Hi everyone. I'm new to this site. For starters, I just want to say thanks for putting this together and allowing me to join you. Also, as a disclaimer, I've only read the books once each. I know. You probably think I'm not really addicted. Maybe I'm not. You can decide for yourself after you read my list. But I am partly responsible for getting Erin and "Hudson" into this vampire craze. And, like many of you, I've lost countless hours of sleep reading the books and straining my eyes to read all the extras on SM's site and the Lexicon.
So, you know you are addicted when:
1. One of the most common sites here (in England, where I'm temporarily living) are signs posted by real estate companies for places to rent (actually, they say "to let," but that's beside the point). There is one company called Cullens Homes. And guess what I think of EVERY time I see it. . . That's right. Our beloved Cullens family. I just smile to myself as we continue walking down the street or riding the bus.
2. Everytime I walk past a book store, I look for SM books to be displayed in the windows.
3. I'm tempted to re-read Twilight since I bought a copy of it for my sister for Christmas. Do you think she'll notice if it's already been read? My copy is in storage at home in Utah.
4. Any nice looking silver car reminds me of Edward. Not just volvos.
5. I found the link to this site on my sister's blog only a few days ago, but I've checked it daily ever since.
6. I've read six other (great) books since I finished Eclipse in October, but it's the one that brings a smile to my face the most. SM's writing reminds me of what Meg Ryan said in You've Got Mail: how real life events often remind her of what she's read in a book.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
You know you are addicted when . . .
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11:26 AM
Labels: You know you are addicted when
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Oh Ruth what a great post! Thank you so much. I love that you get to scope out the Cullens place in England. What a great time that must be.
I think the only members of TA who don't check daily are the ones with babies that keep them too busy to sit down. Some of us check it more often than that (let's keep a log and see who checks it the most.) Some members have the benefit of a computer close by in their house. Mine is all the way upstairs. So yesterday I was surprised when in the middle of cleaning my living room and taking care of my sick son, I just started walking, like a person in a trance, away from what I was doing and heading toward the stairs. It was like my computer was pulling me. I hadn't checked my blog in, I don't know, hours maybe, and my subconscious wanted a dose right then and there. I actually stopped myself, and with a little self-talk kept on with the tasks at hand. And although it's hard to admit my level of addiction I hope everyone knows it is as much to be with friends (all of you on my blog) as it is to get a look at Edward and let my mind linger on Twilight for a few mintues.
You know reading your sisters copy of Twilight might make it more special to her. You could think of it that way.
I love your last line! Thanks again for this lovely post.
Hi Ruth - so fun to read your post. Also, you have to read Twilight again - Megan will totally not care...besides after she reads them, she'll hopefully understand why you had to break it open. You better think about me sending you your copy though - you can't survive without it. Especially when BD is coming out, you are going to have to refresh your memory of all of them. Course checking and posting on the blog will help it all stay fresh in your mind...isn't this fun!! I am going to add this link to my blog, I didn't even think about it.
Thanks for sharing all of that Ruth! I'm with you on the car thing. It's starting to be that way, where pretty much any nice silver car makes me think of Edward.
You really can't go that long without reading them again. In fact, I'm sad that you aren't reading them a second time through right now. They truly are even more amazing the second time around. Crack your sister's gift and read very carefully, or just tell her, once she's read them she'll understand. Or see what it would cost to have them shipped to you compared to just buying them again! It's always good to have a set to lone out. As you can tell, I feel very strongly about being able to re-read them all!
That's awesome that you're able to see the name "Cullen" frequently, it reminds me that Carlisle is from England right? Somewhere in Europe... So fitting SM found the right name, and it's such a perfect one.
I wanted to say how glad I am that I'm not the only one who constantly checks my computer. I am someone who has their computer right in the family room, where I spend a lot of my time. It's one of the first things I do every morning. When I get home from being out, sometimes I'll check it kind of like I check phone messages. So I had to laugh at what you wrote, Mary Ann, about being "pulled" to your computer. I'm just impressed that you broke from the trance. I have a baby so that's why I post more at night, but I still check all throughout the day, I just love reading new stuff, and browsing through the old sometimes too...
Yea, my work has been suffering just a bit the last few weeks since the blog was created. It's just one of those things. I really do check the blog like 10 times a day. Even if I don't write anything, I keep checking to see if there's anything new.
Also, I love You've Got Mail-I think I have every word memorized. I remember when Meg Ryan says that line and right after she says something like, "shouldn't it be the other way around?" But how many Twilight moments do we all have each day? So many things remind us of the things we're read in these books. I enjoy Stephenie's writing also. It's such easy reading, like you're having a conversation with her.
Yes we're all in the same boat...my computer is upstairs on the landing/hallway where my kids sleep. I have a baby who takes 2-3 naps still a day and a 2 1/2 year old who (I pray everyday) still will lay down for a nap. So I am up there at least 8 times (counting each time I putt them down and gett them up) not to mention the first thing in the morning sneak peek, the 'let's get dressed' peek, the 'I need another diaper' peek, and then the 'let's have a snack' peek (and I disappear upstairs)! So, yes, I need help too...is this ever go to end or slow down - hopefully not!!
I am probably commenting in the wrong posr, but I had a funny Twilight Moment the other day. I was visiting my friend at her house and she was showing me pictures from her recent trip to The Sacred Grove. When looking at the beautiful pictures I thought out loud "I wonder if that's what Edward's meadow looks like?". She knew exactly what I was talking about and, luckily, was not offended by the comment. Then I decided that The Sacred Grove probably resembles the woods outside Bella's house - not enough sun or flowers to be the meadow. Hope nobody thinks I'm being blasphemous by saying this here...
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