Thursday, December 13, 2007
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11:00 AM
Welcome to T.A. We love company here. One of your first posts should be your own experience with how you knew you were addicted to Twilight. Go to the link below and read how other members have discovered their own addiction. Then start a new post, title it "You know you are addicted when . . ." and add yourself to our blissful group.
The best thing for me about Robert, is the hair! Perfect. I wish I could put his hair on a Henry picture. Like you said last night Jillybean, he just needs to bulk up a little bit and then he will be just right (hot! but not sizzling for me. Maybe by the movie he will be sizzling.) Thanks for your enthusiasm. I am so HAPPY that we have this movie to keep us company and give us something to think about while we wait for the best stuff, BD!!!!
Yes, the hair! It is totally how I pictured Edward's. So, I know he isn't Henry but I really think he'll become real to us as the movie gets closer with publicity pics and trailers and of course, the actual movie! My husband says he thinks it will be years before the movie is out. I hope he's wrong. We can't be expected to wait THAT long! We're only human.
Of course it won't be years. These people want to make money. Strike now while it is so popular, and of course, leave room for mega-bucks making sequels. I think it will bo out by 2009 at the latest!
I think so too, I even think it'll be more like by the first to mid of 2009. They know what they're doing. They'll want it to be close to the release of BD and MS. That's why they're trying to cast so quickly and try to start filming in Feb. You know how close Feb. is!!
I love the hair too, can't you just see Edward's unkept, wet hair after running through the forest to Bella's house?!
These are awesome - I agree with everyone, the hair has won me over! And I didn't think about this - but of course this movie thing is going to help us through to about my books, I am going to Costco today, ummm I wonder if I'll have enough self-control to not pass the books!!!
Just do it Erin!!! I was thinking of throwing in one of them for you for Christmas (and giving it to you early) so report back after your trip to Costco.
And the hair. I love every reference to Edward's hair in the books. After the snow storm, when he runs his own hand through it, when she says he looks like a hair gel model, when the rain still sparkles in it, when it is wind blown from running through the forest, etc. (add some I have forgotten anyone) Ahhhh. . . .
I absolutely love all the ways she describes his hair throughout the books, maybe that's why we keep talking about it. I remember all of those references to his hair that you listed, especially the one about him looking like a hair gel model, but I know there are many more too. I remember one about his hair being wet from the rain when he got to her house, and she describes pieces of it that were damp being kind of stuck down on his forehead, cute to picture. And a few times she'll say that he "tousled through his hair a few times," I know one in particular is while he's listening to her and Alice talk. Just normal things that are so great because it's Edward doing them.
Trust me, I'll never get tired of the pictures, keep them coming, from now until the movie comes out, I don't care for how long or how many are findable (word?), I'm one who'll continue to appreciate them. Thanks for the research guys!
Sigh. Sometimes I am sad its not the real Edward. Shake it off. Anyway. . . . I finally got on to the Lexicon, they had 300,000 hits in 1/2 hour when the Robert news broke. So they had to shut down again. Funny and awesome. Everyone seems to agree, he isn't the Edward we picture but he will be amazing. Really there probably isn't a better actor out there for the role.
Also someone on the Lex says that Robert can play the piano. Squeal (sadly yes, 35 and still squealing, even if only internally). Really though I hope the rumor is true. That is very appealing.
Just one more. Dave does NOT think he looks like Edward at all. I am afraid that is a sign he is not a true fan. (But a good sign that Dave is in tune slightly to Edwardness.)
I am actually planning on loving the movie, by the way. I am going in with low expectations. High expectations for the actors but low for the movie itself. They can't really get it exactly right. But I love the movie already!!!
THe more pics that keep posting, the more I am just getting excited and the more the whole movie is becoming a reality in my head. I don't even know if I can wait until 2009, it sounds so far away, even if it almost 2008( don't even get me started on the freakyness of that). But I am anxious to see who else they cast. Continually checking the lexicon and websites. Which by the way ticked me off when they were all shut down afer the Robert news! I couldn't get anything!!!
Cant they at least have the movie out by Christmas '08? No, they probably won't, but its a nice thought. I'm actually quite curious as to what Dave's version of Edward is, since Robert doesn't fit his idea. Just for a guy's perspective. I don't know about him but my husband would no doubt picture him as ugly and pitiful looking. LOL-He's starting to show some funny jealousy. Last night he wanted to know why I had "all these guys pics plastered all over MY site". I said, "Well duh, its Edward in all different frames, no big deal." But really I was squealing and sighing on the inside
like a teenage girl! lol
Thanks for all the pics! I pasted them all together on one sheet and printed it on photo paper and took it to work. There are a few addicts there also. As soon as one person opened the manilla folder in the office it only took a few seconds for her to squeal and she soon had a crowd around her. I now have more requests to print the page. I feel like I am sneaking around with something when I say I kept it in a manilla folder. They are just too hot to carry around an elementary school uncovered.
Jen, I think a little husband jealousy might be a good thing. You know Robert is barely over teenager, goodness, what does your husband think we are? We are just giddy about some silly actor. It's all in fun. I guess from a husband perspective we look pretty funny.
I'm not sure who Dave would pick, probably SM and my truest Edward (see picture at top of blog). He is worried we will be dissapointed by the movie, but I assured him we won't let it get us too down.
That is awesome. A secret manilla folder. Wait until you get your TA member Christmas gift. They might be fighting for one of those too. You know I expect you and anyone else out there, to freely invite anyone they trust, to view our blog. If they love it they can join too.
The only rules for membership:
1. You adore Twilight (of course I could write an essay on what this means, but we will leave it at that.) Adoration must at least be defined as planning to think about Twilight for the next few years!Half hearted members are only tolerated if we love them personally.
2. You want Edward and Bella to be together forever. (This rule is solely created by the Blog owner, and although it's quite one-sided, well, it's just the way it is.) I could also write an essay on how this doesn't mean we don't like Jacob. Wanting Bella and Edward to be together forever means more than just Bella not choosing Jacob. In our opinion (the Blog owner and her co-pres. and vice-pres and loyal followers) if you really "get" these books than you can come to no other conclusion. We feel the author backs us up on this, by the way. In fact the Lexicon does as well. Okay enough bossy clarification. Can you tell I haven't written anything in a while.
The real point of this comment, the more the merrier at TA.
Bye wonderful members!
That is so awesome Suzanne. I must see all the pics together on one page. I'll have to take a peek next time I see you. Not that I don't look at them everyday, several times, but I'd like to see what people are exactly seeing and then squealing about in this secret folder. Funny!!
I think a little husband jealousy is good too. A little healthy competition with a fictional character could do us all some good ;)
I must comply with our blog owner about all the rules of being a member. Really very simple and easy...
Jill those are gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing them. I have some beautiful avatars to share but I am a teeny bit more patient. I am always worried that we will run out some day. Really nice, thanks. By the way no one commented about my "robert plays the piano" comment. Does no one else find that amazing?
That is awesome that he plays piano. I'm sure they could make it look like he plays in the movie, even if he didn't. But he does, and he's read the books! so it will be even more authentic. I'm nervous for Bella's lullabye. We all have something so beautiful in our heads, and of course that's different for everyone. It will be like casting Edward, probably, you're never able to please everyone.
So I have been hoarding a version of a beatiful piano piece that I think sounds like the lullaby. I will share it soon. Stephenie says she would choose to have Michael Bellamy (from Muse) compose it. I don't suppose she gets any say in that for the movie. I bet we will love the lullaby too. I am with you Jill, can't wait for the trailers, the posters in the theaters, the soundtrack. Bring them on!
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