I have been DYING to ask you all if you have ever read any of the Twilight fan fiction that is out there? I had read a few (only found out about them because there was a link on SMs website), but didn't really like anything that I came across..... that is until I read one the other day that was so AMAZING, it actually made me cry! (Before meeting MA/TM & joining this blog, I had joined another Twilight Mom group, and it was listed there). Here is the link if anyone wants to check them out. (be sure to read "the wedding" first, then "the change" after). http://twilightmomsforums.freeforums.org/viewforum.php?f=24 (Twilight Mom gives these a PG-13 rating)
Thought these might be fun with the upcoming TA meeting about Edward & Bella's romance. Even though they were not written by SM, they are absolutely beautiful! I'm sure Breaking Dawn won't turn out like these, but it's fun to imagine anyway....
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Fan Fiction
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3:41 PM
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So yes, I have definitely heard of fanfiction. Someone who is desperate like me surely has! I've read some really good stuff, well a few anyway, and also some really silly stuff that is way off. It's still fun to read, and it's another way to get a TW fix, especially if one is not actively reading - anything will do it seems!
I read these, and they were fun to read! I have to say that the thing I felt the most was excitement for BD, and how SM will actually create their wedding! I can hardly stand it! I do love the thought of it taking place in the Cullen house, Alice could do wonders with it!
I think that next month will possibly be our BD theories/hopes/wishes/demands meeting! I look forward to that one for sure!
I haven't read the change yet, but the wedding was so fun! Jaime was sitting next to me reading and started to get all teary-eyed so I HAD to read it after that. I love the whole idea of their first time being in the meadow. So perfect!
When I read these Fan Fiction stories, all that I could think was (in Bella's infamous words...) Holy Crow! I think I'm going to spontaneously combust! The only thing missing was suspense and danger, but only SM could be perfect enough to get everything right in the story, of course.
So soon to be "dazzled" beat me to the punch. I have agonized about posting fan-fiction for a long time. Fan-fiction has mixed reviews in my mind. It is on the one hand, very, very fun to read. It can also get confusing. Trisha and I have thought more than once that something in our favorite fan-fiction was fact. And it is also somewhat frustrating because none of it, no matter how good, really sounds like Stephenie. Also, you can waste a large amount of time looking for perfect fan-fiction. So there are my warnings and diclaimers.
When you find a wonderful one though, it does take you back to all your Twilighty feelings. And that is worth it!
Trisha and I have a found a few, maybe 3 max, that we feel are quality enough to share. I was just waiting until after the meeting to share my favorite. Well I am still waiting until after the meeting. From these responses I am sure you will all love it.
These fanfictions from Marti definitely made me long again for Breaking Dawn. You don't know how tortured I am about if that wedding is going to go as planned. The wedding date just happens to be my BIRTHDAY!
There were definitely some cute moments but I did read them rather quickly. From the start they weren't quite my style, which just means they didn't sound close to SM to me (sorry, I am a pathetic perfectionist!) So they didn't capture me the same way they have captured some of you. But I couldn't say it better than e4e, it will be so amazing to read SM's version of these wonderful Bella and Edward moments we are all waiting for. Thanks for your enthusiams E4E.
Oh sorry, one more disclaimer. These were a little on the steamy side. Sounds odd coming from a Twilight fanatic, who has posted polls about kissing. Confusing I know. But to each his own. I just think Stephenie handles the intimacy so beautifully, I can't get enough of SM style. Sorry if that sounds weird. And the fanfiction I will share is pretty hot too, so I am probably not making much sense.
Well look who is still here. Sorry I forgot to say that I will provide a forum, meeting, etc to discuss all of our theories on breaking dawn, including if and how that wedding and change will happen. Just be patient.
I just have to say, good to hear from you Jillybean! We have missed you and your fun comments.
Ok, I just read both of these. This was my first encounter with fanfiction. I have to admit, that at first I was not sure whether or not I wanted to read them. My feelings are similar to MA in that they were not as good as how I picture SM will write them. (I hope I'm not getting my hopes up too high.) I still enjoyed reading something new about our favorite characters and found myself wanting more. So thanks for the link E4E!
Ruth. You are absolutely, I can't think of strong enough terms here to express, how much I feel you are NOT getting your hopes up too high. Really I don't think there is any way possible that SM will let us down. My goodness she has created some of the most "real" fictional, and not to mention, mythical, characters I have ever encountered. Much of Breaking Dawn she took from Forever Dawn which was written write on the heels of Twilight. So no, I am certain we will be blown away rather than dissapointed. But then I wear my Twilight feelings on my shirt sleeve.
I have read some Pride & Prejudice fan fic, simply because there is no way we are going to get any more "official" Elizabeth & Mr. Darcy. And I wanted more of them.
But, seeing as we are going to get more Bella & Edward, I am content to wait for the real thing. Mainly because I don't want to get the details of what "really" happened mixed up with details from fan fiction. Cause I would.
Maybe when there is no more Bella & Edward coming from SM, I might read some; but for now I am happy just re-reading (and re-reading...)
This doesn't exactly fit here, but it is a bit of reading to tide us over. I'm sure that TM/MA already saw this, but for everyone else, the lexicon posted that SM is going to post a chapter of "The Host" on her website on Valentine's day as a present for all of us.
More SM; hooray!
Yep, it does say that. I had to laugh at her comment, "Alien-love baby. Embrace it!" This new adventure will be quite interesting, especially to see her writing style in another story. It'll be good to read that chapter and get an idea of it. SM once said that people will get the book and start reading, then start flipping through the page, then say "Where's Edward? There's no Edward in here! What's going on!" Also, pretty funny. I'm sure there really are people out there (sadly enough) that will actually think that.
Hey watch it. I will be one of those people. Where is Edward?
So I'm not starting a discussion here, but I talked to Jillike today (come on Jill, you can comment) about these fanfictions, and she had the same reaction as all of us: Can't Wait to read the real thing. I think our "what and how we think things will happen in BD" discussion is going to be fun. I would think that the fan-fiction we enjoy has to do with the fact that we all want the same happy things to happen. Oooh, it is really hard not to start a "I hope SM will do this or that like the fan-fiction" discussion. But, reminder to self, that is next month. So much Twilight still to talk about. How reassuring.
I also agree on how Fan Fic can mess with your mind. I have only read about 10 of then, and don't plan on reading any more because I don't want to clutter my thoughts with too many things that may never really happen. Oh, if only SM's editors could work at the speed of a vampire... Alice would have that book ready in no time!
No kidding. Alice would be a snap. SM was asked once about Edwards reading taste. Of course he has read so much she couldn't elaborate. But when asked if Edward would read Twilight, Steph explained that he would have to keep up on vampire lore, but he wouldn't have liked it.
Anyway I like thinking about putting pressure on those dumb Editors and not SM. Good point Dazz.
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