This is a significant event in our lives. Not that every husband of every TA member needs to read Twilight. There was a long time I didn't think I wanted him too. He doesn't need any more fuel for teasing. But realize, I have gotten a little carried away here, and have wanted my husband to have an appreciation for why.
Moment 1 - he actually told me when he finished chapter 13. Can you quote the title? That's right - Confessions. He had to tell me how powerful it was and how much it explained. I can't remember exactly how he described it, but he was definitely affected by it.
Moment 2 - he stayed up after I was asleep, so that he could read it. Still can't believe it.
Moment 3 - he had to tell me when he came to the part where James enters the picture. He had to admit it was riveting.
Moment 4- I begged him to finish the epilogue (The Prom) before he started reading the boring non-fiction book he had in his hand. He informed me, that he already had, during lunch. FAINT!
Moment 5 - He had to admit he could see why we like it so much. Of course he thought the entire final quarter of the book was excellent with the drama, even though he knew Bella would be fine. But he also agreed that the WAY Edward saved her really was amazing. He teased too, saying the whole thing was a bit too "swoony" for him. Of course he used that word since the night he finished (up to the epilogue) I was literally swooning all over the place. I would peek over his shoulder and gasp. I would leave and come back over and over to see where he was next and giggle with nerves. There was even once (or twice) where I literally fell on the bed where he was reading and swooned away, falling on my pillow, grabbing him and making ridiculous sighing sounds, etc. Can you see the picture?
But what he really thought was that it was undeniable that SM created a very dramatic, conflicted and romantic relationship in Edward and Bella.
Of course he also thought there was too much neck stuff, and slow
descriptions of hands down the neck etc. And he can go on and on about all of that if he wants, but the bottom line, he knows he has Twilight to thank for an increase in kisses from me these past 4 months.
The point of this latest of my extremely long posts (does that drive everyone crazy that I am ms. wordy?) is not that husbands should read Twilight. If they do, lucky you. But really that anyone can enjoy this wonderful book.
Moment 1 - he actually told me when he finished chapter 13. Can you quote the title? That's right - Confessions. He had to tell me how powerful it was and how much it explained. I can't remember exactly how he described it, but he was definitely affected by it.
Moment 2 - he stayed up after I was asleep, so that he could read it. Still can't believe it.
Moment 3 - he had to tell me when he came to the part where James enters the picture. He had to admit it was riveting.
Moment 4- I begged him to finish the epilogue (The Prom) before he started reading the boring non-fiction book he had in his hand. He informed me, that he already had, during lunch. FAINT!
Moment 5 - He had to admit he could see why we like it so much. Of course he thought the entire final quarter of the book was excellent with the drama, even though he knew Bella would be fine. But he also agreed that the WAY Edward saved her really was amazing. He teased too, saying the whole thing was a bit too "swoony" for him. Of course he used that word since the night he finished (up to the epilogue) I was literally swooning all over the place. I would peek over his shoulder and gasp. I would leave and come back over and over to see where he was next and giggle with nerves. There was even once (or twice) where I literally fell on the bed where he was reading and swooned away, falling on my pillow, grabbing him and making ridiculous sighing sounds, etc. Can you see the picture?
But what he really thought was that it was undeniable that SM created a very dramatic, conflicted and romantic relationship in Edward and Bella.
Of course he also thought there was too much neck stuff, and slow

The point of this latest of my extremely long posts (does that drive everyone crazy that I am ms. wordy?) is not that husbands should read Twilight. If they do, lucky you. But really that anyone can enjoy this wonderful book.
This has to be one of my very favorite posts of all!! So very fun MA. I was so excited today to check the blog...I have been distracted the last couple of days getting ready for a holiday party. But now I have it behind me, and even though the pajamas still being worn, and the after party mess is still lingering...I had to start my day out right! I really think that my husband would react similiar to Dave if he really gave it an honest chance - but that's the problem, I don't know if he will! The other day he heard me on the phone ask my sister if I could have my books back, he quickly started 'yelling' through the phone that "No, don't give them back..." he must remember how out of commission I was when I had them! Anyway, thanks for the reminders that yes, everyone can love these books! PS - is he interested in the other two?
Not right now. Because I talk so much about them, he already has figured out completely the plot to New Moon, as far as the Edward leaving/Jacob entering the picture stuff. You know he was more perceptive about Twilight than I was until my 3rd time through. He could tell that Edward was already seriously considering leaving during the part at the hospital. I was always too gaga over the interractions between Edward and Bella to notice the turmoil behind Edwards responses. Dave thought he was going to leave at the end of Twilight.
Anyway I promised him he would enjoy it, the last part at least. You know some devoted fans even have a hard time with New Moon, so we'll wait and see. I don't think he'll enjoy all the Bella emotional drama, he gets enough female drama around here and there is only one female in the house. Also what if he went liking Jacob too much. Well that were certainly start a marital rift now wouldn't it?
Anyway, funny about your hubby. He will eventually accept your life with Twilight in it, and maybe appreciate it. Dave is happy for me, except when I stay up posting until 1:00. But when else can I do it?
And congrats on getting the guts up to ask for your books. I am amazed. I hope they will be home safe and sound very soon.
Paul and I have been reading the books together since Halloween- and it has been so very fun. He has really enjoyed the story and loves them because I "swoon" as we read them. I think it brings us both back to when we were first dating-17yrs ago. He was trying to decide ona color for his new cell phone- I suggested one because it looked like Edwards eyes- so he said he better get that one. We make many comments to each other in reference to the books- it has been so delightful. We are just about to where this month quote is- he wanted to take the book with him to DC last week for his business trip- but I wouldn't let him. He called and said he was missing me and reading together- so when he came home, we read a chapter before he went to work. Yes, I think she has written books tht anyone could enjoy them.
Hi. I'm Erin's sister Ruth. And I have to say that I'm very impressed that your husbands are reading these books. My husband, like Erin's, wouldn't give it a fair shot--even if I begged. He kept encouraging me to read this series when various friends referred me to it. However, once he found out it was mostly a romance, he wasn't as interested in hearing about it. He just wants to know how they each became vampires, where they got all their money, how they can be killed, etc. He thinks my next book choice should be "I Am Legend" (another vampire book).
Anyway, props to you & your husbands. I'll do a proper post on the blog later.
Ruth, Hi, hello, hooray, welcome. This gets funner by the member!
How is England?
Anyway, I just have to point out that the few husbands that have read it are unique. My husband read it because his wife has been such a fanatic, ridiculous, obsessed freak about this, he couldn't not read any longer! He has heard so much about it, mostly third hand (listening to my phone conversations and reading my e-mail over my shoulder). But in the beginning he was my sounding board. I was reading these books alone. I had no one to share my reactions with. So Dave got an earful several times a day.
And honestly he didn't start them with the most open mind. The book itself won him over. In fact he tried to post his own comment on this post (of course he is NOT an invited guest). It went something like this.
"This book was way to swoony for me. Great car chases and some good dramatic moments. from: givemenonfictiondad" But that is a very smug comment. He really did like it.
That's a really great post. And I'm very glad to know that Dave read it and liked it. I've decided that I do want Justin to read it now. I used to not, because I didn't want him to think it was ridiculous or something and then tease me even more. But I really don't think that he won't like it. I'm sure he won't loooovvve it, but you know, even if he understands a little. So he said he would (for the 3rd time) and so I've just got to wait for him to get through his latest Star Wars book (for those of you that don't know him, he's really not a nerd) and not get him the next at the library until he reads Twilight. I'll update when (and if) that happens. I just don't know if he'll give it an honest chance, like your husbands, Erin and Ruth, but we'll see...
Seriously Mary Ann, what a stunning picture! I love when you find these great ones I've never seen. Edward would totally kiss Bella's neck that way wouldn't he?
You know, the 2nd time through Twilight in the hospital, I could see that Edward was considering leaving somewhere in his head, not really at all the 1st time though. I picked up on more of the little things he said to her. Then of course we get to read the wonderful Prom, hopefully everyone has read the remix, and at that point nothing like that could go through my head.
Jill I love that your husband got that cell phone cover to match Edward's eyes! What a wonderful reminder each day. Funny!
Trisha, is it possible for your husband to tease you more than he does now? Yea, my husband liked it more than he'll admit. He very casually asked me the other day if we still had NM at our house! We were reading together at first, then I got frustrated with him and read ahead. And a few nights later, I caught him reading (secretly, of course) ahead of me. He laughed at some of my favorite parts, which was just plain MEAN! But it's ok. I'll never fully understand the appeal of Halo 3 or the Die Hard movies.
My husband is between books right now and I am unsure as to whether or not to push having him read Twilight. I am thinking that I don't want him to be a part of the club. I like my time with the girls to be all mine. Is that selfish?
Girls, how are you getting your men to read them? I've tried, and he'll start to lean over into it, really showing interest and curiosity, and then BAM! As soon as he notices any over excitedness coming from me, Mr Homophobic-Macho-Man Wannabe kicks in and he wrinkles his nose and says,"Na, thats a "chick" book". He reads these western books over and over, cause they're a manly man's books, about roughin and toughin it. Where did I find him? JUST KIDDING :)
You are all so funny. For a very, very long time (counting from August of course) I didn't want Dave to read them. I didn't want more teasing fuel and I wanted to keep them to myself. I don't have advice for getting them to read them, but don't worry vampirelover, no boys allowed in our club EVER! Trust me they wouldn't want to come.
By the way it is a chick book, but that doesn't mean it will hurt them.
That picture, MA! Everytime I scroll past it, chills! It is so awesome.
I know, you wouldn't think I could get teased more. But I think he could manage somehow. Hopefully he'll just like it enough, and understanding (some at least) will come instead. Although it'll never really end, but that's okay, it's very much worth it.
Jill, I believe Mary Ann has my NM, but you're welcome to it when she's done with it. That's really funny that he secretly read ahead of you. I, too, will never understand the draw to anything war related, fighting, etc.
And Suzanne (vampirelover), even though I was with you when you posted I am SO happy when I see your one and only post here. Keep it up!
I'm still going to work on him reading it, keep you updated...
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