The following is from Stephenie Meyer's myspace site (the link there is If you are craving anything and everything Twilight, well then here you go. It's not new news, its just something else to read and enjoy.

The following is from Stephenie Meyer's myspace site (the link there is If you are craving anything and everything Twilight, well then here you go. It's not new news, its just something else to read and enjoy.
Welcome to T.A. We love company here. One of your first posts should be your own experience with how you knew you were addicted to Twilight. Go to the link below and read how other members have discovered their own addiction. Then start a new post, title it "You know you are addicted when . . ." and add yourself to our blissful group.
I absolutely love this picture of Kristen. Someone on MYSPACE changed Rob's eyes in his picture. I like it! SM is the coolest gal isn't she? I love everything she says here. Let's guess who we thinkg will be cast next. I know we want it to be Alice, but will there by any rhyme or reason to the casting now. I think Alice, or Charlie.
Aren't we glad that we have established that commenting on your own post it healhty and even encouraged?
I just wanted to add how glad I am that SM's real Edward is still the picture I use here on the blog. It's okay if he is not everyone's Edward but he is SM's and he certainly is mine. But the wonderful thing about imagination is that even with a picture, and a movie, Edward still has his own look in my head, although it isn't distinct. I can't draw a picture of him. Although if I met him I know I would recognize him at once. What I am babbling about is that Edward's image, as well as every other character I love (which is all of them of course) is still preserved in my mind and not altered by these interpretations. It is like that for me with any book made movie (with the exception maybe of LOTR. I do picture many of those characters like the movie characters now.) Anyway I hope the movie wont change in your mind who Bella and Edward "really" are.
Oh and by the way if you still doubt your sanity because you are discussing things that aren't real, well SM has on her myspace, under people she would like to meet . .
Edward Cullen!
Me Too!
Henry certainly is my number one Edward as well. I love that we have that in common with the AUTHOR! I agree, the true Edward in my head, is still my own peronal Edward, no one could ever replace that. The same with the other characters, I still have a different Bella pictured in my head and Alice and Charlie and so on...But I truly am happy with the choices. I said that too, Robert almost looks like a vampire. I love the eye change in the picture, they could definitely be "smoldering" as Jill said on the other post. I love that SM did "hot guy" research, sounds fun to me!
I agree with the LOTR characters too MA, that is the exception for me too, I do see most of those great people that were cast, being those characters when I think about those books. And maybe some from Harry Potter too. But for heaven's sake, we're not here to talk about LOTR and HP!!!
I love SM, I think we she would be one of our friends if we lived in the same area (or ward perhaps). I have laughed out loud a couple of times today when I think about our TA meeting last night, and how when we discussed things it seemed very much like it was real to us. When Jill said "realistically" when talking about something from the book (I'm laughing right now) and, "of course you'd feel safer with a vampire with you rather than a werewolf when Victoria is involved" - I love it, so funny. Just like the quote on the front page, "Who needs a life when you have fictional characters to stalk!" Love it, love it!
See, I'm in a good mood now, I was stressed earlier this morning, but now it's gone. Thank goodness for Twilight, SM, this blog and good friends!
"Bella for Vampire '08"
(it's on the back of my van right now! And I can't wait for people to see it!)
I feel the same way about how I still see my own Edward in my head, but I probably couldn't draw a picture - so weird! Anyway, thanks for all these extras - love them.
I love this picture of Bella. Especially with the necklace. I should try and calm myself like you, Erin. I'm just setting myself up for disappointment probably. But I really hope the movie is great!!!
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