, and I love your torso too! I love your eyes, your hair, your lips. . oops sorry blogging buddies. And I don't look at posters of guys usually. Really!
In order to view this picture you must first read all the comments. Its only fair. Hope it doesn't disappoint. Study it before you make your opinion known.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Edward at the Mall
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10:00 PM
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1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»Are you afraid Dave is going to read this? Does he get on the blog? Chris just rolls his eyes and laughs at me when I say I need to check in!
I invited Adam to come down and join me. He declined.
I know Justin must read over Trisha's shoulder because he calls me Jillybean now whenever I see him.
I can't believe that I missed that add - I really wish I would've had that experience! And, I don't know about the more obsessed thing...
Well I'm on this thread too, now. Waiting.
in my defense, I really didn't do much shopping at the mall, at least until Dec. 22nd. So that is why I missed it, maybe
Yes I was just going to say, he often reads over my shoulder. Caught me emailing RWV the other day with a subject line that said,
not for DH eyes.
Then he very perceptively asked what DH stood for. And before I could say something witty like dumb houswives, I told him, dear husbands.
Of course it was just an email to talk about the most wonderful scene in all of TW, which involves some of the best kissing, amongst many other wonderful happenings (like dialog people). But I just didn't want RWV peeking hubby reading these discussions. They are just for girls.
And JB, my husband probably would join us, so knock it off!
I must confess I have no idea what I bought at the mall, even though I went back several times.
Hmmm. . . .
I tend to avoid the mall at Christmas time.
Ok, good description! Yes, you did call me from the mall and told me about that great shot in not more than a giggling whisper. I of course made the trip there myself (I was with my husband and daughter who I sent away to do other shopping and meet up with later.) And could hardly stop staring, the top floor view was even better!
And my Sister in Law (SIL) and I both had to open email accounts that we send our "no dh" emails to, because they just don't find the same things funny.
Seriously you guys, that is hilarious...sending your DH and daughter away so you could get a better look...I love it!!
Maybe we could do a google search for The Gap ad, do you think we might find it???
But I would have shopped in the mall this Christmas-time had I known about that picture (after I finished reading the books, of course).
My husband reads over my shoulder once in a while, enough to ask what everyone's code names are, and then remembers them. Like you said Jillybean, and you know as well Twilightmom.
Sorry those of you that avoid the mall at Christmas time, and it was still up on Dec. 22nd.
That's a great idea Dazz - let us know if you find it...or post it on the blog - even better.
I know you told me to go see it, but that was a weird time ( I had just gotten my job and we were trying to figure things out)
So yes, we even posted on the blog that people should go and see, but we weren't listened to as much back then. Busy time of year and all of that.
So I went back to the mall again, no idea what for, and I went to take a peek at the upper level view. I then pulled out my cell-phone and actually snapped a shot.
Well okay girls, when I looked down at the photo and noticed it was blurry, I had a very drastic, what-in-the-heck-are-you-doing-taking-a-picture-of-a-guy-in-a-gap-add moment. So I deleted it!!!!!!!
Calm down guys, just hang on, there is more to the story.
I did look for the picture, I'm not that lame. Just wait okay?
I'm looking...
AHHH! WHAT! Why did you delete it? Now you could have shown us! Bad form MA
Sorry, missed the TM comment
I purposely use my work computer in our home office when I get on this blog, just so my DH can't sneak up on me. The family computer is in our kitchen, where everyone can see "whuz up".
Don't you guys ruin my story.
Dave says hi. He wants me to throw a good word in for him, so those of you that know him, tell him I did, and made you all gag.
He says
"long live the Cullens"
and then added
"and the Blacks, of course"
In which ways would you like me to hurt him?
Thank you BFB. Very polite.
Is your computer dinging away BFB? Your ears are going to be ringing all night!
So are we abandoning the other post?
Hitting always works for me MA.
yes yes yes please try to find it,someone! lol-seriously though. I wanna see this!
I wasnt in the mall for christmas, rats! So RWV, what did say when you sent him away,that you were going to do some shopping for him? ha! you got him! thats funny!
Good one Trish! Ha! You better turn that off BFB.
So then what happened RWV. I was going to do an after Christmas return and how did we get our brillian idea. Was is yours or mine?
Only the upstairs one dings, so I made sure to shut it off.
I'm not fast enough to keep up with both posts. But we can try. I'm bugged about that double tab thing not working. Weird. I'm going to try opening two browsers.
Oh, there you are.
Yep pretty much, I told him to take Bella down to the Hello Kitty store while I waited in a line. Sneaky eh?
Good job Dave - digging yourself in a bigger hole!
That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.
Dave is reading. anyone want to say hello.
He is flossing his teeth.
I say we stick with this post for a bit, huh?
Well, there are an awful lot of STUPID Gap ads that show the people from The Office. Totally not what we want.
What's the funniest thing?
Please don't look anymore you guys. If you steal my thunder I will cry! And delete the entire blog!!!
Very sneaky RWV...
give me a minute MA, I'll think of something you can do to him....Blacks, puh-lease!
Well, Dh's have to maintain their vampire smiles, right Dave?
I PROMISE I will not steal your thunder, MA.
Wait - why are you going to delete the blog...I missed something. I told you I wasn't good at this!
Ok, so I honestly can't remember whose idea it was to take it further. It was just about 3 days after Christmas right? We had each already taken 2 (?) trips to the mall before Christmas, and wanted one more peak. That's the day you were already running errands and taking pit stops...
Pretty witty for a DH who only knows about the Blacks from Twilight and then a month of me talking about TW every time I saw him because I was waiting for my friends to convert.
Dont worry Erin. I won't delete it. Just an empty threat to calm the ravenous you-know-who's down.
Hello Dave! Ready to join in the fun? As for the Blacks, some of us have attatchments to both sides! Sorry, as much as I love the Cullens, and don't get me wrong, I do, I also love Jacob. But that is for another day.
You're funny Erin!
BTW, I agree JB, it's pure computer abilities rather than reading...
Just kidding...Hi Dave! You are just awesome!
The funniest thing is the Hello Kitty store line. Your DH had no idea. Funny, funny, funny.
And Dave said good-night.
sorry, I just had to switch back to my TW name...don't know why it happened.
I am getting confused with all the BTW, JB, RWV. It is making my brain hurt!
So did I miss a comment from JB?
Who is JB? is that Jenn / TFC?
Mine's easy, just E!
I say we punish Dave by locking him and my husband in the stake offices until they've both finished reading the entire saga - 3 times! Greg just walked in to check on me too, I had to ask him what "bust a cap" means, then he busted out laughing when I read him the comment.
JB is Jillibean - but I'm sure someone has already said that!
Okay so the blog stays, but RVW/Trish would you please delete Alicewanna be from the blog permissions page. Or change her name to "wish-Jacob-would-imprint-on-me-girl" so we all know who to stick our tongues out at.
And of course, j/k. I like jacob too, but we were talking about Edward and his upper body. Focus Bec.
And make a little list next to your computer. RWV=runswithvampires, etc.
I will continue the story now.
I think that is a great idea Dazz - I don't know if Dave would go for it though!!
Visions of us traveling to Forks keep floating through my brain!
Nice Sass there MA - it is getting later!!
Who is TFC?
BTW is "by the way"
RWV is ME! runswithvampires!
Good one Marti/Dazz/whatever!
Very tempting.
So don't know what Jenn's ghetto talk means and I guarantee my dh wont either, although he surprised me by knowing what an Astin Martin is, but ghetto that aint!
I do need a cheat sheet to keep track of all the names. I am going to be feeling this tommorrow. I won't have to work out I am laughing so hard.
TFC- what the crap.
And if we throw in BTY it is a long story. You can explain RWV while I continue the story everyone is making rude comments about.
Busta move Jenn! Thats as good as I can do!
OK - trivia reminder. Is the Astin Martin what they go to the Prom in?
Why don't you continue it...
I think Jillybean went to check the score.
You're right, he still has no idea why he was sent to Hello Kitty...(I'm laughing an evil laugh now)
You call this late! j/k love ya!
What is Ruth going to think when she reads all these post today, tomorrow, when she gets a chance? Maybe we will still be talking when she gets off work. My husband just got home with my kids, all sleeping. He asked what I was doing, walked to the computer, took a look, and laughed. Of course, he asked who Dave was, so I had to remind him.
Holy Crap!! I think I just found "The" Gap Ad you are talking about. Am I allowed to copy the link here yet Mary Ann?
I know RWV, as soon as I typed it (the late comment) I knew I would get laughed at...so never mind!
TFC - I think you & TM/MA came up with that one in your last CSB.
Trasher/flasher/culleniscious (Jenn)
And, I would wage a guess that most guys know what an Astin Martin is because that is what James Bond drives. And Edward, to the prom. See, I'm focusing.
Sigh, deep breath. So on my way to the mall, while talking to RWV/Trish (getting tired of slashing AWB, got it figured out yet?)
Anyway, we got a brilliant idea. Lets take the Edward poster off the hands of the gap people.
We would even be willing to pay a litte money for it, yeah? But being slightly conservative, I didn't know if I had the guts to go and ask them.
RWV - tell them what a true friend/Twilight fanatic you are:
Talented Forks Cutie?
True Forks Clown?
Am I being stupid already?
I have tears from some of these comments already!
YES! Good job E! That's their special prom ride...
BTY is what MA types sometimes, along with many of her other typos (I'm sure you've noticed :) and so of course I had to point it out to her late one night, wondering what it stands for (even though I knew she meant to say 'by the way') so she said it stands for "Bratty Twilight Yuppy"
Funny, unless she's referring to me of course.
Okay, seriously I am crying now Dazz. I have the freaking add! so stop already, you are ruining my story, and for yourself.
Delete her trish. DELETE HER!
Are you serious? You really had that thought - taking the poster out of the window...??? Actually that could sound like you! ha
I wonder how many times Justin is going to ask me what I'm laughing at or what's so funny..
You dont' have to slash anymore, I figure it out by the second time reading through. I keep haveing to do that to keep up with answers to questions posted four commments ago. You're right, no making fun of typos
REally you could see me doing that. I will take that as a compliment E. you may stay on the blog, BTY.
So now I don't even feel like finishing the story. Everyone probably knows the ending. Oh well, good night.
I actually didn't get any laughing from Joseph about the online chat - he thinks it's great...until he wants to go to bed...he is currently watching the Office!
I am going to wake up my kids. MA, calm down, you don't have to be so violent. Is Trish the peacemaker or what? That makes me want to search out the ad just to tick you off. Mainly because I love it when you get sassy! I never laugh harder!
Oh crap - please don't delete me. I promise to not offend again. And you better not go to bed yet, MA
Ok catch me up on the slang. And you call me the ghetto girl-
Whats CSB and AWB please.....
Please don't leave MA, I love you! I just love antagonizing you as well. There is something so funny about your sassiness. Mainly because I don't have that talent
Ok, so a true Twilight fan/buddy (aka me/RWV) decided to call the Gap myself and ask them if we could pay for it or just have it. So ready for the sad part?
Jeez Louize - touchy tonight, aren't we?!?
Tell Joseph their are lots of really great holiday ads of The OFFICE (what is wrong with these people who do the searches, don't they know we want to see Edward?)
Snoring . . . . . . . . . . . .
(and it is an acutal fact that I can fall asleep in less than 30 seconds, Dave might say fewer, so I really am asleep now, thanks to all of you. See Trish, we knew all along they were being so rude about our story.)
Please tell me you got it!
I have a present for you later, MA. So you have to stay.
I don't really get what happened here - who was being rude about your story ...so sorry if I was!
NO, we just love to egg you on ( is egg correct?)
Jenn, really?
MA, have you had enought brown nosing to keep you up now?
Do I need to delete anyone? What am I the blogging police tonight, your bodyguard, what?
Ready (probably already missed it)
Cute E, it's me that is being rude. And BFB has found the ad, and MA wants it to be a surprise. I still haven't seen it, I am not talented enough to find it online.
Okay so just to lay a guilt trip on you all.
Do you know why we were willing to humiliate ourselves to ask for a Gap add of a bare chested man out of a mall window.
For all of YOU!
We thought we could pass it around and display it on the lawn of whoever was hosting the TA meeting.
As a welcome, an attention getter, you know.
And you must realize this poster was like, 15 feet tall!!!!
I can just see it on my lawn now!
Oooh baby!
I'm ready too - no you didn't miss it!
AWB is alicewannabe/becky
Good stuff...
Anyway, we were going to hang it up at our next meeting when you all came in!
So, no one has answered my question yet!
RWV, you can be the blogging police, but please don't delete any of us.
The suspense is killing me! Get on with the story would'ja, or maybe I'll have to go to The Gap myself and bribe them for the wretched thing!!
I haven't found the picture.
And I am laughing at the idea of our neighbors and what they would think when a 15 foot high picture of Abs showed up on our front lawn.
I missed the question. Or I thought I answered it. "Please tell me you got it..."
Yeah BFB, that's kind of what I was thinking...I would've been kicked out of the neighborhood!
If you are referring to the question about being my bodygaurd (and yes I am going to bed right now, but I owe RWV an answer) well only in cyperspace could you be my bodyguard since I am twice your size and could kick your skinny little butt all the way too Jenn's ghetto.
Thanks then, am I finishing or you?
If that showed up in my neighborhood, I would drive by enough that the police would think I was stalking the person! NOthing better than some eye candy! Please finsh the story
oh my gosh, thanks BFB! I am such a nerd! I believe I was commenting not long ago abbreviating AWB-
And I'm even on diet coke tonight!
Thanks for the patient answer BFB
Well hold on. I want to ask these woosies if we were brave enough to ask for the poster, they wouldn't be brave enough to display it with PRIDE!?
And you go next on the story.
I really don't know that I would have been kicked out of the neighborhood, but I would have wanted to see their faces.
MA, you're really going to bed? (crying now..)
Oooh the suspense...
I sure as heck would have displayed that baby with pride.
I was the disobedient blog gal who found the ad, but I promise not to give out the link. Though I might try to talk my printing press brother into making a 15 foot high poster of it for us...
Yes, from both of you...going to bed, not going to bed - finishing the story, not finishing the story! Not very nice you two!
Oh, BTY, don't try refreshing by closing the comment window anymore. Blogger can't keep up with us.
Yes I can type telepathically. (whoah on that spella? Is that ghetto for spelling Jenn?)
So what, we just have to keep commenting? This might get a little messy!
Marti, that's exactly what I was thinking of when I went searching for the pic
Mine worked okay. C'mon trish. What did the nice Gap lady say on the phone?
It will have to be a surprise for MA birthday!!
That must be your vampire talent MA.
Please D, have your brother in law make it for us. I would totally keep it here, but it would be too far for anyone to see. And you all get together so often.
Ok, so I called the Gap, explained the situation (kind of) asked their policies on that sort of thing. Was told it was no problem, so then I told which poster and...ready...it was thrown away at closing on Christmas Eve!!!!!! (I'm sobbing here). It wasn't even in the dumpster anymore, or I may have retrieved it.
She said we definitely could've had it, and for free even!
Pour some salt in the wound would ya lady?!
So we have been in mourning ever since, and have had so many rude thoughts and comments about us...
why yes it is, MA. You learn fast!
Okay, no more sucking up.
I really am kind of sad you guys found the picture though because I have searched and searched and only found it tonight. It was destiny!
Mine only came up with half the comments the last time I accidentally shut the window.
When is MA's bday?
And what did the Gap lady say?
Oh man, that really is a sad ending - to think it was only minutes away...sitting in the garbage - tear!
We will explain the rude comment later Erin.
So I was stunned. Literally depressed. I was sitting in the car at the mall just waiting for Trisha's call. It was a very bleak walk to the Gap to see if it was really true. Do you want to know what was there instead?
A big, fat, ugly, 15 foot, banner that said.
S A L E!
I will now go back to the post and give you the link to the picture.
Are you sure you don't remember MA's birthday? Come on now...
I still haven't found it yet.
And I really did have a present for you. That wasn't sucking up. It's called selective manipulation.
So we have overloaded this post, should we move back to the discussion post? I am dying to see the picture. I didn't even think to try and find it online. Please tell me MA that you are going to show it!!??!
Wait, my rude comment, or someone else's?
But, there is a good ending tonight...
Hey JB, what's the score?
I don't see a link yet.
Come on TM, haven't you picked up any vampire skills yet (besides typing telepathically that is).
Every month or so the boyscouts come post flags for some reason or another, maybe next time I'll just walk out with a fifteen foot poster rolled up and hand it to them to stick on my flag pole.......
What a bummer!! And to think it would have been free too...
Please, score, shmore.
So this Edward body-double is actually a professional dancer.
Mmmm. . . . .
Have you seen it yet?
OMG, that is spectacular! Give him golden eyes and I am all over that fat crap!
Jenn -
You are brilliant, even for a ghetto girl.
YES!! Well, worth the wait!!
That did stand for
Oh my goodness, yeah?
But yeah, my sentiments exaclty.
Can you see why I was gawking and revisiting the mall.
And can i just tell ya' all I was literally freaking out when I found that picture tonight.
Destiny. . . .
I think I remember reading that the NYC Ballet dancers were doing the ad. I knew that dancers had fine physeec's (don't laugh at my spelling!), but that is amazing. It really does make me sad that we dont' have it. We could have pasted our faces over hers for each of our bdays
I hope I wasn't the rude commentor - but it wouldn't surprise me either if I was.
Tell me know that you wouldn't hang that in your yard.
Maybe for your birthday I will make yard flags out of the picture like Jennilicious suggested.
That really is an amazing body double :)...I just got the "how long are you staying on that computer?" from my DH...
Of course it stands for gosh! I read the post you had the other day on OMG and I have always thought gosh. Maybe because my 13 year old neice says it all the time (gosh, that is). Yes E, well worth the wait!See that hype was for something, that picture!!
And yeah - I would be tempted to hang it!
No, no, no. You have to all go back and read our last
CSP (that stands for Cyber, slumber, party). We got really silly and nonsensical and started ghetto wording everyone for making fun of this story even though you didn't and we never even shared the story.
But we sure thought it was funny at the time. Had me snorting.
Oh, I've seen it, now imagine it 15 feet tall, at least!
Fat crap? What?
Good one Jenn, I can just picture those little boys scouts and their den mothers...:)
I am not tired, but I am slap happy, that's for sure. My mother-in-law thinks I am crazy. She is re-reading the series, and when I told her about tonight, she just laughed at me. Does no one down here understand! Obviously not!
I know E. He is so boring and protective. You do realize you are nicer to kids, even sleepy after one of these. So before everyone has to go, I have some real Twilight pictures to share.
I've already composed the post, so I will just go and publish it right now. But realize it will show up down the page because I created it earlier tonight.
But please don't forget to come back here often to gush further. I mean WOW!!!
In fact it might be more painful now than ever to talk about the movie and what should have been.
And I didn't mean for this to drag on so long anyway.
Sorry, fat crap is what me and my bff say when we are trying to be ghetto ( silly really). We'll be like "Check that fat crap out". Stupid, but when you have known someone 21 years, it sticks. I just had a sad thought. I have no desire to share these books with her because I don't think she would love them like me....sad! :(
Nonsensical - I just heard that this weekend...P&P - my DH and kids wanted me to watch it for my B-day...one of my favorites. sorry, I just had to say that, because so many love sagas that I see/read now a days, just make me that much happier - cause I think of Bella and Edward
Ok I just looked at the poster, and I'm sorry but that chicks outfit HAS TO GO!
The topless man, he can stay.
No, please don't leave me! This is my link to the Twilight world!
That is definitely an amazing picture! Now I don't have to try to save the link anymore, since you posted it. I would hang it in front of my house for a GNO meeting, but my DH would probably sneak out and throw it away. It wouldn't be very safe at my house for long.
I find it is better not to share the books with those who may not appreciate them. It is heartbreaking and really kind of irritating.
I would hate to hear you saying (with your baggy pants showing your skivies)
"What the fat crap BFF, you didn't imprint on Twilight".
Marti/Dazz, where are you. I'm a litte worried I have totally offened you forever. That would be OYF. Please forgive me, I am all about drama, and oversensitivity, and sharp tonguedness. But I do have a few friends left.
BFB you are very cool, BTY.
So what about this present BFB? She doesn't even have to wait until her B-day on AUGUST 13TH!?
So what's this that your brother-in-law can do for us Dazz?
My brain is dragging but what is GNO?
Jenn the girl does not matter. C'mon. HE is holding a girl up. And she is somebody, I don't know who.
And that is not computer generated strenght either.
Oh man, when we make our own poster lets do the image side by side with one of him holding up a VAN!!!!!!!!
That is a great idea MA, a van...great pics by the way of the other post!!
Seriously you guys, is that Edward's torso or what? Now add the sleeveless shirt he wore hiking to the meadow (unbuttoned of course) and bam!
That's not the present.
This is the present.
Embarrassingly enough, I just figured out how to click on the 'jump to comment form' so I didn't have to scroll down 164 comments - what a dork I am!
Thank you for that visual of me! As for the Eye Candy, I can't get the EW cover to show up on my computer!!! Frustrating! I went to the link and the scan was pretty crappy. Is this on the shelves? Can I buy it?
My brother (not B-I-L) is part owner of Aspen Printing. They print magazines, scrapbook papers, etc. I'm not sure if they could do just one giant poster, they usually run jobs in multiples of thousands or bigger. I guess if he ran a thousand prints of our Edward wanna-be, we would have enough to wallpaper the insides of all of our houses with that beautiful torso.
And the present was for everyone, just inspired by TM wanting a piano version of Clair de Lune. I had one all along. I knew it, I just couldn't find it until my daughter told me one day, "Hey that's on my CD!" when I was playing the instrumental.
And my husband is excited to put a Van in the photo now. (He helped with the Edward face.) He also said it would be really cool to have the flag on our lawn with His face on it.
BFB are you a genius or what! I love Edwards face on there! Great job!
My husband also told me not to type the last bit about him, but he is here helping me (he just got home from work) so I had to give credit where credit is due!
It was my husband's idea.
Thanks for the visual and the audio.
Wow. Quite a guy that hubby of yours.
Could he make one with Henry Cavills face? That would be perfect. Take the one off the blog with golden eyes, (actually that one wouldn't work would it) make the whole thing in grayscale and BAM, Bam, BAM!!!!!111
Tell him other husband have been mentioned tonight.
I have to say good night! Thanks for a fun chat...and I can't wait to read 100 more in the morning!!
Breathtaking! W-O-W doesn't wouldn't do it justice. But please see if for our guilty pleasures, we can do that!
Oh man E! I'm a bigger dork than you, thanks for the tip!!
Bye Erin. Stick your tongue out at Joseph for me. Oh I guess it is getting kind of late.
Time flies when you are having fun.
Man, I sure wish I knew how to do cool things with pics like that BFB! Is it photo shop? I have no idea how to do that stuff! Well, hate to be a party pooper, but I have to work in the morning. I am signing off. Thanks so much for the fun times tonight!
Yeah, he would probably be excited. He was only down here for about 10 minutes and he did that in 5 of it.
Good bye everyone. Yes it is photo shop. I am learning it slowly, but he is speedy.
Bye Dazz. You never said you forgive me so I will just live with the guilt all weekend. Thanks for the fun! And the plane ticket, for everyone else but me, that is.
I meant good bye to everyone who was leaving, but I'm still here. Is anyone else?
Why can't you go MA?
I am. I really do think we need to read BD together so we can giggle at parts and compare notes between chapters. Anyone else with me?
Well didn't she say she had 4 tickets? There are more than 4 of us here.
How about a re-read together? Like the 2nd time through when we actually absorb some of the things we will miss when we super-speed-read through it the first time to see what happens?
Yes, but I would find a way to pay for my own ticket if that meant that everyone could go. We are selling our house, so I will use some of that money to pay for it. My DH might not be too pleases, but more likely than not he would just laugh at me. It can't be that expensive, right?
So perhaps we should see who can go, and then how much it would be to combine the buddy passes and split all the cost together.
That's a good idea.
I even like the idea of doing a chapter by chapter discussion online with BD. I am really looking forward to reading the first 3 together. Can't wait for that.
Where are the ghetto-sista's.
Cig. break?
Okay, I am sure that I am just slow, or maybe because I missed something in my speed reading,but how do you know MA, BFB?
Did everyone check out? I know Erin had to go, and do did Marti, but where is Trish, or Jenn, or Jill? Did you fall asleep waiting for the comments?
Jill N. you broke my heart tonight.
And does anyone think Marti feels bad. Really I can be two sharp. What a dumb thing to have come so naturally.
Jill B. Did you go too, without saying goodbye. Who won. And do you have tickets for tomorrow's game?
Hey, how about if we move to the new post since this one is so overloaded! Mine keeps pausing..
See you down a few posts?
Done with my cig now, much better, how about you lish?
I'm heading down 2 posts people!
Jillybean is in my ward and introduced me to the blog after I called her desperately trying to find someone who had the last two books after reading Twilight in one day.
So I met MA at the Jan TW meeting.
Then I started going to her spin class with Marti.
Yes, Jill I hope you come too.
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