These are the best photos I could find. The Lexicon was so overwhelmed it shut down. I'm sure I will have much more info tomorrow!
Los Angeles, CA December 11, 2007 – Summit Entertainment announced today that Robert Pattinson will star as “Edward” in the highly anticipated feature film production TWILIGHT opposite Kristen Stewart. The thriller-romance, based on Stephenie Meyer’s publishing phenomenon, is slated to begin production in February 2008 with Catherine Hardwicke directing a script by Melissa Rosenberg (STEP UP). Karen Rosenfelt (DEVIL WEARS PRADA) and Greg Mooradian will produce along with Mark Morgan via his Maverick Films banner.
Erik Feig, Summit Entertainment’s President of Production, stated, “It's always a challenge to find the right actor for a part that has lived so vividly in the imaginations of readers but we took the responsibility seriously and are confident, with Rob Pattinson, that we have found the perfect Edward for our Bella in TWILIGHT.”
Robert Pattinson most recently starred in LITTLE ASHES as the young Salvador Dali. Pattinson is best known for his role as Cedric Diggory in the recent box office successes HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX and HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE.
Erik Feig, Summit Entertainment’s President of Production, stated, “It's always a challenge to find the right actor for a part that has lived so vividly in the imaginations of readers but we took the responsibility seriously and are confident, with Rob Pattinson, that we have found the perfect Edward for our Bella in TWILIGHT.”
Robert Pattinson most recently starred in LITTLE ASHES as the young Salvador Dali. Pattinson is best known for his role as Cedric Diggory in the recent box office successes HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX and HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE.

***A note from Stephenie about the casting of Robert Pattinson:
I am ecstatic with Summit's choice for Edward. There are very few actors who can look both dangerous and beautiful at the same time, and even fewer who I can picture in my head as Edward. Robert Pattinson is going to be amazing.
I am ecstatic with Summit's choice for Edward. There are very few actors who can look both dangerous and beautiful at the same time, and even fewer who I can picture in my head as Edward. Robert Pattinson is going to be amazing.
He is quite stunning in this video:
Awesome! I always thought he was very good looking in Harry Potter. I'm going to give him a chance. His acting is what matters so much right now too. I wonder if he realizes how big of shoes he is filling with this role? He can't possibly can he? I'm so excited to finally get some news. I'll be excited so see a good picture of him and Kristen together! (you on that MA?)
Yay! You know this is going to make him a new heart throb, after playing this role. I can only imagine how the make-up and cameras and CONTACS are going to make him look. We seriously have so much great Twilight stuff to look forward to in the next 18 months!
Now I can't wait for Alice, she's go to be next right? This is so much fun!!
Is he my perfect Edward. Nope. Is he going to be great, YEP! In some ways I am glad he is not as beautiful as Edward could be. But he certainly has an Edwardish, vampirey charm.
I am throwing in the towel now. I just can't stand it. These movie people are too convincing that they are going to do an awesome job. I so appreciate the part I underlined, about taking the responsibility for picking Edward seriously and that they picked the right Edward for their Bella. He and Kristen must have good chemistry. That will be important. Stephenie mentioned that in her comments when they picked Kristen.
Am I setting myself up for heartbreak, oh yeah! Who will join me?
Funny, I was commenting at the same time you were commenting. But you are right. Contacts, make-up and whoa! It's going to work!!!
Holy Crap! We posted our comments at exactly the same time!!!
How awesome is that?!
I will join you twilightmom, I'm totally with you on this. I can just see it, they'll have the chemistry, I know they will. I'm getting those flutters thinking about it. Who would've thought I'd be this excited?
He's not our Henry, but seriously he'll do. I'm happy about it, I think his looks can pull it off.
I too am getting flutters and jitters, and spasms, good grief. Anyway I was thinking about my last comment about him not being as beautiful as he could be. But wait, I thought, no human can be as beautiful as Edward. Even our Henry image doesn't seem real, you know. It's not a picture of some actor. It's a picture of Edward. So Robert is as good as its going to get!
I agree, just like the quote you had on top of the blog from the creator, Stephenie Meyer, herself: 'No human is pretty enough to pull off being a vampire', or something like that. (I'm kind of embarrassed I don't have that memorized word for word now).
He's as good as we're going to get, and I'm so glad he's not a huge, well known actor. I'm so happy that I'm not disappointed, what a surprise! Now, surely he'll use an American accent right?
It's a cute picture of him on Stephenie Meyer's website too. He's got a nice jaw line, which is something Bella describes when she's talking about his features throughout the series...and he coudl definitely have that bronze, messy hair...
Oh absolutely an American accent. I'll forgive you for quoting less than perfectly (the exact quote, that I copied from the Lexicon is: "No human actor is pretty enough to really pull off a vampire")
Man this is fun. Don't look at what time we are posting you guys.
I actually thought the picture on SM's site was less than attractive. Oh well, to each his own, but I can see what you are saying about the jaw and definitely the hair. Save typing time anyone else reading this, and click on my link to on the right-hand side of the Blog.
You're right, it's not as cute as the others, but still nice. I think of all of them, his jaw line is most pronounced in that one. I can't wait to see the color they do his hair. I'm seriously smiling right now.
I can't imagine what the rest of you bloggers are going to think when you check the blog tomorrow and there's already 10 comments on this new post, but only from 2 people!! Ha!
Ha, Ha, Ha ha ha. Make that 11 (I was thinking the exact same thing. How sad Trish and I think we are so funny and we are getting so much enjoyment out of this nonsense. Okay its not nonsense. Forgive me!)
11 now! Ok, so I just watched the youtube short video clip with him, and it is stunning. He's going to be great, he does look a little vampirey already. He has those chiseled facial features. Watch it, if you get a chance guys. It's fun to imagine him as Edward, and what Hollywood can to do enhance all the vampire features we love.
Oh my gosh, this is hilarious MA! I guess my previous should say:
12 now! instead...
Ha ha. Make that 13. Why am I still awake? To check the blog of course! I had no idea I'd find such an awesome surprise!!! Wow, I didn't even know he was an option. I think he'll be brilliant. Such an amazing actor. The best part is, they finally have an Edward and that makes the making of the movie just one step closer! I'll have to check all the other sites tomorrow so I'm up to speed.
I have to agree with you, Trisha, I do not like the pic on SM's website. He looks drunk or stoned or something. His eyes are half closed. The pictures you have here MA are much better. Now I want to go watch Harry Potter 4 again!
Ok, one more thing, sorry. I do love how confident he looks. I have always pictured Edward having a confidence about him. Maybe it is that strong jawline. I think he's going to be so awesome! So now I'm going to bed, for reals this time.
Good Morning Jill. I hope you slept longer than me. I am so happy that the blog can bring happy surprises like this from time to time. We love your enthusiasm at any hour!
I couldn't believe that when I checked the blog - there were 17 comments already - I thought, oh my gosh, did I just miss a whole day!!!! crap. Anyway, I am actually pretty impressed with the choice. Of course like all of you - it doesn't perfectly match for me, but really, was that possible for millions of fans across the globe? It sounds like you guys had a great "late" night commenting! Fun, Fun. I'm excited to watch the video and send the news to others!
well crap i missed a really fun night last night.i love this choice . and i loved the u tube clip also. i think he will do so great he is very confident! i cant wait to see who alice is !!
Is there more to life than being really,really,really, ridiculously goodlooking?
Rats.The one night I fall asleep at "830" I miss out on all the fun! Well I think they made a good enough choice for Edward. I'm so excited to see the final product! Btw, I think it would be so fun if we all took a field trip together to the opening night show,don't you guys?
Yes, yes, for sure! It's just a given that we will all be at opening night, right? I watched the youtube video of the Vanity Fair clip and all I can say is yummy! His hair is even close to the right color in that. So, I haven't seen Vanity Fair, is he in that whole movie? Or just the alternate ending? When I went on to I saw some other twilight videos. We watched one with another guy they were thinking about casting as Edward and this guy is so much better. My friend made the comment that he has a little bit of that dangerous look. And he can definitely pull off "smoldering"!
Okay guys, I am so bummed that I misseed the Twilight club meeting,but I cannot tell you how excited I am that he will be Edward. I didn't realize it was Cedric until it was stated, but when I saw the picture at the top, I saw it immediately. I think that it is his wonderful jawline., or maybe just the smoldering eyes. Either way, I am excited to see the rest of the casting, and it seems that we will have to check all the websites hourly to stay on top of the movie! Yea!!! I do hope you didnt' have too much fun at Erin's house without me. I would love to have a recap session, if that could be fit into this wonderful stinking season. Sorry, no Christmas spirit here tonight, only room for Twilight.;)
Yes It's me Suzanne!!! For the second time tonight I am going to try to give my opinion. I am not a pro at this yet and somehow lost my comment just after I finished it. Here goes! I absolutely love who they casted for our beloved Edward. He definitely has the looks and hair. But the youtube interviews that I saw, he was a bit too giggly. I picture Edward as a bit more mature since he is 117 years old. I am just going to have to wait for the movie to come out to find out if his acting is as good as his looks. And Mary Ann if you as manager find my previous comment, just trash it.
Tonight's meeting was awesome! The food was wonderful, of course the topics of discussion were fabulous--Thanks again Erin for letting us come to your home it was so much fun. Thanks Mary Ann for the gift I'm still giggling over it I love it! So when's the next meeting? I think we should have a special spotlight for January birthdays, doesn't that sound fun? LOL LOL LOL
Just have to say, GOOD JOB Vampire LOVER. It is so fun here. What I can't wait for, is when pictures from productions and movie trailers come out. That will be AMAZING!
I just have to post a comment to say, that there are already 25 comments on this post! So awesome, definitely the record so far.
And yes, good for you vampirelover! I'm so happy you commented again, you're the coolest!
See, no need to be afraid to post, those of you who are...
I can hardly stand the thought of movie trailors and production pictures, so I better not think about it anymore right now!
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