I find it significant that Edward, who epitomizes self control, finds only one thing he can't control: his need to be with Bella. I think it is a need. Don't all "beings" need love to truly find happiness. Of course he does have love in his family. He felt he was complete in himself. But he didn't go looking for love, especially love with a human. So when he finds himself loving Bella, he tries to stop it. But it is the one thing he can't seem to control. He struggles to control being near her, studying her, taking her in. First love magnified by vampire emotions. I think it is powerful! I think SM makes it very clear that they are meant to be together. And Bella needs him too. With so many clues SM weaves this undeniable fact. She has never fit in, anywhere. Bella says once in Twilight that she seems to be the only person in the school who is so aware of Edward. Her looks, her likes, her ability to be so calm so quickly with what he is, well no other girl could be. And even though she is human, her need for him seems to be almost as powerful as his need for her.
So he overcomes his need for a moment (in his time) in New Moon. He leaves her. I have never read more heartbreaking chapters than those blank months of October . . . . . . , November . . . . . , December. . . . . . Of course having read only a few pages of Edwards perspective (see: http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/pdf/nm_extras_rosalie.pdf) and it is even more painful to think about what he was going through (SM said once she won't write New Moon from Edwards perspective because it would be so painful). You know as amazing as Edward is, in some ways he is more vulnerable than Bella. She is weak in the human physical sense, but his heart can't be mended if she breaks it. And of course he never really lets her know that fact. SM also said once that "and so the lion fell in love with the lamb" can actually be interpreted in two different ways. Think about that.
A fan made a wonderful comment on the Lexicon about this. You know Bella's famous line at the end of Eclipse "I know who I can't live without" well "Alice's Grandma" said that Bella did go on living without Edward, she even saw a glimpse of a good life without him, but she chooses to only live with him. To live her truest, happiest, destined life; to be with Edward.
I love that she has proven she even has the strength to resist him, (see the many times she stomps off in Twilight even though she should melt. And of course the end of Eclipse, well, she must really love him and want for him what's best if she could resist these words [and the eyes speaking them, gasp]: "I love you. I want you. Right now"). So she could live without him but her life without him was unbearable. That for me is what makes their love so magnetic. It's unreal, in the best sense of the word.
How do you describe Bella and Edward's relationship? What is it about it that has captivated us so completely?
Monday, December 3, 2007
Magnetic Relationship
Posted by
5:38 PM
Labels: Bella and Edward
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Trisha (aka runswithvampires)said:
It really is unreal, I guess that's why we're all so fascinated with them.
And Jillikie said:
Maybe that is why we all love this story because of the magnetic energy- it is not something that is written but felt and it keeps pulling at us. I haven't read anything for a long time until last night. Paul and I read about their trip to Arizona to see Renee- most young teenage romance is all in the physical relationship- not that Edward and bella don't have that- but even with them being careful not to touch around her- she is concerned because of how serious their relationship is- she has never seen a relationship like it- the magnetic- satelite toward each other. Like I said in another comment, I don't know how I will ever enjoy another book-that isn't about Bella and Edward.
This is a subject we could go on and on about. It's definitely one of the very funnest to discuss. I don't even know where to begin to start talking about Bella and Edward and their magical, intense, heartstopping, full-of-emotion, magnetic, beyond wonderful relationship. I'm reading Eclipse right now, and I love every conversation they have. Every sweet, concerned, loving, frustrated, funny thing they say to each other. I take in every conversation, I think I love any time that Edward talks. I love how when they get out of Charlie's cruiser at the High School for graduation, and after Edward helps her out he says, "You are so beautiful." Charlie cut him short, or else he was sure to say more, per Bella. Anyway, I have so many thoughts right now, I'll definitely add more later when others have posted and I think about some specifics more. Thanks for the thoughts!
Just a quick thought about what draws me into this magnetic relationship...I think, like others have mentioned at other times, it reminds me of my own 'love of my life' and what drew us together! All of the details of these books makes me smile and feel the magic again of the details in my own life with my wonderful husband!
Erin thanks for commenting. See if you get an e-mail that I commented back.
First love does have some strong emotions.
I have so many thoughts also, I'm having trouble finding the time to gather all of them and write something down that's actually coherent. I love Eclipse also because their relationship just feels so much more secure and you can just relish in all those great conversations. There's a lot going on around them, but it doesn't feel like their relationship is at risk. And also, like Erin said, I think most of our husbands should write Stephenie and thank her for helping to rejuvenate our marriages. It is so nice to be reminded of those awesome feelings we experienced years ago with our husbands. I also love the satellite analogy. There is a little paragraph at the beginning of some chapter in New Moon and it is after Edward left. Bella says something about how she is still orbiting around the empty space where he used to be. It is just so perfect to describe that magnetism they have with each other. Speaking of magnetism, I also love that scene in Eclipse where Bella is playing with the magnets on her fridge and trying to force them together and says, "See, that's not so bad." (Sorry, posting police, that's totally off the subject. Once the Twilight button is on in my head, I can't turn it off. Just a random thought.:) )
You know Jill, thank you for saying that about their relationship security in Eclipse. I'm getting toward the end now, and actually getting a little nervous. I've got to keep that line of thinking in my head. They ARE secure in their love and relationship, and I've seen that time and again this time reading. Bella is continually thinking about Edward and her feelings for him, and is never doubting her complete love and devotion so I shouldn't either. And Edward is continuing to better himself all the time (if that's possible) always trying to make their relationship better. So many new, sweet things shine through about Edward in Eclipse, a whole side we really haven't seen. I love how when they are doing the fake trail for the newborns, and Bella is leaving her scent everywhere and she gashes her hand. Edward has no problem cleaning it and bandaging it for her. She is so shocked and asks him how it doesn't bother him anymore. He said he got over it..."having experienced the way it feels to think I've lost you...my reactions have changed. My entire being shies away from any course that could inspire that kind of pain again." How awesome is that! He naturally, instinctively can just deal with that now. It made me picture in my head how much pain he must have truly been in.
I love your "posting police" comment, it made me laugh, because I'm the same way. I start with one thing, and end somewhere totally different sometimes, can't stop! I'm leaving it to the police to put my comments where they belong if I mess up...
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