Okay, I know that this is a forbidden subject, one that many of you don't like to think about. But I am re-reading (2nd time only, sigh) New Moon, and today is one of those days that I dont' want to do anything, I am ignoring sick kids (not really), laundry, dishes, etc, because I just want to read. So here is something that struck me while I was reading. Maybe I am the only one who sees the parallel, but let me know if anyone feels the same as me...
In NM, on pg 219 (this is after the movie with Jake and Mike) Bella makes the comment "I never meant to love him" referring to Jacob. Now I am not saying that Bella loves Jacob the same way that she loves Edward, but I saw an immediate parallel to Edward not meaning to love Bella. And at the beginnning of the relationship, all Edward can say is how he is not good for Bella, but he is too selfish to give her up. Bella gets a small taste of what that is like when Jacob pulls her out of her bottomless pit, then disappears. She realizes how selfish she is in that she knows that she needs her "personal sunshine" And Bella goes on to talk about how she needs Jacob "like a drug" which also made me think of when Edward refers to Bella as his form of heroin. I would like to think that maybe that made Bella just a bit more understanding to Edward, because I think she can see what it might be like for him, only on a grander scale.
I was also shocked to see her admit to loving Jacob, and I think that for all of us that have now reread the whole series, it is almost like forshadowing as to what is going to happen and the choice Bella has to make. I think somewhere in the back of her mind, throughout the rest of NM and into Eclipse, that Bella knew she loved Jacob, but she also knows that her love for Edward is stronger, that is why it takes her so long to admit that she does love him.
Now lastly, the one thing that really bothered me the first time I read NM and has really stuck out this time is how long it takes for Bella to connect Jacob to werewolves. She made the immediate connection with Edward, but man, if Jacob didn't have to just beat it out of her to figure out what he was. For all of us who love Edward so much, I think that shows us that she knew there was something different about Edward that made the automatic connection to vampires. But the first time I read NM I was so frustrated, and just kept waiting for Bella to make the connection. I figured it out right after Jacob got sick. Did anyone else figure it out that quick? I can't be the only one.
I haven't posted before, and I am hoping that everyone will be nice with their comments, but I swear I can't be the only person out there who loves Jacob. I know Bella and Edward are just that, Bella and Edward. There can never be anyone else for her. But as I have reread NM I am just blown away by how sweet Jacob is and how he cares for Bella so much. I am so excited to see how SM wraps things up for him, it is only fair. So if you agree with any of my crazy theories, let me know. Until then, I am going to do a little daydreaming with Bella and Jacob, waiting for that breathtaking moment when Edward sees Bella again.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Jacob and Bella
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1:27 PM
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You are so brave to bring this subject up- and also very insightful. I too had a very different reaction about Jacob the 2nd/3rd time reading NM & Eclipse. I think I hated him the 1st time because I knew what was going to happen- and that it would be painful- for someone and all of them. How could Bella not love Jacob? I think Edward is more insightful about it than her- he is so quick to tell Jacob Thank you when he gets back, he hears her at night, and reads the conflict in her face through Eclipse and even watches her cry of hours. I think that is one reason why I am captivated to this story- I experienced something like this, only in my experience I was the Jacob. I was going to lose my very best friend (at that time)-and yetI knew it was what was suppose to happen- I knew it before I left on my mission- and I didn't want to let him go- i loved him and I couldn't imagine anyone who would know me better. I just plan that Jacobs ending will be as good as mine- because I did find someone that I "imprinted" with- and I would be so imcomplete without him. For me, Bella loves and is in love with Edward-but she also needed her relationship with Jacob to understand love more. I hope I made some sense.
Okay Becky,
Now I could say all kinds of snotty little things here couldn't I? But no I won't becasue it is not a forbidden subject. Jacob is welcome here. Only "Jacob should be with Bella" opinions are not tolerated on this blog. Now I have many wonderful (and some chastising) things to add, but no time yet. For now I will just say,
Are you seriously going to daydream about Jacob and Bella moments, or was that a typo? Cute, friendly, sweet, genuine they are, but dreamy, never. Anyway if you were serious I can't relate, but I do care for and about Jacob (don't I Trish?). I just get defensive because Jacob being in Bella's life and the reasons for it, caused Edward so much pain.
I think you would enjoy the other posts about Jacob. Please add, we would love to hear from someone who understood Jacob sooner than the rest of us.
maybe you better throw a few comments on some Edward posts so that you don't get a bad reputation. You could start with the "Sexiest Man" post. (giggle)
I'm so glad to hear that someone else likes Jacob. I think Bella needed Jacob in her life to help her through a tough time. I think that it is so important for her to have loved others so that when she chooses to get married, of course to Edward, that she knows she has done the right thing. I really like Jacob and of course I like Edward. I hope that SM puts a happy ending for Jacob. He's not a bad guy.
Now now MaryAnn, I said no such thing as Bella and Jacob needed to be together, I simply love that there is some forshadowing to the decision that is going to have to be made later. Also, I do believe that SM should take into consideration that Bella might really understand the torment that Edward goes through in their relationship by relating it to the selfishness of her need for Jacob, and her addiction to him to keep her whole during the loss of Edward. There is no doubt that Edward would win sexiest man alive, were he real. But Jacob needs to find his Bella, and I anticipate that in book four (can't remember the name, how lame am I. I promise I am level 4/5, just no brain right now!)
So many things to comment on in that post. I agree that Bella did need Jacob during that period when Edward was gone. And that may help her understand Edward better. But, again, like you said, Edwards's need for Bella is on a much grander scale. Bella doesn't really NEED Jacob in the same way. When I read NM for the 2nd time I totally felt the same. I had a new respect, a new love even, for Jacob. I was surprised that I had ever disliked him. And then the minute Edward was back, I forgot all about him again. In an Edward-less world, Jacob is her sun. But, with Edward there, she moves back into her satellitic (is that a word?) pattern around Edward again. At the beginning of some chapter in NM it talks about how she still was circling around the empty space that used to be Edward. Poor girl.
And, what Mary Ann said about how Jacob being in Bella's life causes Edward so much pain...it does, but who's fault is that? Edward made the choice to leave and although he had the best of intentions, there are consequences of that decision. And being able to see all of Jacob's memories and faced with the thought of Bella's death has actually made him see their relationship much more clearly. I think, anyway. It has made him that much stronger. It made him realize how strong he really is. And also his appreciation for Jacob has grown.
I don't think any of us doubt that Bella loves Jacob (not in the same way as Edward.) But I also think alot of it is that she feels an intense obligation to him as well. She repeatedly tells Edward that she owes him so much. She has lead him on and used him and a few times in NM, she actually thinks about being with him. In NM, Bella is basically in survival mode and she did what was necessary to make it through. I don't blame her or think what she did was wrong. Once Edward is back, her every wish (practically) is fulfilled and the situation is a much different picture.
Sorry, last thing, I don't think it took her very long to figure out Jacob was a werewolf. He comes over in the middle of the night and within a few hours, she figues it out and is at his house. I think if she knew it was a possibility that he could become a werewolf, she would have caught on right away. But, if I knew there were giant wolves in the area and also my friend was sick, I don't think I would put the two together right away. We knew as we were reading, of course, because we've all heard the books are about vampires and werewolves.
Anyway, such a great post! I think Jacob is awesome, for the record. I really, truly think SM will add a little happiness for Jacob somewhere in BD.
You guys will probably think I'm weird for this comment, but I'm reading in Eclipse right now and I just read the part where Jacob kisses bella (the first time.) I love how jealous Edward gets! When she calls him on the phone and he gets there in like 2 seconds. And then how he totally keeps his cool, but still threatens Jacob. I love when he says, "She IS mine...I didn't say I would fight fair." And I also love, "I'm not going to kill you now, because it would upset Bella." And then "It would bother you in the morning." Yea, I really like him. I read that page like 5 times.
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